I Believe- Carlisle Cullen Tw...

By Braveclementine2

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Davina Mikelson is not your average girl. Moving to Forks from Kentucky after a tragic incident in her past l... More

Preface 1
Forks High School- A Living Hell
Offended and Again
Acceptance and Headaches
Meeting the Doctor
Well, That Went Well
La Push and Port Angeles
An Attack and a Kiss
Date Night
I Get into Awkward Confrontations with Strangers and I Make a Stupid Decision
I Decide to Be an Idiot. Oh Wait-
Epilogue: This is Not the Beginning
Preface 2
What Great Fun
Scars, Tattoos, and Fainting. Not Quite in That Order
That's a Fucking Tragedy Sweetheart
Volterra and Volturi
Fights, Apologies, and Deals
Preface 3
Family Loyalty vs Secrets
The Visit and More Secrets- Not Mine This Time
Victoria Tries Killing Me With a Soccer Ball
Carlisle Vs. Lord
The Council Meeting
What Do you Mean the Wedding is Still Going On?
Graduation Party
The Fight, the Volturi, and the Telekinetic. Oh my!
Preface 4
Bella's Wedding and My Funeral
Gonna Give All My Secrets Aw-a-ay
Jacob's Declaration
Betrayal Hurts like a Bitch. Think I'd Be Used to it By Now
A Night of Imprinting
Bella's Transformation and My Children Hate My Thoughts
Stupidity and Love Are the Same Thing
Honeymoon 2
Fantastic. We're so Screwed
We Get Some Help
Alistair Leaves, Christmas Comes, and We Throw the Biggest Party Ever
Niklaus Scares us Shitless
Epilogue Again

Meeting the Family. Oh and of course- We make some Lovely Enemies

900 22 5
By Braveclementine2

Davina P.O.V.

"WAKE UP!" Someone's voice bellowed in my ear.

I shrieked, not knowing someone was in the house, grabbing the pillow next to me and swinging it with all my might into the face of someone large.

I heard chuckling and opened my eyes for the first time, seeing that I hit Emmett in the face. That made me sit up, looking around, and realizing that I was wearing one of Carlisle's shirts and was sitting in his bed.

Why did he have a bed?

"Fuck off Emmett!" I growled, tossing my body back down on the bed, pulling the pillow over my head, trying to go back to sleep.

"No. You have to wake up. Alice says that Edward will be bringing Bella over and we're going to introduce you as our mama bear." Emmett teased.

"Good you're awake." Alice tittered, probably dancing into the room.

"No I'm not." I grumbled.

"Yes, you are." Alice said, grabbing the pillow off my head. "And you're lucky Carlisle didn't hear you curse. He doesn't like curse words."

I scowled at her. "I don't curse unless I'm woken up when I don't want to be awake."

"Hmm, well you needed to get up anyways, it's nine o'clock." Alice said, lifting me out of the bed, making me yelp, and setting me back down on the floor. I turned to dive back into bed, but she wrapped an arm around my waist, dragging me towards her room.

We passed Carlisle on the way out and I glared at him and muttered, "Last time I'm sleeping over."

I could hear Emmett and Jasper laughing downstairs at my comment and Carlisle grinned.

"Let me wear my own clothes damnit." I grumbled as Alice started putting out some short thin purple dress on her bed. She tsked. "I'm serious."

"Fine." Alice huffed and I pulled on black jeans and a cute red top with knot at the bottom right that read: Math the only place where people buy 69 Watermelons and no one wonders why.

Then I pulled on my black boots, pulled my hair back in a ponytail, and relented to let Alice do my makeup for me because- to be honest- she was both quicker and better at it than I was.

"Alright there." Alice said, pulling back from my face, though she pursed her lips at my top.

"Great. Thanks." I muttered.

I pretty much ran from Alice's bedroom to Carlisle's, seeing him dressed in a navy blue sweater and I jumped. He caught my easily and I pressed my lips to his.

"Hi." He murmured as we pulled back. "You're in much better spirits."

"Well I'm hungry." I said as he put me down. "And I heard that we're making Bella food. So I'm excited."

