I Believe- Carlisle Cullen Tw...

By Braveclementine2

34K 909 110

Davina Mikelson is not your average girl. Moving to Forks from Kentucky after a tragic incident in her past l... More

Preface 1
Forks High School- A Living Hell
Offended and Again
Acceptance and Headaches
Meeting the Doctor
La Push and Port Angeles
An Attack and a Kiss
Date Night
Meeting the Family. Oh and of course- We make some Lovely Enemies
I Get into Awkward Confrontations with Strangers and I Make a Stupid Decision
I Decide to Be an Idiot. Oh Wait-
Epilogue: This is Not the Beginning
Preface 2
What Great Fun
Scars, Tattoos, and Fainting. Not Quite in That Order
That's a Fucking Tragedy Sweetheart
Volterra and Volturi
Fights, Apologies, and Deals
Preface 3
Family Loyalty vs Secrets
The Visit and More Secrets- Not Mine This Time
Victoria Tries Killing Me With a Soccer Ball
Carlisle Vs. Lord
The Council Meeting
What Do you Mean the Wedding is Still Going On?
Graduation Party
The Fight, the Volturi, and the Telekinetic. Oh my!
Preface 4
Bella's Wedding and My Funeral
Gonna Give All My Secrets Aw-a-ay
Jacob's Declaration
Betrayal Hurts like a Bitch. Think I'd Be Used to it By Now
A Night of Imprinting
Bella's Transformation and My Children Hate My Thoughts
Stupidity and Love Are the Same Thing
Honeymoon 2
Fantastic. We're so Screwed
We Get Some Help
Alistair Leaves, Christmas Comes, and We Throw the Biggest Party Ever
Niklaus Scares us Shitless
Epilogue Again

Well, That Went Well

971 26 3
By Braveclementine2

Davina P.O.V.

Once out of the hospital, Sam took me grocery shopping. I had protested because I felt like I was wasting his time until he pointed out that I could fit more groceries into his truck bed than the carriers on the motorcycle.

"I heard Prom is coming up at your school." Sam said as we moved down the pasta aisle as I looked for plain spaghetti and tomato sauce.

"Ugh." I grumbled. "What a kid thing."

Sam laughed. "You do realize you're at school right?"

"Just for some of the classes I couldn't get on the army base." I muttered. "So I can get my high school diploma."

Sam tossed the pasta into the cart. I glared at him, "I prefer my pasta not broken."

He picked the pasta box up and pinched it between his fingers. I could swear I heard the pasta break in the box.

I seethed, snatching the box away from him, "Sam!"

He laughed.

"Anyways." I muttered, "Mike invited me down to La Push for a beach party."

Sam grinned, "When?"


"Interesting. I'll be there."

"Don't you dare embarrass me in front of my friends Sammy boy." I threatened.

"I won't if you intern at the La Push hospital instead." Sam blackmailed.

I rolled my eyes. I had a feeling that Sam knew about Carlisle being a vampire.

Yes, I knew. I overheard the last bit of the conversation between Edward and Carlisle. Honestly, I wasn't even surprised. The ice cold skin and the beauty probably was a sign. So what did it mean for Sam's boiling hot skin?

I wasn't even terrified about the idea of being Carlisle's soulmate. Honestly, I was excited that something like that existed for me. And I hated the idea that he thought of himself as a monster. What monster works in a hospital trying to save lives?

But then, of course, that question brought up bad memories so I pushed it aside. After all, I was planning on working in a hospital.

Maybe it was redemption.

But I also didn't deserve someone like Carlisle.


I jerked my head up, realizing I had drifted off into a daydream. "Sorry. What?"

"Interning at La Push." Sam continued.

I rolled my eyes again and continued walking down the aisle, "I don't know what your problem with the Cullens is Sam. Jasper and Alice are some of my closest friends and Dr. Cullen is a fantastic doctor. I could learn more under him than ten doctors put together!"

Sam gritted his teeth, pushing the cart in silence. "I don't like it."

"No Chris Evans vibes. You're not hot enough to get away with it. Besides, why? Give me one reason Sam that's all I need. One reason." I said, wishing we could get back to jesting and joking with each other. I stalked down the sweet aisle, grabbing chocolate muffins, brownies, cookies, and more.

"He's dangerous."

I snorted so loudly it hurt my throat. "Yes, very dangerous. That's why he saves lives. Don't tell me you're jealous? Me and Dr. Cullen aren't a thing. We don't want to be a thing. He's probably married for Merlin's sake! And even if he wasn't I'm basically a teenager."

"You did not." Sam rolled his eyes.


"Merlins' sake? Please tell me you did not just say that." Sam said, a grin starting to spread across his face.

I scowled at him. "I happen to like reading Harry Potter. And even more, reading Harry Potter fanfictions, thank you very much."

"Didn't you say you were writing a Harry Potter fanfiction?" Sam asked warily, watching me dump all the sweet treats into the cart. "Also, you're going to get cavities."

I ignored the latter part and said, "yeah, I can't believe you remembered. It's called Elizabeth Kane. I wrote a whole series."

