
By NanaCherry8

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Aaron is a Lovesick man he's obsessed with Hime, he really wants to have her, he's gonna do anything to have... More

The first meeting

Making Friends

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By NanaCherry8

She goes to her class, walking slowly thinking about everything that happened

Entering the classroom all eyes turn in your direction, she ignores them sitting in the chair, the sky is falling outside because of the heavy rain, but something is missing...

"Will he comes to class...?" She says looking at the chair he sat early

You wonder if he'll show up to class after his sudden disappearance. He left you as you were still eating and without saying anything to you, as he suddenly got up and left the cafeteria, he didn't even finish his food, and you wonder if he went to class like that or if he'll be skipping class for today

"I wonder if something is wrong, he normally wouldn't just leave like that"

You say quietly with a sad tone, as you look at his chair, wishing he'd show up to the room

You wonder if that was the reason for everything that happened today, as maybe he was expecting to see some kind of response from your part after he declared his feelings to you. Maybe he wanted to see you return your feelings to him as soon as possible or just any type of answer at all*

"Maybe... But that doesn't mean he was entitled to act that way, that was wrong of him to do that..."

You say with a sad tone, as you wish he'd show up to class, as you are now starting to worry about him

Should i go looking for him?

As you ask yourself that question, you start to wonder if you should try to look for him. He didn't know how to properly handle his feelings, and you were the only person he spoke about about how he felt, so you wonder if you should try to find him

You start to feel a lot of guilt now, as maybe he needs some kind of support in this moment, as you start to wonder if you should try to find him, and try to talk about what happened

"I will go look for him..." She says in a lower voice, getting up

You think you've made the right choice, as maybe you talking with him can make him feel better about everything that happened. But, you're still unsure about that decision, as you're not sure whether he'll like it or not. Maybe he needs time for himself for a little while, so you wonder if you are really doing the right thing

But, as you start heading out of the class, you wonder if you'll find him, and where's he might be?

"He must be inside, it's raining as hell outside..."

"Right, you're right..."

You think, as you notice how it's raining hard outside. The sky is filled with dark clouds, as the sky turns grayish. You notice a loud thunder in the distance, as you wonder how bad the rain will be, as a few drops of rain fall from the sky, and you notice that the sky seems like it will be raining like this all day

You keep walking around the school, but you don't seem to find him in here, as he could be anywhere in this moment

You stop in shock and confusion as she notices him going inside of the gymnasium, as he looks extremely wet. You wonder why he is going to the gymnasium, you wonder what could he be doing there after everything that happened earlier today

"Why is he going there? It's raining so much, he's going to get sick! I gotta go after him!"

You say as you start heading towards the gymnasium, trying to follow behind him

She trys to run as fast as she can in the direction of the gymnasium, trying her hardest not to stay in the hell of rain that's falling

You start running towards the gymnasium as fast as you can, with all your strength, as the rain falls down on you, soaking you all. You eventually arrive at the gymnasium, completely wet from head to toe, you notice the rain drops hitting your head making your hair all wet

You look through the window, in which you see him standing alone near the bleachers. He looks completely wet with rain, with his clothes being wet due to the rain as well. It seems like he's alone, the gym doesn't look as if anyone is there with him

She enters the the gymnasium, standing on the door now realizing that she has nothing to say or a actual reason to go after him, but she's already here so now she can't simply leave

You realize you're now standing right in front of him, the rain dripping from your face, as you realize you've already come this far, and now it's better to face him than to keep hiding. You have no idea how he might take this, whether it be well or badly, but you know you need to face what happened, as you take a breath and approach him


You say with a sad and quiet tone, as you approach him and look at him, your hair and eyebrows dripping with water from the rain

"Aaron... What are you doing here?" She says looking at him

He looks at you, not saying a word for a few seconds, as if he doesn't know how to respond to you. You can see the sadness on his face as he stares at you, as he doesn't say a word for a few seconds, before he speaks

"I..." He says with a quiet tone, as he looks at you sad, ashamed and guilty. He speaks again, still with a quiet tone as he looks at you


"It's okay Aaron... You- we should come back inside, you're all wet so we should go change" she says grabbing his arm to take him inside of the school building

But he grabs her arm back making her stay in the same place

You notice him grabbing your arm, as you look surprised at him. He grabs your arm tight and his look changes once again, you notice his dead eyes are still there, as he looks at you in a cold and arrogant way once again. You then start wondering why he grabbed you like that. You look at him, waiting for him to speak, yet, he stays silent, his eyes still staring as he tightens his grip on your arm as you feel a bit worried

"What's wrong...?"

