My little BumbleBee (ROTTMNT...

By Muffin_and_C0ffe3

5.4K 107 32

Bee was born in the middle of an alien invasion. Not long after she was born, her mother had been killed and... More

Going back
Blast To The Past
Gain A Key, Lose Family
Start and Stop
How Bee Came to Be
That's It!
Empyrean and Lavender
Nighttime Nightmares

The End

427 9 4
By Muffin_and_C0ffe3

The krangified creature was hovering nearby, keeping at least one eye on the tiny being at all times. Even despite being under their full control, it still shows a small concern for the being.

He'll admit, the heroes of this planet are nothing if not persistent. They are quite determined to get back their comrade, despite having been betrayed. But it matters not. With the Technodrome now on the planet and he and his sister and brother at their best, they stand no chance. This world will submit to the power of Krang, like all other planets before it. He can see the destruction that's already being caused by just the minions and weapons alone. This world doesn't stand a chance.

As he stares out at the city being destroyed, a creature walks out from beneath him. Ugh, it's one of the heroes. Well, at least he can make use of this opportunity and have it killed right here and now.

As the hero stares out at the city below, the eye of the Technodrome shines on it, startling the hero and causing it to draw its weapons. But the hero is quick to go from startled to smug.

"Surprise. I've come for my brother and Bee." The hero points one of its weapons at him as if it were threatening him.

This causes him to let out a laugh at its weak attempt to scare him. He maneuvers the tiny being in his arms to be held in one hand, dangling in front of the hero but out of reach.

"Let me guess. Duty."

The creature looks away and chuckles. "He said doodie." It mumbled under its breath but the humor of its words was lost on him.

Krang 1 looked to the former hero beside him, it still keeping one eye on the tiny being. He held out his empty hand and gestured to the hero still pointing its weapon at him.

It jumped into the air and landed harshly on the ground, sending smoke into the air. The former hero approached its 'brother'.

"Raph, you're coming with me, whether you like it or not. And Bee's coming too." The former hero roared in response.

"I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have to." The creature took out its other weapon.

Krang 1 let out a laugh, amused by the whole situation. "Oh, you will have to." This will be an amazing show for him.

The former hero growled before charging at its brother. The hero then drew back its swords and swung at the other. The two fought vigorously, the hero fighting defensively while the former hero was fighting with the intent to kill. As they continued to fight, trading blows, the former hero eventually got the upper hand and threw his brother into a wall. A sickening crack sounded throughout the room that caused even a shiver to go down Krang 1's nonexistent spine.

The sound had also startled the tiny being still dangling from his hand. It made a distressed cry, much like earlier before starting with its terrible wailing all over again.

"Silence you annoying creature." He yelled as quietly as he could, not wanting to disrupt the fight. He quickly formed some slime to rise from the walls of the room and tightly wrapped it around the being, making sure that it was as tight as it could be without risking suffocating the being. It was more useful alive than dead. Its cries could still be heard but it was greatly muffled.

"Bee!" The hero yelled as it dodged a kick from its brother that surely would've taken the fight out of him had it landed. The hero ran back to the walkway, slowly baking up trying to peer at the being still stuck in a tight grip. But he was interrupted by the former hero going back to attacking him.

"Raph, I know you're in there somewhere. You've gotta snap out of this!" The hero said in between attacks as it continued to dodge.

"Do you feel what the power of the Krang can do? I am saving this weak planet! I am a gift!" The two creatures continued to fight, even as the hero was once again thrown into another wall.

"I'm trying to save you, you idiot! Why do you have to make things so hard?" The hero yelled as it dealt a blow to the back of its brother's head. The former hero had fallen to the ground, stunned from the blow. The hero's weapons had almost swung down on the other creature but it paused. Tch. How foolish.

Once the former hero had regained its composure, it quickly swung at the hero, sending it flying while also hitting the ground and wall a few times. The hero struggled to get up, but as it did it held both of its weapons in front of itself.

"You want to keep coming at me? Go ahead. I'm done fighting you." It placed the weapons on its back.

Krang 1 let out a laugh. These heroes were persistent and amusing. What kind of creature purposefully leaves itself defenseless?

Something in his peripheral vision caused him to look out the window. The ship was moving up, back into the portal towards the Prison Dimension.

"What?" He yelled. The Technodrome was moving more and more into the wretched prison.