Carlisle chuckled, "True, you haven't had breakfast yet."

"Come on." I said. "I should cook anyways. I can hear Esme downstairs watching a cooking show to know how to make food."

Carlisle laughed outright, scooping me up again, zooming me down the stairs to the second floor where the kitchen was.

I quickly got to work, dancing around the kitchen, not paying anyone else any attention. Emmett and Rosalie were throwing a salad together and since I figured they couldn't screw it up, I paid attention to the actually cooking, turning off Esme's cooking show.

"I was watching that." Esme pouted.

"And I actually know how to cook." I said, frying the meat that they wanted cooked.

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie scowled behind me.

I tsked. I had become the mother of the group of course, long before Emmett decided to tease me about it and I looked at her.

"Her name is Bella." Emmett said in a voice that meant 'duh'.

I snorted, and then let out a little laugh. "Emmett that doesn't mean anything. I'm not Scottish or Hebrew and my name is Davina."

"Actually it's mamma bear, but ya know." Emmett muttered.

"I'm sure she'll love it no matter what." Carlisle said from behind me, his chin resting on my shoulder, watching me cook.

Suddenly, they all froze a little and Rosalie said, "Whew, get a whiff of that."

"Rose." I muttered darkly. Bella must be here.

"Here comes the human." Rose continued.

I sighed.

Esme walked across the kitchen to greet Edward and Bella as they appeared and she said, "Bella, we're making Italiano for you."

"Bella, this is Esme, our Aunt." Edward introduced the two of them.

Esme and Bella conversed in Italian for a second while Carlisle called over his shoulder- not willing to let me go- "You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time."

"Well, if I stay over lots of night I get to use it for breakfast too." I said, grinning up at him.

"Davina?" Bella's voice was clearly surprised and I stood on my tiptoes to wave at her from my position between the stove and Carlisle.

"I hope you're hungry." Esme said.

"I am." I muttered under my breath, transferring the meat to the platter, turning off the stove, moving to the island so I can eat.

"Yeah absolutely." Bella said as I walked to stand next to Rosalie.

"She already ate." Edward said at the same time.

The was a crashing sound as Rosalie smashed the bowl in her hands. I flinched away from her and Carlisle was there in an instant, pulling me backwards, checking me for any wounds from the glass- there weren't any.

Rosalie walked- in her heels, to stand in front of Bells and Edward. "Perfect."

"Rose." I hissed under my breath while Emmett walked over to be near Rosalie.

"Yeah, it's just because I know you guys don't eat. . ." Bella said, looking completely awkward.

"Of course. It's very considerate of you." Esme said as Carlisle went to stand next to his sister.

"Just ignore Rosalie. I do." Edward muttered.

"Edward!" I protested. "That isn't helping anything!"

"Yeah." Rosalie said sharply and as they were all ignoring me, I turned my back, going to the table and stared at the food unhappily. "Let's just keep pretending that this isn't dangerous for all of us."

"I would never tell anybody anything." Bella protested.

"She knows that." Carlisle said, placing a hand on Esme's shoulder.

"Yeah well, the problem is, you two have gone public now, so. . ." Emmett added.

"Emmett." Esme protested.

"No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly." Rosalie said, her voice shaking and I knew if she could cry, she'd probably be crying angry tears.

But the thing was, they were all targeting Bella in this. What about Carlisle and I? If things went badly between the two of us. I wasn't sure if they could distinguish between mine and Bella's hearts- probably- but mine was certainly in a panic.

I quietly got up from the table, not entirely sure how I could leave without them seeing.

"Badly as in. . . I would become the meal." Bella said.

Carlisle, Emmett, and Edward all snickered.

"Hi Bella." Alice suddenly said from the window. She jumped from the tree limb she had been climbing on to the floor.

She strode forward quickly, Jasper a few paces behind until he turned to face me. I smiled weakly while Alice did whatever the heck she was doing.

"You do smell good." Alice said from somewhere to my side and I tried not to laugh.

"Alice, what are you. . . " Edward asked.

"It's okay. Bella and I are going to be great friends." Alice said cheerfully.

