Yours to take

By bldiehardfan

59.5K 2.5K 1K

"I liked her"........."But did you really like her or..... were you just used to making yourself like her?" ... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 5

2.1K 90 3
By bldiehardfan

Dekisugi pov~
It was so noisy in the class so i came out in the field to get some fresh air and relax for a while but it was very sunny. I went and stood under the only tree present in the middle of the green school field, and got lost in thoughts.

My line of thoughts broke when i heard Nobita's voice nearby, calling for Shizuka. 'is she in the field alone? Should not she be with her gf in the class?' i thought. Not that i wanted to hear their conversation but i overheard it anyway (͡⁠°⁠‿⁠ ͡⁠°⁠). But i didn't expect what i heard. I thought he was here to bring her to the classroom but instead he confessed to her. And what Daiken didn't wanted to happen, happened. Shizuka told him about her sexuality. 'what is going to happen now?what will he do?' i was thinking about possible outcomes when i heard Shizuka asking Nobita where he is going to which he didn't reply and went towards the school gate.

I followed him in fear he would not do something bad. I saw him running to the back mountain so i chased him. 'Right, that's his favourite place to go and relax while he is stressed' i thought. I called him to stop but he didn't listen and continued running into the mountain. 'huh where did he go?' I lost sight of him and started looking here and there. Then i heard a snapping sound of dry wood from behind a tree and looked there. The sight of him broke my heart. He was sitting curled up, grabbing and hiding his face in his knees. I went near him and stood a little far in front of him. He raised his head and looked at me. I can tell from his face that I'm the last person he expected to come.

Suddenly my eyes fell on the wounds of his knees and my heart tightened. I took a step towards him but he shouted while crying "Don't come near me. Why did you come here? to laugh at me? Just laugh as much as you want but leave me alone". "You think I'm that kind of person? laughing at others at their worst?" I asked but he didn't answer and tears kept on rolling down his cheeks. I went and hugged him, trying to comfort him. "LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE! PLEASE!" he said while struggling to get out of my hug embrace. "No i won't. I won't leave you alone when you are like this" i said trying to comfort him "Shh~ please stop crying, I'm here. I'm here for you". He stopped struggling and hugged me, breaking down completely. I kept hugging him like this for some time. 'The sniffling sound has stopped!? I can't see his face like this! Has he finally calmed down?' "Nobita?" I called out but only silence answered me with the rustling sound of leave. I broke the hug and looked at him, he had fallen asleep. 'He must have gotten exhausted from crying so much' i thought and then i took my phone out of my pocket and texted Daiken.

*On the phone while messaging*

Me: 'Hey bro! what we talked about last night and what you feared happened, I'm sorry i couldn't prevent that from happening.'
i texted to his personal number and in after a few minutes he replied.
Him: 'What? What do you mean?'
he asked so i told him everything that happened.
Him: 'What? Where are you guys now?' he asked worried.
Me: 'Don't worry. He has fallen asleep tired of crying. Don't know whether uncle and aunty will be at home or not but he has hurt his knees so I am taking him to my home.'
Him: 'Hmm that's a better idea since they are less likely to be at home' he replied considerately.
Me: 'Oh yeah about my bag, take it with you. I will take it when I come to drop off Nobita'.
Him: 'Ok'.
he replied then i put my phone in my pocket and carried him to the car. I made him sit carefully so not to wake him and sat on the driver seat myself and started driving.

After a while i reached my house main gate, the guards saw my car and quickly opened the gate. I parked the car and got out of it, i went and rang the doorbell. A maid opened the door, she was surprised and i guess i know why. "Young master? How are home so early?" she asked. "I'll explain later. Is mom at home?" I asked in turn. "Ah yes. Madam is in her room" she answered. I said ok and went to the car, i carried Nobita out of the car and brought him inside. I took him to my bedroom and laid him on the bed carefully. I took out the first aid kit from the bedside drawer and treated his wounds. *Taking his hand in his and looking at him* "It hurts when the person you like rejects you, I know that feeling you know since....... you are the one who made me feel that unknowingly but still I hopelessly love you.......Will you ever accept me? Will i ever get your love?" I mumbled in a low voice as tears filled my eyes. I wiped the tears that were threatening to fell from the eyes and kissed his forehead lightly. I got up and left the room to check up on mom.