You say quietly, with a bit of sadness in your tone "What's it, we need to go back..."


He says quietly but firmly, as he doesn't seem to want to go back. He seems to have an idea in his head, and he doesn't seem like he's giving up on that idea. He looks at you with that cold and arrogant look, with a smug grin and a sinister look on his face, as he keeps his hand tight on your arm, holding you

"I'm not leaving until you answer my question..."

He says with a loud and menacing tone, as he looks down at you ominously, as he keeps his hand on your arm

He looks down at her, as he keeps his hand tight on her arm, as he doesn't seem to be letting any time soon. He stares down at her ominously, as you can feel the coldness of his dead eyes right into your soul as you feel completely powerless, as you start wondering what's going to happen


He says firmly and coldly, with a sinister look on his face, while his hand is still tight on her arm, as you wonder why she doesn't do anything about that

"Aaron listen i can't answer that..."

His sinister look changes into a cold and sadistic look as you speak. He seems really angry as he looks at you smugly, as he puts an icy look on his face, as he starts to laugh. He seems like he's enjoying that his question is making you struggle, as he starts to speak, still with that cold look on his face

"Wrong answer~"

He says coldly and smug, as you feel like you made a big mistake saying that...

He stays quiet for a moment, after you tell him that you don't fully know him. He seems to let that information sink in for a while, as he looks at you still with your hand on your arm, his fingers tightly gripping yours, as his cold and sinister stare doesn't leave you. He looks like he's about to do something very dangerous, as all of a sudden, he starts speaking again


He says with a sinister tone, as he looks at you and finally lets go of your arm, but that didn't mean he lost his cold and sinister stare however

"Why... Why don't we... Become friends?" She says with a yellow smile trying to get the mood up

He stays quiet for a few seconds again, looking at you. He seems to be ignoring your proposal of becoming friends, just continuing to give you a dead and menacing look. He seems to be ignoring your proposal completely, as he looks down at you. He doesn't accept your proposal of being friends, as he seems to have other plans in mind for you

His deadly silence and cold stare, seem to keep you in place, as he seems to be enjoying the whole situation he's making you go through

"C'mon now, being my friend is not that horrible... And i maybe have a chance to know you better... Everyone always seem to want to be close to the amazing volleyball leader, so why not?" She says smiling at him

He stands there looking at you in a cold and arrogant way, as no matter how hard you try, he doesn't seem to respond to you. All he's doing is standing there, with that cold and smug grin on his face. No matter how much you try you can't seem to reach him. All he's doing is standing there, staring dead in the eyes, still holding that wicked and cruel smile, as you wonder what his next move will be

"What you gonna ignore me now?" She says crossing her arms "Fine! It's not like i wanna be your friend anyway!" She says turning back, trying everything to reach him

As you start turning away from him, he finally speaks, as he says something in a loud and cruel tone, as you turn around to see his cold and smug grin once again, holding that sinister look as he starts speaking

"You have no choice!"

He says with that loud and menacing tone, as the cold and smug look returns to his face, as he stares dead at your soul, with his wicked and cruel glare

"What do you mean?" She says still with her back turned, trying to sound uninterested

He approaches you quickly, as he stands extremely close to your back. He puts his hand over your mouth, covering it completely and not letting you say anything. He grabs your arm very tightly, as you try to push him away but you can't. As his cold dead eyes stare at the back of your head, you realize that things are about to get very ugly

"Don't say a word..."

He says as his cold dead eyes continue to look at you, as you feel his fingers grabbing your arm tight

She doesn't move, trying to very hard to believe that he won't hurt her, she wait for his explanation as the sound of the rain echos through the gymnasium

He doesn't seem to speak for a while as all he's doing is standing behind you, staring dead at your soul. You feel his cold dead eyes staring at you, as you're frozen in place, not knowing what to do. As you're frozen in place, he speaks again with a cold and arrogant tone

"I said, you have no choice..."