There was a bit of awkwardness and Jasper turned his head from me and Carlisle cleared his throat and said, "Sorry, Jasper's our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Jasper said quietly.

"It's okay Jasper. You won't hurt her." Alice said loudly.

"You're okay Jaz." I whispered quietly. He seemed to relax at my words.

"All right, I'm gonna take you on a tour of the rest of the house." Edward said, clearly wanting to leave and get out of there. So did I.

Jasper turned his head to me again, walking towards me. "Are you okay mama?"

Fuck, his accent too.

"Want to get out?" Jasper asked quietly while the others were talking about how well that conversation went.

"Yes." I whispered.

I didn't even register Japser's arms or the breeze, but we were suddenly out of the house, deep in the woods.

I breathed out. "Can they still hear us?"

Jasper shook his head. "I thought you'd want somewhere private. Doesn't mean that Carlisle won't try tracking you down."

"You're very strong, you know that?" I whispered as we sat down. I pulled him into a hug from behind.

"Am I?" Jasper whispered. "I'm the newest vegetarian." He mocked Carlisle's words.

"Yes, I think you're the strongest of my kids." I murmured. "Even if Emmett is brawny, you have to deal with emotions. And as you're- as your father puts it- the newest vegetarian, you have to deal with your own bloodlust, right?"

Jasper was laying with his head in my lap now, the way I had always wished I could lay in my mother's lap, stroking my hair and telling me she was proud of me. I knew Jasper could sense the sadness coming from me, but he didn't pry. Not yet anyways.

"Yes mama." Jasper whispered.

The way he said 'Mama' in that southern accent was to die for.

"So then, you have to deal with Edward, Rose, Em, Alice, Esme, and Carlisle's bloodlust too, right?"

Jasper was silent for a moment. "I never realized. . ."

"Well I'm not entirely sure if bloodlust was an emotion so I was never entirely sure if you could feel it. But I mean, humans feel hunger and I think bloodlust is the same sort of thing as hunger so I kind've assumed that maybe you could feel it."

"Yes, you're right." Jasper whispered. After a moment of silence, staring up at the extremely tall trees around us he asked, "Why are you so sad?"

"Rose." I whispered. "And how she said things would ruin the family if things ended badly between Edward and Bella. But it's the same with Carlisle and I, isn't it? Even if my scent calms the rest of you, I'm still a blood singer to Carlisle. So. . . wouldn't it be better? Wouldn't it be better if I stopped now before one of us gets hurt? But I can't. I can't stop loving him. I don't want to stop loving him and it's going to end badly, isn't it."

Jasper sat up, pulling me into a hug. "The only way it'll end badly is if you don't become a vampire. You don't have to become one today or tomorrow or in the next few years. But eventually, you should. You'll have to. Vampires aren't meant to live without their soulmates. Especially not soulmates with the bond you and Carlisle have."

"Are there different bonds then?" I asked curiously.

"Sure. There are sibling bonds, something like what Edward, Rose, Emmett have. Alice and I are just slightly different as we weren't made or born from Carlisle. Or Sibling bonds like Carlisle and Esme. And of course, there are different love bonds too. Most vampires have tier two bonds."

"What does a. . . tier two bond feel like?" I asked. It sounded like something in a video game. You've unlocked tier two love! Congratulations!

"It means that they can go without their soulmate for extended periods of time and not feel loss or anything like that, though they might feel lonely. And if their soulmate died, they wouldn't feel better until they avenged their mate. It means that they could also move on after time. That's what Rose and Emmett have. What Alice and I have. Most vampires have that."

"Are you saying mine and Carlisle's is different?" I asked, frowning slightly.

"It might be different because you are human while you are Carlisle's soulmate." Jasper said. "But yours is a tier three which is the strongest of the bonds and also the most dangerous."

"Dangerous?" The word sent chills over my spine.

"If you two were apart for extended periods of time, months at least, it could or would be detrimental to the mate's health. Usually for the female in the relationship as they could fall into a deep depression. Their health would diminish, even if they tried to take care of themselves. In this case, if the mate died, the pain would be to great for the other and they would have to be killed lest they destroy all of civilization."

