Baki Hanma x Fem! Reader

By LyraNova776

55.3K 1.2K 480

What happens when you meet the "Baki the Grappler", but when he's at his lowest? Will you be able to get him... More

What Happened
The Women of His Dreams
Finally Meeting You
Getting to know you
Friends? Acquaintance? Classmates? What are we?
Background Info
Life Update
A.N. I have the worse luck
Friends of the L/N Family?
The Mission
To America!
The Black Pentagon.
A Painful and Bloody Memory
A Night at the Pentagon.
Father, Daughter "Relationship" ?
A.N. Difficult decision
Just Looking Won't Hurt Right?
Deaths Door...
How the Hell...
Back to Japan!
Back in His Arms
Spending it with Her
Ending the Day With Him
Flashback (Short) !!!NSFW!!!
That Man...
The New Prisoners Are-
When Can We Kill Them?
A.N: Update
What Was the Plan?
Torture and Relief
You're Kidding... Right...
Not So Bad After All
(A.N.) Polls/Questions!
Who's Jealous of Who?
A.N. I'm So Sorry
A.N. New Book!


812 15 12
By LyraNova776

Baki P.O.V:

As the pilot was about to land, I was incredibly scared. I looked over to Axel and it seemed like he felt the same. As we landed, the pilot pointed us in the right direction, as he could only take us so far. He also told us that soon a mini jet would be where he was to take all of us back. Including Sikorsky and Aleksander... Just then Axel got a text. It was from Y/N.

"She said that Mateo is with her. Sikorsky is tied up, and Mateo and Aleksander are fighting. She also shared her location. Let's go." Axel said, breaking into a sprint with the rest of us following. As we arrived we saw a house, with a car clearly imported from Russia. There was another thing indicating that this was the house. 

It was Aleksander and Mateo having a full on fight. There was blood soaking their cloths. Trails could be seen every time they move. I ran past them, into the house to find Y/N. I started yelling out her name, until I heard a quiet,"I'm here."

I kept running until I found her, standing in front of a now beaten up Sikorsky. She was also covered in blood, but I doubt any of it was her's, unless you were looking at her fist. I guess she was hitting him so hard that she managed to break skin on her knuckles.  She was swaying slightly, so I went behind her a wrapped my arms around her waist, and kissed her cheek. She jumped slightly, but when she realised it was me and she melted into my arms.

"What happened?" I asked, not paying any attention to Sikorsky.

"The bitch tried to r*pe me." She replied, clenching her fists. 

"What..." I finally looked at Sikorsky. He was only covered with a shirt. His dick was still hard. I'm sure he was embarrassed, but you couldn't tell with his face fucked up and covered in blood like that. I move Y/N behind me as I gave me a few swift kicks to the face. I only stopped cause I knew that he passed out. 

"I'm gonna take a few more swings later on." I said before I turned to her. Just as I was about to speak, she hugged me tightly and rubbed her face into my neck. 

"You ok?" She gave a light shake of her head.

"Hmm. You wanna go home, eat something and then watch a movie while cuddling?" She nodded her head.

"Want me to carry you?" She nodded her head again, before I picked her up princess style. I kissed her forehead, and heard her mumble "Thank you... Baki..." Before she drifted off to sleep. (ain't this deja vu. iykyk) I'm guessing the shock of all this left her drained. Just then her father came in. His hands were also bloody. 

"Sorry, beating up Aleksander took slightly longer than I thought." He walked over to the kitchen sink and washed his hands. He dried then off before approaching us. He gave me a look saying "is she ok" 

"She's shaken up, Sikorsky tried to rape her. He's in the corner over there." I looked at where Sikorsky was. "When I came he was already beaten up by your daughter. I still took a few swings at him before he passed out." 

"Ok. My two sons will be here tomorrow. I'll make sure they deal with Aleksander and Sikorsky personally. For now, let's go."

"Hmm." I followed him out, where Yuujiro and Guevara were. Yuujiro had Aleksander by the collar, while Guevara had Mateo. We started making our way back...

