Blood And Fire

By stephenpaolini1

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In a world where vampires seek to enslave humans and use them as cattle for the slaughter, one force stands i... More

Blood And Fire
Chapter 2- A Vampiress and Her Kill
Chapter 3-Campfire Stories
Chapter 4-Highland Den
Chapter 5-The Catacombs
Chapter 6-Vampire Patrols
Chapter 7-Dragon Mating
Chapter 8-Vlad
Chapter 9-Wysteria Island
Chapter 10-Nick's Dream
Chapter 11-Lyra and Skyhalla
Chapter 12-Dinner With Vlad
Chapter 13-Koalpan Bend
Chapter 14-Port of Frios
Chapter 15-Surprise Attack!
Chapter 16-Nakira's Flashback
Chapter 17-Drake's Memories
Chapter 18-Crow Master Raven
Chapter 19-A Spy In Our Midst
Chapter 20-Trouble At Koalpan Bend
Chapter 21-Strange Magic
Chapter 22-Vision Quest
Chapter 23-Leo
Chapter 24-Funeral Pyre
Chapter 25-Superfast
Chapter 26-Villains in the North
Chapter 27-Skiwa Stories
Chapter 28-Bath in the River
Chapter 29-Pixie Kin
Chapter 30-Antoine and Raven
Chapter 31-Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Chapter 32-Interrogation Techniques
Chapter 33-Richard
Chapter 34-Vlad's Journal
Chapter 35-Origins of Evil
Chapter 36-Shark vs. Vampire
Chapter 37-Pop
Chapter 38-Misty Flight
Chapter 39-Disturbing Dinner
Chapter 40-Raven's Nightmare
Chapter 41-Bed&Breakfast
Chapter 42-On the Road Again
Chapter 43-Cosette
Chapter 44-Mortimus
Chapter 45-Strange Bedfellows
Chapter 46-Necromancy Rites
Chapter 47-The City of Aldin
Chapter 48-Memories...
Chapter 49-Transformation
Chapter 50-Call to Arms
Chapter 51-The Living Dead
Chapter 52-The Enforcers of Aldin
Chapter 53-Wicked Laughter
Chapter 54-Two Separate Attacks
Chapter 55-The Red Dragon
Chapter 56-King Louis IV
Chapter 57-Almost There
Chapter 58-Crispy Critters
Chapter 59-Finnigan's Back Story
Chapter 60-Talon Claw
Chapter 61-Pyronius Help Me
Chapter 62-Cosette's Back Story
Chapter 63-Dragon Blood
Chapter 64-Air&Ground Forces
Chapter 65-Go Get Help!
Chapter 66-Nakira's Predicament
Chapter 67-Tea With Malthor
Chapter 68-Confounded Snow
Chapter 69-Fighting the Plague
Chapter 70-Pop's Speech
Chapter 71-Squawk
Chapter 72-Dog Fights
Chapter 73-Status Check
Chapter 75-Burn It All!
Chapter 76-A Day of Days
Chapter 77-Cat Woman
Chapter 78-Reunited?
Thank You For Reading!
Sneak Peek into Awakenings and Retributions: Volume 2 of The Draconos Saga

Chapter 74-Antoine the Gargoyle

65 13 6
By stephenpaolini1


Raven's blood-filled eyes are seeing through the eyes of less of her flock with each passing moment.  The physical pain of the death of each bird is passed on to the snowy-haired Crow Master.  Raven has experienced death many times over since fulfilling her contract with Vlad.

     Another shudder passes through her petite body as another group of crows is incinerated by the searing dragons' breath.  Raven's own flesh remains intact even as the sensations of blistering skin make her feel as if her body is engulfed in flames.  She screams out in pain and manages to peck out the eyeball of a dragon man, forcing him to release his reins and fall from his mount, plunging to his death.  A small smile forms across the Skiwa woman's lips at her small victory.

     It is short-lived, however, and soon that connection is severed as well.  She now only has several dozen avian left under her control.  She must alert Antoine.  The last of her forces will be destroyed in a matter of minutes.

     I am on my way.  The voice of the amber-eyed warlord enters her mind.

     But how?  She thinks.  It is Antoine. She is sure of it.

     That is not important now; Antoine's thoughts ring loud and clear in Raven's mind.  I am entering the sewers now.  We have to leave.

     Raven is down to only a few snowy owls now and the link with her last Roc is severed as a dragon crushes its skull in powerful jaws.

     Antoine is stepping down the ladder from the uncovered manhole.  Snow is falling down into the sewers, a testament to the flurries of the night storm.  The wind howls loudly and a nearby structure fire sizzles and crackles as the town hall groans and collapses.

     Antoine and Raven are safe for the moment in the depths of the sewers.  As the warlord vampire reaches Raven and places a hand upon her shoulder, the last of her flock is destroyed and the blood filled eyes start to lose their crimson sheen and return to their natural violet hue.

     Disoriented after the lapse in her spell and drained from controlling so many birds and experiencing so much death, Raven collapses into Antoine's arms.  The amber-eyed vampire easily supports the diminutive woman's form.  He reaches deep within his mind to summon his powers.

     Antoine is over 300 years old and his time as a vampire on Draconos has allowed him to develop talents well above those of a new blood child.

     Each vampire, if they exist long enough, will find they have certain inherent abilities that separate them from others of their kind.  All of the Night Spawn have the same rudimentary powers:  superhuman strength, the ability to grow fangs and claws at will that are stronger than steel.  As a vampire ages, however, they start to discover differing skill sets that emerge over time.  Some may develop the inter-species transformation ability, others may harness the powers of the Ooze to wield necromancy abilities.  Still others can alter their own form.

     Antoine's talent lies in this last category.  While Vlad has mastered the shape shifting into a flowing mist, and others have been able to mimic a favorite animal, Antoine has designed a creature of his own creation.

     Closing his eyes to envision his design, Antoine clears his mind of all other thoughts.  He sees the gothic edifice rising to the angry skies.  As a flash of lightning strikes the rod upon the highest tower, the dramatic light shines fiercely upon the sinister form guarding the building from its high perch.  The stony demon stares indifferently upon the city as the thunder billows its calamity.

     Antoine's body convulses, jarring the fainted Raven to a semi-conscious state.  She peers up as his face contorts and starts to shift.  Tearing flesh sounds as the vampire's form grows in bulk.  A distinct splitting noise is followed by giant, bat-like wings sprouting from Antoine's back.

     Raven screams shrilly and fights to free herself from the monster that is forming before her.  Muscular arms black as night hold Raven in place.  The demon lowers its horned head to her and speaks.

     "It is I, Antoine.  Stop your thrashings and be still whilst I finish my transformation."  The leathery, black wings beat once, twice, as they test their strength.

     At this, Raven loses consciousness again and sags into the beastly thing that claims to be Antoine.  The living gargoyle takes this opportunity to put the finishing touches on its appearance.  The stony eyes transform with a glowing amber hue that stands out fiercely in its otherwise midnight complexion.

     "Hold on, my sweet," the feral beast snarls at its sleeping beauty.  Looking up the manhole at the blizzard above, Antoine crouches down one horned knee cap and shoves off the sewer's dank floors with immense, taloned feet.  His broad armored shoulders obliterate the concrete reinforced ring of the manhole as his powerful body bursts into the wintry sky.

     Thousands of undead Blood Children shriek as their creator beats demonic wings at the snowy skies and flees toward the frigid Northern Sea.

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