Bonten's love

By Ekonochan

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Konomi is a not so ordinary girl who ends up catching the eye of all the executives of Bonten, Japan's most d... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15.5
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 26.5
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author note 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 36.5
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 16

826 23 9
By Ekonochan

Takeomi: Konomi.

Konomi: yes Omi-kun.

Takeomi: Mikey wants to see you in his office.

Konomi: huh why?

Takeomi: not really sure.

Konomi: alright I'll go now (goes to Mikey's office).

Mochi: why does Mikey want to see her?

Takeomi: honestly not sure.

Kakucho: I hope all is well.

Konomi: (knocks on Mikey's door) hello.

Mikey: come in.

   Konomi then opens the door and enters the office nervously and as usual Mikey was at his table doing some paperwork.

Mikey: I heard you fell ill, how are  you doing now?

Konomi: much better.

Mikey: good, because I have a job for you.

Konomi: job?

Mikey: yes, tomorrow we'll be heading to a very well known club in the roppongi district to finalize some deals with other mafias and gangs, and you'll be coming with us.

Konomi: me?

Mikey: yes your job is to stand there and look pretty, the man we're meeting is a extreme womanizer, and your presence may throw him off a bit.

Konomi: I see.

Mikey: go and get ready for tomorrow night.

Konomi: yes of course.

Mikey: that will be all, you may leave.

Konomi: (quickly leaves the office and goes back to the parlor) I'm back.

Ran: I'm so glad you're back princess.

Rindou: what did Mikey say to you?

Konomi: he said I'd be accompaning you guys to the meeting in Roppongi.

Kakucho: what!

Konomi: is there something wrong?

Kokonoi: no of course not, why don't you go to bed early tonight hmm.

Konomi: but why?

Kokonoi: you have a big day tomorrow you'll need to get some rest (pushes her into the elevator) good night.

Konomi: but but (the elevator door closes).

Kokonoi: phew, what do we do now.

Sanzu: it isn't the most ideal situation for her to be in, and she doesn't even know it.

Takeomi: I can't believe Mikey would say something like that.

Mochi: that meeting is dangerous for girls.

Kakucho: they usually get kidnapped or exposed to alot of future danger especially if they come in with a well known group.

Ran: the last few girls we went with didn't even come back with us.

Rindou: is there a way to change Mikey's mind?

Takeomi: non that I know of.

Kokonoi: the only thing we can do is to protect her so nothing happens.

Sanzu: that's gonna be hard but I'm sure we can do that, besides look at the bright side.

Rindou: what's that?

Sanzu: we get to see her all dressed up.

Takeomi: (smacks Sanzu's hear) shut up.

Ran: he isn't wrong though.

Rindou: be quiet.

Kokonoi: I'll handle her attire don't worry.

The next morning.

Kokonoi: wakie wakie eggs and bakie (shaking Konomi).

Konomi: just five more minutes.

Kokonoi: alright then (kisses her on the lips).

Konomi: (wakes up immediately) Koko did you?

Kokonoi: alas the fair maiden has awaken.

Konomi: why are you here?

Kokonoi: I'm taking you to get ready for tonight, you'll be walking next to Bonten so you need to look your best.

Konomi: wha?

Kokonoi: c'mon get out of bed.

Konomi: leave my room, I'll come down when I'm ready.

Kokonoi: fine but don't take to long (leaves her room).

Konomi: honestly can't I get a break?

  Konomi got out of her bed and takes a shower before she put a casual dress and headed to the parlor.

Konomi: (enters the parlor) Koko I'm ready to go.

Kokonoi: alright let's go.

Rindou: I'm coming to.

Ran: me too.

Sanzu: so am I.

Kokonoi: we can use my car.

  All of them then entered Kokonoi's car and drove off to a boutique to buy the clothes Konomi would be wearing.

Kokonoi: alright Konomi it's dress up time.

Ran: how about we choose dresses and you wear them so we can choose the best.

Konomi: fine.

Sanzu: sounds good.

Rindou: enough wasting time let's go in.

Ran: someone is excited.

Rindou: shut up.

   They all entered and the boutique and were greeted by the store attendant.

Attendant: good day welcome to Hinata's women's store how may I help you.

Kokonoi: where are the evening dresses?

Attendant: the last Isle.

Kokonoi: thank you.

Ran: (grabs Konomi) you heard her princess let's go.

   When they got to the isle they wasted no time in choosing clothes that they wanted Konomi to try on.

Kokonoi: (gives her two white dresses) here.

Ran: (gives her three dresses) try these.

Rindou: (gives her one dress) here.

