cherry flavoured conversations

By baulvr

28 1 8

short, cute but hopefully not cringy one shot about Pablo from Violetta because he is underrated don't worry... More

cherry flavoured conversations

28 1 8
By baulvr

A/N: heyy this is my first story and my first language is not English so sorry if they are some mistakes! Hope you enjoy :)

YOU WERE GOING TO LEAVE ME FOR MY AUNT?", y/n yelled tears streaming down her face in the middle of the street.

"You're the one who is leaving for a stupid little school programme", her pig of a boyfriend, Nick, spat. He was referring to her application for a semester abroad in whatever country her uni decides, since she was studying for a literature doctorate, wanting to have more than just her simple degree.

"I don't even know whether they'll accept me", she cried out.

"Doesn't matter. You'd rather leave me than leave school and that says enough."

At this point y/n's patience was on its verge. She just couldn't believe Nick. God, his red face caused by the sun, that shone rarely in England looked so punchable right now. But no, even that was too much effort, that Nick was certainly not worth. Only her education was.

So without even hesitating she yelled: „If that's how it is we're DONE. Pick your stuff up at mine tomorrow!"

Nick, now suddenly her ex, did not bother to respond but instead climbed into his flashy car and sped away way too fast like he always did.

As if he had not caused enough hurt already, in the process, he managed to scare an innocent old lady who was just trying to cross the road. As a result she fell and hit her head pretty hard.

Y/n watched this happen with horror and suddenly forgot her own worries. Running over as fast as she could she realised that the poor lady lost her consciousness and had blood flowing out of a small wound on her head.

While the girl's mind was completely overwhelmed with everything that happened in the last few minutes of the hot summer day, her limbs luckily weren't and seemed to know what to do. During the wait for the ambulance she started to search for a phone or wallet, anything that would help reveal the woman's ID, when suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist. When she looked up up she saw that the lady had gained her consciousness back. As attempt to calm her down, y/n slowly introduced herself and informed her about what had occurred.

"Is there anyone I can call for you Mrs. ehm-"

"Galindo, dear", Mrs Galindo replied with a slight accent that sounded like Spanish to y/n.

"I'm afraid you can only call my son Pablo but he'd take atleast a day to get here." When she saw the confusion in the young girls face she continued, "We're originally from Argentina and I'm only here for a small business trip."

"Don't worry about that please, I'll stay with you until he arrives", y/n responded with a small smile. She somehow felt guilty for what happened to Mrs Galindo and thought that accompanying her was the least she could do.

So while they were on a bumpy ride in the back of the ambulance to the nearest hospital, she took the old woman's phone and called the only person that was saved as "Pablo ❤️".

After a few rings she suddenly heard a low but stressed voice yell something inaudible in presumably Spanish. The only words she could make up were "No", "Gregorio" and a confused "Mamá?".

She mentally cursed herself for not thinking about the possibility of communication issues, and preparing herself, but given the fact that his mum was also somewhat fluent in English she hoped it would go just well.

"No Sir, it's not Mamá-", she made a quick pause at the realisation of how weird that sentence was but continued to somehow save the situation.

"My name is y/n, you have no reason to worry but your mother fell on the street and knocked her head on the sidewalk which is why we're on our way to the hospital."

After a stunned silence the deep voice on the other side exclaimed: "What? Is she gonna be okay?". He had the same accent as his mother, only that on him it sounded way better.

She realised how inappropriate it was that her main focus was on this instead of reassuring the man, so she quickly responded: "Yeah, there's no reason to worry, she is awake now and responsive but I think it's still a good idea if you come here as soon as possible."

"Yes, can I ask you to send me the address to this number. I'll take the next plane."

"Sure, and don't worry I'll be wit-", y/n wanted to clarify, but he had already hung up.

Once they had arrived at the hospital and Mrs Galindo was getting checked out by few doctors there was nothing left to do for her but to do what Pablo had asked her and then get lost in her thoughts.

Weirdly, all the pain her argument and breakup had caused went away and the only thing she could really think about was the responsibility she felt for the woman. If she had only listened to her friends and dumped Nick sooner neither her or Mrs Galindo would have went through this. But before she could get too caught up and sad, a friendly doctor came out of the examination room.

She asked if y/n was a family member, since only they were allowed to receive information about the patient's state. Y/n had never struggled to come up with emergency lies, so she quickly claimed that she was her daughter-in-law, which as she tried to convince herself, was the most realistic and therefore reasonable thing to do, since she didn't look exactly Hispanic. No other reason.