"Wow." I said. "So Carlisle and I can't be apart."

"Maybe if you had broken away in the beginning, hadn't let a bond form at all. If you'd never gone to the hospital, never interned, never met Carlisle." Jasper said. "But you've been out on dates and you've kissed and whatever- not really my business- so now there's a bond there."

"I see." I whispered. "Thank you for telling me."

"Carlisle would've told you eventually mama, but he was just worried about how you would take it."

"I know. I think he was trying to mention it last night when he was saying how he thought I might be worried that because we're soulmates, the love is forced or something like that. . . is that how he feels? Is he afraid that he only loves me because of the bond?"

"No. He really loves you." Jasper murmured. "I can feel it."

"Well if you can feel it then I'll trust it." I said with a smile, feeling much better than I had before.

"Do you want to go back to the house now?" Jasper asked, pulling out of the hug. He was so warm, just like Carlisle.

"Yeah." I whispered. In a few seconds, we were back at the house, though Jasper had dropped us off at the front door, holding it open for me.

Carlisle was down on the first floor in a flash, embracing me in his hold. "I wasn't entirely sure where you'd gone."

"Sorry. Jaz and I had to talk." I said with a small smile over my shoulder for my adopted son.

"MOM!" Alice was suddenly right there by my side.

"Alice." I muttered, pulling away from Carlisle.

"Do you want to come play baseball with us later tonight?"

I heard Emmett laugh upstairs and he shouted for my benefit, "She couldn't keep up."

"I'll beat you in air hockey." I muttered. "And I'll do it as a human too."

Emmett was on the first floor in a flash too, "What's air hockey?"

I stared at him incredulously. "You. Don't. Know. What. Air. Hockey. Is?"

"Nope." Emmett said. "So, let's go do it now."

I shook my head incredulously. "You have no good arcades here. Not even a main event."

"What the hell is main event?" Emmett asked, frustrated.

I was getting more and more frustrated by the second and then there was calm and I glared at Jaz over my shoulder.

"It's official." I said with a grin, "Emmett, I'm officially disowning you."

Jasper and Alice roared with laughter and Emmett put on a fake pouty look. "But Mama bear!!"

"I'm just kidding Em." I said before he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Can't. Breathe."

"Put her down Emmett." Carlisle growled.

Emmett put me down quickly. "So? Are you going to come play baseball?"

I twisted so that I could crack my back from his hug and then said, "Sure. Why not?"

Why not indeed.


I joined the others on the baseball field just as Edward and Alice got here. While they were all decked out in baseball gear, I was wearing black leggings, a blue and white sweatshirt crop top, and my sneakers. My hair was pulled back in a ponytail and I was wearing a Kentucky Wildcats baseball cap with the ponytail pulled through.

Carlisle and Rose were manhandling the bat to see who would bat first- Rose winning. Esme pulled Bella away from Edward saying, "Glad you're here. We need an umpire."

Jasper was in the back, swinging the bat around, his hair down on both sides, looking much better for that style. His hat on his head.

"She thinks we cheat." Emmett smirks.

"I know you cheat." Esme said while I laughed.

"Call them as you see them Bella." Esme suggested.

"Okay." Bella whispered.

"How are you?" Carlisle asked, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing my cheek.

"Excited. I wish I could play." I said, bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet.

The lightning started, the thunder raging, and Alice called that it was time to play. And then of course, she had to show off by- when she was pitching- kicking her leg up much higher than need be.

Although, Jasper quite appreciated it.

Rosalie hit it, sounding with the thunder as she went to run the bases. I didn't particularly like thunder, so I just pretended it was the sound of the metal bat hitting the ball and not actually thunder.

Rosalie ran the bases and Edward zoomed off into the forest to get the ball. The ball came out of nowhere and Esme caught it, getting Rosalie out before she touched base.

Rosalie glared at Bella as they both stood and Carlisle clapped her on the back and muttered, "Nice Kitty."

Oooh yes. Say that again. In bed.

Brain. Please shut up.

"It was a good hit Rose." I said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks mom." Rose murmured.

