Enchanted feelings

By GoldFlowerTears

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Isabela's life just got a lot more complicated, add a pretty girl and many unresolved feelings... What could... More

❤︎₊ ⊹


483 27 80
By GoldFlowerTears

Isabela sat on her bed trying to concentrate on the book currently on her hands but her mind kept wandering off.

It had been nearly three weeks since Elena's family returned and things were a little bit more complicated than she had expected.

Their planned secret encounters hadn't gotten through due to Alma's intense watch and her threats.

She had made it very clear that she wouldn't hesitate to speak with the Gomez' if Isabela didn't stay away Elena.

"Isa?" Mirabel's curls bounced as she poked her head in

Isabela was required to have her bedroom door open at all times thanks to her grandmother's new rules.

"Hey" Isabela glanced away from the unread pages to look at her

"I went to buy the fruit today" Mirabel softly closed the door behind her

"With the Rosas'?"

Alma wanted nothing to do with Elena's family and she had found a new place for their weekly shopping trips.

"Yeah" Mirabel sat next to her sister on the bed "But I passed by the Gomez' on my way there"

"Oh...was Elena there?" Isabela perked up, she hadn't seen her in many days.

Mirabel nodded with a smile "And she gave me this" she reached into her bag and pulled out a small card "For you"

"And I didn't read it by the way" Mirabel added with a chuckle "I know that I'm nosy but I'm not that nosy"

Isabela laughed lightheartedly "Right" she shook her head with a smile as she grabbed the card and began to read it.

I've missed you terribly so.
Your beautiful eyes
Your soft lips
Your gentle hands
I could continue but I'd never end
because well...
I miss everything about you.

Have a great day my princess
I'll try to see you soon.

Love you.

P.S. turn the card around.

Isabela's heart fluttered as she looked at the back of the card and found a photograph attached

"What's on there?" Mirabel tried to get a look but Isabela shielded it hastily "No!"

"You...can't see that" Isabela cheeks turned pink as she glanced back at the photograph

"Oh!" Mirabel burst out laughing "I think I've got an idea now"

Isabela grinned sheepishly and cautiously slipped the photograph inside her book, she'd make sure to hide it in a better place later...the last thing she needed was her grandmother finding a photograph of Elena in her undergarments.

"It's just a photo of Elena"

"Uh huh...what color was her dress?"

"Her dress? She isn't wea-" Isabela stopped herself after accidentally spilling more than she had intended "I uh..."

Mirabel snickered "Well, well, well"

Isabela shoved her sister away with a chuckle "Mirabel!"

Just then there was a knock on her door
"It's probably abuela to tell me to keep my door open"

"I'll get it"

Mirabel rapidly made her way to the door and barely pushed it open "Abuela she's fine I- oh it's you"


"As if! Come in Dolores"

"What are you two chatting about?" She grinned after Mirabel let her through "I've heard some laughs and giggles"

"Oh nothing interesting" Isabela bit her lip coyly

Dolores glanced at Mirabel "Is that so?"

Isabela chuckled and rolled her eyes at her little sister who was already dying to speak.

"She got a special photo" Mirabel muttered excitedly "from a special someone"

"Oh my" Dolores wiggled her eyebrows teasingly

"Okay you two" Isabela laughed "You're both so nosy!"

"Not nosy, I'd say that we are mere curios people" Dolores giggled

"I wholeheartedly agree with that"

"Of course you do Mira" Isabela shook her head still smiling

"So...are you planning on sending her something? I can take it to her later if you want" Mirabel offered

"Or you can give it to her yourself"

"Abuela barely lets me out to the garden" Isabela sighed "Ever since Elena's parents came back she has been extra vigilant"

"Mariano and I have a date today, I'll ask abuela if you can chaperone us"

"I don't think that her problem grandchild would be her choice of chaperoning" Isabela smiled sullenly


Isabela's lack of hope hadn't stopped Dolores from trying to convince Alma to let her tag along into town.

As Agustin and Julieta finished serving dinner Dolores glanced at her grandmother and cleared her throat


"Yes Dolores?"

"Mariano invited me to walk around the town later"

"Oh that's good, dear" Alma smiled approvingly, Mariano was a good match for her granddaughter...even though she had initially intended for Isabela and him to wed.
"Just one thing Dolores, since it'll be late take Luisa with you"

"I promised Mrs. Abelarda that I would help her move furniture around her house today"

"That's okay, then take Mirabel with you Dolores"

"I already made plans too"

"What if Isabela comes with me? You're free today right Isa?"

"I am"

Alma stared at her pointedly for a few seconds and then glanced at Dolores "Isabela is busy today, take Camilo with you instead"

"What plans do you have sweetie?" Julieta raised an eyebrow, knowing of her mothers antics.


