My Königin | König x Fem Read...

By OnceUponASinz

25K 755 531

"Königin." - This is used to refer to a female ruler, but it can also be used to refer to a woman whom the sp... More



1.7K 67 74
By OnceUponASinz

A/N: I just want everyone to know, yes, this will be a slight slow burn. Which means, there won't be a friendship or relationship till later on.

As I walked into the centre hall, I heard Soap shouting my name, getting little annoyed glances from other members for disturbing their concentration.

"[Last Name]!"

My eyes widened in surprise, a small smile slowly crept on my lips. "McTavish, quiet down!" I exclaimed, laughing and shaking my head in amusement. What's got him so loud today?

I approached him with swift, assured steps, my eyes glimmering in curiosity as I wondered why he was so 'excited'.

"Soap?" I raised a brow, tilting my head to the side to study him.

He raised his hand and pointed towards the entrance doors. I looked to where he gestured, my eyes landing on Price's back. But.. there was someone he was talking to?

I turned to Soap, tilting my head as my gaze lingered on the unknown person before fixating on their face. Or rather, a hood. "Who is that?" I whispered, my voice barely audible over the chatter in the centre hall.

He leaned forward, his gaze fixated on the two men who appeared to be locked in deep conversation. We both slightly furrowed our brows as we tried to make sense of what was being said.

With a soft sigh, he leaned back and turned to me. "I don't know, but they've been talking to Old Man for a while." I put my hand to my mouth, stifling my laughter at the sudden nickname for our captain. I couldn't help but repeat it, whispering the name to myself with a low chuckle.

As I calmed down, I took a moment to study the man in the hood. My eyes ran over every inch of his body, taking his features in as if I were some sort of portrait artist, trying to capture him in all his splendour. He stood before Price, towering over the captain by nearly half a foot, the muscles in his arms bulging as he shifted his massive frame. His broad shoulders commanded the room, drawing my attention even before his eyes found mine.

As my eyes gazed at the lower part of his body, I felt my mouth drop as my eyes widened at the sight. Damn. Whose horse is that!? I don't think it was intentional, but there laid a tight bulge against his pants, almost seeming like it wanted out.

"Oi." Soap nudged my arm, a playful smirk plastered on his face as he caught me staring. I let out a cough, feeling the heat creep up the back of my neck.

I took a deep breath, my heart racing a little faster at the sight of the hooded man. "He's certainly... huge," my voice barely above a whisper, my eyes still locked on the man.


The sweat poured off of me in great, heavy sheets, dripping off my chin and rolling down my arms. The gym around me was empty at this hour, and I loved the feeling of having the place to myself.

The punching bag was my only companion, and I punched it with a fury, as if every frustration, every bit of stress that had built up over the past week, was unleashed with each blow. I punched and punched until my arms felt like lead and my muscles ached with exhaustion, breathing hard and sweating profusely.

I reached for my water bottle that rested on the ground. Taking several big gulps, I quickly downed the last drips of water from my bottle, feeling my thirst finally quench. As I set it down on the table, Soap burst through the door, his face excited.

"Come on," he urged, taking my arm and tugging me towards the meeting room. "There's something you need to hear." As he escorted me down the hall, I felt my heart pounding in my chest, wondering what could be the reason for the sudden urgency.

Soap pulled the door handle and we stepped into the meeting room, the doors creaking behind us as he closed them. My gaze swept over the gathered members of 141, taking in each of their expressions with a quick once over.

Everything seemed normal, every face familiar... except for one. A new member was sitting in the corner, whom I did recognize, and I felt a flutter of nerves. What could be so important that they would bring in the hooded stranger from earlier for this meeting?

Soap took a seat beside Ghost, who was sitting beside Price. My lips pressed in a flat line as I looked around the room, wondering where to sit.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Gaz waving me over, welcoming me to the chair beside him. Bless.

As the chatter died down in the room, everyone glanced towards Price who was now standing up from his seat. He cleared his throat, his hands pressing down onto the meeting table. His eyes held authority as he looked over each of us.

"141," he nodded to all of us, "As you may have noticed, we have a new member in our group today," he said, his voice carrying over the quiet chatter in the room as he gestured towards the hooded stranger.

It feels like I'm in school again. Eugh.

The hooded stranger nodded to all of us, glancing at every one of us. Time seemed to slow as I met his gaze, my heart racing and my nerves taking over. For a moment, our eyes locked, and I felt my breath catching in my throat.

As he looked away, I let out a soft breath, thankful that the moment was over. But even as I tried to move on, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingers in my chest.

Captain Price cleared his throat once more, everyone gazing up at him. "This is König," he pointed to the massive man.

"He will be joining 141 for the time being. Treat him as you do everyone." He gave Ghost a stern look before clapping his hands together, the friction of his hands making a satisfying clap.

"Meeting dismissed."


A/N: There he is. The man of the hour! Please leave a comment OR a vote. It feels so lonely in here.

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