Phan Oneshots (a collection o...

By Cutiejea

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I wrote all of these so don't copy. This is just a collection on how I may interpreted Dan and Phil's Life Th... More

Author's Note
In the Dark
An Early Christmas Night
In the Forest
Back in Time
I Never Knew that I will Love you
Hey buddy You in London?
Brie and Rash
A Message in a Bottle
Waiting For You
You're no longer mine
Long lost lovers


151 9 0
By Cutiejea

Phean (Written June 2 2015)

Summary: Phil got tired of giving out hints to Dan so he decides to make him jelly with the help of Dean

[A/N: I believe this is the first thats been posted]


Phil's P.O.V:
Its been nearly 6 years since me and Dan met. However, he doesn't seem to notice my affections towards him. Ever since 2009, after spending time together in Manchester and filming the first PINOF, my heart skips a beat whenever we lock eyes towards each other. I posted the V-Day video on purpose... Not a joke to fool the fans. It was just an Unlisted (Private back then) video only meant for him. But Dan just founded it cute.

I guess Dan sees me in a different way.

Its been years and now, I tried everything in the book to make him notice me. But there was nothing, no result. Then came the Big Weekend in Norwich where Dean and I had to act out all cute towards each other. It was meant to be a joke but seeing Dan after that act, I sensed something off him... Like envy.

I knew I had to bring back the act again. Time to bring back #Phean.

I got my phone and called up Dean. It rang and he answered.

"Dean, I need your help" I said.

"You want Dan jealous and need my help?" Dean replied.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I need your help to get me get close to Jack" Dean said. "I tried to tell him but he seems so... serious"

We met in Starbucks that next day, planning how we can make both Jack and Dan jealous to them to understand how we feel. The first thing in our mind was actually telling them how we feel but that lead to problems like them thinking its a joke.

"We all need to meet together again" I said. "But before we go, we need to try to at least say our feelings first"

"I agree" Dean said. "But if they still think its a joke, its on"

"We shall meet on Dan's birthday. Where it doesn't seem suspicious" I said. "We plan a surprise party and from there, we say that we both planned it".

"We need to make it kick-ass like something that will blow their minds" Dean suggested. "But at the same time, we need to act all couple-ly. I suggest having our friends involved as well".

"Yeah... Making them say some rumors and such" I said. "Now to make Jack envy".

"Simple, Jack is too serious. Whenever we are in a party though, he will have that urge to have fun. His first choice is me but I will be too busy dancing and having fun with you".

JUNE 11 2015 - Dan and Phil's Apartment
A day before, we told Dan and Jack our feelings towards them but they still think its platonic. So I convinced Dan to go out to buy some groceries and 30 minutes after he left, the gang arrived. We all prepared the food and hid around the living room. As usual, when Dan arrived, we all scream 'surprise'

"What the f***!!!" Dan screamed as grocery bags fell to the ground.

"Happy Birthday Dan!" I said as I hugged him.

Dan gave a strange look which translates to 'Please let go of me'. I did and I gave a sign to Dean that the plan is go. Dean tried his best as well to make Jack acknowledge his feelings seriously rather than a joke but nothing.

Let Operation Phean begin.

"Who planned this?" Dan asked.

"It was Phil and Dean!" Zoe said. "The two worked together to make it happen".

"Really?" Dan asked. "I was expecting it was Phil would do it on his own but I guess he required a third party".

Moments later, the party began. We were playing the new Muse Album 'Drones'. Dan planned to just buy it on iTunes but I got him a Deluxe CD pack. We were using my CD for the party. Dean and I danced as Jack is just at the table talking to other YouTubers and Dan... Is just being Dan, standing in the corner.

Later in the party while Reapers was being played... Again, Jack came to Dean while he was dancing with me.

"Hey Dean... Maybe its time you hang out with me?" Jack said.

"Sorry, I'm hanging out with Phil right now! I thought you were enjoying your time with the other people" Dean said.

"I was!" Jack said with the accent. "But it seems kinda boring already".

"Maybe later Jack" Dean said as we moved to the other side of the room.

We see Jack talking to Dan. Knowing his face, there was a bit of interest and suspicion. Later, Dan came to me.

"Phil, can we have a chat" he asked.

"Sorry, I'm chatting with Dean!" I replied.

"You've been dancing with him for 2 hours!" Dan said.

"Well... You were just in the corner when the party started!" I said.

"That was because I was waiting for YOU!!!" Dan yelled.

From there, Ben turned off the CD player and everyone stared at us. Jack was just behind us while Dan got all the attention.

After all... It is his birthday.

"Phil... Can we please talk in my room... In private!" Dan asked. "My birthday, my rules!"

So I followed Dan to his room. He closed the door while I just sat on the bed. He looked furious, like I was in huge trouble or something. Turns out I was.

"Ok... What the f*** is going on Phil?" Dan asked.

"Nothing" I lied. "Just having fun".

"Having fun? More on screwing with my head" Dan said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You say you like me then you dance with Dean. You are a confusing guy" Dan said. "So stop screwing with me and answer my question... What the f*** are you doing?"

I took a deep breath as its time to tell Dan the truth. If he gets mad... At least I have my arguments ready. I went closer to him and gave him a kiss.

"Happy?" I cried. "And I know you are going to get mad about this, let me tell you this, I've been telling you how I feel back in 2010 and you didn't seem to give a damm! You only think of this as platonic and I tried to explain but you wouldnt care!".

"I don't care? Are you serious?!" Dan yelled. "Phil! I did care! What made you think other wise?!"

"You kept thinking it was a joke... Even today" I said.

"Thats because..." Dan said till he realized my point. His eyes were wide open with shock then he apologized as he slowly sat on the bed.

"I cant believe it... I was foolish enough to see it" Dan said. "So why is Dean involved?".

"Same problem... We decided to make you two jealous and for some reason... I think I may have hurt you" I said. "I'm sorry Dan".

"No, I'm sorry!" Dan said. "I was the foolish one".

"All is forgiven" I said.

We kissed and this time, Dan didn't mind.

"I love you" I said.

"Shut up!" Dan said.

The two of us left the room and in my bedroom, we see Jack and Dean having the same talk... And hopefully they end up having the same ending as we do.

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