Sanzu: take these (gives her two dresses).

Kokonoi: (pushes her into the changing room) now hurry up and try them on.

Konomi: fine.

  The first dress she tried on was one of Ran's, it was a red tight and long transparent silk dress, that only covered the chest and and the bottom.

Ran: (takes multiple pictures) I think you look stunning.

Konomi: are you crazy this thing is extremely tight and its transparent.

Ran: so?

Konomi: no.

Rindou: it's a no from me.

Sanzu: it's a yes for me.

Kokonoi: no.

Konomi: that settles it, not this one.

The next dress she tried was one of Kokonoi's, it was a emerald green, mermaid styled dress with alot of sparkles and stones.

Konomi: I feel like a Christmas tree.

Rindou: you look like a Christmas tree.

Kokonoi: (takes a picture) I think you look lovely.

Konomi: it's a bit too much for me I'mma pass Koko.

The next dress was one of Sanzu's, it was a grey mini dress with a super short flay skirt.

Sanzu: (takes a picture) love it.

Konomi: it's too short my panties are almost out and what if I sit down.

Ran: you don't see me complaining I think you should take it.

Rindou: she's not a stripper.

Kokonoi: it's to short.

Konomi: its a no

The next one was Rindou's. It was a long purple fitted long dress with long sleeves and an open back.

Konomi: so far this is the best.

Rindou: (takes a picture) so you'll take it?

Konomi: I didn't say that.

Ran: it's okay I guess.

Kokonoi: it's not too bad.

Sanzu: I still prefered mine.

Ran: just try on the rest of the dresses.

Konomi: okay.

She tried on the rest of the dresses but non of them met her standards so she decided to pick a dress herself.

Konomi: I'll try this one (picking out a black long dress and wears it in the changing room).

Ran: show us.

Konomi: (comes out with regular clothes).

Kokonoi: what?

Konomi: I'm taking the black dress.

Rindou: we didn't even see it.

Konomi: you'll see later.

Kokonoi: she has spoken pick some heels so we can go.

Konomi: I want silver.

Attendant: you have really small feet I'll check for your size in the back.

Konomi: thank you.

Attendant: (comes back with a pair of beautiful silver heels and a silver purse that comes with it) will these do.

Konomi: they're perfect thank you, Koko.

Kokonoi: yeah I'll pay.

Konomi: (gives the attendant her dress) thank you Kokonoi.

Kokonoi: no prob.

  After the attendant packaged the items Kokonoi payed and they left.
   By the time they got home and Konomi quickly ran to her room to get ready.

Konomi: shit I have only two hours to get ready (runs into the bathroom) better make this quick.

She quickly took a bath and washed her hair, when she came out she applied lotion and put on her dress, it was a beautiful black laced dress with short of shoulder sleeves and a slit on her right leg up to her thigh.
   She then put down her curly brown hair, brushes it and oiled it, then she put on red lipstick and dark eye shadow to complete the black dress, lastly she put on her shoe grabbed her purse and left the room.

    All the executives were already ready to leave thirty minutes before she was and were waiting for her in the parlor.
  Kokonoi was wearing a drak grey suit with a white shirt in and a grey tie.
    Sanzu was wearing a dark blue suit with a black shirt and blue tie.
    Ran was wearing a dark purple suit and a black shirt inside with a purple tie.
   Rindou was wearing a black suit with a purple shirt and a black tie.
   Takeomi was wearing a black suit with a light grey shirt and a black tie.
  Mochi was wearing a red suit with a black shirt and a red tie.
   Kakucho was wearing a dark grean suit with a white shirt and a green tie.
  Mikey was wearing a black suit with a black shirt and gray tie.

Rindou: she isn't ready yet?

Ran: it takes women longer to get ready, besides we still have enough time.

Kakucho: (sees the elevator doors open) here she comes.

Konomi: I'm sorry am I late.

Sanzu: (eyes widen) your.

Ran: (eyes widen) you.

Rindou: I.

Kokonoi: (breathed out) gorgeous.

Kakucho: wow.

Konomi: are you guys okay?

Takeomi: give us a sec we're trying to process this.

Mochi: she's a goddess.

Rindou: you look extremely stunning.

Ran: you could be the next miss world.

Sanzu: you look so hot right now.

Konomi: thank you guys.

Mikey: I agree you look lovely.

Konomi: thank you.

Mikey: alright let's go, Kokonoi.

Kokonoi: yes the limo is outside.

Konomi: limo?

Sanzu: we ordered one since we can't fit in a normal car (holds Konomi) let's go princess.

Konomi: right.

Then they all got in the limo and drove away.

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