"No!" He quickly brought up two panels and placed his hands on them. The ground below glowed blue and began to part. When he could fully see into the driver's pit, he saw two more of those heroes. One of them was controlling the ship.

"How dare you desecrate Krang's ship!" A slime made its way down into the driver's pit and grabbed the hero that was standing out in the open. He then forcefully removed the other hero from the ship and dragged it up along with the other.

"Donnie, Mikey!" The hero tried to run towards the two but its brother wrapped a tentacle around its arm and slammed it to the ground. At that moment, as the hero looked at the scene before it, whatever fight was left in it seemed to disappear.

"I don't want to fight anymore." It stood up and stared right at its 'brother'. "I was fighting you because I didn't understand you, but now I get it." The former hero jumped up and swung at the hero, not interested in listening.

Even still, the hero continued to speak its meaningless words. "I always figured you were mad because you didn't like the way I did things." The hero tripped while dodging and fell to the floor. The former hero took this opportunity to grab it by the neck and lift it into the air.

"But when I see what's happening to you, and what's happening to them..." Its eyes wandered from its brother to the other two heroes. Finally, its eyes landed on the tiny being and lingered. Its words began to come out with more urgency.

"I realized it wasn't about me. You didn't yell because you were mad, you yelled because you were scared. It's scary to be responsible for the lives you protect. Your team...your family, but we do it anyway because that's what it means to be a hero." The hero finally looked away from the tiny being to close its eyes and look back at its brother.

"If this is it, I want you to know I finally understand. And I'm sorry." For a moment, the hero seemed as good as dead. But the former hero never dealt the final blow. As the hero finished its speech something happened. All of a sudden, a red wave of energy washed out from the former hero, shocking Krang 1.

The former hero dropped its 'brother' as it began to fight against its infection.

"Raph, Raph, there you are! Come back! Your family needs you, Bee needs you!"

The former hero struggled before finally straining something out. "Leo?"


Krang 1 was angered by the unexpected development. The heroes have already been enough of a pain in his side without the former hero. But now that it wasn't under his control it was sure to stir more problems for him. Without hesitation, he sent a tentacle towards the hero, the one orchestrating this whole rebellion, and restrained it. And just like its brother, it resisted.

"Mikey, Donnie, we can fight this. Raph's doing it for us, so we do it for him. That alien jerkface thinks we're weak because he hasn't seen what we can do...when we fight together!" The room began to glow from the raw power coming from each of the heroes, almost blinding him.

"It's pointless to resist Krang. Give up! You will be consumed like everyone else on this pathetic planet!"

"Fat chance," The leader of the rebellion yelled. "We're not like everyone else on this planet. We are..."

"The teenage..." The orange one yelled.

"Mutant..." The purple one continued.

"Ninja..." The red one added.

"Turtles!" The leader finished, reaching to its back and grabbing one of its weapons. The leader threw the weapon towards him and it implanted itself into his arm. It began to glow and seemingly out of nowhere, the leader appeared, holding onto the weapon implanted in his arm while also holding its other weapon. With a swing of its other weapon, a portal opened from behind and the red hero flew out of it, a bigger version of itself shielding it and it sent a strong punch to his face, sending him flying.

He watched as the red hero quickly tore the tiny being from its restraints. Suddenly, a chain wrapped around him and he was swung around until he crashed into his seat, causing an explosion.

Before he could even think of what to do next, a purple glow shined from the distance and little missiles were being shot at him. He used the large cloud of smoke to his advantage to move away from harm and sneak up on the heroes.

"If this isn't the poster shot, someone's getting fired." The leader said smugly.

Krang 1 dropped down behind them, pure anger coursing through his body.

"Oh, we are not done yet."


Raph was holding Bee as close as he could to make sure she didn't end up hurt. He could already tell that she wasn't in the best condition. Already bruises were forming on her arms and face. He can feel the guilt begin to seep into his mind but he does his best to push it aside. He can feel guilty about everything once they throw this alien right back into the Prison dimension.

Raph masterfully punches through the building right in front of him and grabs onto the arm of the alien's armor. He managed to punch the head of the armor just as the Krang alien was about to attack. But before its hit could land, Raph was sent through a portal that opened right beneath the alien, allowing him to fling it forward and straight into Donnie's hammer.

