When enemies come

By MandyvanOost

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When the Originals came to town, Marley and her family was forced to expose themselves. That they are immorta... More

Chapter 1 - The Birthday
Chapter 2 - The Hybrid
Chapter 3 - The End of the Affair
Chapter 4 - Disturbing Behavior
Chapter 5 - The Reckoning
Chapter 6 - Smells Like Teen Spirit
Chapter 7 - Ghost World
Chapter 8 - Ordinary People
Chapter 9 - Homecoming
Chapter 10 - New York family weekend with friends
Chapter 11 - A few days more of rest.
Chapter 12 - Dangerous Liaisons
Chapter 13 - All My Children
Chapter 14 - The Murder of One
Chapter 15 - Heart of Darkness
Chapter 17 - Before Sunset
Chapter 18 - The Departed

Chapter 16 - Do Not Go Gentle

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By MandyvanOost

Authors note: Pov’s is back to Marley, but with a hint of Faye. Hope you all enjoy!


Caroline, Marley and Elena were walking through the gym hall which is being decorated for the 20s Decade Dance. Even Faye helped them. Caroline had a clipboard and was in charge of the preparations as Rebekah was missing. Caroline looked at Elena. “So, Alaric is trying to pull himself together, why is that a bad thing?”

“I just...I wish there was something I could do.” Elena picked up a chandelier. “Where do you want me to hang this thing?”

“You know what, if Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrosity she should have shown up to do it herself.” Caroline handed the chandelier to a passing by student. “Just no!” Then she saw Matt and Jeremy hanging up stars in the ceiling. “What are you doing? You can’t just hang them! They’re supposed to trickle down.”

“Trickle, duh!” Matt shouted.

“Omg, why did I agree?” Faye complained.

“Cause you love your mother.” Marley replied.

Faye looked at her. “Oh, yeah.”

Then, Caroline looked at Elena. “Look at them all bromancy.”

Elena sighed a little. “Yeah I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the Grill.”

“That was nice of him.” Caroline comment.

“It is.” Marley added.

Elena sighed. “Jeremy has got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out.”

Caroline looked at her. “So who are you bringing to the dance?”

Elena wrapped a feather boa around her neck. “What do you mean? I thought you, Bonnie, and I were going as girl dates.”

“And I bring Damon.” Marley added.

Faye sighed. “A boy asked me out, so I come too.”

“Hm, Bonnie has a date.” Caroline revealed.

Elena blinked. “What?”

“Jamie called and wanted to see her so she asked him.” Caroline replied.

“Hmm.” Elena hummed.

“Nice for her.” Marley smiled.

Caroline looked at her. “So here’s a thought, why don’t you ask Stefan?”

Elena sighed. “I can’t ask him on a date.”

Caroline pointed at her. “I’m sorry, but Stefan is your epic love. And I’m not going down without a fight.”

Marley looked at Elena. “Just ask him.”


Later, the party was in full swing in the gym hall with lots of students dancing to the music, including Bonnie and Jamie. Faye was alone and was by the drinks as Damon and Marley showed up and went to Elena and Stefan. “We need to talk.” Damon, Marley, Elena and Stefan walk out of the hall.

Out in the hallway, Elena, Stefan,  Marley and Damon were talking. “If Alaric is sick then we need to find a cure. Something.” Elena told them.

“There’s nothing we can do.” Marley sighed.

Damon frowned. “We tried medicine, we tried magic.”

“Why don’t we get him off vervain, compel him?” Stefan asked.

“No.” Marley replied.

Damon blinked at his brother. “What? To pretend to be Alaric? The guy that we know is gone. We’re talking about someone who not only hates vampires, but vampire sympathizers. Which makes one of his most obvious targets: I don’t know, you!” He was indicating Elena ay the end.

Stefan sighed. “What you think he’d go after Elena?”

“No, she’s human.” Marley replied in a duh voice.

Elena looked at them. “So wait, what are you suggesting we do?”

“I’m suggesting that we put him out of his misery.” Damon replied.

“A little hearse, babe.” Marley comment.

Elena blinked. “What?!” She exclaimed.

