The Metal Bat Cousin

By DeadMC66

12.7K 276 147

Wade was Gwen's older brother by 5 years, he was quite a delinquent but he always took care of his family. He... More

OCs Appearing in this Story
And Then There Were 10
Washington B.C.
The Krakken
Permanent Retirement
Tourist Trap
Kevin 11
The Alliance
The Last Laugh
Lucky Girl
Small Problems
Side Effects


563 21 12
By DeadMC66

Vilgax's Ship No POV

Vilgax's ship was orbiting the Earth as no satellite was detecting the ship yet. Three spotlights shinned on three beings each different than the last. One looked like a more alien version of Boba Fett with lots of purple named Six-Six. The second was a half man, half crab cyborg named Kraab. The last one was of an unknown species but wore a tactical suit and looked very humanoid, his name was Tetrax.

Dark: begin the audition.

Six-Six took off first using his Jetpack and several circular drones appeared. Six-Six took out a blaster and shot some drones as he dodged some shots from the drones before he took out a rocket launcher from his left arm and blew up more drones. Then he took out a grenade and threw it in the middle of a group of drones that exploded and took the drones out.

Kraab jumped down squishing a drone before using his left claw to grab another drone and toss it to another. He saw a drone charging at him as he grabbed it and crush it as he took out a sword and sliced another charging drone.

The ceiling opened and a tree legged big robot landed. Tetrax let out a hover board and rode it as the robot blasted him with a palm laser that did absolutely nothing to him before he jumps and punches through the robot taking it out as he lands on the floor and gets his hover board back.

Vilgax:<screen> impressive. You are all hired. Your objective is to retrieve the Omnitrix. The one who succeeds collects the reward. Do not disappoint me.

Three pods were jettisoned towards Earth around the last location the Omnitrix was last detected.

Desert No POV

Max set up a training area for Ben full of traps using empty cans, wood, rope. It was all operated using levers and rope pulling.

Max: you ready?

Ben smirks before he transformed into Diamondhead.

Ben: oh, yeah.

Max: remember to think out there, Ben. Don't just try to muscle it. Might isn't always right.

Ben: I know. But it's always fun.

Max pulled a lever as a catapult launched about 6 cans that Ben fired hitting each one as Max pulled another lever and pulled on a rope. Some targets appeared behind Ben as Ben turned around and shot each one with two shards each. Ben backed off as he got ready as more cans were thrown at him as he fired behind his back and above his head slicing a cactus. Some bigger targets appeared as Ben rolled and fired shards at them hitting each one at the center.

Gwen and Wade were on two chairs next to the Rust Bucket as Gwen had her legs crossed while putting sun screen as Wade was looking at the a baseball magazine.

Gwen: show-off.

Wade: you really have not made an effort to get along with him.

Gwen: he's not making it easy.

Wade: of course he isn't.

Max: focus, Ben. Think!

Ben: don't worry, Grandpa.

Ben ducked under some cans that were fired at him as he fired some shards at the cans but didn't react quickly to a tire heading at him as it hit him down as he launched shards of everywhere. Max ducked as Wade quickly used his chair to shield Gwen from the shards as three shards hit his arm.


Gwen: Wade!

Ben:<laughs embarrassed> oops. My bad.

They just left the training area as it was as they were back on the road and Ben was back to being human.

Gwen: you rock head, you almost turned me into Swiss cheese and you injured Wade.

Wade:<already had the shards out and was bandaging his arm> it's not so bad.

Ben; I said I was sorry. What else do you want?

Max: what we want is for you to take that thing on your worst more seriously, Ben. It's not a toy. You've got to think when you use it.

Ben: I know, but come on! You guys have seen the action. I'm the baddest Ben in town. <kicks his feet up> I've kicked so much alien butt my feet hurt.

Gwen: <moved his feet off the table> yeah, well, one of these days, you're gonna screw around and get your own butt kicked, and I hope I'm there to see it.

Ben: dream on, geek face.


They heard the engine stalling as Max pulls over.

Max: uh-oh. That doesn't sound good.