Now Carlisle was up to bat and my heart was beating ridiculously out of my chest. The way he looked so serious, the bat over his shoulder, shaking it just slightly so that it was loose in his hands while Alice prepared to throw the ball. Mmm Chefs kiss. He was a work of perfection.

He hit the ball and both Emmett and Edward went for it, crashing with each other, missing the ball as Carlisle slid into second. The slam of their bodies echoed with another roar of thunder and I winced just slightly.

Jasper was up to plate now, tossing the bat in his hands like it was a bottle. You know, tossing a water bottle or something to grab the same end. Jasper's ball went far, his tongue sticking out of his mouth, and I smirked. Jasper and Carlisle took off and I bounced up and down on the balls of my feet, hoping that Carlisle would make it to home.

Emmett however, climbed up the tree, grabbing Jasper's ball, which made Jasper out.

Rosalie hit again- though she was out- because of course- it wasn't like I could bat or anything.

Alice however, froze on the field as Carlisle was trying to run to third again. Edward's head whipped to her and I knew what that meant.

"Carlisle." I called out in a whisper.

"Stop." Alice called out in a whisper as well.

They were all suddenly running infield and I could see the fear on Carlisle's face as he zoomed to my side, throwing an arm around my waist, pulling me into him. "Carlisle?" I questioned.

"They were leaving. Then they heard us." Alice explained.

"Let's go." Edward said, grabbing Bella and my arms.

"It's to late." Carlisle said.

I wasn't sure who was coming. Probably other vampires. "If we leave out the back way then they won't see us, right?"

"They might smell you." Emmett pointed out.

"The wind is blowing the other way." I argued.

"Davina, stay back here with Edward and Bella." Carlisle muttered, heading to the front of the family as he was the head.

"We shouldn't have brought you here. I'm so sorry." Edward muttered to both of us while the rest of the family spread out like a guard in front of us.

"Edward, will they kill us?" I asked.

"You shouldn't smell to them." Edward said. "But Bella. . . "

The three other vampires appeared. Two males and a female. The female was beautiful, like they always were. Her hair was a brilliant orange which made her pale face more natural as red-heads were usually pale. She wore a white fur cloak over her shoulders, so I wasn't sure what other clothes besides her black pants she was wearing.

All three of them were barefoot.

The one in the front was African American, his skin glossy from trying to contrast with the paleness of a vampire. He wore deadlocks and his orange coat was open to reveal he was wearing no shirt underneath. In his hand was the baseball that Rosalie had just hit.

The last one was the scariest of the three. He had brown blond hair tied back in a ponytail. His eyes were dark red and terrifying. He wore a black leather jacket, blue jeans, and chains. Had mystical creatures not existed in this world and he was a normal college boy, he would probably be feared by the men and craved by the girls for being such a bad boy.

The African American man held up the ball and said, "I believe this belongs to you."

He had an accent, French, I think, and his voice was smooth. He tossed it and Carlisle caught it easily.

"Thank you." Carlisle said, his English accent just slightly thicker than normal.

"I am Laurent." He continued. "And this is Victoria and James."

I tried not to laugh, tucking my bottom lip under my teeth, but really, at that moment he said 'James' all I could think about was James the red engine from Thomas the train and I honestly couldn't help it.

Ah, the places my brain goes sometimes.

"I'm Carlisle. This is my family." Carlisle said.

"Hello." Laurent said, his eyes roving from one end with Jasper, down to the other end with me on the outside.

I nodded slightly with a small smile.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us." Carlisle continued, sounding slightly angry. Hunting activities? I hadn't picked up the newspaper in a while. I tried not to look surprised. Now that I thought about it, Bella had mentioned something about her dad- Charlie- being on a search team for someone who had been killed. Waylon?

"Our apologies." Laurent continued, though he didn't sound very sincere. "We didn't realize the territory had been claimed."

I tried hard not to grit my teeth. Territory? Like a fucking colony or some shit?

Food. Humans. Population. I shivered just slightly.

I felt James eyes suddenly, staring at me and I stared back, unfazed. I would not give up, no matter what. I was very stubborn. Neither of us backed down as the conversation around us continued.

"Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby." Carlisle continued, his eyes only on Laurent.

I realized, as I was staring down James' red eyes, that he probably realized by now that my eyes were brown, almost black. But then again, I remembered that Carlisle and Edward's eyes had gotten black before so maybe he'd think I was just hungry.

"Really?" Laurent asked, turning his head slightly to look at James, who of course, was looking at me.

James tilted his head slightly but I didn't move an inch.

"Well, we won't be a problem anymore." Laurent continued when nothing else was said. "We were just passing through."

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them east." Victoria's voice was a surprise to me, but though I was tempted to look at her, I didn't move. "You should be safe."

James was slowly grinning.

Carlisle made a noise that sounded like it could've been a laugh, but was more of a scoff, "Excellent."

"So," Laurent said with a slight chuckle, "could you use three more players?"

Everyone- except me- looked at Carlisle.

"Come on. Just one game." Laurent continued.

Carlisle looked down at us and then said, "Sure. Why not? A few of us were leaving. You can take their place. We'll bat first." He tossed the ball back to Laurent, but it was Victoria who caught it.

"I'm the one with the wicked curveball." She says quickly.

"Oh well I think we can handle that." Jasper says in amusement while I snort.

Everyone started to move. Laurent and Victoria turned their backs on the Cullens, heading out field. The Cullens started to move. James and I continued to stay where we were, eyes locked.

"Davina." Carlisle and Edward muttered at the same time.

Finally, James turned away and I smirked, victorious, turning my back on him quickly and flouncing towards Carlisle. "I won the staring the contest."

Carlisle sighed, sounding relieved but before anything else could be said, there was a furious breeze that ruffled all of our hair towards the nomads. Carlisle and Edward stiffened as James voice said behind me, "You brought a snack."

Edward shoved Bella behind him, but James launched himself towards me. Carlisle collided with him in mid-air, tossing him away.

The rest of the family quickly blocked Bella and I from view as Laurent and Victoria joined James.

"The girls are with us." Carlisle growled, his eyes going black and I knew Lord was going to emerge any second if they didn't back off. "I think it best if you leave."

"I can see the game is over." Laurent said, looking almost in a confused way between me and James. He held his hands out in a peaceful way and said, "We'll go now."

Laurent backed away slowly, "James."

James straightened up, eyes on me. Victoria leaned back with a snarl. And then the three of them were gone.

"Edward, get Bella and Davina out of here." Carlisle said, pushing Edward towards us.

"Carlisle." I growled. "I'm not leaving."

"Get them out of here." Carlisle repeated. Edward grabbed both Bella and I, dragging me to the jeep while Bella walked willingly.

"Edward let go." I snarled.

"No." Edward said. "It's even less safe for you than it is for Bella. You're James blood singer."

"Fuck. No I'm not." I said as he pretty much tossed me into the Jeep, shoving Bella in after me. "I'm Carlisle's blood singer."

"And now you're also James. Except, unlike Carlisle, James wants to drink you dry."

"Oh! How bloody fucking wonderful!" I snapped.

Edward started to drive and I stare angrily out of the Jeep. I was pissed that Carlisle hadn't just come with us.

"He couldn't." Edward said. "He's going to be joining the hunting party."

"What! No!" I protested.

"James is a tracker." Edward snapped. "He'll be tracking you. He'll probably check your houses first-"

"Charlie! My dad!" Bella protested.

"She's right Edward." I said.

"But what do I tell him?" Bella asked.

I hesitated. "I know. Umm, say Alice, Esme, you, and I are going on a trip to. . . um Texas for spring break. Just for three days. If it turns out to be more we can fake something. He knows how Alice is, planning things sporadically, hopefully he can just go along with it."

"Sounds like a plan." Bella breathed. We pulled into Charlie's driveway and the minute her and Edward got out- Edward to tell Charlie what Alice had done- and Bella to pack, I called Sam's phone.

"Sam?" I asked when the phone was picked up.

"He's in the shower right now." Emily answered.

"I don't have time to wait. I need you to leave him a message. It's important." I gasped.

"What?" Emily asked quickly.