Apparently, Mrs Galindo had only suffered a little blood loss from her head injury and a small tearing of her liver caused by the impact of her fall, which is why her doctors had decided it was the best for her to be put under sleeping medications until tomorrow, in order to help her body heal more on its own.

"You can spend the night in her room but I'm afraid there is no extra bed", the doctor offered her politely, and y/n accepted, even willing to sleep on a chair if necessary.

She hadn't realised how late it had already gotten until she looked out of the window of the hospital room and saw that it was dark outside. Now that she could relax for the first time today, she felt her tiredness take over and luckily fell asleep before any other sad thoughts could torture her further.


BANG. The loud noise from the slamming of the door and fast footsteps startled y/n out of her very uncomfortable sleeping position. Her heart began racing at the sudden shock but the room was way too bright for her to open her eyes and see what was going on. A male voice she recognised from somewhere began repeating the same word "Mamá" over and over again. Hold on-

Y/n forced her eyes open and saw a tall man trying to wake up Mrs Galindo. He wore dark blue denim jeans and a dark green shirt, of which he had rolled up the sleeves, causing it to tighten around his very much visible biceps. His hair and eyes were both brown and his skin tanned. This couldn't be Pablo, right? He looked way too young and good. There was only one way to find out and she figured she might as well have fun with it.

"Uhm Sir, only family members are allowed to be in the room", the girl spoke up, voice still scratchy from being asleep just seconds ago.

The handsome man stared back at her with widened eyes. "He probably didn't even see me up to now and is shocked at how hideous I must look", she thought when he suddenly cleared his throat.

"I'm her son...", he expressed his confusion.

"Oh, excuse me please. I just expected someone else when I heard your voice on the phone. I'm y/n by the way, the woman who found your mother", she held out her hand to greet him properly, which he took after he dropped some flowers he was holding on the table nearby. His warm eyes meet hers with a friendly gaze and a genuine smile was on his lips.

"Oh, I have to admit I didn't think that you'd be nice enough to bother to stay. Especially overnight. And what, did you think I'd be some hideous old man? Is my voice really that repulsing?", he joked around.

However, instead of his words, at first she could only comprehend the softness of his hands, which contradicted his broad figure in her opinion.

"Ehh- yeah, I don't know I just didn't want her to be alone I guess. And besides, if you hadn't hung up on my face, you'd have heard me say that I'll be with her", y/n accused playfully, choosing to ignore the part where he talked about his voice.

"Ok ok, you've made multiple points. And seriously, I can't thank you enough for looking out for my mother all this time. I'm sure that was a big help for her. Not everyone would've done it."

His eyes glistened from gratitude and sincerity, which y/n returned with a small smile, while at the same wondering why her heart hadn't recovered from the shock of the loud noise which woke her up and was still beating like crazy.

Both were getting lost in thought while unconsciously staring at each other, when suddenly small movement from towards the bed gained their attention. Mrs Galindo slowly woke up and as soon as she saw her son her face brightened up visibly. They exchanged a long hug and loads of greetings in Spanish.

Y/n felt a little bit intrusive watching them, so she went to press the button to notify the nurses. When mother and son looked at her she explained: "The doctors have to do another examination when you wake up to check how much your body has already healed on its own. It is possible that they now put you on further medication. They asked me notify someone as soon as you wake up, apparently it's really important."

"Thank you a lot dear. You've done so much for me. I'm glad it was you who found me." Mrs Galindo spoke softly.

"I see you also have met my son Pablo", she continued with a mischievous smile.

"I can't believe he hasn't gotten you a coffee or something. Seriously is this how I taught you to treat beautiful women?", she scolded while facing her son, who seemed very overwhelmed suddenly.

"I'm sorry that I first cared about you, my birthmother", he defended himself.

Slowly, y/n started to find this amusing. It was like the smooth and confident man she met a few minutes ago was replaced by a five year old boy getting told off.

"Oh come on, there's no need for that. Even in a hospital bed I'm still stronger than both of you children combined. You should rather worry about finally finding an esposa, one that isn't like Angie or worse Jackie."

Y/n didn't really know what that meant but she did not miss the blush that covered the man's cheeks when his mum spoke those words. It made her silently chuckle to herself.

