Leaves of Autumn

By amcka30

8K 213 51

Cecelia Bloom has just moved to Lake Gloria, a town no one really knows about, all because of her unblanced s... More

Leaves of Autumn
[1] Leaves of Autumn
[2] Leaves of Autumn
[3] Leaves of Autumn
[4] Leaves of Autumn
[5] Leaves of Autumn
[7] Leaves of Autumn
[8] Leaves of Autumn
[9] Leaves of Autumn
[10] Leaves of Autumn
[11] Leaves of Autumn
[12] Leaves of Autumn
[13] Leaves of Autumn
[14] Leaves of Autumn
[15] Leaves of Autumn
[16] Leaves of Autumn
[17] Leaves of Autumn
[18] Leaves of Autumn

[6] Leaves of Autumn

309 12 5
By amcka30


Didn't proof read because I'm lazy (:



Chapter Six

I woke up the next day earlier than normal.  I took my time getting ready for school this time, leaving the house at a quarter to eight and slowly made my way over the hill to school. 

            “Someone’s up early,” commented Jordan as I walked into the school grounds.

            I shot him a piercing glare that said ‘I’m in no mood to talk to you’ and continued walked.

            “And angry,” he added in a mumble but I could still hear it.

            “Leave me alone,” I told him in a strong voice.

            He raised his hands in defeat.  “Sorry, sorry.  I will.  But...”

            I sighed and stopped walking, not turning around to look at him.  “What do you want Jordan?”  I suddenly felt his presence right behind me and I turned around to see him only ten centimetres away from me.

            “A second chance,” he whispered.

            “Why should I give you a second chance?” I replied.

            “Because I was a selfish loser and I wasn’t thinking.”

            “I don’t know if I can forgive you Jordan... you’re probably going to just do the same thing again.”

            “I promise I won’t.”

            I bit my lip.

            “I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you the day to think it over and then I’ll catch up with you at the end of the day to see if I still get another chance.  If you do by any hope give me another chance perhaps we could go back to my place.  None of my friends.  Just us two.”

            I knew I wanted to smile, but I didn’t want to give in so easily.  His actions did hurt me.  “I’ll think about it,” I mumbled, not looking into his eyes because I knew it would give me away.

            “Great, thanks Cece!” he enthused.

            I nodded my head and turned around, walking off in the opposite direction.

            “Cece!” Eve called out from a tree.  She was sitting under it by herself, most likely waiting for Abigail to show up.  To bide her time, on her lap lay a scrap book filled with pictures she had taken herself.

            I walked over to her and sat down.  “What’s happening?”

            She nodded at the scrap book on her lap.  “Oliver’s going away present.”

            “I think it’s really sweet you’re doing this for him,” I stated, giving her a smile.

            She shrugged and smiled genuinely at the scrap book.  “It’s the least I can do, after all the times he has been there for me.”

            I wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder.  “I bet he loves it.”

            “Oh I hope so!”

            I giggled in reply.

            “Oh I forgot!  Cece, I need to take some pictures of you.”

            “What?  Why me?”

            “Because you’re Oliver’s friend too.”

            I dropped my head down.  “What if I’m not by the time he leaves?”

            “Oh I highly doubt that.”

            “I don’t know...”

            “Oh come on Cece!  It’ll be fun!”

            I bit my lip and sighed.  “Fine, I guess.”

            “Yay!  How about on Saturday you sleep over mine and we’ll take some pictures?”

            I smiled.  “I’d like that.” 

            Eve and Abigail had to be my only female friends I had made in Lake Gloria so far.  Every other girl just glanced over me and then didn’t want anything to do with me.  In fact, anyone in Jordan’s circle of friend’s didn’t want anything to do with me except Jordan himself.  Anyone who is friends with Oliver has taken me in willingly.

            It made me feel accepted, and for that I was glad.

            “So what’s new, city girl?” Oliver asked me.

            I grimaced and said, “Please tell me you’re not going to make that a constant nickname for me.”

            “Nah, it’s too lame.  I’ll think up something more annoying.”

            I rolled my eyes and sat in my seat.  Oliver took the place next to me. 

            “So like I was saying...” Oliver continued.  “What’s new?”

            I bit my lip and muttered, “Jordan tried apologising.

            “Oh,” was all he said.

            Sighing, I then said, “I said I’d get back to him on the matter.  He said he’d give me a day to think it over if I forgive him.  And the thing is... I really like Jordan as a person but... I feel as if he’s probably some business I shouldn’t get into?” I asked him.

            Oliver shrugged.  “It’s your life.”

            “But you know him!   You could advise me if he’s the right option or not.”

            “But Cece... how would you know if I was telling the truth?  What makes you think it’s me you can trust?”

            I shrugged.  “I guess it just feels that way.”

            Oliver shook his head.  “Ask around with the girls.  They’d give you a better opinion on that.  Don’t ask me.”

            I sighed and said, “Okay.”

            There was silence for a moment until Oliver said, “Hey, my grandmother wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner on Sunday night.”

            I bit my lip.  “I’d have to ask Rick because it’s a school night.”

            “Of course.”

            “But yeah, I’d love to.”

            “Cool... perhaps we could hang out before as well?”

            I was about to agree when I remembered my promise to Eve.  “I can’t, I’m sleeping over Eve’s Saturday night.  So I won’t be available till the afternoon most likely.”

            “Eve as in... my Eve?”

            I nodded.  “What other Eve would I know?”

            Oliver shrugged.  “Who knows?  But Eve’s family is religious.”


            “And you’d have to leave before 9 am.  They have church.”

