Marked ( Nigerian) #4

By MideYussuff

14K 2.3K 470

The last of the Islanders series Following the life of the last of the trio in the Islanders series, Tob... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 32
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50 - Final Chapter
Chapter 50

Chapter Thirteen

221 40 6
By MideYussuff

"I am curious as to why you declined his proposal" He asked

Remi eyes widened. She never told anyone about the proposal chima made on the day they graduated.

"His family is well to do and he would have raised you 5 social classes" he said reclining into his seat and looking up at her. "or do you find humility in living as you do now... poor and disgraced"

"where's my family....I am not afraid to shoot you" she said bravely, despite her hand giving the state of her heart out as it shook and held on tighter to the gun. 

He stands up, steps forward, places his hand over hers and then on the barrel of the gun.

He raised the gun to the middle of his head. Remi's eyes followed suit. She held on tight to the weapon as she rediscovered the height difference between them.

He raised an eyebrow with a side grin on his face. He led the gun to his muscular chest and Remis eyes trailed after it when it went past his sharp jaws to his Adam apple before the middle of his chest.

He raised another eye brow again as if to ask her if this was a better place to leave a bullet. They both stood in silence as he trailed it further to the left of his broad muscular chest.

He trails it further down to his crotch area and his grin grew but his eyes were steady as a response to Remis facial reaction. 

He has to be crazy. How can he not be afraid of death.

She searched for fear in his eyes before giving up to the fear inside of her own heart.

Remi fell to her kneels. Eyes blurred as she bowed her head down. she placed the gun in between herself and his well polished sleek leather shoes.

"Please....I am sorry for what I have done and all that I have said... Just let me and my family go and you will never hear from me again, we will leave the city, we will leave the south west, we will go far away and stay far. I wont speak to anyone. I promise I wont cause you any trouble. Please" she said as her voice cracked till it succumbed to the tears behind her eyes.


She looked up at him slowly and He caressed her chin.

His words and actions were cold unlike the touch of his hand.

"You have already caused far too much trouble for me to let you go"

"please..." she said as she looked up at him, she looked into his eyes for a hint of pity or empathy  but his dark eyes gave nothing.

He took her by the hand and helped her up.

The door came open and the same man from earlier walked in.

Tobi held on to her left arm and reached into his pocket.

"Hold on to this for me" he said as he revealed a ring

"" she chocked on her word

He held on to her wrist as he proceeded to slide her finger into the ring, the finger that would signify she had accepted to marry a man. He held on tighter as she tried to withdraw her hand.

"Do not get me angrier than I already am, Remi" He said calmly as he took a pause from what he was doing to look at her,

Chills ran through her spine as their eyes met.

She looked from his face to  her hand as she calmly tried to pull away one last time to no avail.


Once the ring sat securely on her hand he let go and held on to her shoulder, he placed a kiss on her head and she closed her eyes and tears rolled down. 

He drew away and looked at her. He cleaned her tears with the side of his finger only for him to put the finger to his lips and kiss it in away that made him taste the saltiness of the human tears.

"You need to fix the damage you've caused my love" he said as he brought her hand to his lips to kiss the Asscher Diamond he had put in her hand "This ring belongs to my grandmother. It means a lot to my family... Our family"

she tried to pull it off and he caught her hand and held on tighter than he intended to.

 His eyes gave him out that he was angry.

He threw her hands down and  strolled away to the other side of the room and poured himself a drink.

"why are you doing this"

"My campaign, You ruined it with your moment of righteousness and I am giving you the opportunity to fix it." 

"how, I mean...I...I, I don't see" 

A flash glimpse of the ring made her realise what he planned to do. She looked at him before he reached out for his suit jacket that was handed to him by the third party in the room.

"24 hours Remi, you have that much to get your affairs together or hatch an escape plan to get away from me" he said slowly as he covered the space between them again "You can try but You cant hide far enough"

"your grandfather sir"

"of course" He said without breaking eye contact with her "arrange for my wife to see her family before their travel and ensure they are well taken care of"

"yes sir"

He walked majestically towards the door like he owned the place which he probably did.

"24hrs is not enough" she yelled firmly as he reached for the door.

His body almost envelopes the doorway. His back flexed as he took in a quick deep breath.

Tobi looked at the time on his watch as he thought about how irritated he was by Her presences in ways he couldn't put to words and he wanted to be done. 

