Us against the world

By Luvlybxtch3

46K 1.6K 108

What if lan wangji and wei wuxian left the cultivation world because everyone started to believe jin guangyao... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

2.1K 80 4
By Luvlybxtch3

In yuandao 

" Mei Mei would you want to go to the cultivation world with me" wei ying said

" what? Why the hell didn't they banish you" wei lin said 

" they did but I have to travel to qinghe  to clear the corpses and I am scared going alone that why I want to take Qing jie and wen Ning with me too"

" why not take your husband? Why are you taking jie and Ning gege"

" well I handed lan zhan my duties to do since I am going to qinghe and I am taking jiejie and wen Ning because wen Ning is like a support to me and if I get injured Qing jie will help me"

" ahh ok I understand I will go with you, be grateful you have such a great helpful MeiMei , but you could have gone with uncle yang  he is more great in demonic cultivation than I am and he forged the yin hufu"

" hahaha ok thank you my great meimei, well uncle yang will also help me if you don't know he is right now busy but will come later "

" what is he busy with?"

" he is giving nei huaisang a ring so that he can visit yuandao anytime with zizhen, since we have to discuss the plan"

" ok let's go then"

They met with the wen siblings and started thier journey to qinghe, it started becoming late so they rested in a forest near qinghe because they can't let anyone see thier face they has made a small fire and found wood to sit on 

" Qing jie and Wei lin sit here,  don't go anywhere ,if any fierce corpse is here call me fast or call wen Ning fast if any sect cultivator is then also call us "

" yea ok now go,go, we understand a ying you are worried but don't take to much stress it can effect the babies health , since the birth of babies are only 1-2 months later" 

" okay Qing jie bye then, wait wei lin you know how to cultivate since you know help your Qing jie"

" yes I do know, I will help her now can you please go it's really cold collect more  wood the fire is still small"

Wei ying and wen Ning left to collect wood while wen Qing and Wei lin is sitting waiting for thier brothers to come 

" Qing jie it's my first Time here , can I please go  and see the woods I promise I will stay near here only so I can come right back here"

" hmm... no"

" please,please Qing jie I really want to see"

"  go then, stay near here only don't get lost, don't hurt yourself,don't ask help from anyone who is in a sect , don't tell anyone your sect name "

" ok thank you Qing love you!"

" hahaha don't flatter me now go or I will stop you come back before a xian comes cuz he will be worried if your alone "

 With Wei linqing

" yess Qing jie is the best she let me go now let's explore "

After a while 

"Ouch,ahhh it hurts how can I fall at such a stupid Time how will I go back there I can't even stand up ouch"

" ummm who there ? Show yourself " a not so familiar voice said

" hello I am wei  linqing  courtesy name wei lin "

" oh are you fine? You look like you your in pain?" A man said 

" I am not , I am in pain, I fell"

When I looked up I saw a family of three people a lady, a man, a child 

" we can help you ! Come stand up" the lady said offering a hand

"Thanks but are any of you from a clan "

" no,only my wife cultivates but she isn't anymore in a clan since she hates those good for nothing clans"

" I see , are you all lost or something?"

" yes we are" the lady said 

" ohhh can you help reach to my family they are here we are right now taking a rest but I wanted to explore , my family can help you out they know this forest, and if your not from a sect they are willing to help you "

" oh sure , and okay , but why don't your family like clans "

" my family has gone through a lot because of those sects which sect were you from?"

" I was from lan ling jin but I left since I supported a innocent man and I still do , Jin sect was just becoming more and more corrupt "

" I see , I hate Jin sect just not the son of jiang yanli and Jin zixuan I think they were they only good ones"

" yes what you said is true! Come on let's go"

Meanwhile with wen siblings and Wei ying

" Qing jie we are back" wei ying said

" jie where is wei lin?"wen ning said

" she wanted to explore but I said come back fast now I don't know where is she?"

............... they started shouting her name to find her



"I am here I am here" wei lin said

Wei ying and wen siblings went to hug her 

" brother see these kind souls helped me I fell and hurted myself "

" come linqing let me help you I will apply some herbs "

" hello I am luoqingyang and this is my family and we helped her"

" what? Luo Qing yang?" Wei ying said

" yes who you might be?" 

They didn't know since wen siblings and Wei ying were facing back

" come sit here Mianmian , her husband and little mianmian"

" Wei Wuxian, how are you?"

" I am fine,just banned from cultivation world "

" oh I heard what happen I am sorry "

" it's ok , I am fine thank you for helping my sister "

" no problem, oh my aren't you the ghost general you are a human again and aren't you wen Qing weren't you burned alive"

" we are, lady mianmian thanks for helping a xian and us leaving that greedy jin clan "

" no problem, how are you alive tho?"

" mianmian my granny helped them , anyway mianmian would you and your husband would want to join my sect?"

" What? You have a sect?"

" Mn it's a secret , my sect isn't corrupt at all we all treat each other like family and yuandao is so pretty "

" oh! Ok I would love to! But I and my family needs time to get our belongings "

" it's ok we will provide you with a house with decorations just grab important things, my sister wei lin will help your family since I have to go clean corpses that are attacking nei clan"

" ok come lady qingyang "

Linqing and mian family left for grabbing thier belongings and went to yuandao

 Next day 

" a ying go hide there it's a perfect spot to hide and see whole qinghe "

" ok I will"

After some time xue yang came to help

" I am here"

" xue yang go hide there and help a xian and wen Ning"

" ok Qing jie I will "

After that the whole qinghe was filled with that can bring shivers down the spine this music was there until corpse vanished in thin air 

And wen siblings xue Yang and Wei ying went back to yuandao

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