~~~The Devil of Penance~~~{Ma...

By Ronoric_The12Demon

183K 3.6K 1.1K

A young man walks down the street enjoying the night time breeze,as he walks he heads into the park.But as he... More

~~~Chapter One:New Life & New Questions~~~
~~~Character's Bio/Info:Eien Thanatreus~~~
~~~Chapter Two:School,Sitri,ORC~~~
~~~Chapter Three:Some New Info & Strange Dream~~~
~~~Chapter Four:School,Helping a Idiot,More Questions~~~
~~~Chapter Five:First Contract~~~
~~~Chapter Six:A Monster & The Decipher Message~~~
Chapter Seven:Meeting & Rescue
Chapter Eight:Familiars & Taking a Spin
~~~Chapter Nine:The Big Buddy~~~
~~~Chapter Ten:A Maid,Some Fried Chicken,and Some Hoes~~~
~~~Chapter Eleven:Training Begins~~~
~~~{Chapter Twelve:Training Continues & Interesting Meeting}~~~
~~~{Chapter Thirteenth:Beating the Chicken}~~~
~~~{Chapter Fourteen:Victory Party & Stupid Phenex}~~~
~~~{Chapter Fifthteen:Some Old Friends}~~~
~~~{Chapter Sixteen:Peerage Begins}~~~
~~~Character's Info/Bio:The Squad~~~
~~~Chapter Seventeen:Request from Zarathos's Family~~~
~~~Chapter Eighteen:Angels,Fallen,& Yokai~~~
~~~Chapter Nineteen:Discovery~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty:Aftermath & Question~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-One:Jumping a Bitch & Michael's Request~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Two:Exorcists,Dual,Revelation~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Three:Encounter~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Four:Battle at The Academy~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Five:Confessions~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Six:Pool Day~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Seven:Auntie's Visit~~~
~~~Chapter Twenty-Eight:Open House~~~
~~~Chapter 29:New Little Buddy~~~
~~~Chapter 30:Helping a Little Buddy & Meeting~~~
~~~Chapter 31:Summit Begins~~~
~~~Chapter 32:Summit's Attack~~~
Chapter 33:Eien's Rage & New Enemies
~~~Chapter 34:Vacation & ...What the Fuck?~~~
~~~Chapter 35:Gremory Manor~~~
~~~Chapter 36:Eien's Territory & Training Partners~~~
~~~Chapter 37:Training & Party~~~
~~Chapter 38:New Faces,Old Faces,and Alex's Bullshittery~~
~~~Chapter 39:Alex's Invention & Secret Uncovered~~~
Chapter 41:The Dragon Eater & The Angel of The Deep
~~~Chapter 42:The Calm,Ah Bet,and The Seal~~~
~~~Chapter 43:Eien's True Heritage~~~
~~Updated Character's Info/Bio:Eien Thanateus~~
~~Chapter 44:Family & Revelation~~
~~~Chapter 45:New Faces & Call for Help~~~
~~Chapter 46:Family,Rescue & Wrath~~
~~Chapter 47:Return & Alex's Next Creation~~
~~~Chapter 48:New Problem & More Cousins~~~
~~~Chapter 49:A Little Bitch Shows Up~~~
~~Chapter 50:Princesses Fight~~
~~Chapter 51:The True Terror of The Chaotic WTFs~~
~~~Chapter 52:Chaotic Massacre~~~
~~Chapter 53:New Friends & Fates Decided~~
~~Chapter 54:Preparing for The New Mission~~
~~~Chapter 55:The Bloodhound,The Cartel,& The Slaughter~~~
~~~Chapter 56:Ah Fight,Ah Trip,Ah New Power~~~
~Chapter 57:Heading Out & Secret Admirer~
~~~Chapter 58:Princess & Agreement~~~
~~~Chapter 59:The Calm & The Arrival~~~
~~~Chapter 60:The Fall of The Heroes~~~
~~~Chapter 61:Final Hero,Yasaka's Decision,Next Step~~~
~~~Chapter 62:Alexander's Greatest Creation~~~
~~~Chapter 63:Divine Meeting~~~
~~~Chapter 64:Next Game,Golden Princess,& Mystery~~~
~~~Chapter 65:Meeting & New Piece~~~
~~Chapter 66:Ah Rook & Ah Meeting~~
~~~Chapter 67:Multiverse Talk & Final Member~~~
~~~Chapter 68:Ah Challenge & Alex's New Surprise~~~
~Chapter 69:Egyptian Encounter & Gremory VS Bael~
~Chapter 70:Rating Game Continues~
Chapter 71:Next Matches & Next God
~~Chapter 72:The Final Fight & The Crimson Confession~~
~~~Chapter 73:Passion of Angels~~~
~~~Chapter 74:Ah Emperor,Ah Prick,& Ah Hoe~~~
~~Chapter 75:Some Answers & Some Questions~~
~~Chapter 76:Information & Next Move~~
~~~Chapter 77:Grayfia's Brother & Gasper's Friend~~~
~~Chapter 78:Return,Reunion,& Defilement~~
~~~Chapter 79:Wrath & The Truth of The Past~~~
~~~Chapter 80:The Witch's Sentence~~~
~~~Chapter 81:The Beast & Sisters' Squad~~~
~~~Chapter 82:The Hunt & The Backup~~~
~~~Chapter 83:Moments of Peace & Pleasure~~~
~~~Chapter 84:Preparation & The Army~~~
~~Chapter 85:The Chaotic WTFs Run Shit~~