Training Area

Tetrax has a an energy tracker in his hands as he was standing in front of the training area as Six-Six and Kraab were behind him on top of a rocky hill.

Tetrax: this is where the Omnitrix was last activated.

Six-Six:<speaks in his language before he flies down>

Kraab: you can say that again. A rock pile like this is better off space dust.

Tetrax walks through the training range as he looks down to see a can with a shard on it as he goes to grab it but Six-Six grabbed it first using a wire tentacle as he sees it closely only for Tetrax to yank it back. Six-Six let out more wire tentacles as Tetrax put a had on his holstered gun.

Six-Six:<speaks in his language>

Kraab: woah! Big talk from a gear head.

Tetrax: get in my way again, and I'll teach to how to say "dismantled."

Six-Six backed off as he put his weapons away as he said something before he took off flying as Tetrax removed his hand from his weapon as Kraab jumped then drilled through the ground using his legs as the drill by spinning his lower half really fast. Tetrax walked away from the training area as accidentally tripped on a rope that let out three wood targets as he grabbed his gun and fired a green beam at the training area completely destroying it as he used his hoverboard to move quicker and left the can behind.

With the Tennysons

They all stopped at an abandoned mine that looked like it was build during the 1800's.

Ben: huh. Looks like nobody's home.

Gwen: not for a while. My intellimap program says this is Slatterville. Incorporated in 1857 after the discovery of silver. Went bust in the late fifties when the mine ran out.

Ben: why does everything out of your mouth sound like a book report?

Wade: that information is useless right now.

Gwen; what?

Wade: you're just telling us the history of this place, how will that help us now?

Gwen: um...

Wade: exactly, it doesn't. Intellimap program. Just a program to tell us useless information! <walks away>

Max: aha! I think I found the problem. <shows a pipe with a shard on it> leaky fuel line.

Ben; uh, lucky shot?

Max: I should be able to patch it up.

Ben: sorry, Grandpa. Let me help. Maybe FourArms. No, wait. Upgrade.

Max: I think you've done enough, Ben. I'll handle this. Can you two check on Wade, he's been kinda grumpy since Vera's.

Ben: sure thing.

Ben and Gwen look around for Wade.

Ben: I'll check over there and you check the... um... saloon.

Gwen: ok.

Ben goes into the garage like place as Gwen goes into the saloon. Gwen goes inside as she sees Wade sitting on a table with his back towards the entrance.

Gwen: Wade? <walks over>

Wade: hey, Gwen. Sorry for calling your program useless.

Gwen: I'm not bothered by it.

Wade:<looks at her>

Gwen: ok maybe a little. What's wrong?

Wade: it's nothing.

Gwen: Wade, you're my brother, I know when you're upset and I've seen you upset before.

Wade: ok, fine. I'm still ticked off that our parents prefer you over me.

Gwen: what?

Wade: Gwen, you're an overachiever, you will always be the pride and joy of our parents, I'll just be a guy who's happy that he passed. You have like a 4.0 GPA, I have like maybe 2.8 GPA, you have won educational awards, I have won baseballs medals. You are a good student, I'm a delinquent.

Gwen: oh, Wade...

Wade: I overheard them one time, mom said she wished she only had you and Ken. Our own mother, wishing that I didn't exist. When I heard Grandpa was taking us on this trip, I jumped at the first chance to get in the Rust Bucket and not see them for a while. To get away from them.

Gwen: I'm sorry for being the cause of it.

Wade: it has nothing to do with you. This problem is between our parents and myself. I never blamed you. I just wish they stop comparing us and just love us equally.

Gwen: come on, we need to find Ben. We have to make sure doofus doesn't blow up the entire place.

Wade: you go ahead, I'll stay here for a few minutes.

Gwen nods sadly as she leaves the saloon and walks to the garage place.

Ben: maybe Gwen found Wade. <looks around> oh, talk about old school. Look at all this junk.

Gwen: Ben? Ben!

Ben transformed as Gwen followed the sound but it also gave off the Omnitrix signal to the Bounty Hunters. Gwen went inside the garage like place.

Gwen; calling all dweebs! I already found Wade!

Gwen walked in further as she felt something going through her body as she shivered and Ben appeared in front of her as GhostFreak.