"I'm serious Pablo. Get her coffee and later something to eat. The poor girl had no proper meal since yesterday and slept on a chair the whole night."

Y/n was just about to decline and say that that was not necessary at all, when suddenly, as if on cue a nurse and a doctor walked in and told them that they needed to get out of the room while the examination took place.

Having left no choice the pair stepped outside to the hallway.

"Please take a seat while I get us that very much needed coffee", Pablo said, gesturing towards a small couch infront of Mrs Galindo's room.

"No, please it's really not necessary at all. You probably have other things to worry about."

"I won't take no for an answer. Please, I insist."

"Nah, I'm sweating my tits off in this heat anyway."

Once that sentence left y/n's mouth Pablo's face took a shocked impression and he quickly looked down, avoiding her eyes or any other part for that matter. Realisation took over the girl.

"Oh, not literally. I didn't mean to be inappropriate. It's just a normal saying here you know? Sorry...", she nervously laughed while mentally facepalming herself. Pablo seemed one of those overly respectful guys that were really careful on topics like that. She honestly found it kind of admirable.

"Ahh I think I understand", he finally responded with an amused look.

"But I'm afraid you can't throw me off that easily. I'll just get you an iced coffee instead. Wait here."

And with that he disappeared into the nearest elevator on his way to the cafeteria.

Y/n started to like Pablo. He was really nice and had an aura of authority but also loyalty around him, making everyone admire but also feel safe around him. Atleast that's what she assumed. Unfortunately though, she was pulled away from her thoughts by the doctor who just left the room.

"Your mother-in-law has improved significantly but to speed up the process we've prescribed her some meds that require full bed rest for atleast another day. This means that no one it allowed to step in and disturb her. Apart from that she should be fine by tomorrow and maybe even able to leave."

Y/n thanked him for the information and watched him leave, when she suddenly heard Pablo's voice again.

"Mother-in-law?", he questioned looking humoured. Oh no, he overheard the conversation.

"Well yeah... I had to claim to have some sort of relation to her to stay... it's the best I could come up with. Anyways, thanks so much for the coffee Pab- ...Mr Galindo", she attempted poorly to drop the topic and build more distance.

"Please, I thought it was clear that we're on first name basis, y/n." Yep he definitely was charming. Not knowing what to say or do she just stretched out her hand for the cup he brought but Pablo just backed away.

"Don't want your hands to freeze, do we?", he grinned and walked over to a small tray with a few food and drink items made for guests. After a quick look he pulled out one of those hand-protecting papers, put it around the cup and proceeded to finally hand over the beverage.

Y/n was literally speechless at the thoughtfulness she didn't experience often and was afraid that the warmth rushing into her cheeks was not from the heat of the weather. She took a sip, hoping the coolness would calm her down a bit.

"What about your hands though?", she remarked, seeing that he was also drinking from a cup.

"Mine's a classic hot one but I appreciate your concern", he winked.

"Wow, you must be so hot though", she returned, grateful for her cool liquid.

„Must be? We're not on the phone anymore, y/n. I'm standing in front of you", he mocked with a grin.

"God, not again. It's once again a saying. Like you suffering from heat. Therefore, don't flatter yourself. I should stop speaking to you like you're some roadman."

"No no, please don't. I like learning these things. And here I was thinking I could pull a rating out of you. Like those how much would you rate me out of ten things."

She could only acknowledge him with nervous laughter. How could he be that slick? She had never felt that way before with Nick. Even before they had started dating officially.

The slightly awkward silence was interrupted by a very loud grumbling of y/n's stomach. At this point she was so embarrassed that she contemplated just leaving and going home but Pablo just gave her warm smile and glanced at his watch, asking: "Should we grab an early dinner?"

"Dinner? I feel like I just woke up."

"It's 4 pm. You and Mamá took your sweet time, huh? But no judgement here, I can't imagine how tiring it was for both of you. Come on, I saw a restaurant that looked nice just next to the hospital", he said sincerely and y/n couldn't help but look forward to it. The food of course.

So they made their way out of the rather depressing hospital and out on the street. The sun was very strong, which was why y/n was really glad for the little beauty bag she kept in her purse at all times, filled with lifesavers like strong deodorant, refreshing face sprays and lipgloss. She couldn't wait to finally freshen up in the bathroom of the apparently very small family restaurant they were heading to.