Alma tapped her fingernails against the glass "You forgot about the plans Isabela?" She faked a polite smile "You're going to help me go through our old boxes remember? We have a lot of decluttering to do"

"Well Mamá I can help you with that" Julieta scowled at her mother from across the table "Isabela can go with Dolores"

"Well if that's what you want...but before that I just have to go quickly into town"

"What for?"

"To speak to the Gomez's of course" Alma sneered at Isabela "I mean it'd be rude of me not to explain why we no longer buy from them"

"Why don't we buy from them anymore?" Bruno asked suddenly curious "The fruit from the Rosas' is not as good as theirs"

"Yeah and why haven't we invited them for dinner? They returned weeks ago" Pepa looked at her mother  "Did something happen that we don't know of?"

Alma glanced at her oldest granddaughter "Nothing happened, the Rosas' stand is just closer to us.
And the Gomez' have been busy since their return once things settle down we might schedule dinner"

Pepa nodded seemingly satisfied with the answer

"So it's decided then sweetie?" Alma asked Isabela innocently "if you go, I'll walk with you girls to town so I can catch the Gomez' and have a talk"

That was a threat and Isabela understood it clearly.

"I'm feeling a little tired Dolores...I think it's best if Camilo accompanies you"

"Are you sure?" Dolores frowned

"You heard her" Alma shrugged "Take Camilo with you"


Everyone ate in silence as Alma didn't appear to be keen on talking anymore.

"I'm going to go change" Dolores informed her grandmother once she cleared her plate

"Very well"

"Isa help me pick out a dress?"


"Camilo you should change too" Alma looked at him "Wear something nice"

"I am wearing something nice! I don't have to change a single thing, everything is on point"

Alma shrugged unbothered "If you say so"

"Oh...maybe I should go change my socks" Camilo scrunched up his nose as he brought his feet up

"Milo! Feet off the table" Pepa chastised her son but couldn't help laughing.


"I'm sorry" Dolores sighed as she flopped down onto her bed "I thought that abuela would at least let you tag along us"

"It's okay" Isabela gave her a small smile "thank you for trying"

"Do you want me to deliver something to Elena?"

"Yes I-"

"Knock knock" Camilo interrupted them as he opened the door

"Can't you knock?" Dolores glared at her brother

"I said knock knock" Camilo smirked raising his hands defensively

"You're so annoying" Dolores threw a pillow at him

"Thank you" He chuckled and made his way further in the room

"What do you want Milo?"

"I was hoping I could talk to Isabela" Camilo glanced at her earnestly

"About?" Isabela turned her attention to him

"About today" Camilo started "You wanted to go out"

"It doesn't matter...I'll just go another day"

"You should go today"

"Milo...I'm feeling tired that's why-"

"I know that abuela hasn't been letting you go out" Camilo frowned "Every opportunity you have she just has an excuse on why you can't go"


Camilo raised a hand to stop her "Wait" He smiled before shapeshifting into her "Abuela will never know that you left"


"Isabela go be with your girlfriend"

Isabela's breath stopped short as she registered Camilo's words "H-How do you..."

Camilo chuckled "You told me what a great kisser Elena was, so I figured"

Isabela shook her head still shocked "No I...I told Mirabel that"

"Well...I kind of was in Mirabel's form that day" He looked at her sheepishly

"You've known all that time?"

"Yeah" He nodded "I didn't say anything before because I didn't want to rush you into talking about it"

"Are you...okay with it?"

"With you stealing my crush?" Camilo joked to cheer up the mood "I'm kidding" He smiled softly at her "Of course I'm okay with it, I love seeing my prima happy" He gave her a gentle nudge "And I'll always be here to support you, sabes que te quiero mucho verdad?"

Isabela smiled tenderly at him and embraced him in a tight hug "Milo...thank you, también te quiero mucho primito"

"Yeah yeah I'm great" He chuckled playfully still hugging her

When they finally parted he continued
"I'll go out the door with Dolores so abuela sees us, and then I'll climb through your window okay? And you can sneak out. I'll stay in your form here in the house"

"Are you sure? You don't have to do this if you don't want to"

"I get to snoop around some hidden stuff I say that's a win win"

"Thank you again Camilo" Isabela couldn't stop smiling "I'll go get ready"


As planned Isabela sneaked out without a trace.

And met up with Dolores near the river, it was a little funny all that she was wearing over her dress in order to go unnoticed by the people in town.

Alma knew most of the families in Encanto and if she decided to question around about Isabela's recent appearances in town they would gladly tell her the exact date and time.

"She won't find out" Dolores reassured her "Camilo will keep her suspicions away"

Isabela nodded still feeling a little nervous "At what time should we meet back here?"

