Bonten's love

By Ekonochan

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Konomi is a not so ordinary girl who ends up catching the eye of all the executives of Bonten, Japan's most d... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15.5
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 26.5
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author note 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 36.5
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

chapter 3

1.6K 34 32
By Ekonochan

 Author:  (before I forget this is a fanfiction so I do not own the Bonten characters all credits to ken wakui).

     It turns out the handsome men in the VIP lounge where Sumiko had earlier pointed at was actually Bonten, Japan's most dangerous mafia, all eight of them including their boss Manjiro Sano decided to come to the club to celebrate their new deal.

Kokonoi: Sanzu I think you're hugh enough without the pills.

    Kokonoi was a handsome man with silver long straight hair, he also a tattoo on the side of his hair and looked incredibly rich with his stunning red suit and black shirt inside.

Sanzu: (taking pills) shut the fuck up Koko, I wasn't asking for your opinion.

    Sanzu was a very handsome man with bubble gum pink hair in a mullet haircut and diamond scars on the two sides of his mouth, he also look good in his dark gray suit and white shirt inside.

Kokonoi: asshole.

Sanzu: what'd you say (reaching for his gun).

Kakucho: that's enough, we came here to celebrate not to fill each others heads with bullets.

    Kakucho was also a handsome man with a big build, he had wide shoulders and dark hair he also had eyes of different colors and a scar over the one that stopped working.

Sanzu: (pouring a drink) well I think we could do both, I could make holes in Koko and we could continue to celebrate.

Kokonoi: fuck off.

Ran: your just sad cause you got no bitches, don't worry I'll find you a sexy whore.

    Ran was a tall handsome man who was slanky in nature but also had a great build , he had short slicked back purple and black hair.
     He's Bonten tattoo was on his neck.

Rindou: not everyone is a womanizer like you, brother.

    Rindou was the younger Haitani brother, he had dyed purple and black hair in a style that was very similar to Sanzu's and he just as handsome as his older brother, but colder and more tsundere in nature.
Tattoo on the same place as his brother.

Ran: womanizer? I'm not.

Rindou: your sitting with two women, and I know you're still looking for more.

Ran: for Kokonoi.

Kokonoi: I didn't ask.

Ran: don't be like that.

Sanzu: just leave him (beckons a girl to sit on his lap, which she does, then he raps his arms around her) he doesn't know the meaning of enjoyment.

Takeomi: so taking pills like a sick person is your idea of enjoyment? (Blow out smoke from his cigarette).

    Takeomi was clearly the oldest of the gang, he was a handsome middle aged man with a scar on his face similar to Kakucho's.

Sanzu: so puffing out smoke from your mouth like a damn chimney is your idea of enjoyment?

Mochi: he got you there, ha.

    Mochi was the second oldest of the gang and was relatively calm he was also just as handsome as the other members of the gang.

Takeomi: shut up, besides it helps to deal with all of your bullshit.

Sanzu/Ran: hahahaha.

Kokonoi: anyway, Mikey why  did you decide to come out with us today.

Takeomi: yeah I'm curious, you'd usually just say no or something.

Mikey: don't know, just felt like it (taking a bite of his dorayaki).

    Mikey AKA Manjiro Sano was the leader of Bonten, he was handsome to but he had pale skin and silver blonde short hair, he also had black eyes, and heavy eye bags, he looked like he hardly slept or ate, which was mostly true.

Sanzu: whatever the reason I'm just glad you decided to come.

Ran: yeah you can witness Sanzu's bullshit in real time.

Sanzu: I dare you to repeat that.

Ran: na I'm good.

    Back with the girls Konomi and Sumiko had already made their way to where the DJ was.

Sumiko: excuse me my friend would love to perform on that stage please, can we pick three songs.

DJ: sure, what do you have in mind.

Sumiko: Body, lights down low, and maybe WAP.

DJ: alright so you ready.

Konomi: nope, but I'm gonna do it anyway.

Sumiko: oh oh let me introduce you hand me the mic, and you get on stage.

Konomi: alright alright alright chill I'm going, but don't use my real name.

Sumiko: this is gonna be fun (starts speaking in mic) good evening ladies and gentlemen I dared my friend to put on a little show, so if you would please turn your attention to the the very, beautiful, sexy and dazzling, Omi-chan.

Inoko/Ria: woooooo go Omi

    Immediately majority of the crowd turned their attention to Konomi who was already on the stage hanging on to the pole, including Sanzu and Ran.
Ran: I wonder if she's cute.

Sanzu: same.