"There are vampires in Forks. Not the Cullens. Three nomads. One of them is leaving though, I think, I'm not sure. But their names are James and Victoria. They're hunting me and Bella. I don't want Sam to join any hunting parties, I just need him to keep an eye on Bella's dad because James might use him for leverage, do you understand?"

"Just have him keep an eye on Bella's dad?"

"Yes. If Billy- Jacob's father- if he can get Charlie down there all day for say the next three days, that would be fantastic." I continued. "I have to go, Bella's coming back."

I quickly slammed the phone shut. Bella got into her own car though, driving away and I panicked before Alice slid into the driver's seat. "We're going to follow them. That was also very smart thinking your part."

"What was?" I asked.

"Both Sam and the excuse for Bella being out of town." Alice explained, driving behind Bella's truck.

Emmett hopped into the bed of the truck in front of us.

"Although," Alice continued, "I don't know how I feel about werewolves joining in."

I scoffed, "Sam's nice."

"To you." Was all Alice said.

I didn't reply. In a few moments, we were pulling up to the house.

I sprinted past Edward, Bella, and Emmett, wanting to see Carlisle.

Through the door however, Carlisle and Laurent of all people- vampires- was standing there.

"Wait." Carlisle said to Edward who was immediately protective of Bella and I. "He came to warn us about James."

"This isn't my fight and I've grown tired of his games." Laurent said, his eyes roving between me, Bella, and Edward. "But he's got unparallel senses, absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years."

So he was around the same age as Carlisle.

"And the woman, Victoria, don't underestimate her."

And with those wonderful words of wisdom and joy, he walked out the door.

Carlisle took my hand, pulling me after him towards the garage where Jasper had just entered with Emmett saying, "I've had to fight our kind before. They're not easy to kill."

"But not impossible." Emmett added.

Carlisle let go of my hand, opening one of the cabinets saying, "We'll tear him apart and burn the pieces. I don't relish the thought of killing another creature, even a sadistic one like James." He was pulling money out of the cabinet and I wondered what the hell he needed it for.

"What if he kills one of us first?" Rosalie asked the question brooding in my mind.

My phone rang and I picked it up without thinking, "Hello?"

"Davina where are you?"

Aw fuck nuggets.

"Ah. Sam. Hi." I muttered under my breath, walking away from Bella. "Look-"

"Where are you?" Sam growled.

"Cullen house. You can't come here. You know that."

"Then come to La Push." Sam said in a voice that said he wasn't arguing this one.

"Hmm, yes, well, the thing is, I have to go with Bella and we're going to Arizona so-"

"Come to La Push." Sam argued, "You'll be safer here than anywhere else."

It truly was tempting. I could go to Arizona or I could go to La Push. "I don't want to put you in danger."

"We can handle a vampire or two." Sam muttered.

"No! There's only three of you." I protested. "At least with the Cullens they have seven!"

"Davina, I can protect you. We can protect you. Just come to La Push. Put the leech leader on the phone."

"Who?" I asked angrily.

Sam growled. "The Doctor."

The phone was plucked out of my hand. Carlisle was standing there, "She's not going to La Push."

Sam must be arguing on the other side because they had a quick, heated debate before Carlisle hung up, handing the phone back to me. "You're going with Bella."

"Are you coming?" I asked.

Carlisle shook his head. "James will expect me to be with you."

I pouted, "Carlisle please."

Carlisle pulled me into a hug while Edward and Rosalie argued about whether she was going to wear Bella's clothing for the tracker's scent.

"Davina, I love you. Please. Go with Jasper and Alice."

I swallowed. "Right. I love you too."

Carlisle kissed me on the lips and I pressed hard against them, trying to be as close to him as I could.

"Rosalie, put the damn jacket on. Bella is family and we protect our family." Carlisle growled over his shoulder, turning back to me and kissing me again.

"Come on Mama." Jasper said, grabbing my arm. I glanced one last time at Carlisle, letting Jasper lead me to the car.

I swallowed hard.

Alice and Jasper pulled out of the car at the same time as the other car did, leaving Edward in the garage.

I quickly fell asleep in the back of the car. 

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