"In about three hours...does that sound good to you?"

"It's great" She grinned, happy to see Elena after almost three weeks. She would make the most out of those hours.



"Have a good time okay?"

"I will, and you too"

Isabela felt giddy as she made her way to the Gomez' fruit stand, she could see Elena organizing the scattered produce on the tables.

The Gomez' were in deep conversation with a young man when she stopped by so Elena was the one to greet her

"Good afternoon, what would you be taking today miss?" Elena barely looked up

"You, please"

Elena's eyes widened at the sound of Isabela's voice and she immediately crossed around the tables to give her a hug

"Hi my love" She whispered softly into her ear

"Hi princess" Elena let her go to look into her eyes "I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too" Isabela sighed still holding onto her hands

"I wish I could kiss you right now"

"Elena" Mrs. Gomez called out for her daughter who to them appeared to be holding hands with a stranger

"Mamá, look who's here" Elena excitedly pulled Isabela over to greet her parents.

"Oh hey Isabela! I didn't recognize you for a moment" Mrs. Gomez chuckled "Trying out a new look?"

"Hi señora y señor Gomez" Isabela politely shook their hands "Yeah...this is a new look"

"Well it looks great" Mr. Gomez smiled "We haven't seen you around in a bit, you and Elena used to be attached to the hip"

"She's been busy with important matters papá" Elena looked at her father "I've told you before"

He nodded understandingly "I hope to soon see your family too"

"We are almost done here, then we'll go home and have a little family game night" Mrs. Gomez grinned "Would you like to join us mija?"

"I don't want to impose on your time as a family"

"You are Elena's best friend, you're more than welcome in this family" Mrs. Gomez smiled "And I'm pretty sure that my daughter by now sees you as a sister, isn't that right honey?"

"Oh...um" Elena flushed bright red
and her mother raised an eyebrow confused

"Uh yeah! Totally, she's like the sister I've always wanted" Elena quickly managed

"You see?" Mrs. Gomez grinned affectionally at Isabela "We'd love for you to go"

Isabela smiled "Then I'm more than happy to"


Just half an hour later and they had closed off and packed up to the Gomez' home.

Elena almost slammed her door closed before kissing Isabela fervidly 

"Thank you for the photograph love" Isabela whispered in between kisses "You looked ethereally beautiful"

Elena smiled against her lips

"Girls! The snacks are ready" Mrs. Madrigal shouted from the hallway

"We should go" Isabela smiled

"But I have my snack here" Elena pouted playfully

"Oh my god" Isabela laughed and pecked her girlfriend's adorable pout

"Hurry because Ricky is devouring everything!" Mrs. Gomez called again

"Alright let's go" Elena chuckled and held Isabela's hand "Want to be in my team?"


"Finally you're here" Ricky grinned with a mouthful once they made their way down

"Oh what lipstick did you two put on? Your lips are so red and puffy" Mrs. Gomez glanced at them completely oblivious of the actual events.

Ricky almost chocked trying to control his impending laughter

"Oh...em it's a new one" Elena coughed out

"I like it, it looks good on you two"

"Thanks mom...um are we going to start playing soon?

"Your father can't find our board games" Mrs.Gomez scratched her forehead "I was certain that we put them in the storage room"

"Yeah maybe they're in-"

A sudden loud knock made them all flinch

Isabela glanced nervously at her girlfriend

"I'll go get it" Ricky dusted off his shirt before heading to the door and opening it
"Huh?" He gave his mother a confused look

"Who is it mijo?"

"There's no one" Ricky glanced around but there was no one outside...just an envelope on the floor.

He picked it up and carefully scanned it "It says that it's for you and dad" Ricky handed the envelope to his mother with a shrug

"Mamá" Elena's eyes fell on the bright yellow envelope with the three L.D.M. bold letters scribbled on it and her heartbeat began to race "Don't open that"

"Why not mija?"

"Please just don't open it" Elena pleaded with her mother.

"Elena it's just an envelope, I know that you have read too many books about crimes and conspiracies"

"No mom I-" Elena shook her head and tried to pry it away from her mother's hands.

"Elena stop" Mrs. Gomez frowned "What is it with you?"

"There's something inside...s-something you might not understand"

She looked at her daughter with raised eyebrows "How do you know what's inside?"

"Because it has something to do with me" Elena looked at the ground anxiously

"Does it have something to do with you asking us to come back sooner from Mexico? You told us it was because you missed us...did something else happen?"

Elena tried to say something else to her mother, something that would convince her not to open the envelope...but she knew that it was pointless.

Mrs. Gomez took out the letter and began to read it, Elena's heart pounded in her ears and Isabela's chest felt tight.