"I know I have already said this but I worry it wasn't sincere enough. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with my mum. That's incredibly kind of you, really", Pablo suddenly spoke up. He did this with such honesty that y/n also felt like she owed him telling a bit of the truth.

"Well, the dickhead that indirectly knocked off your mum is or really was my boyfriend, so it was kind of my duty to make up for him."

"You don't have to feel responsible for the actions of someone who used to be in your life, you know."

He seemed to think that the breakup had been some time ago and not seconds before his mum's fall, but the whole subject was making her so uncomfortable, that she, rather defensively, countered;

"I don't know, I just did."

At this, Pablo luckily noticed that she was trying the close the topic for some reason and instead looked up at the sky towards the sun.

"You're right, I am hot", he joked as an attempt of distraction, but still visibly struggling with the heat.

"Aren't you Argentinian though? You should be used to that."

"Yes, we always get told how hot we are."

"You know that that's not what I meant", y/n expressed, intentionally rolling her eyes while walking inside the restaurant they just arrived at, definitely not missing the fact that Pablo was holding the door for her and how his shirt stretched while doing so. For some reason she was really observant these days.

"After you, Señorita.", he said while comically bowing down.

The inside of the restaurant was luckily way cooler and its friendly atmosphere directly took over the pair. The place was very homey and there was even a piano stood in the corner.

She suggested going for the table next to the large window that showed the view of a typical busy street in London. Just as she was about to take her seat she felt Pablo's breath behind her, making her realise that he was really pulling the chair for her, just like in the movies. Or maybe it was just something that Nick was always too shallow to do. Either way she liked receiving this type of attention.

Y/n quickly looked down at the already present menu cards, partly to hide her smile but also because she was really hungry and finally wanted to eat. While she was reading and contemplating whether to get some pasta or pizza, she was at the same time fighting the wind of the ac that kept blowing strands of her hair into her face, which she then constantly had to tuck back behind her hair. Wrapped up in her own little struggles she only recognised Pablo's adoring gaze when he couldn't help but finally chuckle.

"What?", she said laughing and looking at him. Really looking at him. She finally admitted to herself that she had a slight crush on the man infront of her. Which felt weird considering she had just broken up with Nick, who she thought was someone she loved. On top of that, Pablo was different than the rest of the boys she knew, more mature. More of a man, although he was not significantly older than her or her male environment. Maybe he was right and Argentinians were better.

"Well, now you're the one who's staring", the man spoke up with a big grin.

His flirty looks and words had been making y/n nervous the whole day, but after her own grand epiphany she started to enjoy it. It was nice to feel like this again. And she definitely wanted to return the attitude but she would start out small or, more accurately, hope that she would build some courage to do so.

"We chose this seat to enjoy excellent views, didn't we Pablo?". That was better than she was prepared for and she couldn't deny that pride filled her chest when she saw the stunned look on his face. He only started to recover when he saw a waitress approaching their table.

"Good evening Sir, what can I do for you?", she slurred sweetly, bending down closer towards him, blocking his view on y/n purposefully. "What a cliche.", she thought. But y/n was not really mad or offended, it was Pablo for god's sake.

"I need another moment to think, you can take her order meanwhile.", he said with his warm and friendly voice, at which both girls swooned internally.

Y/n placed her order, grateful that the waitress was also polite to her unlike the rest of the cliche she was previously reminded of. She turned her attention back to Pablo to write done his order and looked at him expectantly.

"I'll have what the wife says", he spoke and her face fell for a second before she smiled back again politely and headed towards the kitchen.

"The wife?" y/n asked face flushed but still amused.

"You're not the only one with the sayings", he teased.

"The wife has got to freshen up really badly though", she remembered, grabbed her bag and left for the bathroom with a wink.

In there, she washed her face, put on some perfume and debated whether to put on the lipgloss with or without cherry flavour. The concentrated expression on her face, which reflected from the mirror in front of her, made her giggle to herself. She felt like a silly schoolgirl again, trying to impress a boy.

Normally she would've cringed at herself for such behaviour but she had forgotten how fun it was, so she proudly grabbed the tube with cherries all over it and put on the lipgloss with much care and effort. Lastly, she quickly went through her hair with her hands, winked at her reflection for confidence and headed back to their table.

"So Pablo, what is it that you do for a living?", she asked while sitting down.

"You sound like my mother when she's trying to matchmake some girl for me", he chuckled.

