A Promise Made Long Ago

By zaidaw75

49.3K 3.5K 594

May the sun bring you new energy by day May the moon softly restore you by night May the rain wash away your... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Flashback Lotus Pier
We Care About you
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 9

1.5K 107 8
By zaidaw75

Things slowly started to get better. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan often found themselves sparring on the training grounds. Which was always a delight to Wei Ying. Wei Ying found that not all promises are meant to be broken. People will love and except you for you are. He found that he didn't need to hold back where the Lan brothers were concerned. Instead they will always encourage him. Push him to do better and he loves it. Whenever they would walk around in Caiyi town and the young maidens would shyly steal glances at Lan Zhan he would tease him. " Lan Zhan look they can't help but fall inlove with your beauty. Ah it must be so hard being so beautiful and irresistible". He laughs throwing his head back. Lan Zhan just glared at him. " Wei Ying behave". He said. " But Lan Zhan they were all looking at you and you didn't even spare them a glance. How rude". Wei Ying said with a big smile on his face which makes Lan Zhan's heart skip a beat.

Many days the three would find themselves in the backhills playing with the bunnies and enjoying the calm and serene quietness of the cloud Recess. One day Xichen informs them that his friend and his brother would be visiting. Wei Ying was curious because since he have been here he has not met any of their friends so he was a bit excited to meet them. So on the day of said visit he, Lan Zhan and Xichen were waiting at the top of the stairs when he saw two young men came up the stairs. One is build like a boulder which Wei Ying immediately concluded that he is surely a alpha and the other Wei Ying guess must be his younger brother. When they reached them they all bowed towards each other in greeting. Xichen then introduced them to him. " Wei Ying this is friend and his little brother. Mingjue and Huaisang. A-Jue and A-Sang this is Wei Ying my uncles adopted ward".
Wei Ying gave them both a big smile and a wave of the hand. Which A-Sang return with his own hand wave. Mingjue and Xichen took the lead while the three followed behind them. The two brothers went and greeted the sect Leader and Lan Qiren before the five of them made their way towards the Gentian house where Xichen now reside since his father had moved into the hanshi.

Once they arrived Xichen went and put on some water to brew some tea while the others took their seats around the low table. " So you are master Lan adopted ward. Xichen told me about you". Mingjue asked Wei Ying. Wei Ying in return just smile and nods his head. A-Sang watch him over his fan. Trying to figure out where he'd seen Wei Ying before until it strike him and he couldn't helped himself but to asked in a apologetic voice. " I'm sorry to asked but were you not the Jiang sect leaders ward. I know that I have seen you there during the times my brother drag me there for discussion conferences". Wei Ying's face fell and he answered. "Yes but things had change". " A-Sang do you have no manners. Don't just asked such personal questions". His brother chaste him. Which make him hide himself behind his fan and said in a small voice. " But da-ge I didn't mean anything by that. I was just curious". He said to his brother not missing how Lan Zhan is glaring at him probably planning his death by the looks he is giving him and that just makes him hide himself further behind the fan. " Ah its fine. I don't mind I would've done the same thing". Wei Ying said. " Wei Ying". Lan Zhan said and he knows what he means. " Really Lan Zhan it's fine. I know he didn't mean anything by that. So don't blame him oriaat". So to change the topic as Xichen came with the tea he asked A-Sang about his fan. Which turn into a whole conversation of his love for painting and exotic birds. Wei Ying in turn told him that he also love to paint and sketch and not long the two are in deep conversation. The other three just looks at them.

They had a lovely day. It turns out that A-Sang was an omega. Wei Ying should have known and his brother is very protective over him. They become fast friends promising to write to each other and visit each other. A-Sang promise to paint a personal fan for Wei Ying that brought a big smile to Wei Ying's face telling him that he can't wait to see it. They said goodbye promise to meet up again. After that the two brothers left. Wei Ying stood there smiling and still waving after the two departing. Xichen and Lan Zhan were just glad that he is finally starting to come into himself. He has been smiling and laughing more to their delight. He's been also a great tease which Lan Zhan can attest to of course.

Wei Ying and A-Sang kept their promise and write to each other often. A-Sang send the promise fan a few weeks later. A beautiful white ivory fan with the most beautiful landscape painted on it. He ran to Lan Zhan and showed him. Eyes glistening and a full teeth smile on his face.
" It's beautiful Wei Ying". He said.
" Thanks Lan Zhan. Who knew A-Sang could paint so beautifully. I wonder what I could give him in return. You know just to say thank you for such a beautiful gift. What do you think Lan Zhan. What should I get him". Wei Ying asked him excitedly. " Whatever Wei Ying wishes. I believe he would appreciate anything". Lan Zhan answered him. " Ah Lan Zhan you are of no help. Maybe I should asked Xichen - ge?". Wei Ying said more to himself then to Lan Zhan. " Come Lan Zhan let's go to Ciaya. I want some emperors smile". He grab his arm and drag him with him down the stairs.

When they arrived. Wei Ying immediately went to a inn Lan Zhan in tow. When they step inside the inn owner came immediately over asking if they want a table and when Wei Ying said yes he showed them to one.
" What can I bring for the two young masters". He asked. " Two jars of emperors smile and a pot of your best tea please". Wei Ying answered and the inn owner nods his head before he scurry away to get the order.
" Lan Zhan when will you ever drink a cup of wine with me. You know emperors smile is the best wine that I have ever tasted and I have taste a lot. You don't know what you're missing out on". Wei Ying said to Lan Zhan who in turn said. " Wei Ying drinking is forbidden. Wei Ying should not break the rules". Wei Ying throws his head back and laughs a hearty laugh at Lan Zhan. " Ah Lan Zhan you are way to serious and by the way we are not in the Cloud Recess now. So technically I'm not breaking any rules". He told Lan Zhan who just looks at him fondly and shakes his head. " Ah my Lan Zhan is always so serious". Wei Ying said. After a while the inn owner came with their order and also some sweets which Wei Ying grately appreciate and he thanks the man.

Lan Zhan poured himself some tea while Wei Ying just drank straight from the jar. Wei Ying talked about anything and everything and Lan Zhan just listen patiently to him. Wei Ying's arms moves animately as he talks. The two enjoyed each other's company. When Wei Ying was on his second jar Lan Zhan was most finished with his tea. " Lan Zhan do you ever think that maybe you deserve someone beter. Someone worthy of you. Someone who will love you unconditionally. Someone just as beautiful as you are. I mean I'm not bad looking but do you ever think about". Wei Ying suddenly asks Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan thought for a moment before he answered. " Does Wei Ying think about it". " Yes sometimes I wonder if I'm not holding you back. That out there is someone more worthy than me. Someone who can give you so much more than I can". Wei Ying answered him while taking another big gulp from his jar. " Wei Ying you are not holding me back. Don't Wei Ying want this betrothal?". He asked him. " I don't know Lan Zhan. I don't think that I deserve you".
He groans while rubbing his hands over his face. " I really don't know Lan Zhan. Sometimes I just think all these things. But don't mind me come lets go". He once again said. Lan Zhan didn't answer him. If Wei Ying doesn't want this then he shouldn't keep him bound to him. Wei Ying deserves to be happy with whoever will make him happy even if it's not with him. He should talk to uncle and father about this. They walked out of the inn and make their way towards the Cloud Recess in total silence. Not even Wei Ying is cracking a joke both of them deep in thought. Who am I to hold Lan Zhan back from finding his happiness his true love. It wouldn't be fair towards him. Wei Ying thought to himself while he steal a glance at Lan Zhan.

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