More than Friends [K.T.H] *Di...

By jkishi

50.3K 2.3K 453

"Never knew we would meet again" She spoke staring at his deep brown eyes "But ,we met " He spoke in his hu... More

Past -1 (Start )
Past -2 (Middle School )
Past -3 (High School)
Past -4 (End )
Weekend party
Group winner
Family reunion
Family Reunion -2
Not an update but something important !
The dress's zip
Sun and the Moon
Falling apart
Kim Aera
Break - Up
The past hurts
Cafe date
The home 's Call
Memory loss


1.1K 61 18
By jkishi

It was evening ,and all of them completed their activities and were heading back to their rooms .

Wiping the sweat off her forehead y/n sighed and Riri who had a cold water bottle in her hand ,was drinking it .

Y/n turned back to see Taehyung and Jungkook behind them , y/n avoided him and wiped her sweat off .She heard a groaning voice and looked up to see Riri rubbing her forehead and Jimin 's hands on his for head .

"Argh " Riri groaned in pain ,as she aggressively rubbed her forehead and glared at the person ,Jimin infront of her .

"Have you lost your eyes ?" Riri spoke coldly , So cold like ice .

Jimin smirked .

"You already know ,my eyes are on you always ,so yes they are been lost "

Shameless flirty ex .

Riri 's mouth and eyes widen as she gasp at him .

"Can you be a bit shameful ? You are my ex boyfriend "

"What is there to be shameful in that ? Like I have seen and know everything about you "

He spoke back ,not even bothered about their break up .

Y/n ,who was wiping her sweats was looking at them intensely now , They both still bicker the same .

"What you seeing ? Darling ?" Taehyung asked ,as she felt his chest on her back ,and his voice in her ears whispering .

"Our target couple bickering "

"What about us ,being a couple ?"

"Kim Taehyung ,this is not about us right now " Y/n spoke as she turned back to face his eyes which were already on her with a slight proud smirk on his face .

"Taehyungiee " The voice called .

Here we go again ,Han lily

Y/n who heard that voice ,rolled her eyes ,which made Taehyung to chuckle more ,They both were not even trying to hide their feelings anymore .

Lily soon came beside Taehyung and held his arms ,while y/n glared at those hands and Jungkook made a gagging sound behind ,and the ex couple who were now bickering was quiet ,everyone 's attention was on them .

" Come on ,let's play Truth and dare " Lily pleaded with puppy eyes ,but of course they weren't cute .

Taehyung nervously smiled and looked infront of him to find y/n giving the deadly glare and clenching her jaw and jungkook looking at her confused and a bit worry , Taehyung could see the jealousy in her .

Oh this jealousy games between Y/n and Taehyung would never end .

" You wanna play y/n ?"Taehyung asked her sheepishly smiling .

" Sure " Y/n gritted through her teeth .

"Oh Eunwoo ,would you like to play as well " Jungkook asked ,as he saw Eunwoo on his way to the room un bothered by his surrounding .

Eunwoo stopped on his tracks and saw everyone glancing but only one eye caught his attention ,y/n 's doe eyes looking at him ,but Taehyung 's burning eyes was enough to change his mind .

"Sure I can "

The game started , The circle was formed only 10 people were playing .Lily and her two little minions ,Taehyung right infront of her beside him y/n ,Riri and Jimin and to the opposite side of Taehyung was Jungkook and Eunwoo and two-three more students from Seoul national university .

They all were in the hall ,the main door of the guesthouse locked ,rest of the students and the professors asleep .

Lily got an empty soju bottle and sat in her place and spinned the bottle and it landed on Jungkook .

"Truth or dare ?" One of the minions of lily's  asked  .

"Dare "

"Kiss me " The over - make up girl spoke , Jimin and Taehyung glared at those girls ,protecting their little brother .

At this moment y/n and Riri regretted choosing this game

"Truth " Jungkook coughed and spoke again .

"Have you ever kissed any girl ?"

"No "

The bottle spinner again ,this time landing on One of those students from Seoul National University .

"Oh , Tom Truth or dare ?" Lily asked

" Truth "

"Do you find any of the girl in this room pretty enough to date".

Tom smiled shyly and pointed towards the girl ,sitting right opposite infront of him .

Min Riri

Riri widened her eyes and looked at Tom ,but this time wanted to see did that hurt Jimin ?

But ,it didn't .Riri glanced at Jimin only to see him staring at Tom with no anger ? Maybe he is hiding his anger ?

Or maybe he just moved on ?

Disappointment was in Riri 's
eyes ,maybe she love him more than he did ,that 's the reason she couldn't move on from him ,She understood now what y/n might have felt before .

"Want to give a chance to Tom ?" Eunwoo asked .

"No " that 's all Riri could reply .

"Next turn " Jungkook spoke

quickly ,trying to distract this topic and spinned the bottle .

It landed on Jimin

"Truth "

Because he knew ,if he chose dare they would ask him to do something irrelevant .

"I heard you have an ex now ? What 's her name ?" The other minion of lily 's asked .

Maybe this lily and her two minions wants the Kim siblings all by themselves and hurt the girls .

Riri gulped down a saliva ,not wanting to listen the  history of their break up .

"Yes and I don't want you to bring her in this game ,it is my personal life and we are not close enough to share this "

Oh my god Kim Jimin

Riri tried to hide her smile , Jimin would always be the respectful man

"Okay fine ,still so protective for her "

The minion whispered frustratingly .

The bottle spinned again and landed on lily .

