Lessons in love

By joanne_fan

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After a small and silly comment blew up in the suggwell household, joe and diannes worst ever argument ended... More

chapter 1- dont you think this is the best thing to do?
chapter 2- those initial coping mechanisms
chapter 3- breaking the ice
chapter 4- that awkward first meeting
chapter 5- anger
chapter 6- what broken ankle?
chapter 7- vivid memories
chapter 8- it was him
chapter 10- giving up on fate
chapter 9- isn't it crazy how the world works?
chapter 11- maybe i was wrong
chapter 12- merry christmas Joseph
chapter 13- this is real
chapter 14- its been 3 weeks
chapter 15- and then their lives were changed forever
chapter 17- every problem can be solved
chapter 18- building from the bottom up
chapter 16- an all important phone call
chapter 19- those early pregnancy symptoms
chapter 20- when will this get better?
chapter 21- i cant do this without you
chapter 22- you're denying the fact that you're in love
chapter 23- that magical moment
chapter 24- the news is out
chapter 25- tension at the worst of times
chapter 26- honesty is the best policy
chapter 27- here we go again
chapter 28- alone
chapter 29- changes
chapter 30- all those special feelings all over again
chapter 31- developments
chapter 33- we cant keep doing this
chapter 34- turning points
chapter 35- deeper on a new level
chapter 36- only 3 months to go
chapter 37- room renovations
chapter 38- i love you part two
chapter 39- going off into the big world
chapter 40- this couldn't of happened any other time
chapter 41- not now
chapter 42- shes here
epilogue- and they all lived happily ever after

chapter 32- i..love..you

162 2 1
By joanne_fan

Please meet me at the pink beachhut on the beach in half an hour. Ive got something for you xxx

And so joe stood at the pink beach hut waiting for her but as standard she was late. She had told him that morning when she woke up that she was going on a little solo shopping trip but unknown to him that was a little lie. She hadn't gone shopping and infact had gone to another scan. Her gender reveal scan.
She had decide not to tell him, or let him come along with him, so that she could surprise him like this. Now it was all playing out. The surprise she had been planning in her hesd for the past week was about to happen and so a little later than she had told him, she walked along the seafront towards him and the pink beachhut with a small white box in a hand.

"Where are all your shopping bags? Did you buy anything?"
That was his first question as he wrapped her up in his arms, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

"No...but let me explain. Shall we go and sit down?"
She took his hand, going into the pebbles, where he instantly got protective seeing his now 19 week pregnant girlfriend walk on such an uneven surface, but they eventually found a quiet spot and sat uncomfortably on the stones. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was eachother.

"I may or may not of lied to you a little bit"
She began making joe wonder. Where had she really been? She definitely hadn't been shopping.

"Ok...where have you been?"
He asked her nervously.

"I've had a scan"
He knew she was due her next one at around 20 weeks and she was 19 weeks now, but she hadn't said anything about it being booked, but obviously she had already had it. It seemed sometimes she liked to have moments like this alone. Having an ultrasound was quite an intimate thing and so sometimes she liked to be on her own depending on how she felt. He thought it let more of a balance into their relationship which was one of the qualities they had said was important in any relationship. Balance. Even though they had now got to a stage where they had crossed their most important barriers and had their sex life back, it was still important that they spent some time apart to keep balance in their relationship. For dianne, this was one of those things.

"And they've told me the gender"
This changed everything. This was along with the first scan, probably the most important.

"So you know?"
He asked her, a smile growing on his face as she nodded.
To know the gender of their baby would be a huge thing. They could finally start planning more in depth and talk about names and buy more clothes and think about what bedroom they would like for them. It was a big moment.

"I've got this cake"
In the white box she held in her hands, was a singular cupcake. It was a simple vanilla sponge with some white icing piped onto the top.

"And inside theres icing and it will be pink for a girl and blue for a boy, so when you bite into it, you'll find out if they are a boy or a girl"
She said smiling as she already knew. She knew joe would be so happy. They both would be happy no matter who they child was or turned out to be, as long as they were happy and healthy, that's all the wanted but dianne knew joe would just be the best dad and to watch him with her child would just be amazing.

"Do you want to see the pictures first?"
She asked him, pulling the long strip of pictures from her bag, showing him the picture which was so much more crisp and pristine than last time. Their baby was developing so well. They were exactly where they needed to be for this stage. Still very small, but they were growing and was for sure going to be the tiniest little raspberry when they arrive in september. Their due date was just a week after Joe's birthday, the 16th september and they couldn't wait. They didn't realistically have long to go. Just over half way, or less.....
It felt like she took that test so long ago. The test that changed her life so much. Soon they would have this whole human to care for, for the rest of their lives that they could love. And they had to prepare for this arrival. They would need to buy clothes, sort out a room, organise everything before they arrived.