He says, still staring dead at you, making you feel completely scared and vulnerable. You have no idea what he's going to do next. He's not letting you go either

"What do you mean by that?" She says

For a moment, you think he's not going to answer. He stays quiet for a moment, making you think he won't give you an answer. All he's doing is standing there, still grabbing your arm very tightly. You start to think he's not going to reply, when you realize that he's just thinking on what he's going to say, as after a few seconds, he starts speaking

"I won't let you say no... I'll make you love me... You'll be my girlfriend..."

He says with a cruel tone, as his deadly stare doesn't let up

"Sign" She signs, obviously, maybe disappointed on the way he's acting

He looks at you annoyed at that response, as his cold smug grin turns into a bit of a frustrated face. He looks at you annoyed, as he realizes he doesn't get his way. All of you notice the frustration that comes to his face, as you notice he doesn't look good now that he's not getting what he wants


He says with a bit of a disappointed tone, as he lets go of her arm and steps back from her, looking at her with a dead and menacing stare still

"Listen, i can be your girlfriend, but then I won't be your "real" girlfriend"

"What does that mean?"

He says angrily, as his eyes start looking extremely angry. You could see the anger in his eyes, as he holds onto your arm tightly, his fingers gripping your arm like something you've never felt before, as his cold dead eyes looked straight into your soul

"I mean that i would have the title girlfriend, but if I'm not in love with you then I'm not your real girlfriend"

He seems a bit more pissed off after you said that, as he has a dead stare and his fingers grip your arm even tighter. He doesn't seem to like your response very much, as he stares dead into your soul, as he sounds a lot more angry. He starts speaking after a few seconds, as you can still see the rage in his eyes

"If you are not my real girlfriend, then I'll make you be!"

He says with a menacing tone, as he looks at you, his cold dead eyes still gripping into you with that sinister look

"How? You didn't even let me have the chance to meet you! This is the first time we're having a talk, you never showed interested in me before this day"

He seems not to care about that statement, as his eyes continue to give you that cold and dead stare. He seems to not hear out or care about your words. He's not letting you have much say in this conversation, as he says something in a loud and arrogant tone

"Who the hell cares about that?"

He says aggressively, as he sounds extremely mad. His dead eyes continue to leave you stunned with fear, as his fingers are still gripping your arm like something you've never experienced before, as he still keeps his cold dead stare on you

She sign again, like trying to have patience with him

He looks surprised after you said that

"But everyone always says yes whenever I ask... All of the girls at school want to be my girlfriend! Are you sure you don't want to be too? Even though I'm a perfect catch?"

He says with a cold smile, as he keeps his grip on your arm, seeming to be even tighter than before as you feel like you might break if he keeps on gripping you that way

"You're not really my type, you know..."

He seems shocked to hear that, as his dead eyes stare at you with a dead look. He seems to feel disgusted after hearing your response, as he keeps his grip on your arm


He says angrily, as he seems to feel pissed off at your response. His cold and dead eyes still stare at you deeply, giving you a sinister look

"You're... Not my type..." She says lifting her head to see him, since he still on your back holding your arms

He looks even more shocked after hearing your words, as he can hardly believe what he's hearing. He seems to be even more pissed off, as he tightens his grip even more on your arm. He now has a look of pure insanity on his face, as he finally speaks with a sinister tone, as he still hasn't accepted your answer

"What the hell does that mean? Explain to me!"

He says angrily, with an insane look in his face, as his dead eyes stare at you with a sinister look

"It's what it's, you aren't really my type, i don't really like athletic boy..."

He stays quiet for a few seconds, as you can see from his look that he's very confused after hearing that. You can see that the cold, dead eyes that he usually have in his face are now replaced by something even stranger. After a few seconds, he finally speaks again, looking at you as he lets out a crazy laugh, as after that his eyes go back to his cold, dead eyes, he stares at you

"Pffft! You're joking, right?"

He says with a sinister laugh, as he stares even harder at you with his cold, dead eyes

She looks at him in silence, very serious

He continues to laugh after your serious response, as he looks at you with his cold dead eyes

"That's impossible... Every girl always falls for me at first sight! Don't lie to me"

He says with a cruel tone as he gives you that cold, dead stare. The cold, dead eyes look even scarier once again, you can feel coldness coming down from his look, as its really unsettling. The cold, dead eyes are back, as his laugh slowly dies down

"considering our situation... I wish I was"

He stops laughing as soon as you say that, his cold, dead eyes staring right at your soul, as you feel chills going down your spine because of his stare

"What do you mean by this?"