Just then. Jeremy joined them, having overheard their conversation. “No, no way in hell!”

“Oh come on, It’s what he would want. It’s a mercy killing.” Damon comment.

Jeremy’s look harden. “You are out of your mind!”

“Jeremy...” Elena sighed. Jeremy turned around and leaves. Elena followed him.


A moment later, Damon, Marley Stefan and Jeremy were hurrying out of the school. Suddenly Damon and Stefan stopped, while Jeremy and Marley continued walking until they stops as they don’t follow them. There qas a line of salt going around the school. “Salt. It’s the binding agent for her spell.” Stefan groaned.

Damon sighed. “We’re trapped here.”

“Great!” Marley groaned angry.


Back in the gym hall, Faye found her date as Klaus walked in and stared at them. “You don’t mind if I cut in, do you?” Klaus asked to her date.

The poor boy stayed silent. But Faye replied. “I don’t mind.” Faye took Klaus’ offered hand. He lead her out onto the dance floor.

Klaus looked at her. “You would’ve loved the 1920s, Faye. The girls were reckless, sexy, fun. They literally used to dance until they dropped.”

“That’s something, i suppose.” Faye muttered.

Klaus looked at her. “You should be nicer to me. I’m leaving town tomorrow. I’d invite you to come with me but we both know you’re not ready to accept my offer. Perhaps one day, in a year, or even in a century you’ll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer.” He stared into her eyes.

Faye looked at him. “Hmmm.”

“You mark my words. A small town boy, a small town life, it won’t be enough for you.” Klaus leaves her. She looked at him confused.


Outside, Klaus was talking on the phone as he walked away. “Rebekah, call me back immediately! I only came to this ridiculous dance because you begged me to and now you’re nowhere to be found.” Klaus saw the salt line and stopped. “What is this?”

Stefan walked up behind him. “Your mother is back.”


Later, in the classroom, several candles were lit and Bonnie was chanting. Damon, Stefan, Marley, Klaus, Jamie and Jeremy were there. Even Faye joined. “She does this all the time, right?” Jeremy asked, worried.

“We can help.” Mother and daughter duo headed over to Bonnie to help her. They sat down.

Klaus was grumbly. “What’s taking so long?! All boundary spells have a loop hole.”

Just then, Matt entered. “People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier.”

Jeremy looked at them. “Matt and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is.”

“It’s suicide, Jeremy.” Stefan disagreed.

Then, Klaus rushed over and grabbed Jamie by the throat and started to strangle him. Before he could say a word, Faye used her magic in him and he was on the ground. “Down, boy!”


The girls were alone in the classroom, Bonnie grabbed a map from the wall and put it on the teacher’s desk and turns on the table lamp. Klaus and Damon entered. “Here. Jeremy made a little Gilbert blood donation for your locator spell.”

Bonnie groaned. “I have to do this with you two lurking over me?”

“Oh don’t worry, Bonnie. I will make sore they keep their distance.” Faye replied to her.

Bonnie nodded and poured the blood onto the map and started chanting. “Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguines, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous.” The blood formed a circular pool that doesn’t move. “Esther is fighting me.”

“You don’t say.” Marley added as then she joined in.

“Esther couldn’t possibly have this much power. Unless she’s channelling something.” Klaus told them.

“A hotspot?” Faye asked.

Klaus realized something. “Get the humans ready. I know where she is.”


Later, Bonnie, Marley and Faye came out of the school. “It’s done. Esther’s not fighting me any more. The boundary spell is broken.” Klaus tested the boundary with his arm, and seeing Bonnie’s words were correct, rushed away.

Stefan looked at her. “Thank you, Bonnie. For everything.”

“I didn’t do it for you.” Bonnie almost hissed at him.


Not much later, Elena walked out of the tomb. Alaric followed her. They saw a gathering of people outside the tomb. There were lit candles scattered around them. Alaric smiles a little. Elena walked to Stefan. Alaric looked from Stefan to Damon, Marley, Faye, Caroline and Tyler, Matt, Bonnie, Jeremy, and stopped on Meredith who was crying. Alaric teared up and went into the tomb and closed the gate.

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