~~~Chapter 40:Zarathos's Request & Reveal~~~

1.6K 38 9
By Ronoric_The12Demon

(Eien's Pov)
I'm walking down the hallway to meet with the Leaders,Zarathos apparently requested to meet with them.I don't know why but he said it had to do with finding someone that can help release the seal on me.As I'm walking I arrive at the room and head inside seeing the Devil Kings,Azazel,Odin,Freya,Thor,Michael,Azrael,and Gabriel surprisingly.
Azazel:Hey kid.
Odin:So Zarathos what did you wish to speak to us about?
[My scythe appears]
Zarathos:Well let's sit down theirs a lot to explain and Michael,Azazel,Az,Gabriel(They look at the flame)....I'm going to make a request and before you answer I want you to hear me out alright.
[Their surprised]
Michael:*Surprised/Confused*Of course brother.
Azrael:*Surprised/Confused*Very well.
Gabriel:*Surprised/Confused*Okay Brother.
[We all sit down]
Zarathos:Alright....to begin with recently Eien and I have made some discover regarding his lineage.(Their surprised)After coming into contact with Lord Odin,Lady Freya,and Thor...Eien begin radiating faint traces of Divine Energy.(Their shocked)Afterwards I of course begun looking for the source and I discovered a powerful seal on his soul was where the energy was originating from.
Ajuka:*Shocked*A seal?
Zarathos:Yes....Az do you remember how you mentioned his eyes?
Azrael:......I see,so that's why.
Gabriel:*Confused*Why what?
Me:According to Zarathos my eyes shine with the feeling of death.
[Their surprised]

Zarathos:I suspect that Eien's Divine Parent is a Deity connected with death in someway.(Their even more surprised)As you all know it's not unheard of for Gods to abandoned Demigod children,meaning it's likely either Eien Human Parent was a magician or perhaps a sacred gear user that placed the seal on him to prevent him from being targeted or his Divine Parent did so.
Thor:That does make since,not all Gods get along and it's not hard to believe a Noble Devil would want a Demigod in their service.