He says with a cold tone, as his insane, sinister look comes back again. He looks angry, disturbed, and even more obsessed than before, as you start to get terrified even more of this man

"Listen i don't have the physiology to keep telling the same thing over and over and since you won't give up Then..." Her voice was loud, but she stops, breathing heavy like trying to calm herself "why... Don't you, i don't know... Give a few days or even weeks to... Know you...?"

Your words seem to shock him a bit, as he seems to not be expecting this at all. He looks at you without moving, as his cold, dead eyes stare into your soul. However, he doesn't give you a response, as he looks at you in silence. He's not saying anything, not moving. He's just staring at you with that cold, dead stare, as he's just standing there


He finally says after a few minutes, in a cold tone

"Amen." She says feeling done and tried, he strokes her arm a little bit like making a kind of affection

You try to give him some affection, as you want him to be more gentle. You feel a slight bit of relief after he finally says he's willing to wait. However, he doesn't seem to be showing any kind of affection, as he's still giving you that cold dead stare. He doesn't seem happy or relieved or calm at all. The cold, dead, menacing stare continues to remain, as you wonder what you should do about him right now

"So you just want to know me a bit?..."

He says, with a cold tone

"Yea... That's the minimum..."

He continues to stare at you, without moving or showing any kind of emotion whatsoever. He's still grabbing your arm tightly, as you realize he's still holding it tight enough to almost break it

"Why would I do that? It's not like we're supposed to be friends anyway?"

He says with a cold tone, as it's clear he's not showing even a single bit of happiness or relief after hearing about being friends. He doesn't seem to care at all about what you said

"Because you can't date someone without at least being their friends first" she says as if it wasn't the obvious

You give him a good, solid point, however, that doesn't seem to get to him, as he's so obsessed with you right now that he doesn't care about that. He doesn't even seem to know how relationships work. He only sees you as his girlfriend, not a friend, as he seems even more angry after hearing your response

"What? Since when?!"

He says with a loud and angry tone as you realize he's holding onto your arm even tighter, to the point where his grip could break it. He doesn't want to let go of you

"Since relationships became a actual thing"

What you said doesn't seem to make any sense to him, as he keeps a puzzled look on his face when you answer him

"I don't get it? Are you trying to say that I'm not supposed to just ask some random girl out? All of the girls I ask out seem to say yes right away, I'm not seeing the problem here"

He says with a confused tone, as he seems to not get what you're saying. He seems even more confused after you said that

"That's because they're probably blind by your beauty and "pretending" friendly actions"

You hear him give a soft sigh after hearing that. However, he still doesn't seem to understand what you are saying. His cold, dead stare is still there

"I don't get it... Even if they're blind by my beauty or friendlyness they're still saying yes"

He says with that cold tone, as you realize he's still holding you tightly, his fingers still gripping your arm tightly

"What's the problem with that?"

"It's very dangerous to go out with someone just like that without knowing them first... That could lead you to a painful ending"

His cold stare seems to get even more sinister as you give him a solid response, as he knows that you're right about what you're saying. However, he still isn't letting you go and he still is showing that sinister stare. He doesn't seem to want to let you go at all, as you can tell that he isn't giving up

"That's not my problem."

He says with a cold tone as you see his look get even more sinister, as his fingers continue to grip your arm like a vice

"But it's mine"

It seems your response does get to him, as his sinister look goes back to his cold, dead stare that he usually has. He seems to be slightly shocked to hear that, as after hearing that he looks at you with a cold look in his eyes but he isn't holding your arm as tightly. Your response is finally breaking him, but you don't know if you should be relieved or not. He still doesn't let you go, but he's slightly less aggressive

"So... Your trying to tell me that this is dangerous?"

He says in a slightly less aggressive tone

"Yea pretty much... You know, i don't wanna be rude, but your actions haven't been the most friendly with me... I thought that when you love someone they would be more lovely..."

What you said gets to him, as his cold look starts to disappear. He seems to be starting to feel remorseful, but his dead, cold stare still remains. You still see no love on his face as he doesn't say anything

"So... What would you like me to do instead?"

He says quietly, as he lets out a soft sigh, not really knowing what to do. He sounds like he's genuinely asking for your advice. He sounds desperate, he doesn't want to lose you

He still stroking your arm gently, putting his head on top of you, letting it rest there "Maybe try to be more friendly, more interested in me maybe you know, like normal friends do? i thought your default was a funny, humorous and happily dude"

You see his cold eyes start to look a bit more happy and relieved after you said that, as he seems to like your suggestion. While he is still holding your arm really tightly, he's no longer as aggressive as before

"So... You want me to be more friendly towards you? Is that what you're saying?"