"Must be a total coincidence because I'm only asking out of curiosity", she said replied with purposefully fake reassurance.

"I'm the headteacher of a music and dance academy back in Buenos Aires", he declared with a large smile.

"You're very proud of that, huh?"

"Definitely. I love music as much as the talented kids I'm working with"

"And you surely must be that teacher everyone, students and colleagues, fancy"

"Considering that I'm a professional I don't care about those things"

"Is that why your mother was talking about... what was it? Angie and Jackie?"

"They could work anywhere. Why are you so certain that they are my colleagues?"

"Good point. But you just seem like someone who's married to their work and therefore to the people there". That was not really what y/n had assumed but she needed to justify her random claim without any foundation somehow.

"You are surprisingly right, smarty. But I'm still friends with both of them, just so you don't think something wrong of me. Anyways, what about you?"

"I'm an editor for a publishing company, meaning that I spend my time perfecting novels. But right now I'm additionally working on expanding my literature degree to a doctorate."

"So I can call you doctor instead of smarty soon, can't I? Seriously though, that's amazing". His fascination made her blush a bit but luckily the food arrived just in time and both of them dug in without wasting a second.

Over the course of their long dinner, the pair talked about anything imaginable. Y/n was amazed at how easy conversing with Pablo was, since she was mostly used to guys that either had terrible communication skills or just talked completely nonsense. Pablo on the other hand was more than able to hold an intelligent conversation, which she found very attractive of him. The only time they were interrupted was when another waitress, this time an elderly lady, came to their table and placed one plate of tiramisu on it.

"They also call it 'the lovers' dessert' if you didn't know. I pretty much own this place and love to give some to the couples that I find especially adorable. It's of course on the house", she informed and was just as quickly gone as she appeared.

Pablo managed to say a quick 'thank you so much' to her, while y/n was a bit stunned.

"She only gave us one plate, which unfortunately means that we'll have to share the grand 'lovers' dessert'", he pointed out while teasingly wiggling his brows.

"Oh, I definitely do not have the biggest luck with love these days. Watch out, or it might jump to you as well while we share", she poorly joked.

"Am I allowed to ask?"

She gave this a quick thought. She hadn't wanted to talk about the breakup before but now she trusted him. And besides, she didn't want to shut him out once again.

"Uhm yeah, no problem. It's just that I broke up with my ex Nick yesterday. Also known as the dickhead I mentioned earlier."

"But weren't you with my mum all day?"

"Nick and I were taking a walk in the city, when I told him I'd do a semester abroad in a country that I'll find out soon. He became mad that I prioritise my education before him although I don't even know if they accepted me. So he just confessed to me that he was planning to leave me for my aunt anyways, probably as an attempt to hurt me, which by the way very much worked. At this point I also went mad and broke up with him on the spot, which was why he speeded away and scared your mum. God, I feel so bad about it, I hope you're not too angry."

"I am angry. But not at you. Not only does this Nick put my mum in the hospital, even if indirectly, but he also disrespects you like that. I hate men who are so fragile and scared of women's success"

Pablo's face took an expression y/n had yet not seen. The protectiveness was not new, since she had seen him with his mother, but her being the object of it as well made her feel... things.

"You can't imagine how relieved I am. It sounds stupid but believe me when I say that I have no idea what I saw in him."

"Your taste in men certainly has to be changed"

"To what? You?", y/n teased, glad that the mood was going up again.

"Of course! I am 100% husband material. Look at me, I'm handsome, kind, smart and have a decent job with a good income as you already inquired. And I almost forgot to mention, I can basically play any instrument out there masterfully."

"Is that so? Prove it then", y/n gestured to the piano.

"Challenge accepted. But not without you, Señorita."

"I can't really play though, I'd rather watch and listen."

"I'll choose a song where only have to press one or two tiles maximum. How does that sound?"

"Well, if you must insist..."

Pablo offered her a hand to stand up, which she gladly took, and led her by her waist to the piano. They sat down next to each other on the bench, shoulders touching. Y/n liked this sudden increase of body contact and wondered where her shyness went. Pablo took her hand once again and showed the tiles she was supposed to play. Surprisingly she managed pretty well and watched in awe as Pablo began to play the rest. Her gaze went from his fingers to his concentrated face and it was sure to say that she had butterflies in her stomach, as stupid as that would have sounded to her before.