Ben: what's the matter, Gwen? You look like you've seen a Ghost... Freak. <laughs>

Gwen: get over yourself, doofus. You don't scare me.

They heard some rumbling as something underground was heading to them as Ben grabbed Gwen and got her out of the way as Kraab emerged from the ground. Wade felt the tremor and grabbed his bat.

Gwen: but he does!

Ben: no problem. I'll handle this guy. Oh, man. You put the "ug" in ugly.

Kraab: hand over the Omnitrix, and I promise you won't suffer... much.

Ben: dream on, Claw Boy. <moves his eye to his back> what's he talking about?

Gwen: duh. Why else would some alien track you down? It wants the watch, Einstein.

Ben: you don't have to get snotty about it, miss know-it-all. <gets his eye back into place> sorry, crabby, the watch and I are kind of attached.

Kraab: not for long.

Ben: you have no idea who you're messing with.

Kraab: I was just about to say the same thing.

Ben: oh, yeah? Do you know this one? Now you see me, now you don't. <turns invisible>

Gwen laughs nervously since she was behind Ben and she runs off to hide as Kraab looks around as Ben appeared behind him semi-transparent as Kraab turned his head around.

Kraab: you're as arrogant as you are dimwitted.

Kraab turned around and sprayed some oil like substance on Ben that made him go back to being solid.

Ben: blech! What happened?

Kraab: Your protoplasm is now solidified, making it easier to do this!

Kraab punched Ben away into a box as Ben recovered and dodged one of Kraab's legs as he tried to tackle Kraab but Kraab threw him away to where Gwen was hiding.

Ben: oh, man. Who is this guy?

Gwen: remember when I said he wanted to be there when you finally got your butt kicked? I take it way back.

Kraab went towards them.

Gwen: you're the super guy. Do something!

Before Ben could do anything, Wade jumped between them as he rushed at Kraab and smashed him away.

Both: Wade!

Wade: you better keep your claws to yourself!

Kraab opened his claw and fired at Wade as Wade moved out of the way and ran around Kraab giving Ben the chance to hit Kraab into a platform.

Wade: going up!

Wade flips the switch on a power box that lifted the platform to squash Kraab into the ceiling as Ben timed out.

Gwen: Ben, are you ok?

Ben: oh, man. That was even weirder than when I normally go GhostFreak.

Wade:<helps him> let's get out of here, that won't hold him for long.

They all ran out as Tetrax was watching from the shadows, they ran back to the RV.

Max: what happened?

Gwen: you know, the usual. Some jumbo-sized crustacean burst out of the ground and attacked Ben. It said it wanted the watch, only it kept calling it the Omnitrix.

Wade: that must the name of it.

Ben: just let me go FourArms, and I'll turn him into a seafood special.

Max: no time. Repairs are done. We're out of here.

Ben: but, Grandpa.

Wade:<pushes him inside> get in.

They all got into the RV and drove off.

Gwen: no sign of crab guy yet.

Ben: well, he better not Sho up if he knows what's good for him.

They heard a loud thud as a red saw was slicing through the roof.

Gwen; I think we just picked up a hitchhiker!

Six-Six stopped cutting as he opened the roof with his clawed hands and looks inside.

Gwen: who's that?

Ben: beats me!

Six-Six tried to grab Ben as Wade grabs Six-Six's arm and makes him hit the roof hard as Six-Six stood up. Max stepped on the brake throwing Six-Six off as Max ran him over but I'm doing so pop all the tires as they were forced to stop and they got off as Six-Six stood up.

Max: in there.

They ran towards a nearby mine entrance as Kraab pops out of the ground behind Six-Six.

Kraab: remember me?

The Tennysons ran in and hid behind a wall as Wade peeked as did Ben.

Ben: whew. The coast is clear.

Kraab jumped out of the ground near them.

Gwen: don't you get tired of being wrong all the time?

Wade: and you don't get tired of being sassy in times when it's not needed?!

Kraab; the Omnitrix. Give it to me!

Max grabbed a plank of wood and throws it at Kraab as Kraab just crushes it with its claw. They all run away as Ben's watch is still at red.