Meanwhile with Nobita's parents~
3rd person pov~

"Have all of them been taken down?" Nobisuke asked. "Yes sir all done" a man in black suit replied. "And what about the girls?" he asked again. "Sir all the girls have been freed" the man answered. Nobisuke went near the seemed leader of the group and sat down in front of him grabbing his hair tightly. "So now, are you finally willing to open your mouth?" Nobisuke asked looking down on him menacingly. "I won't tell you no matter what you do" he said looking him in his eyes. "Oh really, let's see how long you can keep your mouth shut" Nobisuke said letting go of him. "Drag him to our torture room" he said to the man.

"Sir i got the information you told me to find out" a man came and said. "Tell me then" he said wiping his hands. The man told him everything he found after the background checkup he did about Kaito and Andriette.

"Hon! i asked the girls some questions but they gave somewhat similar answers" Tamako said coming over to him. "For example?" he asked for more specific details. "Hmm like either the girls were orphans or they ran from their home and live alone, and they have no connection with each other" Tamako reported every single info the girls told to her. "I'm quite sure this is the work of Kabuki clan" Nobisuke said. Just then Tamako's phone started ringing, she saw the name and quickly answered it. "Madam how are you feeling now?" She asked the person on the other side of the phone jokingly. "What? How? Is it serious?" She asked almost screaming. "Oh ok but is he really ok?" She asked again really worried. Then the call got disconnected. "What happened?" Nobisuke asked her. She told him what she heard from Akira (Dekisugi's mother). "What? We should go to him then" He said worriedly. "Akira said Dekisugi is taking care of him and he will drop him in the evening when he is awake" she said reassuring him. "Now that the work is done we should go home" Nobisuke said "You! don't forget to bring him to the torture room". "Yes sir" said the man and they left the location to their home.

Akira (Dekisugi's mom) pov~
I was sitting on the bed scrolling through my phone gallery, looking at the photos of us three together and refreshing those memories when i heard door opening sound so my eyes darted in that direction. I was quite surprised to see it was Dekisugi. "Son! How are you home so early from school?" I asked. He told me everything and i listened patiently. "Mom aren't you surprised and angry?" he asked so i replied "Why should i be angry? and I'm not surprised as i already knew about your preference". "You do?" he asked surprised. "Yes! You were so attached to him since childhood,..anyway how is he?" i asked worried. "Oh he is fine though only externally I think *heart throb* but mom please inform uncle aunty" he said going up to the gate and then left the room leaving me alone. 'Should I call her or not? They must be in the middle of catching the girls trafficker! They will worry a lot! Should I call? Or should I not?' I contemplated for a while then at last decided to call her afterall they are his parents and they have the right to know. I dialed her number and she picked up the call real quick. "I'm fine Tamako. Actually i called you to tell that Nobita got injured so Dekisugi brought him to our house" i said. "It isn't don't worry, Dekisugi already treated his wounds. Dekisugi said that he was running to the mountain at the back of school and he fell down" i said not telling the whole thing as i don't want them to be worried when they are out there. "Yes, Dekisugi is taking good care of him so you don't need to worry, just focus on catching the girls trafficker" i reassured her and cut the call.

Meanwhile at school~
Suneo's pov~
The teacher was giving lecture on science. I sensed my phone vibrate. 'Maybe it's Nobita!!' secretly I checked the phone. It was Daiken's message not his. 'Where the hell is he?'. I read the message though it didn't say much except asking me to tell the teach about Nobita taking a half day leave because he wasn't feeling good. "Mr. Suneo! Albeit you are a bright student and perform really well but no using phone in the classroom!" I heard the teacher say. 'Ah shit!' I stood up and apologized for my indisciplined behaviour. "Actually teach I got a message from Nobita! He said he wasn't feeling so good that's why he went home" I informed. "Oh That's fine! Maybe he overworked himself. Please convey my message to him that I said to take proper care of himself but please do that after class" he said and continued his lecture.

A/n: the song 'Treat you better' by 'Shawn Mendes' fits with Dekisugi and Nobita very well in my opinion don't you think so?
This chapter mainly focused on Dekisugi's pov to show how he felt and dealt the pain of hearing his love confessing to someone else. But I'm not good at writing emotions so i don't know if i was able to portray the emotions well or not.
Then Bye bye, take care of yourself.

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