    Then the lights all pointed towards the stage revealing not jumping Konomi's face but her beautiful body, you could tell that just by the reveal that she had already captured the hearts of the audience.

Sanzu: woah what a beautiful (pushing the girl of his lap).

Ran: (removing his hands from the two girls besides him).

Girl 1: whatever she's just an amateur (rolling her eyes).

Sanzu: an amateur that's way prettier than you.

Ran: what's with all the pettiness sugar.

Girl 2: she'll probably just fall and embarrass herself (crossing her legs).

Girl 3: yeah.

    The DJ then started to play the song list which Sumiko gave him, immediately Konomi started to dance, and she was surprised at how easy it was for her to dance Infront of so many people, she moved effortlessly to the rythem of the song, capturing the attention of every male in the club including the bouncer that let them in and the bar attendant that served them.

Sumiko:  woah! That's my bestie.

Inoko/Ria: go girl go!

    Because of the noise Ran and Sanzu were making Rindou and Kokonoi eventually turned around to look at the girl they were making such a big deal out of.

Rindou: she's beautiful.

Kokonoi: yeah she's gorgeous.

Ran: told you.

    Hearing that from Kokonoi and Rindou made the rest of the gang turn their attention to the stage, and they became mesmerized, it was as if a spell had been cast making all of them fall in love with her, even Mikey was taken aback by her beauty, and they all had one thing on their mind which Mickey said aloud.

Mikey: I want her.

    They all looked at Mikey who's eyes were still fixated on the dancing girl.
     By the time she was done dancing she walked over to her friends who were waiting for her.

Sumiko: woah that was awesome.

Inoko: yeah nice job

Ria: you looked like a stripper.

Konomi: whatever I'm heading to the restroom, I'll be right back (walking to the restroom).

    While the girls were waiting for Konomi to return Ran approached them.

Ran: good evening lovely ladies (winks).

Sumiko: good evening handsome.

Ran: I was wondering if you ladies would love to join me and my friends at the VIP lounge.

Inoko: really?

Ran: why yes of course.

Ria: we'd love to.

      Ran then led the girls to the lounge where the other executives were.

Ran: hey I'm back.

Sanzu: took you long enough, hey cutie (talks to Inoko) wanna sit next to me.

Inoko: sure why not (sits next to Sanzu)

Girl 2: hey I was sitting here.

Inoko: sorry, I'm just looking for a fuck to give lol.

Sanzu: woah good one.

Girl 2: why you little bitch.

Inoko: at least I'm not a one night stand sweetie, now buh bye.

Girl 2: damn you (leaves).

Ria: (sits next to Ran and Rindou) don't let the door hit you on your way out.

Sumiko: you two are mean (sits next to Kokonoi).

Inoko: not really, we just speak facts.

Girl 3: and the fact is you're ugly, all of you.

Ran: chill out.

Ria: sweetie and what does that make you.

Inoko: takes one to know one.

Sumiko: she's so frustrated, it's sad don't worry not everyone can be blessed with good looks.

Kokonoi: (pours a drink and hands it to Sumiko) anyway what about your friend.

Sumiko: (takes drink) thanks, she's in the restroom, (her phone starts to ring) oh it's her.

Ria: well pick up.

Sumiko: kk (picks up), hello.
Konomi: hey I'm heading home.
Sumiko: what why.
Konomi: girl it's 10pm.
Sumiko: your point.
Konomi: whatever bye.
Sumiko: you want me to book you a cab.
Konomi: na I'm good see you.

Sumiko: (hangs up) she said she's heading home.

Inoko: huh? Already?

Ria: that damn introvert.

Kakucho: introvert?

Sumiko: yeah we practically dragged her out tonight.

Ria: Konomi that bitch.

Mikey: Konomi?

Inoko: yeah, that's her name.

Ran: and her surname?

Inoko: sorry that's classified.

Sanzu: what are you damn spies?

Sumiko: who knows.

Ria: anyway I should head out I have work tomorrow.

Sumiko/Ria: shit I forgot.

    All the girls then packed their bags and got ready to leave.

Sumiko: well we heading out.

Inoko: thanks for having us.

Ria: bye guys.

Ran: bye ladies.

    After the ladies had left the executives continued to talk.

Sanzu: they were pretty cute.

Ran: dammit I forgot to get their numbers.

Rindou: you have way to much numbers on your phone already brother.

Ran: na I just cleared my phone.

Rindou: please be quiet.

Ran: (shrugs).

Mikey: I'm heading out (stands up and starts walking out).

Takeomi: ya I'll go too (starts heading out)

      Before too long all the all the executive members had left and gone back to the the Bonten HQ.

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