            I groaned.  “Damn.  I hate waking up early.”

            Oliver smirked.  “Tell you what, I’ll come pick you up and you can rest a bit during the day.  But at least hang out with me for a while.”

            I smiled brightly.  “Okay, sounds like a plan.”

            Oliver sent me one of his genuine smiles.

            “Hey Eve...” I trailed off.

            “Yeah?” Eve said, looking up from her scrap book.  As usual, Eve, Abigail and I sat under a tree as Oliver jammed on his guitar with a few of his friends playing their little instruments next to him.

            “Should I trust Jordan?” I asked her.


            “Depends on what?”

            “On what your intentions for him are.”


            Eve sighed and closed her scrap book.  “Meaning do you have any plans on dating him.”

            “As in... boyfriend/girlfriend?”

            Eve nodded as if it was simple question.

            I shrugged.  “I don’t know.  I barely know him.”

            “Well,” she emphasised, “If you only plan on being friends, then go ahead and feel free to be open with him.  He’s a really nice guy.  But if you plan on dating him... Don’t expect to keep us as friends.”

            “What do you mean?”

            Eve looked at Abigail for help.

            “Well you see Cece...” Abigail helped, “Jordan has a tendency to get... very clingy.”

            “He falls in love fast,” Eve added.

            Abigail nodded at Eve’s statement.  “And it’s always a rule that if he states his love for you then you must drop any contact to his brother.”

            “Why?” I questioned.

            “Because, he’s afraid Oliver will steal him.”

            “That’s nonsense!”

            Abigail shrugged.  “He doesn’t seem to think so.”

            I rolled my eyes.  “Has he ever had proof of this?”

            I saw Abigail’s eyes quickly flicker to Eve who was biting her lip and twisting her hair.

            “Well...” Eve started.  “At the start of last year Jordan and I were really good friends.  Then one day he asked me on a date...”

            I could see where this was going.

            “So I agreed and after a few more dates we ended up being boyfriend and girlfriend.  But two weeks after it was declared we were, he started telling me he loved me.  I was fine if he fell in love fast or something... but then after a month he started telling me to stop talking to guys.  And Oliver was my good friend, like always, so of course Jordan said importantly not to talk to Oliver.  But I ignored that and still did.  And Jordan got... a bit crazy... he yelled lots... broke down... sometimes got angry and ignored me... Eventually I just couldn’t stand it and I broke up with him.”

            I felt my eyes bulge.  “What a nutcase!” I exclaimed.

            “Oh no, no, no!  Don’t think that!  Jordan is a really nice guy but... you’ve got to teach him how to pace these things.”

            I rolled my eyes.  “If his intentions are a relationship, then I don’t think I want that with him.”

            “What’s the point, Cece?” Abigail suddenly whispered.

            “Hmm?” I asked in confusion.

            “You’re not here forever.  And you don’t plan on being with Jordan forever.  But you’re still a teenager.  You should have your fun.”

            “And risk breaking someone’s heart?” I whispered.

            “And risk losing the moments you could experience?”

            Abigail had a point. 

            If Jordan did want to ever make that step with me, I decided I’d give him a chance.  And I’d also give him a chance this afternoon.

            “Hey Cece!” Oliver called out.

            I raised my head and looked at him. 

            “Come over here!” he shouted.

            I got up, leaving my things with Eve and Abigail, making my way over to Oliver.

            “Yes?” I asked.

            He nodded over to a tall, dark skinned, Asian guy.  “That’s Apiroo,” he stated.

            “Uh... hey, nice to meet you.”

            He didn’t say anything, but he fiddled around in his pocket, pulled out a comb, took a step forward and started to comb my hair.

            “Ah... should I be scared?” I asked Oliver.

            Oliver chuckled and shook his head.  “Nah, that’s Apiroo for you.  He has a major fascination for a Japanese rock band called The Gazette.”

            “I’ve heard of them,” I muttered.  “Not really into it though.”

            Apiroo took a step back and shook his head.  “I’m offended,” he said.  “They’re amazing!”  His voice was soft and awkward sounding.

            “Uh...” I said, without a comeback.

            Apiroo shook his head and walked away.

            “He’s weird,” I whispered to Oliver.

            “I know,” Oliver whispered back.  “But he’s cool.”

            “Whatever you say,” I whispered again.

            “Hey Cece?” Oliver whispered questionably,


            “Why are we still whispering?”

            I laughed and spoke normally.  “Because it’s fun.”

            Oliver smiled.   “So what’s the verdict?”

            “The verdict for what?”

            “Don’t tell me that you didn’t ask Eve and Abigail nothing about Jordan.”

            “Oh!  That!  Well I decided to give him a chance.  Might as well whilst I’m here.”

            Oliver nodded and smiled.  “Good choice.”

            I watched him get back to playing guitar.

            I walked out of the school grounds to find Jordan was already waiting for me.

            “Hey,” he muttered, unsure of what I’d decide.

            I smiled and replied, “Hey.”

            His eyes started to twinkle in hope.  “So?” he prompted.

            “So... I decided to give you a chance.”

            “Yes!” he enthused and pulled me into a hug.

            “You’re suffocating me,” I mumbled against his chest.

            He let out a laugh and released me from his death grip.  “You won’t regret it!” he promised.

            “I hope not,” I replied in a mumble.


I had no choice but to include Apiroo by the way.  He's a friend of mine, he gave me specifics of how to include him and what I have to make sure is included.  -__-

No racism intended by the way with the asian comment.  He told me exactly to describe him like that.

Thank you for reading.


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