Mikey then grabbed onto the alien with his mystic chains and slammed it into a building. Raph made himself larger and swiped at the alien as it fell down the building but it managed to punch through his arm. Leo opened another portal under him and it opened onto another building.

The mystic shield around himself disappeared and he took a moment to assess Bee's condition. She wasn't breathing normally and she was too limp for his liking. Not once throughout the whole time he's been holding her had she woke up from what he hoped was a deep sleep. They needed to find a way to get her out of there and somewhere safe.

Raph looked over to Mikey and watched as he through an entire building at the Krang. At that moment he felt so proud of his baby brother. Proud of all of them. But he to stay focused. He got up from his crouched position and held Bee closer to his plastron and broke out into a sprint. As the alien spat out from the other side of the building, he leaped off the building and summoned his sai. His mystic powers formed a larger version of himself as a shield of sorts.

"Ok! Donnie!"

"Cowabunga!" The turtle flew onto his back and summoned his bo staff, using his powers to make a large mystic-powered jet pack. The two of them shot up towards the Technodrome, Mikey appearing on his shoulder thanks to another one of Leo's portals.

"Flip-o-rama!" The young turtle yelled as he wrapped his chains around his arm, causing a fire to burn on his arm. Finally, Leo came out of a portal and stuck one of his katanas into his shoulder.

"Let's roll." Leo threw his other katana in the direction of the Prison dimension and let it fly for a few seconds before teleporting them all to the weapon, right in front of the alien.

Raph drew back his blazing arm before launching it forward at the Krang.

"Hot soup!" They all yelled.

Just as the punch was about to land, the head of the armor shot up with a red light glaring at them. The hand of the armor made a flicking motion that sent them all flying back. Leo crashed into a small wall on a building and Raph landed right next to him on his back. Mikey and Donnie also landed near each other but farther away from the two of them.

Donnie let out a gasp and Raph looked over to see the Krang alien right in front of them. The glass of the building shattered at the force of its quick entry.

Donnie backed up in front of Mikey and spun his bo staff to form a shield but before it could fully form, the Krang punched through it, knocking Donnie and Mikey unconscious and sending them flying off the building towards the ground.

Leo didn't hesitate to turn to him with tears in his eyes. "Raph, go."

"On it!" With only a small slip, Raph stood up and jumped off the building. A blue portal sent him closer to Donnie and Mikey. He dodged debris from buildings as he flew toward his two youngest brothers.

He grabbed them with one arm and made sure they weren't squishing Bee. "Gotcha! Don't worry, Donnie! This is not a hug. It's a rescue!" As they were getting closer and closer to the ground, his mystic shield formed around them and mimicked his position.

When they crashed into the ground, it was harsh but the shield protected them from getting any demobilizing or life-threatening injuries.

Raph sat up from the crater in the ground that was made from their impact and looked around. "Where are we? Staten Island?"

Next to him, Mikey popped his head out of his shell. Speaking of his shell, there were a few hairline fractures on the edges of his plastron. There was also a pretty good crack right on the left side of the plastron, something he wouldn't be happy about once he noticed the injury.

Donnie popped out from behind a rock with his shell facing him so he couldn't get a good look at his plastron.

"Oh, gross," Donnie said as he shivered. "So how would everyone rate that rescue experience? Unsatisfied? Very unsatisfied? Wish Donnie would have done it? Um-hum." He said as he shrugged his shoulders up and down before falling over. The cracking on his plastron was definitely worse than Mikey's. The fractures went from around his stomach all the way to the edges of his chest. He's sure that with one more hit or one wrong move, parts of his brother's plastron just might fall off.

"Donnie." Raph stood up and looked at the Technodrome that was still floating just outside of the Portal dimension. "Leo's still up there." Mikey and Donnie looked up to ship as well.

"Casey. Casey, come in." Leo's voice came over the shared communication device that each family member had.

"Sensei, I'm here. And I've got eyes on the key. Just tell me when you're home free, and I'll pull the plug."

There was silence for a moment. A pit formed in Raph's stomach and he felt his heart start beating faster and faster.

"Casey, listen to me. When I get to the other side, you close that door." And then he felt his heart stop.

"What? Sensei, no!"

"Casey, it's the only way. He's too strong. He's not gonna stay on the other side unless I keep him there."

"There has to be another way!" Raph numbly walked forward and stared at the spaceship. The one that his brother was still on and seemed to plan on staying.