"Of course you did. Doesn't she fall in love with Fred Weasley or something along those lines?" Sam asked, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe." I said slyly. "Or maybe it's Severus Snape- or Cedric Diggory! You'll just have to read it to find out."

Sam rolled his eyes. "I'm not reading it."

"You're a terrible friend."

"So are you."

"Thank you."

"It wasn't a compliment."

"Oh I know."



"Damn, don't you have enough sweets?"

"You can never have enough chocolate."

"I have a headache."

"Eat. You'll feel better."

"Do not quote me Harry Potter."


My internship started the next day and I was bloody nervous. Both Alice and Jasper had talked me up, telling me how their dad was really nice and wouldn't give me a hard time. And being around Jasper was strangely calming whenever I started to worry.

I got dressed in my scrubs at the high school and headed towards the blue pickup truck. Sam had decided he'd be my ride until I got a car of my own. He hated the idea of me possibly getting sick because of flying through the rain on my motorcycle.

"I need to go clothes shopping." I grumbled as I slammed the pickup door shut behind me, settling down into my seat.

"Well hello to you too." Sam said, pulling out of the parking lot slowly.

"Sorry, I just don't have shoes that are work appropriate. I have sneakers, and I have combat boots."

"Wouldn't they prefer you to have sneakers? In case you have to run?"

I snorted, "For one thing, I can run in heels, thank you for asking. And two, no, because I'm not actually doing work. I'm more of a. . . paperwork office person? I mean, I'm observing the doctors and nurses, but my work is more office style. They won't have me working over any real patients."

"They aren't making you wear a skirt though?" Sam questioned.

"It's preferred, but I don't have any skirts. Like I said, I need to go shopping." I mumbled, biting my bottom lip. "I'll have to find a day to go. . . I don't think there are any clothing stores close by though."

"You can always go to Port Angeles." Sam answered. "They have stores there."

"Yeah." I answered, looking out the window.

"And I'll drive you."

"Nonsense." I scoffed. "I'll just make a date with girlfriends or something. Prom is coming up, I'm sure they'll need dresses and stuff."

"Alright, but if you do need a ride, I'm here."

"Thanks Sammy." I murmured as he pulled into the hospital parking lot. He parked, waiting for me to get out.

"You okay?" He questioned, touching my shoulder. I turned to see his brown, almost black eyes filled with concern.

There were so many thoughts running around my head. Most of them were related to the fact that my boss was also my soulmate who was also a vampire. The other part was knowing that the nurses probably weren't going to like me because Dr. Cullen would probably show me some sort of favoritism, partly for being an intern, partly for being his soulmate. And of course, just forgetting all my knowledge as I stared into those lovely gold eyes and acting like a complete idiot.

"Nervous." I replied softly, dropping most of my walls and barriers. "I don't think the nurses are going to like me much. And I. . . I really think I might fall for Dr. Cullen. Which is so stupid, I shouldn't, it's not right but. . . there's something I felt when I looked at him. . . like we had some sort of connection. . . it was hot and I thought my heart would burst. I don't know, that sounds so stupid but it's true. Or maybe everyone feels that." I laughed lightly. "But I'm also afraid of screwing everything up. I'm afraid that I'm going to act like a total dumbass and forget everything that I learned. I don't. . . I don't want to be hurt again."

Sam's angry expression softened when he heard that and he pulled me into a hug. "You're going to be okay. I promise Dav, okay?"

"Thanks." I said, pulling back with a small smile. I kissed his cheek real quick and popped open the pickup truck door. "Say hi to Emily for me, will ya?"

"Of course." Sam said. "What time should I pick you up?"

I hesitated, unsure. "I'll text you."

He nodded and then I slammed the door closed and headed up to the hospital doors. I took a deep breath, took the door handle in hand, and pulled it open.

I was met by a nurse named Courtney who showed me around the hospital- from a standing point of view- before leading me to the second floor, where more of the offices were kept. She showed me first to a small office adjacent to Dr. Cullen's office. We had an adjoining door, but she said it was rarely used and that he might even have his bookcase propped up on the opposite side.

I didn't blame him. I'd put a barrier up between me and any obsessive freaks who didn't know me and only thought I was hot.

The office was small, though I had windows to my back that overlooked the woods of Forks. The table I would work at was thin, but long and spacious with two rather comfortable chairs on either side of it.

There was a counter that was attached to the table, empty besides a vase with blue flowers in it. They looked relatively new and I wondered if Dr. Cullen had done that or if it was just a welcoming thing from the staff.

"Now I will introduce you to Dr. Cullen." Courtney said, leading me out of the office.

He was right next door so I had no chance to ask her what she thought of him. She knocked on the door and waited. There was a calm, though loud 'come in' and she twisted the doorknob, opening the door for me.

Carlisle P.O.V.

I was rather nervous, waiting for Davina's tour to be done so that Courtney would introduce her to me. I'd chosen Courtney as I felt she would be the nicest person for Davina to get along with. The other nurses didn't seem very enthusiastic about her working so close with me.

When they were finally in the other room, I heard Davina murmur her gratitude about the office. Good, I was glad she liked it.

And finally, Courtney knocked on the door and I let them in.