"I definitely think they're a boy"
He smiled tracing his finger over the ultrasound.

"You think?"

"Well I cant tell from the way you're looking at me, I dont know now actually. I dont care what or who they are, as long as they're healthy..."

"That's cute. They are still so small, but their breathing is good and they are growing and in the right place. I should be feeling them move soon, within the next few weeks. She said I could experience it abit later because they are very small but it should happen soon"
She told him.

"That's exciting, can you feel movements though? You said you think you did the other day"
There was no kicking just yet but there were little movements, almost like flutters that she could feel.

"I think it definitely was something. It was sort of like a bubbly feeling that swiped across the inside of my stomach. It was weird but I definitely think it was raspberry....anyway"
She began.
"Do you want to find out?"
He smiled as she handed the white box with the cupcake to him.
He opened the box, taking the cake out and peeling back the case it was sat in.

"Just do it, ok"
She spoke softly, playing her hand onto his knee as they sat on the stones  overlooking the winter sea.
He took a bite, before sitting back and pulling the cake away from his mouth, revealing the coloured icing in the middle of the sponge.

"They're a little girl Joseph. Were going to have a daughter"

"Oh my gosh....."
They would have a little girl to love. A daughter. A little girl he could protect and love and keep safe.
He couldn't wait.
He was going to be an extra protective dad now. He always was going to be, but to have a daughter he needed to take care of, he knew it was going to be the best job title he was ever going to have. Dad. To a daughter. Their first child who would be the perfect mix of the two of them.

"Are you happy?"

"So happy"
He smiled at her, pressing a kiss to the side of her head, below her hair.
He loved moments like this where they could just be happy. It was exactly like how they were before. There was nothing to worry about and now thats how they both felt. They had just found out their first child was a little girl and there was nothing else that mattered in that moment. Just them and their future, which as they looked ahead, looked so incredible. It was times like this when they were happy when they could look forward to 20 weeks time where they would have their baby and they would be happy. This was going to make them and hopefully she would bring them together. Thats all they wanted. They wanted to give her the best life they could.

"I cant wait"

"Me neither"
Coming to place his lips onto hers, he kissed her softly.
It was just them in that moment and that's all that was important.
Their relationship was coming on so well recently. Their 'make or break' holiday was really what they needed. They had, had their chance to talk properly and find out what was making all these arguments happen and why they kept spending time apart and since they had found out what was going wrong, they had been amazing. Of course they weren't perfect but they were in the best place possible for this news to hit them. And it had gone down so well....but I shouldn't speak too soon.

"Theres a little girl in there"
Placing her hand onto her stomach, his thumb ran over the light material of her jumper. Her bump now was much more prominent. She had a small frame and wasn't the tallest of people so her bump was much smaller than someone with a more average height, but it was perfect.

"Our little girl Joseph. Our little raspberry"
That was a name that definitely was sticking. Raspberry. Soon though, she would have an actual name and be a real life person walking the earth and developing a whole new personality.

That moment was perfect and there was no better time, or so joe thought....
In that moment, it was just them and it was perfect.


"I love you........"

Bit of a cliffhanger but I promise I'm not going to drag it out. I feel like this was the next big thing you've been waiting for in this story.

This is chapter 32 which means this book is ending in 12 chapters time. I'm hoping it will be done at some point in January/February.
I've written up to chapter 35 and I've written the last 2 chapters, so I've got 7 left to write. So its nearly the end. It might still seem so far away but it feel so close for me probably because I'm far ahead in writing in what I am to uploading.

So I wanted to ask you all an important question.

I have 2 ideas for my next book.

The first is a one shot book.
Now I've already started writing this and I wrote a one shot which I FELL IN LOVE with and think it could be quite a good book.

Here is the synopsis for this story which btw is called turbulence:

-Dianne is recently divorced from her childhood sweetheart matt and decides to move to london in hope for a new start at life. She also has a potential job lined up in london otherwise known as strictly. On the morning of her strictly interview she bumps (quite literally) into no other than joe who she strikes up abit of a conversation with and they go on a date, leading to a one night stand. A one night stand which then develops into a very irresponsible and careless, friends with benefits type of relationship, with feelings buried in there somewhere. They both know they like eachother but cant progress and so when dianne gets confirmation she has the job on strictly, she ends their 'relationship' to only end up being partnered with him.

Seems quite exciting already, but to add to it the circumstances surrounding diannes divorce adds quite abit to the storyline and matt, does have an involvement in the story making her relationship with joe abit more complicated. Let's just say dianne has some quite dark secrets which she fails to keep.

So those are my two ideas.

You can have that or one shots.

I think I know what people are going to say but I'm going to ask nonetheless. Which would you all prefer?

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