"We tried everything, Case. This is the only way." He looked back to his brothers who were listening in shock. He then looked back at the comm device on his arm.

"Leo, please don't do this! Leo!" He prayed to whatever being there was that his brother would change his mind. Reconsider this stupid plan and come back to them.

His brother chuckled before responding. "You're one to talk, big bro. Hero moves are totally your style."

Raph helplessly looked back to the Technodrome. The ship his brother was still on and planned on staying.


Leo stood back up and held his katanas out defensively as the Krang alien approached with a menacing laugh.

"Outmatched and alone, yet you persist. For what? Honor, redemption? Sacrifice? All meaningless."

Leo swung his sword and felt his ninpo flow through his body. "We'll see about that." He rushed forward and the Krang met him halfway. As soon as it got close, he slid under its legs and opened a portal. The portal opened in front of the alien and Leo threw a katana towards it. The alien dodged and the katana flew deep into the Prison dimension. The alien reached out and grabbed him and threw him hard into the ground. He tried to get up but the alien stomped on his chest, causing him to harshly exhale.

"Leo, please! I can't lose you again." Leo felt his heart squeeze and it wasn't because of the unbearable pressure on his plastron.

"Hey, future me would be real proud of you. I'm proud of you."

"Weak words, weak actions. I have forever known what you fail to understand, strength always prevails!" The alien yelled as he continued to apply pressure on him.

'Oof, I'm definitely going to feel this once the adrenaline wears off.,' he thought, mostly to distract himself from the more realistic truth. He won't be alive to feel the adrenaline wear off.

Leo sticks his katana into the leg of the Krang and wraps his arm around the leg. "What you fail to understand is I missed on purpose." He digs the weapon deeper into the leg of the alien as it glows and mystic power flows out of the blade.

He teleports the two of them into the Prison dimension where his other katana is waiting for them.

"No, enough of your little tricks." The Krang takes his katanas and drops them. It then grabbed him by the neck.

"Casey, close the portal now." He ordered.

"What?" The alien looks back to the portal and throws him away. Leo quickly grabs it by the tail and propels himself to the alien's face. He wraps his arms around it and does his best to hold it back. Even as it punched him right in the face, he held strong.

"Casey, please." In a matter of seconds, the portal finally closes. He finally lets go and lets a smug smile cross his face. "You've been portal chopped." A wave sends the both of them flying further into the dimension and Leo crashes into another wall.

For a moment, his vision darkens and he feels cold. Until a harsh punch to his plastron brings his vision back and pain with it. The strong punch broke the ground and they both fell through and onto another concrete platform.

He looks over and in his hand is the picture of his family. The sight of them makes him forget the pain and a genuine smile stretches across his face and a single tear falls. At least they're safe.

"Wipe that grin off your face!" The alien throws him through multiple walls and out into the prison dimension. Tears are still streaming down his face but this time he can't muster the strength to smile. He's alone. His family is safe far away in another dimension.


Raph can't feel anything other than the overwhelming loss. His brother, his little brother, is gone. And he couldn't even say goodbye. Tell his little brother how much he loved him. Say he was sorry for hurting him, yelling at him, and never properly talking to him.

Not only does he grieve for Leo, but he grieves for his family, especially his brothers, especially Donnie. There was no denying the strong bond he shared with Leo, they were twins, after all, two halves of a similar coin. He can't imagine how Donnie must be feeling right now. And Mikey really looked up to Leo, especially after he became leader.

Raph looked down at Bee, who still was asleep, her breathing labored and slow. And she would never get the chance to know this version of Leo, this version of whoever he was to her in the future.

...And as bad as it sounded, he knew they'd have to put their thoughts of Leo aside. Bee was clearly injured and if they didn't do something soon, she'd die. They were all injured and they needed to get back to the lair to recover.

As soon as everyone's safe, they can grieve as much as they needed to.

Raph slowly stood up and looked at his brothers. Donnie was standing over him with a distant look on his face and tears streaming from his eyes. Mikey was standing ahead of them with his hands out in front of him trying to do something.

He could hear his youngest brother's sobs as he continued to desperately try and reach for something. But nothing happened.

