Dead Rose (Lucifer x reader)

By Marylayer

97.2K 3K 3.6K

Please read, idk what to put here lol More

1. Earth
3. passion on earth
4. finding out basic logic
5. a glimpse of hell
6. apologies
7. A Regular Wednesday
8. (part 2)
9. God's WHAT?!
10. slice of a loving pie
11. Just ducks
12. Charlie's hotel
13. Duckling birthday party 2
13. Duck Birthday. part 1
14. Valentines (SRY ITS LATE)
opinion of a theory for adam
15. a little surprise.
16. what are the angels doing?
17. Too early..
18. Its hard to let go.
19. at least a little hope..
20. a deathly surprise
21. killing trouble
22. Lucifer's hopes and dreams

2. befriending?

6.6K 192 419
By Marylayer

Lucifer's pov

I woke up early at night. This never happens unless something important is about to begin. But why? Nothing usually happens unless I know something.

My wife wasn't in my bed, how odd.. I quietly left the room to search for her. I saw her and another man speaking in the living room. The man looked familiar. It was difficult to see since i didn't want to be visible or heard.

Wait... isn't that the porn overlord? Why is he inside my house and talking to my wife? I scratched the floor but kept silent while listening in.

I got more curious and went closer but still out of sight of them. I heard Valentino laugh quietly. "Darling, you're quite the hot one. No wonder Lucifer chose you in his possession." I began to her Lilith laugh, why the fuck is she laugh with him?

Lilith began to speak, "Aw, thank you, sweetheart. So, like you wanted, I got the next date to meet you again. I told my husband to become friends with this mortal so I would be able to see that large cock of yours~" My eyes widened.

I had many feelings wash over me. Heartbreak, sadness, anger, hatred.. depression, even if I already had it, it was worse now... I didn't understand human love. I dont even know how dating works. I just followed her rules of it. However, part of me knew...

she didn't love me.

I teleported back to my room and went back to my bed. I didn't like doing this, but.. I was praying that this was a bad dream, hoping that none of this was real while I drifted off to sleep.

It was the morning now where I woke up with my "loving" wife. Not helping the fact that I saw her wear the same thing from last night. I stretched and got out of bed. I went to the kitchen and began cooking myself some food and brewing some coffee for myself.

'Where did I go wrong..? Does she even want me? What did I do to make my wife want to be with that Hobo?'

"Maybe time away from here would be good... I guess I'll visit that annoying woman..." I finished my food as Lilith sat in front of me. "You didn't make any food for me, honey?" She chuckled and gave a fake kiss on my cheek. I wiped the kiss away, disliking what she had in her mouth now.

"Honey.. are you alright? You never wiped my kisses away before." I shook my head and sighed. "I'm just having a moment for "befriending" the mortal." I somewhat lied. "Why don't you go now? A good start would be right now." I nodded and gladly went to my room and changed into a red and black version of my original clothes.

Y/ns pov.

I was out of the shower and put on my clothes. I took my brush and brushed my hair.

Footsteps could be heard in my room. "Mom? Why are you still home? Shouldn't you be at work?" I yelled out of the bathroom. No response was there. "Strange..." I say as I look back into the mirror as I jump and smack the figure behind me. "Holy fucking shit! What are you doing in here?!"

I say clearly, shocked and scared. But I then recognized who this man was as I gasped. He looked down at me with a deadly look. "I-im sorry! It was an instinct, and I thought you were a burglar or something." He rolled his eyes and tried to calm himself down. "I... I apologize as well for scaring you.."

I calmed down, thanking myself that I didn't just kill myself.


Silence broke out in the room as we continued to look at each other.



"Why are you here?" I finally said.

"Since you wish to not make a deal with me, and I'm now always having to check on you to see if you want to change your mind, which I know you won't. Im... deciding to be "friends" with you." He said with a forced smile on his face. "Oh.. you know you don't have to.. right? I'm a boring person." I say I rubbed the back of my head.

He sighs as he begins to rethink his choices. "I know, but it's going to keep me distracted, I guess. Just think of something to do." He didn't exactly know what to do since it's been billions or centuries since the last he made a friend.

It was a little awkward at first, but we both began to talk and found out we had a little bit of similarities.

"So.. what type of snake is on your hat, Lucifer? If you don't mind me calling you by yourself name.."

"I really dont know much about the snake, and I don't mind, but what's your name?" He looked with a calmer smile. It kind of looked adorable. "My name is (y/n). Nice to get to know you." I yawned. Since I was still sick, I was coughing and stuff.

"Let me go get my medicine.." I said while standing up. Lucifer did the same and followed me down to the kitchen. "Hm.. how old are you? You seem a little young to be living by yourself. Though you do act a little mature.... in certain things." I took the medicine and nodded.

"I'm 16, and I'm living with my mom. However, she's always working until around 3-6pm. It's been going on for the past few years," I then scrunched my face from how bad the medicine tasted. (I've been getting comments about the age- Y/N WILL BE AN ADULT WHEN SHE DATES LUCI ;V;)

"So you've been here by yourself every day? What do you even do?" He asked curiously, even though I knew he didn't even care. "I would draw, sing, watch videos and other things."

"I see..." He said as a mug of coffee appeared in his hand. He took some sips of it while watching me with cold eyes. It looked like he was in deep thought. "...What are your hobbies?" I asked curiously, snapping him back into reality.

"Why? I'm one of the most powerful demons in the universe. Wouldn't you be scared of what I do for fun?" He said with a bit of sass, I then shook my head. "No, not really... I've seen a lot of gore while growing up. Have you seen this generation?" I looked at him with a concerned look.

He looked confused. Making his mug disappear into the air. "I haven't been summoned in a century. But I highly doubt that this mortal planet has changed much." I looked over at the time and saw that it was 12pm. "Well, we have a few more hours to spare. Do you have like a... Human form or something?"

Lucifer's pov

"Yes, I do, but what for?" I asked the mortal girl. She began to give me some sass in her posture. "So I could show you around the area. And so you could see how different life is in just a century." She said as she rolled her eyes.

'I swear, I would claw her eyes out if I had the chance..'

I didn't really want to go, but my curiosity was also tempered. I didn't want to stay here and do nothing or go back to my palace where my wife was cheating on me. I growled and made my staff disappear.

"Fine." I snapped my fingers and became more human-like. "You might want to change your clothes? People in this generation would bully you on sight." She said as she pointed at my clothes.

"No thanks, I'll just go like this." She shrugged. She then attempted to hold my wrist, but I smacked it away and let her guide me outside. "Don't rush me, little girl." I said in a menacing tone. She stopped and waited for me to get a few things fixed, and I smacked her hand once again just for shits and giggles.

"Also, I prefer for you not to touch me unless I gave you permission. Because you're sick and I hate being a follower, so you better be careful."

She rubbed her hand where I hit her and rolled those eyes again. We then started to walk away as I caught many peoples attention only by walking around the park nearby.

"Hey, do you see that top hat looking guy?" Said a girl.

"Yeah, the guy looks so old. What is this? The 1900s?" a boy says with a snicker.

"I feel bad for that girl. She's having to deal with a man like him." A guy said

"Nah, she's probably likes him and is just a wannabe girl trying to get all the attention towards her as if she's important." A little whiny bitch said.

Those groups of people around us spoke so harshly. Most of them even looked like teens or children. She was kind of right.. this world changed pretty drastically.

I guess I found new hobbies to do.

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