Ben: come on. Do something. Anything!

They turn right on an intersection as Kraab couldn't stop himself and crashed into a minecart but got up and continued chasing them. Wade had an idea as he started hitting the wooden support beams on top of the tunnel making it fall on top of Kraab as they made it out towards the pit of the mine.

Gwen: now what?

Max looks around as he sees a hanging cart and a lever.

Max: we take a ride.

They all went to the hanging cart as Kraab got out of the collapsed tunnel as Wade placed Gwen and Ben inside as he jumped in. Max moved the lever as he ran, jumped and held to the side of the cart as Wade pulled him in.

Kraab: what a pathetic excuse for prey.

Kraab was going to cut the wire but Six-Six blasted him away as he flew after the Tennysons. He fired at the cart as Gwen peeked her head out and Wade pulled her down when he heard blaster fire.

Gwen: we got company closing in fast!

Max: we need a plan.

Ben:<the watch turns green> yes! Who needs a plan when you have the watch? I'll take care of this. <transforms into Diamondhead>

Max: no, Ben. That's just what it wants.

Ben jumped and tackled Six-Six down.

Max: Ben!

Ben and Six-Six flew out as Six-Six slammed Ben into the wall before Ben fell on top of Six-Six as the moving cart moved past them.

Max: Ben, come on!

Ben: I'll catch up. First I've got to put some dents in this walking soda machine.

Wade jumped out of the cart and ran to where Ben was.

Gwen: Wade no!

Wade jumped and kicked Kraab away making him drop Ben.

Wade: you fight the Jetpack guy, I'll deal with Mr Krabs.

Ben: right.

Wade grips his bat as he rushes at Kraab as Kraab blocks the bat and punches Wade on the face before slamming him down with his claw. Ben punched Six-Six a few times as Six-Six used an energy dagger to him him away. Wade got up but Kraab kept smashing him down before he grabbed Wade by his head and threw him to a wall. Six-Six make Ben turn around and blasted him a lot but Ben tanked it as he shot some shards at Six-Six that he shot mid air before he used his jet pack to charge at Ben and knee him in the face.

Wade dodged Kraab's attack as he grabbed his arm and swung him around before throwing him towards Six-Six knocking them both away.

Kraab: this human is tougher than I expected.

Six-Six:<speaks in his language>

Wade rushed as them as he jumped and went to smash his bat on them but Six-Six flew and tackled Wade into the wall making him get stuck there before he grabbed him out, punched him a few times and then slam him down to the ground.

Ben: Wade!

Ben used one arm as a blade as he jumped at them as he slashed them away from each other as he blocked Kraab's claw and punched him before Six-Six blasted him towards Kraab as Kraab hit him in the gut, Six-Six hit him down, Kraab grabs him and throws him to a wall.

Kraab: back off. The reward's mine.

Six-Six:<speaks in his language>

Kraab: well, you don't have to get personal.

They heard Wade getting up as he was bleeding and had bruises as he still stood up ready to fight.

Kraab: still alive? You're a resilient creature.

A ball was thrown between them as it unleashed some smoke that weakened Kraab and Six-Six as Tetrax flew past them on his hoverboard grabbing Ben by one of his spikes on his back and Wade by his shirt. He flew them through the same tunnel Max and Gwen went through all the way to the end where they appeared on another mining town as Tetrax threw Ben down.

Tetrax:<still holding Wade> billions of beings on this planet, and the Omnitrix winds up on the wrist of a foolhardy youth. <throws Wade down and gets off his hoverboard>

Wade:<stands up to fight>

Ben: well, like I told your buddies, this thing doesn't come off. I've tried.

Tetrax: of course it doesn't. <turns his back on them> its power utilizes alien DNA, which binds to the host's own genetic structure. It cannot simply be removed like taking off a hat.

Ben rushed at Tetrax and Tetrax dodges his attack and hits him away. Tetrax was surprised when Wade attacked from the exposed right side hitting him but Tetrax grabbed the bat from Wade while hitting him away as he crushes the bat and throws it away.

