The exiled (young justice oc...

By blastercrow

40.3K 811 59

When young 19-year-old Rick gets kicked for being framed by the team except for 2 members who trusted him... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (the end)

Chapter 6

1.8K 33 0
By blastercrow

As they continued to train Yae made sure to add lighting magic to the stones making them a bit faster when they continued Yae was thinking about giving something to Rick that might be helpful for him

Yae;alright that should be it for today
Yae said as she looked at Rick who was panting from training

Rick said as he sits down on a step near the shrine

As Rick relaxes he felt something tap his head and as he looks up he saw Yae handing him some weird badge

Rick takes the badge and looks at it
Rick; what's this Yae?
Rick asked as he looked at the badge

Yae smiles as she leans closer to Rick
Yae; well Rick this is a badge that someone gave me a long time ago and it also has a special function to it though you'll have to find it yourself
Yae said as she smiles gently

Rick places the badge on the right side of his jacket
Rick:I see thanks Yae I guess I'll have to find you a gift as well
Rick said as he stretches a bit but feels Yae lay her head on his stomach as she also stretches

Yae;thanks for the pillow
Yae said as she lays there

Rick sighs as he looked at Yae and notices that her ears twitch a few times
Rick's mind;hmmmm I wonder
Rick thought as he slowly moved his hand towards one of her fox ears

Yae:what are you doing?
Yae asked as he senses his hand

Rick ignored her and grabbed her ear
Rick's mind: let's see what happens
Rick thought as he holds her ear

As Rick grabbed Yae it caused her to stiffen up and her tails began to go straight as a board....after a few minutes Yae charged up a lot of lightning before striking Rick with it causing him to scream in pain

After a few minutes later Rick who was covered in bandages again as Yae stands in front of him with her hands on her hips

Yae;you don't just grabs someone's ears you know especially when they're sensitive!
Yae said as she blushes while her tails moved faster than they usually do

Rick's mind;well at least I found a weakness after all
Rick thought as he noticed that Yae went into the shrine before appearing in front of him with a wooden sword

Yae: so I want you to practice with this sword
Yae said as she hands it to Rick

Rick;um okay so w-
Rick gets cut off by Yae

Yae;while it's thundering and I want you to move lighting with the blade
Yae said

Rick:oh come on!!!
Rick said as he grabbed the sword as he stands up

Yae;don't disappoint me
Yae said as she walks back into the shrine

Rick stands there for a second before he heard thunder clouds forming
Rick;she knew this would happen damn fox!
Rick shouted as he goes to train with the sword

(Time skip Yae pov)

As I sat in the shrine drinking some tea I was wondering if Rick already gave up as it's already been 3 hours and it's been thundering more outside

Yae;he probably sitting under a tree or something
Yae said as she stands up and looks outside the shrine

As she looked outside she saw small craters with scorched marks around them but Rick wasn't near them at she was about to go find him she saw a large bolt of lighting strike a location where she can hear someone screaming which caused her to immediately run towards where the scream came she runs she notices that there were scorched marks on some trees while there were some trees that were destroyed

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