Why don't you try and leave m...

By Oshi_Oshi_Oshi

45.1K 1.7K 553

"I hate you Kiyotaka. Why are you doing this?" Kei screamed, with her ocean blue eyes brimming with fresh tea... More

A Reality To Be Tolerated
Please Don't Fake It
Dreams Of The Past
Some Things Never Change
Irrevocable Damage
Criminial Ambitions
Teaser II
Cry me a river
Author Note
Poison in my veins
Carnivorous Flowers
Kill Me Now
Disguise Of Disinterest
Terrible Temptations

Venomous Affection

1.6K 81 20
By Oshi_Oshi_Oshi

Kei spent the past several hours, crafting and refining an escape plan. It proved to be difficult seeing that she barely had access to the building's framework. Her collapsed composure slowly returned, being in solitude. 

Her captor had left shortly after assaulting her and chaining her to the headrest. If he was looking to torture her, he was off to a fantastic start. Kei doubted he would have such intentions when he had a nation to run until the terrorizing depths of his golden eyes shined through like gemstones on a starless night.

She had met those glimmering brown eyes innumerable times before. They were always a void of indifference with an occasional appearance of ambition, annoyance or even affection. But the ravenous aggression and bloodlust she saw today was disturbing to say the least. 

Kiyotaka was always in the saddle, in control of himself. He finetuned himself like he was a Stradivarius, only using his mind for what it is meant to do. Not the unnecessary trifles others bothered themself with. He had never felt the ugly and nasty of the human spectrum of emotions.

All the more reason to run away.

Frankly speaking, this version of Kiyotaka scared her. She had known if she were to ever stumble upon him, hurriane of emotions would overtake her. But fear was never supposed to be one of them.

Not fear for her life. Fear for what would remain of herself after a few more days at his presence. Fear of what he would do to her if he even sniffed a hint of her treachery. Fear of him swallowing her whole.

The door knob clicked into place.

The urge to close her saphire blue eyes shut and pretend this is not real, was intense. But she straightened her spine and glared straight ahead at her captor, who had found it properly reasonable to lean against the rough wood of the door.

You need to make him believe you are not needed. Make him let you go.

He barely took one stride when she yelled out instinctively.

"Don't come near me."

He stilled. Examining the woman before him, her blonde hair rattled by their intensive session earlier today, her pretty pink lips bearing a tiny cut across the lower lip and lastly her neck showered in bruises and hickeys he had left to demonstrate one point.

She was his.

Kiyotaka was not opposed to being the long game. Being the more relenting one to demands, if it meant she was tucked away, safe and warm in his bed, away from the wicked world he was ruling over.

He lifted up his hands in a gesture of fake surrender. The strong need not make loud claims, not while their strength was apparent at a glance.

Kei inhaled sharply. Although she had got what she wanted, it was her heart which was chaotically racing and thumping like a time bomb that could detonate any second now.

Calm down. Get him to remove the handcuffs.

"Can you please get me out of these handcuffs? She pleaded, clashing her eyes with his for the first time since he entered the room.

Kiyotaka barely moved. If the slight twitch of his left eyebrow was any indication, he was surprised by the turn of events. He had expected things to take a violent approach. Where he would have to employ force to bring out her inevitable surrender. But deceit worked just as fine.


He articulated. He was enquiring. What would you do for me in return? He asked.

"Please. I will do anything. My wrists really hurt."

Kei could feel herself nearing the edge of the cliff. There was very little preventing her from breaking down this instant and that could change any moment now.

Before she knew it, he was right in front of her. This time she didn't protest.

His hands made their way towards her extended arms, softly caressing as he was memorizing the softness of her skin. Slowly they made their way towards her bounded wrists, bouncing the metal lump which left her restrained at his mercy.

Hope bloomed in her chest like a lotus on muddy waters.

Maybe just maybe.

"Look at me"

Kei hadn't realised she was staring deeply down at her skirt until his order came through to her. She obeyed subconsciously.

"Tell me. What do you think about my marks decorating your neck?"

As though to make his point, his right hand descended to palm the soft bottom of her throat, rubbing roughly all over the bruises he had inflicted upon her. Pain pricked her all over the neck but she made an attempt not to scream. Only a gasp of frustration escaped her. Soon his right hand halted at the base of her throat, applying a slight pressure which was enough to convey the threat.

"They are lovely." She spewed out as her heart drummed against the confines of her rib cage.

His hold softened as though he was pleased with that answer.

"Tell me. Do you want more?"

She hesitated.

That tiny bit of hesitation was about to ring her death bell if not for the words that soon followed.



That little word had spilled out of her mouth, without her control. What she was pleading for, she had no clue but he decided to take the matters of meaning in his own hands.

Shortly, a harsh bite followed on the intersection of her throat and neck. Right beside her collar bone. Another added to her pile of marks.

"What does it say about you?"

He breathed roughly against her right ear. His voice was positively close to a caveman who was about to go on a rampage, ready to murder any living creatures at sight if something were to displease him. Or someone.

Fear encircled her, twisting her joints and sensitive flesh like a venomous snake coiling around her body. Somehow she knew exactly what he wanted to hear. It erupted out of her before she could reign it in.

"I am yours."


The satisfaction in his tone was hard to miss. A higher note in a symphony of monotones.

"Who do you belong to?"

He demanded one more time.


She breathlessly answered in a heartbeat.

With that her fate was sealed and her defences built out of years of hard work shattered like fragile glass against a rock. Shards reduced to pieces and pieces to bits. Unavoidable destruction of her entire being.

Author notes:

Okay so new chapter. This really needs some editing and is a kind of filter chapter basically extending the last chapter but I hope you like it.

I know the writing might not be excellent but I felt it was a good flow. I will edit this later when I wake up in the morning

Actually I have nothing much to say, cause it is 4:15 and I should be asleep but hey who cares?

Thank you for reading.

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