For a moment Mrs. Gomez didn't react, she just stared blankly at the photographs...the same ones Alma had received.


"This can't be" She shakily took a seat in the couch "Elena how could you've done this?" Angry tears filled Mrs. Gomez' eyes "This is a sin"

Isabela softly took Elena's trembling hand in her own.

"I... l-love her mamá, why is it wrong?"

Mrs. Gomez shook her head incredulously "It's disgusting! How can you call this love?" She tore a photograph at her feet with repugnance

"Mom" Ricky approached her ready to step up for his sister

"And you" Mrs. Gomez pointed at him "You better keep your mouth shut about this okay? Not a word to your father" She stood up at once and paced around the living room "I'll fix this. I'll fix everything"

"You can't fix me mamá" Elena glanced at Isabela looking for comfort in her eyes "I love her and I'll always do"

"No Elena, you're young and confused. Soon you'll realize how wrong your actions are"

"Mrs. Gomez I-" Isabela started to speak but Mr. Gomez suddenly walked into the living room with a questioning expression and the room fell silent.

"I heard shouting what's going on?"

"Nothing" Mrs. Gomez quickly answered giving her children a warning look "We were just deciding the teams and got a little too loud"

"Oh that's great because I have the board games now"

"Wonderful but...sadly Isabela has to get going, apparently her parents didn't give her permission to stay out late"

"Oh then you should get going mija, wouldn't want your parents to get mad" He gave her a kind smile "Want Elena to walk you home?"

Mrs. Gomez gritted her teeth "She can make her way back home alone, honey"

"Do you want me to stay?" Isabela looked at Elena tenderly "I'll be by your side no matter what"

Elena glanced at her mother and then back at her girlfriend, she didn't want Isabela having to deal with more problems if she could help it.

"No princess, I think it's best if you go home...I'll be okay"

"Elena I-"

"Please sunshine"

"Okay" Isabela nodded, she felt guilty for leaving but she had to respect Elena's wishes.

"We will figure it out" Elena whispered her promise again as she watched Isabela go.


Isabela walked home feeling terrible, her heart ached in an awful way.

She was too lost in her thoughts to notice that someone was walking behind her.

"Hi there stranger"

Isabela reflexively trapped the person with her strong vines before realizing who it was

"Katy! Sorry I..." She quickly made the vines disappear and helped her get her footing.

"Hey it's okay" Katy chuckled "It's my fault for sneaking in on you, I should've learned from when we were kids"

Isabela tried a smile but she couldn't, her sadness was evident as much as she tried to hide it.

"Isa? Is everything okay?" Katy looked at her with concern

"I'm okay I just need to get home"

"Something happened" Katy frowned "I know when you lie Isa"

"It's none of your business. Just leave me alone Katy" Isabela glared, misplacing her anger.

"Oh...I'm sorry I'll go" Katy turned to walk away downcast

and Isabela sighed "Wait Katy, forgive me...there's something going on and I'm not feeling good right now"

"Do...you want to talk about it?"

Isabela shook her head and Katy nodded "How about we sit down for a bit?"

"Okay" Isabela didn't really want to go home yet, her grandmother's grasp was suffocating her.

Katy took her hand and led her to the soft grass near the river "Here" she sat down and waited for Isabela to do the same "We used to come here a lot when we were kids remember?"

"Yeah, it was nice"
Isabela watched the water flow with their memories, happy ones in the mix for once.

"I miss those days when we didn't have that many problems"

Isabela glanced at her with a tiny nod "Life was easier"

"I mean...I guess that you didn't have it as easy as I did"


"You know" Katy looked down "about what you told me"

"What did I tell you?"

"That you liked girls"

"That was a joke" Isabela tried as her heartbeat began to quicken "Remember?"

"Isabela..." Katy sighed "Laura told me everything about your tendencies before I left encanto all those years ago. You really did like me, that's why I got away from you"

Isabela's eyes began to glimmer with a hint of tears, she couldn't help it, it had been a dreadful couple of weeks and she was exhausted of the world seeing her as a nothing more than a freak.

"Hey no" Katy quickly shook her head "I didn't mean it like that"

She whispered softly as she gently wiped off the tears from her face "I understand it now" her hands tenderly caressed Isabela's cheeks "trust me I do"

Katy was getting closer and her warm breath hit her lips .

"Isabela I-" the air suddenly shifted between them as Katy locked eyes with her and before Isabela could realize what was occurring...

Katy leaned in and kissed her.

Isabela tried to push her away immediately but Katy held onto her for a couple of seconds trying to deepen the kiss, she had half a mind to process what had happened when her eyes landed on someone standing in front of them.

And the look of devastation made Isabela's heart drop.

"Elena wait!"

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