[The Devil Kings nod]
Me:The problem is we can't release the seal(Their surprised)according to Zarathos we need the Help of a God and someone who's related to Death.
Freya:Well we will certainly help.
[Odin & Thor nods]
Zarathos:Thank you......now Michael,Azazel,Az,Gabriel this is where I will be making my request.(They look at the flame)....Tho Az is a Angel of Death,she does not reap the lives of the living,she only collects the souls of the already departed.(She nods).....So I want to request that one of the others Angels of Death be released.
[Everyone goes wide eyed]
Michael:*Wide Eyed/Shocked*Brother you must be joking,you know we can't....
Zarathos:MICHAEL!(He stops looking at the flame)I'm aware of both Samael & Rahab's Sins however there is something you all do not know!
[Their surprised and all look confused]
Gabriel:*Surprised/Confused*W-What is it brother?
Zarathos:......*Sigh*Before I say anymore didn't any of you find it strange how I was already aware of Father's Death,not only of his death but also the cause of his death?
[Their surprised and slowly look at each other]
Michael:*Surprised/Confused*I had never thought about it....but how did you know,you were still sealed away?
Zarathos:It's because after his death he came to see me(We're all surprised)he told me that I would eventually be released,of his death and everything that had happened after I was sealed....and then......he left these  with me.
[Everyone's confused before slowly my scythe glows and out of the small flame two balls of quite frankly trippy looking energy comes out.......]

[Everyone's surprised and Michael,Azazel,Gabriel,and Azrael goes wide eyed before tears start going down their faces]
Michael:*Wide Eyed/Crying*T-Those are......
Gabriel:*Wide Eyed/Crying*Samael & Rahab's Graces......
[We're all surprised hearing that while I'm confused the others look shocked]
Azrael:*Wide Eyed/Crying*But.....that would mean.....
Azazel:*Wide Eyed/Crying*The Old Man......
Zarathos:Yes.....Father forgave them of their sins.(Their surprised and we look at the flame)When Father appeared before me,he gave me our brothers' graces telling me that when I returned,I was to wait,and when the time was right I was to return their graces to them.......I didn't know what he meant back then.But as you all known father had a tendency to be quite cryptic when he wanted to be.(They all nod)However,I believe he meant this day....afterall Father was capable of using Foresight.
Gabriel:*Stunned/Crying*So.....So they're coming back......
Zarathos:As long as you all have no objections.
Michael:*Smiling/Crying*Of course Brother,we all would be happy to have them back.
Zarathos:Thank you brother.
[He nods]
Me:......Soooo....(I look at the flame)you're gonna ask one of them to help undo the seal.(He hums)Well we can do it Alex's V-Space just to be safe.
[The others are surprised and curious by that]
Zarathos:I was going to suggest the same thing,we don't what will happen when we release the seal afterall.
Sirzechs:*Curious*Is this 'V-Space' another one of his inventions?
Me:Yeah,it's complete name is 'Virtual World' which unlike Virtual Reality shit we all have heard off.....this basically just creates a pocket dimension.(Their surprised)That's actually where we've been growing all the food we've been selling,Alex literally has a entire space just as a farm and for reference it's the size of my territory,has some of the best land for growing crops,get's Twenty Four-Seven Sunlight,and is Auto-Watered.All of it is Self-Grown,Self-Collected,and Self-Replanted before being put in a state of stasis until we sell em.(They all look at me wide eyed)Yeah.....Even Zarathos has agreed that Alex's Sacred Gear is fucking broken belief.
Zarathos:Just the God-Class Cards alone made it the strongest sacred gear in history without question.
[They're all stunned and look at us blankly,before nodding.We agree to release them in a few days so everyone can prepare and I head back to my place]

{A/N:For anyone who actually caught it back then and was wandering how Zarathos knew about God's Death & Cause of Death despite being sealed at the time.....now you know,I'm not gonna lie I've been planning this shit for ah while it was just ah bitch to figure out how to do it......Also Sorry for the shorter chapters recently I've been getting like no fucking sleep so I've just been barely any energy.I got some medicine which is suppose to help me sleep so we'll see what happens.}

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