Tetrax: your choice of warriors and his choice of weapon are based solely on brute strength without regard for any or much strategy. Do you both ever pause to consider your actions at all?

Ben: hey, we kick more than our share of alien butt.

Tetrax: such as your recent success in the mine shaft with the bounty hunters. Together you could have beat them but chose to face them both as individuals and not together.

Ben and Wade attacked Tetrax as he parried their predictable attacks.

Tetrax: you were moments away from losing your lives and the Omnitrix. Victory should have been swift and effortless.

Tetrax hit them both down as Wade was getting angry.

Tetrax: the Omnitrix is not some toy for your amusement. It's the most powerful weapon in the galaxy. The key to an epic battle between good and evil.

Ben: then whose side are you on?

Tetrax: you're still alive, aren't you?

Ben: you're a good guy?

Wade: not much reassurance.

Tetrax: my mission is to retrieve the Omnitrix at all costs. Since it is attached to you, I will bring you back for its removal.

Ben: oh, no. I'm not going anywhere.

Tetrax: it's not your choice.

Ben; it is now.

Ben ducked quickly as Wade swings a mine cart at Tetrax hitting him away before Ben rushed at him and tackled him down making Tetrax drop his hoverboard as Tetrax grabbed Ben's head and threw him away as he quickly rolled out of the way to dodge Wade's attack as Wade punched Tetrax a few times before he trip him as he did like a break dance move that hit him away.

Tetrax had enough as he quick draw his weapon and blasted Wade into a building.

Ben: Wade!

Ben rushed at Tetrax as Tetrax puts his gun away and smacked Ben away into some barrels.

Tetrax: it's disturbing how little you know of this alien's strengths or weaknesses. You barely scratched the surface of its potential.

Ben: yeah? So what makes you such an expert? <was ready to fight again>

Tetrax's helmet retracted to reveal he was the same species as Diamondhead.

Ben: you're... me.

Tetrax: wrong. I am a noble warrior. You are an impulsive annoyance.

Ben:<times out>

Tetrax: we have wasted enough time. <grabs Ben by the back of his shirt>

Ben: hey! Let me down!

Tetrax looks around for his hover board but Kraab came out of hiding holding it.

Kraab: looking for this? You're not getting off this planet with the Omnitrix, and just to be sure...

Six-Six walked out of hiding holding Max and Gwen by their clothes.

Max: hands off.

Gwen: let me go!

Kraab: see, we've decided to work together and split the reward... and you in half. Where is that other human?

Tetrax:<stays quiet>

Kraab: oh. You terminated him.

Gwen: no!

Max: Wade!

Tetrax: guess that's the last kill you'll have.

Kraab fired at Tetrax but Tetrax tanked the shot as he ran and broke through a door while avoiding Kraab's lasers. He threw Ben inside as Kraab kept firing.

Six-Six:<speaks in foreign language>

Kraab: don't blow a gasket, metal mouth. I know what I'm doing.

Ben: what are we waiting for? We've got to save them.

Tetrax: don't be foolish. Keeping the Omnitrix secure is the only priority here.

Ben: not to me. That's my family and if I you have forgotten, you killed Wade!

Tetrax: I didn't kill him, I blasted him a stunning ray that knocked him out. You cannot save them. You would soon be overpowered and captured. The obvious choice is for me to retrieve my hover board so that we may leave the planet.

Ben: but-

Tetrax: stay here.

Tetrax jumped out as he fired shards at Six-Six that hit him and made him fall and let go of Gwen and Max. Kraab turned around as he saw Tetrax run at him so he threw a punch with his claw that Tetrax avoided and grabbed his hover board. He rode it around as Six-Six fired at him as Tetrax jumped off and landed on Six-Six as Kraab used his claw as a shield as Max and Gwen took cover.

Tetrax grabbed Six-Six up as he punched him in the gut then away as Six-Six sent a missile at him only for Tetrax to make a Diamond wall that took the hit destroying it as Kraab went to slam him down but Tetrax grabbed his arm and threw him away to near where Ben was.

Ben: all right. Hero Time.

Kraab saw Ben as he got up and saw Six-Six and Tetrax busy so he went after Ben. Ben hid behind a table as he went to choose FourArms but he remembered the words of Max and Tetrax.