Davina's face was the first thing I saw. She looked expectant and excited while being composed and nervous at the same time. Her features were pleasing to the eye. Her face was diamond shaped, but not extreme. Her eyes were the same colour as her hair, a dark brown almost black. The green streaks had completely faded from her hair but the blue had obviously been redone.

She was already in her nurse scrubs, although they were more refined than the other nurses. She looked beautiful in blue.

Her scent hit hard too and I clenched the desk quickly so as not to attack her. Strange, it had never hit so hard before, not even when I'd been taking care of her. . . Oh right, I had held my breath on purpose around her.

It was bad enough the human girl was my soulmate- I would eventually have to turn her- but now she was my blood singer too. I would be lucky if I didn't kill her.

She smelled amazing. Like peaches, almonds, honey, and lime. It was an unusual scent wrapped together, like an alcoholic drink. I stopped breathing immediately. The scent, most unfortunately, was cut off.

"The new intern, Dr. Cullen." Courtney said rather professionally.

"Thank you Courtney." I said quickly. I could see Davina's eyes drifting between Courtney and I wondered what she was thinking. "I can take care of things from here."

Courtney smiled at Davina and then exited the room, the door clicking behind her softly.

"She's not smitten with you." Davina said almost immediately.

"Hmm?" I asked, taken aback.

Davina had her head tilted to the side just slightly, the light drifting through the windows dancing on her features pleasantly. I made sure I wasn't in the direct light of the sun so that my skin wouldn't sparkle. I would tell her eventually, now wasn't the time.

"The others, they're completely infatuated with you. Losing their minds when they see you. She doesn't." Davina said with a slight frown.

She can read people well then. I would have a hard time hiding things from her. In the beginning anyways.

And then she blinked, "Sorry, that wasn't related to this conversation. I just noticed it, was all."

"You needn't worry." I said, holding up a patient hand. "How do you like the office?"

Her eyes flicked towards the door, which I had uncovered, leaving the bookcase slightly to the side. She grinned and I saw that her teeth were straight and white. Not perfectly white, but white enough. "You uncovered the door?"

If I could've blushed, I would've. "Ah, so you heard about that?"

"You don't think I'll distract you then?" Davina questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I think you're here more for the job and the learning experience than what other interns might be thinking they could get." I insinuated.

She paused, looking at me with a strange gaze. She looked like she wanted to ask something, but was afraid of the consequences of asking it.

"You can ask me anything, Miss Michaelson."

She tucked her top lip between her teeth before saying, "It's nothing, really. What do you want from me today?"

The question shouldn't have made my heart skip a beat- metaphorically of course- but it did. I quickly recovered within milliseconds and picked up one of the manila folders. "This is mostly testing, seeing what you already know and don't know. Cases, symptoms, patients backgrounds, past diagnosis, past illnesses and whatnot, seeing what you already know and what I'll pick up with your teaching. In there is also a schedule for times you will shadow one of the nurses or myself when taking care of patients. The schedule may vary depending on what you give me for the diagnosis of the fake patients in the same folder."

Davina nodded, taking the folder from my hand. "I'll get started on this right away."

"Miss Michaelson?" I asked as she turned to leave.

"Yes Dr. Cullen?"

I paused, raking in her beauty before noticing my hand in the sun and quickly slid the sparkling appendage under the desk. "It is nothing. Please have it done by next week."

"Don't worry, I will." Davina said seriously, stepping out of the office, and closing the door behind her. I listened to her footsteps walk a short distance and then they entered her office. I could hear the folder being placed down on her desk, the wheels of the chair rolling across the floor.

She let out the tiniest sigh as I heard her sit in the chair. I could hear the folder being slid towards her on the table and it being flipped open quickly.

"Bloody hell Davina." She murmured to herself. "Get your head together."

Automatically, I wished Edward was here so I could know what she was thinking about. It didn't last long though as she started talking to herself.

"Alright, first patient. Muscle pain in the shoulders. Muscle pain in the thighs. Muscles weakness. dark red urine. Well this one is rather easy, it's rhabdomyolysis."

Easy? I had never even heard of a kid her age even knowing that that was a disease. I had clearly underestimated her, it wouldn't happen again.

I barely got any of my own work done, listening in to her voice. I tentatively smelt the air and I could almost taste her scent on my tongue. But it wasn't as bad as when she had been in the room.

"Ugh!" Her voice was a bit louder. If I hadn't been a vampire I probably would've heard it anyways. Her next words however definitely needed vampire hearing to listen to. "Get him out of your head Davina! You can't fall in love with your boss dammit. You are not one of those crazy girls. The job. You're just here for the job dammit."

My heart soared. I felt alive.

Her pencil started to tap impatiently on the desk and she muttered under her breath in frustration. "I know this one! C'mon! Headaches, impaired sensations, muscle weakness and twitching. . . kidney damage. . . emotional changes. Ugh! Get the doc out of your head! MERCURY POISOINING! I TOLD YOU YOU KNEW IT!"

I chuckled under my breath. She truly was a strange girl. She was my girl. My mate. My blood singer. My soulmate.

We both worked late into the night. 

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