He says quietly, with a soft smile on his face. You have never seen him be nice like this, as he's being very gentle all of the sudden

"Yea, that's what I'm saying"

You see him letting out a soft laugh, as his grip on your arm gets a bit looser. He seems more relaxed now, as it seems that your advice is working

"So... Like this?"

He says with a sweet laugh and a big smile on his face, as he seems genuinely happy right now. His cold, dead stare has gone away, and he seems to have a friendly, warm look on his face

"Kinda..." She says getting a little red after hearing him laugh for the first time

You can feel your face get red after you hear him laugh, as you can see that his cold, dead stare has now become a warm and happy smile. You feel a slight bit of relief after seeing this. However, you then realize that he's holding you tightly still, as he's trying to be friendly. You still see no love on his face, as he can be so evil yet friendly. You start feeling very confused now, as you don't know what to believe

"That's good... We're friends now?"

"Yea, it's the beginning"

Your response seems to really get to him, as he looks at you with a happy and excited look on his face. You can hear him give out a soft sound of excitement and happiness, as he then finally lets go of you and lets you have your arms back

"Thank you so much!"

He says with a happy tone, as he suddenly hugs you, seeming very happy. You've never been hugged by him before, as you can tell that he's trying to be really friendly now

"Okay, now can we go inside, I'm kinda cold and shaking from the rain..." She says remembering that they still wet from the rain

He finally lets you go after you make that suggestion, as he lets out a soft laugh after hearing that. He doesn't seem to be angry anymore, as he's trying his best to let you know that he's friendly now. He still seems to be very obsessed with you though, and you can still see his cold, dead, sinister stare in his eyes, as it feels like the evil inside of him isn't completely gone yet

"Of course! Let's go inside then" He says in a friendly tone

They then walk to the double door of the gymnasium, but the problem is that the rain got hard again a few minutes before, making it impossible to even see a inch on their front

You walk towards the gymnasium doors together, as he seems to be trying his best to help you get inside. However, the rain has started pouring down again, as you can't see anything because of the rain. You still try to open the doors to get inside, although you can't even see anything whatsoever

"This rain is being really annoying today, huh?"

He asks with a soft laugh, as he tries to open the doors, but they're stuck. There's no way for either of you to get inside at this point

"Great, now we have to wait until the rain stops a little bit..."

He sighs as you tell him that, as it seems that this rain is really starting to become annoying for you both. You're just stuck here together at the moment, as the rain is pouring down hard. You're probably going to have to wait here for a long time, since the rain isn't showing any signs of stopping soon

"Ugh, this rain is just awful today. I can't stand it much longer" He says with a frustrated tone

"I feel that you're enjoying this..." She says closing the doors again, sitting on the bleachers, still trembling

Hime's response seems to make Aaron laugh a bit, as he seems to be thinking about if she's serious or not. His cold, dead stare is still there, but you can see him giggling a tiny bit when she says that

"What? Do you think I'm enjoying this? Why would I ever enjoy being stuck out here in the rain?"

He asks, as his eyes stare directly at you. You think he doesn't like being stuck out here at all, as he looks like he doesn't like this one bit

"I don't know, but anyway we have to wait now" she says putting her hands on her face as she sits on the bleachers

You then hear him give a soft sigh after hearing that. He then puts his hands in his pockets, staying silent for a few seconds as the rain continues to pour down all over the two of you. After another few seconds, he looks at you again, his eyes still full of that cold, dead stare that he usually has

"What do you want to do now? It doesn't look like the rain is going to stop soon"

He asks with a calm tone, as he seems to be starting to get a bit tired of standing out here

She looks up and closes her eyes, think a little bit "Do you wanna talk? This could be a chance for us to know each other" she offeres looking at him

You hear him give another soft sigh after hear her suggestion, as you notice him start to think for a bit, as you see his eyes open up again

"I don't see what's wrong with talking"

He says peacefully after thinking for a bit, as he seems to be willing to talk with you. He doesn't seem to be against her suggestion, as you can tell that he's genuinely willing to talk to you

"Sure then, what do you want to talk about?" He asks with that peaceful and friendly tone.

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