The last nymph- Paul Lahote (...

By Wolf-Girl98

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"My business is... because right before my family left... I promised Edward that I will look after you! My bu... More

New Moon: Cast
Chapter 1: Happy Birthay Bella
Chapter 2: Bloody birthay party
Chapter 4: The pack
Chapter 5: Desicion and moving
Chapter 6: Looking for Bella
Chapter 7: Months went by
Chapter 8: My family is gone because of you!
Chapter 9: Imprinted
Chapter 10: I'm sorry
Chapter 11: Motorbikes
Chapter 12: Face punch
Chapter 13: An eye for an eye
Chapter 14: Wolf's out of the bag
Chapter 15: Victoria
Chapter 16: Mom?
Chapter 17: The Volturi
Chapter 18: Jacob what have you done?!
Chapter 19: It's for her own good
Eclipse: Cast
Chapter 20: Vision of a trouble
Chapter 21: The bitch is back
Chapter 22: I missed you
Chapter 23: Protection detail and stories
Chapter 24: Are you out of you fucking mind Jacob!?
Chapter 25: Rosalie's story
Chapter 26: Gratuation and party
Chapter 27: Training with the pack
Chapter 28: Preparation
Chapter 29: Campsite
Chapter 30: Battle
Chapter 31: Over my dead body
Breaking dawn part 1: Cast
Chapter 32: Wedding preparation
Chapter 33: Ceremony
Chapter 34: Reception
Chapter 35: Something impossible
Chapter 36: The hybrid and the pack
Chapter 37: Broken treaty and bones
Chapter 38: Emily
Chapter 39: The plan
Chapter 40: Renesmee
Chapter 41: The truth
Breaking dawn part 2: Cast
Chapter 42: You imprinted on my daughter?!
Chapter 43: Charlie
Chapter 44: Immortal children
Chapter 45: Meeting the pack
Chapter 46: Gathering witnesses
Chapter 47: Its time to fight! No more running!
Chapter 48: Bella's shield
Chapter 49: Christmas pre-battle
Chapter 50: The red coats are coming...
Chapter 51: The war
Chapter 52: The end
Bonus Chapter 1: True happiness
Bonus chapter 2: Happily ever after

Chapter 3: Sammy?

19.8K 480 13
By Wolf-Girl98

The Cullen family had been gathered around the living room, except for Seraphina, who Alice and Jasper asked for her to be in her room, and they were arguing.

Everyone but Rosalie were trying to dissuade Edward from the catastrophic mistake he was thinking of making.

He barely closed the front door after returning from dropping Bella off at her house when they all bombarded him.

He tossed his keys into the basket and stalked into the living room.

"She isn't safe around us anymore."

"We just have to learn, Edward." Alice told him softly.

"So in the meantime we'll just risk it?!" He snapped.

Carlisle sighed and crossed his arms.

They'd been in Forks for seven years already and soon people were going to wonder why they all weren't aging, except for Seraphina.

"We will have to move soon either way. The staff at the hospital is starting to notice that I am not aging."

What neither of the Cullen knew was that Seraphina was by the stairs listening them.

Alice looked at him "W-W-What? You want us to leave? Again?"

"We've been here long enought..."

"What about Ina, Carlisle? We can't just leave her again! We did it once, when she was younger, but she didn't understood back then, but now..." Alice told him.

"Can't we just take her with us?" Esme asked her husband sadly.

She didn't wanted to leave her granddaughter behind again.

Carlisle sigh sadly and he shook his head "We can't."

"Why the hell not?" Jasper asked him harshly.

He left his little girl once, he didn't wanted to do it again.

"Her powers are coming from here. She is stronger here in Forks, because her ancestors are coming from here. And Bella is her Protected, she would want to stay and protect her, she wouldn't want to leave." Carlisle explained to them.

By now Seraphina had tears in her eyes, her family was leaving again.

She remembered the time they left for the first time. She was around ten at the time and she lived with Billy Black for a few months almost a year, until they come back.

She could feel the hot tears trailing down her face.

Emmett frowned at the thought of leaving his niece behind and bowed his head, breaking the silence "So... how much longer do you think we can stay?"

"A few months at most." Carlisle spoke softly "We'll stay near our relatives, the Denali's-"

Suddenly a figure moved down the stairs quickly making everyone to look towards it.

"Seraphina?" Alice called, as she stood up from the couch with the others as they all run outside "Ina?!" She yelled.

"Seraphina?!" Jasper yelled looking around for his daughter, but she was no where to be found.

Seraphina was running fast through the woods of Forks. Tears were clouding her sight, making her stummble a few times.

But that didn't stopped her as she kept on running towards the treaty line. Without thinking much she jumped over it.

But before she hit the forest floor on the other side, something hard and heavy hit her on the side.

Seraphina yelped as she fall hard on the floor with something heavy on top of her holding her down.

She opened her eyes and gasped once she saw what was on top of her.

It was a huge dark brown wolf staring down at her with his teeth on full display.

Out of instinct Seraphina moved her hand to her side as her eyes glowed bright blue, and she used her water powers to sent the wolf away from her.

The wolf yelped when it hit the tree.

She quickly got to her feet and looked at the wolf with wide eyes.

Billy never told her that a new generation of shifters had shifted again.

It has been a long time since a Quileute had shifted, so she was very shocked when she saw the huge wolf.

She heard the legends from Billy, but she never actually saw one before.

The wolf continued to growl at the girl, as she continued backing away from him.

"B-B-Back off!" She screamed in fright.

The wolf growled at her, and was ready to attack her again, when a very familiar voice stopped him.

"Jared! Back down!"

Seraphina's eyes widen even more when she recognized that deep voice, hell she grew up with that voice.

She slowly turned around and there he stood.

Tall, with long rounded muscled, copper skin, chopped black hair and those deep brown eyes.

Seraphina noticed another boy behind him, but her main focus was on him, the person who she hasn't seen for maybe four years, ever since she stopped needing a babysiter.

Her best friend, her big brother, Sam Uley.

"Seraphina?" He asked shocked as he walked closer to her.

"Sammy?" She whispered still shocked to see him.

But when she saw that dashing smile she instantly knew.

"Sammy!" She yelled as she ran into his arms hugging him tightly.

Sam let out a laugh as he hugged the girl he used to babysit when she was a little girl.

He missed her a lot over the years, since she grew up and barely visited La Push, so to see her here was a shock to the man.

"I didn't know he could laugh. Did you?" One of the boys asked the other one, as the two of them watch their Alpha laughting with wide eyes.

That was something very new for them.

Sam overheard them and glared at the boys, which shut them off.

He then looked down at the girl in his arms "What's going on Ina? What are you doing here?" He asked her, as they moved away from their hug.

Seraphina looked down at her feet as she felt like she would cry again.

"I had to get away from home. I'm sorry that i just... showed up like that I didn't mean to scare you guys. And I didn't know that there were any wolves around... Billy never told me that you had shifted..." She said as she looked at Sam and then at the boys next to him.

"It's okay Ina, but why did you just run off? Everything okay?" Sam asked her in consern.

She looked at him with sad eyes "My family, they want to leave again." She cried out as she hugged him again and cried into his chest.

Sam looked down at her and then towards his pack mates, that looked just as shocked as him.

"Hey." He softly whispered as he pulled away from the hug "Why don't we go home and you will explain everything. You look like you need some tea and maybe something to eat. My fiancee can make you something if you want?"

She looked at him confused at the mention fiancee, but nodded her head.

Sam put his arm around her and led her towards his house, with the boys behind them.

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