Max:<flashback> remember to think out there, Ben. Don't just try to muscle it. Might isn't always right.

Tetrax:<flashback> your choice of warriors is based solely on brute strength without regard for any strategy. Do you ever pause to consider your actions at all?

Ben decided to change his choice as he needed brains so he chose the smartest alien and transformed as Kraab broke the table but Ben wasn't behind it. Ben transformed into Grey Matter and made his way to the ceiling before he dropped on Kraab's head.

Kraab: get off me, you tiny little...

Ben:<reaches to between the armor> there should be a nerve cluster in here somewhere.

Ben yanked on some wires as Kraab went outside as he was going wild before his head spun around then he dropped to the floor as Ben got out of the armor.

Ben: one down.

Six-Six got tired of Tetrax being the superior fighter so he went behind him, grab him, flew him up before dropping down and slamming him into the ground. Six-Six saw Ben and aimed his missile launcher at Ben but suddenly Wade broke through a building and punched Six-Six away as he was bleeding, his clothes had tears on them and he had visible bruises.

Wade: I'm very pissed!

Wade rushed at Six-Six and punched him several times as Max saw that Wade got stronger and faster as his punches were fast and strong.

Ben: Wade! The jet pack!

Wade turned Six-Six around as he punched the purple circle in the back of it and yanks out some wires as Six-Six took off as he had no control on where he was going as he crashed through some water tower support beams as Six-Six crashed next to Kraab. The water tower fell as it was going to fall on the two Bounty Hunters.

Kraab: I hate this planet.

The water tower crushed the bounty hunters knocking them out as the heroes regrouped.

Ben; only one way to beat the desert heat, don't you think?

Tetrax: pretty smart... for a pair of humans.

Wade:<cracks his knuckles>

Ben timed out as Tetrax sent a blue cube in the middle of Kraab and Six-Six as it expanded on top of them then shrunk trapping them inside.

Tetrax:<puts the cube away> I'll return as soon as I am able.

Ben: what about this?

Tetrax: it's in good hands until then. <gives the hoverboard> this may be of some use in the meantime.

Ben: oh, man! Are you serious? Hold on. You said you needed this to get off the planet.

Tetrax: selective disinformation.

Ben: huh?

Gwen: he lied.

Tetrax: Wade, was it?

Wade: yes?

Tetrax: this will be of use to you.

Tetrax gives him a shiny metal cube.

Wade: a metal cube?

Tetrax: grip it.

Wade grips the cube as it turned into a liquid that reformed itself into a metal bat.

Wade: woah! This is awesome.

Tetrax: it is. If you are not in battle, you can have it reform into a different item.

Wade tried it as the bat reformed into a watch on his wrist.

Wade: looks like I have an awesome watch as well.

Tetrax: you are a great warrior, Wade, you learn as you fight and never give up.

Tetrax walked a little away from the Tennysons before his helmet came back on as he used a device that teleported him away.

Gwen: how come you get all the cool alien stuff?

Ben: fits my style.

Gwen: right. I have something for you, too.

Gwen was going to pour sunscreen on Ben but Wade grabbed it and poured it on their heads.

Ben: hey! Wade! What'd you do that for?

Wade: so you can both share the end of a prank. Now come on, I want to take a nap.

Gwen: Wade! We have to patch you up first!

Wade: oh right... I feel fi- <passed out>

Vilgax's Ship

Vilgax and Dark saw the screen as Tetrax left the planet and jumped away.

Vilgax: betrayed.

Dark: sensors indicate the Omnitrix is not with the mercenaries.

Vilgax: it would appear the creature who possesses the Omnitrix is as clever as it is fierce. But I shall not be denied.

Night time

A bunch of armored soldiers were walking around the abandoned towns.

Trooper:<picks up a shard> sir.

Captain:<walks over and grabs the shard> contact base, tell them the tracker is still working and we have samples to take back to base.

Trooper: yes, sir.

The Trooper walked away as the Captain put the shard on a tube and placed it inside a container that had other Diamondhead shards and closed it.

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