She was testing him. She was playing with his patience and he hated it.

"How long would you wish"

"a month"

He chuckled.

"24hours" he said firmly

"2 weeks" 

"Is this a joke to you?" he asked ironically

"crazy is what it is" she replied

"1 week"

"24 hours" he said with a stern voice

"why then did you ask what I wished"

His only reply was a smirk before he turned to leave the room.

The room fell quiet. His foot steps couldn't be heard as Remi looked from the door to the man standing in the room with her and then outside.

"Hassan is my name and I am at your service"

"Why didn't you help?" She said sadly

"I did" "He said with an expressionless face "let's start off your day"

He led her towards the door before she remembered her phone

"my phone"

"There's one waiting on your dresser"

"I need to get help"

"Its much easier for you this way" he said with a hint of hope in his voice as he let out a tiny smile.

what does he mean.

Remi looked back at the room before stepping outside.

It was majestic and sort of busy for some reason.

Hassan walked in front of her and led the way. One didn't need to see the exterior of the house to know how majestic it was. The ceilings were high as the feel of the house was pure and relaxing.

The interior decoration consisted of dark and lights tones of brown and black with hints of gold. 

They walked through a large double door and the interior decoration blended into all white with some hint of gold and black objects. They approached a long corridor where a painting was being fixed to the wall, it's frame golden and the man in the painting was now are supposed husband to be.

She walked towards it and the person directing the other workers on ladders at each side of the painting stood aside for her to get a clear view.

"It was painted by Isobel Peachy"

"I don't know who that is" Remi said before breaking eye contact with the version of Tobi that stared back at her in the painting.

Her beauty was undeniable and the way she spoke was impeccable. Her Black suit was properly fitted and her hair was tied back in a neat bun like an hostess would.

"Anna, I am at your service and that of the family. I run the management and people of the house....we have prepared your room"

"this way ma'am" Hassan said towards the corridor on the left to the painting.

Remi glanced at the picture again before taking Hassan's direction.

"Thank you" she said as she walked into the large room.

Three uniformed staff stood in the room at the foot of the bed in the middle of the room.

"They will help you get ready. I will go prepare the car for our journey"

"Hassan" confused Remi looked from his face to theirs and then to his again

" you are in good hands ma'am"

The ladies smiled towards her as the lady in the middle took a step forward, hand in hand.

"My name is Anu and I will be your lady in waiting"

Remi scoffed. This is unbelievable. "Lady in waiting?.... What era are we in?"

"I know but that's how the family operates" she said with a smile " with time you will become familiar with everything...please come with me"

She led Remi across the room and the two other girls got ahead of them to open one of the two double doors in the room to review a large bath tub in front of a tall arched window. A short distance from the tub was a shower room and on the other end of what Remi would call a bath spa in her little world was  a couch with a large window above it.

A large scale mirror with lights at its sides hung over the white cabinets with golden handles on another side.

Remi walked towards the bath tub to see the window had a view of the sea. She turned around and noticed the above average size modern fireplace in between the cabinets.

Her legs felt jelly. The space itself was a definition of comfort. The sheer whiteness

"May I" Anu said offering to help with her zip

"I don't feel comfortable..." she stopped looking from face to face. Anu replied with a small smile

"You may leave" Anu said without turning back and the girls scurried away.

Remi turned away from her and Anu unzipped her.

She held on to her dress as Anu walked around handling one item or the other. Soon the surface of the long cabinet was filled up with various things. She then detached a chair from the side of the cabinet.

She walked into the shower and turned the water on.

"I have set it to the right temperature, I will wait here to help you with your hair once you have finished" Anu said "I will give you some privacy"

"Thank you"

Remi stepped in and turned around to look at Anu who stood there looking at her as she wondered about when she would leave to give her privacy. Anu closed the sliding door then A sudden swoosh sound which made the transparent glass black. She could no longer see Anu and it suddenly makes sense. The foretold privacy.

She took off her cloth and folded it on to a bench like surface on the other end of the shower. LAUNDRY the top of a surface opposite that said. She opened the top and put the dress in. She walked into the pouring water from the rectangle shower above.

"Soft music on" a machine like voice Said before the calmest song she had ever heard started to play. In the background she could hear rain drop as the water touched her skin and ran through her hair.

"what's your plan, Remi" she said to herself as she thought about her family

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