"Mikey. It's over." It hurt to see his brother like this but they couldn't hope for the impossible. Leo's gone...and he's not coming back this time. "Bee's hurt and I'm sure the both of you are too. ...We need to-"

"No! Leo never gave up on us. I'm not giving up on him." All of a sudden, orange bolts of mystic energy surrounded Mikey, and in front of him, an orange tear formed in the air.

"Whoa. Mikey, whatever you're doing, don't stop!" Both Raph and Donnie ran over to Mikey as he opened the portal wider and wider. Against his will, he began to hope. Hope that maybe, they can get their brother back.

Cracks were forming on Mikey's arms but he either didn't notice or didn't care. So Raph and Donnie held onto his shoulders and the cracks gradually ran up their arms as well.

"We're here, Mikey. Together." Mikey looked back at them with a smile before returning his focus to the portal.

A strong mystic energy pulsed through them and they used it to help aid their brother to open this portal. Slowly, they could start to see into the portal, and right in front of them was...

"...Took you guys long enough."

Raph didn't hesitate to form his mystic power around his arm and threw his arm into the portal, grabbing onto Leo and pulling him towards them. But the Krang alien appeared behind him.

"Leo!" Donnie formed a drill at the end of his staff and shot it through the portal and right into the face of the alien. By the time the alien threw the drill away from itself, he'd already pulled Leo out from the Prison dimension and onto the ground. Before the alien could get through the portal Mikey closed it with a wink and a playful chuckle.

Leo lay on the ground looking absolutely beat. There were scratches, open wounds, and many cracks on his plastron. He couldn't even begin to imagine what his carapace looked like after the number of walls Leo was thrown into.

"Leo?" He asked softly.

The younger turtle opened his eyes and looked at them with a grin. "Hey." He then looked at his surroundings and gagged. "Eww! Are we in Staten Island?"

"Come here!" Raph wrapped all of them in a group hug and felt relief wash over him.

A small whimper made them all pause. Raph looked down at his arms and saw Bee, her eyes open but she wasn't moving.

"Bee!" He brought up the comm device on his arm and quickly spoke into it. "Casey, you need to get here quick! Bee is injured and she needs medical attention. Dad, April, try and get the turtle tank to Staten Island so we can get back to the lair."

"On my way!"

"You got it, big guy!"

"Stay awake until we get there, boys."

Raph lowered his arm and turned to Leo. He was their leader and team medic so he was hoping that he'd know something about Bee's condition.

"Leo, can you-"

"I can try, but I don't know much about human babies." Leo took Bee from his arms and began to observe her. He carefully pressed on her chest and she let out a strained cry. He removed his hand from the area and went on to check on her arms and legs.

"...Well, I'm gonna make a guess here and based on her breathing and from what I felt, I assume she has a broken rib and her arms will, at best, be badly bruised for a while after that grip the Krang had on her."

"...L...eo." Bee weakly said.

"Omigosh, did she just say your name?!" Mikey stumbled over to Leo and looked at Bee with stars in his eyes.

"Whaat?! Bee! I don't think you understand how cute that was." Leo smiled softly and poked Bee's nose. A small smile crossed her face but she didn't attempt to move.

Raph could tell the two of them were trying to keep Bee distracted as they continued to coo and talk to her about random things. Donnie on the other hand just sat close next to Leo and stared at Bee.

After waiting for a few minutes, the turtle tank finally pulled up and Casey rushed out and over to them.

"Bee!" He carefully took his sister and brought her closer to his face. "Bee I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." He cried, tears streaming down his face. Bee smiled at him and let out small noises.

"Ok, everyone in the tank! We'll drop Casey and Bee off at a hospital first and then we'll get to the lair." They all nodded and Casey rushed back into the tank.

Raph, Donnie, and Mikey got up but Leo stayed sitting. He was trying to get up but he couldn't even lift himself a single inch.

"Uh, heheh, looks like I'll need a little help." He nodded and placed an arm under his younger brother's right arm.

Ok Leo, I'm gonna lift you up on the count of three. One...two...three!" As he lifted him up, Leo let out a pained yell and heavily leaned onto Raph.

"It's ok Leo, Raph's got you." He assured his brother as he slowly led him into the turtle tank.

He tried his best to ignore the feeling of blood flowing onto his arm.


Ok, I'm no medical professional but I'll try my best to research some stuff

finding medical information for babies is harder than I thought it would be so I'm just gonna try my best when it comes to Bee's recovery

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