When the song ended, too soon for her liking, their small audience consisting of a few guests and the restaurants workers clapped. The pair stood up and this time y/n took Pablo's hand to bow down. Both of them were grinning ear to ear and even smiled for the camera the elderly waitress from before held up to take a photo of them. Y/n was pretty sure that she heard her say that she was going to hang it up on a wall.

She started returning to their table, assuming that Pablo was following her, when she saw that he had instead dashed to the counter and payed their bill before she could even say anything. Assuming that they were leaving, she just grabbed her bag instead.

"Do you want me to drop you off at your house? My car is just parked outside of the hospital", Pablo offered while walking through the door.

"Sure, but just so you know, next time I'll pay", y/n said, aware of her phrasing.

"Next time you say? I'll make sure to pick the most expensive place", he once again winked and y/n practically swooned.

"Oh no, definitely not. Because in that case, you'll just get some toast and beans."

"Are you trying to seduce me by cooking for me?", he accused.

"I mean, if it's that easy to seduce with such a horrible meal you should rather look for the mistake on yourself", she countered, stopping her walk since they've had seemingly arrived at his car.

"I would even eat poison if it came from your hands", he proclaimed dramatically, while opening the passenger's door for her. After y/n got in he went around the car to get in himself, never breaking eye contact with her through the window.

Inside the car, a comfortable silence broke over them after she gave him her address. During the drive Pablo rolled the windows down and the hot summer breeze that came in made here very sleepy. She tried to fight it but the wind combined with her the exhaustion that was still left from the day before won, and she fell asleep with head leaned on the car seat.


The second time she was woken up by Pablo today was much softer. He carefully tapped her shoulder and chuckled at the slight confusion on her face from just waking up.

"We're there, smarty", he messed with her while staring into her eyes, at which she couldn't help but stare back. This went on for about a minute until she couldn't take it anymore and suddenly exclaimed:

"Please say that I don't have drool at the corner of my mouth!"

To this Pablo couldn't help but break into a roaring laugh that threw his head back.

"No, no you don't", he reassured her fondly while recollecting his breath.

"Walk me to the door?"

"Of course. I'm a gentleman." He continued to prove his claim by again opening her door for her. "He's really going all in", y/n thought when he even proceeded to unbuckle her seatbelt for her, making sure to not come across as creepy but nevertheless smooth.

At the footstep of her house y/n thanked Pablo for the lovely day they spent together.

"What makes this day even lovelier are the stars. Look up!"

"Wow. Yes, you're right. They are beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as us."

"Did you just include yourself into the compliment as well? That's not how it's usually done."

"Maybe, but I can't be basic and unoriginal like every other guy. And why lie? We do look good."

Y/n shook her head at disbelief but still laughed, and Pablo joined her. All of a sudden a "Ping!" noise of her phone made them go silent again.

"Uhhh, who's texting you at this late hour? It can't be someone important because I'm clearly not on my phone now."

"Oh shut up, I got an email."

Y/n opened the message and started to read but before she could even finish it, she broke out in a loud squeal.

"What happened?", Pablo asked, covering his ears in an exaggerating demeanour.

"I GOT INTO THE PROGRAM! I'M GONNA STUDY IN BUENOS AIRES!", she couldn't contain her excitement and fell into his arms, giving him a tight hug. Pablo did not hesitate long before wrapping his arms around her waist, even lifting and spinning her a few times.

"Oh my god, that's incredible! Congratulations, y/n!"

They broke off their hug but Pablo still held her at her waist, making them stand very close. Y/n stared at him and it was like she was still spinning although he had put her feet back to the ground again. Pablo returned every motion and feeling in her face.

"Can I-?", he breathed out and she knew exactly was he was referring to. Being not able to speak as equally she just nodded and Pablo slowly closed the gap between their faces by kissing her carefully. It was a long but sweet one. They opened their eyes again after it ended and looked at each other.

"I'm hoping to have you as my tour guide when I fly to Buenos Aires", she whispered with a slight smile.

"Oh you can count on it, cherry lips.", he returned the smile. Y/n pulled out her keys and started to unlock her door.

"Will I see you again before that though?", he asked with a hopeful look in his warm brown eyes.

"Sure, your mum has my number. Text me anytime."

"I will, but god, she will never leave me alone after telling her that I want to have your number."

"I certainly hope that I'm worth that", she said with a final wink, stepped inside her house and closed the door behind her.

"You definitely are, y/n".

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