Hours later:

Your P.O.V:

I woke up back in my bed to the sound of... shouting? I was confused, to say the least. As I walked out of my room, I suddenly remembered what happened. I felt my hands about to bleed from how tightly I closed them. 

"Y/N, please don't hurt yourself." I heard as another, rough hand, untangled mine. I turned around sharply, to see Jake.

"I told them what happened." My father showed up, kneeling down (cause he tall, like 7' smth. He towers over Yuujiro, which Yuujiro hates.) and opened his arms. I ran over to hug him tightly, as I felt my brother join the hug. After a few seconds, we separated.

"Oh, yeah. Why did I hear screaming?"

"Blake and Baki."

"Huh..?" I tilted my head to the side, before realising what Jake probably meant. I sprinted downstair to see Baki in a headlock. His face blue. Once I spotted them, they seemed to have done the same, as Blake broke the headlock and ran over to me. While Baki was gasping for air, I hugged Blake tightly, before running over to make sure Baki was ok. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just need more air." He managed to mutter out, coughing after every word.

"Why did you beat up Baki?" I turned to my brother, Blake.

"Cause dad said he heard moaning when you and him were alone in a room." As he finished I felt my whole body turn red. Before hearing Jake hit Blake's head. 

"It's not like we're virgins either, Bro. Besides, our sister is smart enough to make her own choices." Jake started, smiling. "But if he hurts out sister, he'll end up like Sikorky and Aleksander."

"That reminds me, what happened to them?" Last thing I remembered was Baki picking me up, and leaving Sikorsky tied up. 

"There in the warehouse." The twins said in unison.

"The warehouse?" Baki questioned.

"Oh. It's an offsite location thats basically my dads and brothers torture chamber."

"Is it ok if we go there. I still wanna take a few hits against them." Baki's eyes looked like they turned red. 

"Sure. Go pack your stuff. We'll be there for a while." Blake started to walk up the stairs, Jake trailing behind. 

"You wanna go?" Baki lightly grabbed my hand. 

"Sure. It's quite close to your house, so is it ok for us to go there?" 

"Of cours-" He paused for a second before worrying. "I FORGOT ABOUT MUSASHI! I've been staying here for most of the time... Oh shit."

"Don't worry. I had someone go to your house daily to take care of Musashi." 

"OH MY FUCK. Thank you, babe." He engulfed me in a hug, before peppering kisses on my face. 

"Stop, stop. We need to go pack." 

"Oh yeah, we should. So, up we go." He threw me other his shoulder and smacked my ass, as he walked to my room. 

"I'll message to see where my dad is. He would want to join us."

As we got to the room, most of Baki's stuff was still packed, so he had little to do. I got a f/c bag and stuffed spare clothes, pj's, phone, earphones, toiletries,  and a few more things. I got changed into a (outfit of your choice) before grabbing my bag and making my way downstairs to where Baki and the twins already were. 

"Limo is here. But why did you bring such a big bag?" Jake asked

"I'm stay at Baki's for the night, cause it's quite close to the warehouse."

"Hmm." Blake had his suspicions, but he trusts my decisions.

"I texted dad, he said that he'll be there in 10-20 minutes. So he might get there first." We all made our way out the door, and into the car. Now all that was left to do, if to plan what we wanted to do to the two bastards. But, whatever it is, it won't be pretty.


(@Savannah080771 :) hehe )

Anyway, I got questionssss.

In honour is the new season of Baki Hanma (that I haven't finished, and prob won't for the next few months)...

Should I add Pickle into this story?

If I do, should he be someone like Mateo (a rival of romance) or a friend/ally or something else? I wanna hear your thoughts!

Anyway, thank you all for your patience. This week has been very hectic for me as I've recently gotten help in school with my suicidal thoughts, and my parents know and is getting me more help outside of school. But, I have started the next chapter and it should be released soon. So, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this chapter and follow this chaotic plot, and I hope to see you in the next one ❤️.

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