"Oh ,Lily " Friends of lily 's grinned ,like they were waiting for this moment .

"I have a question for you , I heard Kim Taehyung is your ex - boyfriend , so did you ever kiss him ?" .

Y/n clutched her fist and looked at nowhere , Jimin and Jungkook glanced at y/n ,while Riri glared at Taehyung and Lily .

"Yes-----but only on cheeks " This kinda relieved y/n a bit ,but not relieved from her jealousy .

"Oh ,if you didn't kiss him on his lips ,do it over here " Her minions screamed


"Kiss ,kiss ,kiss " the crowd cheered , Taehyung didn't speak anything ,which hurted y/n more .

Did he expect y/n to speak ?

Y/n stood up and rushed towards her room which was upstairs , Taehyung looked at her panicked , while Riri also stood up following y/n and screamed her name ,Jimin also followed them ,Jungkook was gonna follow them as well ,but stopped as Eunwoo. stopped him ,telling him to help Taehyung over here .


Kim Taehyung yelled to her ,infront of everyone embarrassing her , and rushing to y/n 's room to comfort her and tell her , it is not the truth .

Jungkook glared at Lily for hurting his family .

As soon as he reached over there ,he saw a concerned and mad Jimin standing near the door and loud sobbing voice of y/n could be heard ,which broke Taehyung 's heart that he was the reason behind her pain all the time ,how much guilty he felt .

Taehyung was about to enter the room ,but Riri being y/n 's possessive best friend stood right infront of him and Jimin just beside Riri ,in case he needed her .

Because it is very difficult to handle hurt and mad Taehyung .

"MOVE " Taehyung roared at Riri with his red puffy eyes glares .

"No ,I am not moving " Riri roared back , Seeing y/n cry made her punch him so bad .


"BE CAREFUL HOW YOU END YOUR WORDS WITH TAEHYUNG " Jimin yelled at Taehyung ,hiding Riri 's body behind him knowing very well he is not in his senses ,while Riri again felt fluttered and her heart skipped a beat .

"Then ,let me see her please " Taehyung mumbled in a cracked voice .

"You better  ,make her happy as she was ,I would be the first to rip your head off " Jimin roared ,and grasped Riri 's hand to take her with him ,but Riri didn't even bulge from her position .

"Please Riri ,let me clear everything ,I swear Y/n would never cry now because of me " Taehyung pleaded ,Riri looked at him frowning ,but soon nodded and let him enter her room .

Riri and Jimin stood out the room and stared at the closed door ,don't know what 's,gonna happen next ,but as soon as Riri remembered ,her hands were still under Jimin 's grip ,she snatched her hand away from him and glared at him ,heading back to her room ,while Jimin scratched the back of his nape .

"Princess " Taehyung mumbled as he sat on the corner of her bed ,as he watched y/n sob ,if he knew that it would hurt y/n this bad ,He would sure never do that .

"You--are---so---bad .You said ----Y--ou --can read my feelings from my eyes ." Y/n mumbled sobbing ,Taehyung stared at her with a sad smile ,she is cute even while crying .

Taehyung shifted near her and tried to embrace her ,but Y/n stared hitting his chest with clutched fist ,It didn't hurt him ,but surely y/n 's hands did .

"Hey !" Taehyung spoke as he tried to stop her from hurting herself .

"You said you love me "

"You said you want me "

"You said you need me ,what is my fault that I love you ? That even i want you ,that even I love you ?" Y/n sobbed more as Taehyung stared at her silently .

Jealousy that leads to Confession

"I still love you ,my idiot " Taehyung confessed as he embraced her .

Her silent sobs and hiccups could be heard .

"You remember when I kissed you ? That kiss was everything to me ,I was scared that you won't like it "

"How can I not like it ?" Y/n mumbled between his chest .

"That was my first kiss " Y/n confessed ,shyly

"Really ?" Taehyung teased

Y/n hit him again .

"Ouch ! Don't hit me , You were my first kiss as well "

Y/n gasped

"Then ---Lily ?"

Taehyung glared at her ,but softened his eyes .

"Don't bring lily here ,I have told you many times , You are my everything ,not here .She is nothing to me , and we never kissed " .

Y/n nodded her head softly and pecked his lips once again .

Taehyung was taken a back "Should I take it ? That you accepted my proposal " .

"Yes ,I love you too " Y/n nodded and hugged him once again .

Finally the feelings ,she held inside her and was now confessed ,She waited for him for many years ,loved him from afar even though he loved someone else ,but that never stopped her from loving him .

She didn't knew when and how those feelings for Taehyung came back ,but this time the feelings were mutual between both of them .

After all those twists in their life ,the people who are meant to be ,would always find their way back and that 's called destiny .

Taehyung held her more closer , The girl in his arms changed him in a good way ,the boy who never smiled ,smiled all the time now ,the boy who had no friends ,she became his first friend ,The boy who was in darkness ,she became his light .Having her in his life made his life perfect .

And for y/n ,Having him in her life made her complete ,the lost puzzle he was in her life and for her .

They hugged each other for a while and y/n slept in his embrace

Such a sleepy girl she was



30 May ,2023

The day echoed in his head ,the day they both confessed to each other .

Which was just yesterday

Taehyung stared at the girl in his arms ,as they both slept next to each other .

She had her mouth open a bit ,and her eyes closed ,Taehyung smiled looking at her ,they didn't knew they slept next to each other ,they just know they were hugging each other and soon fell asleep .

Jimin and Jungkook and Riri might be worried for them ,he checked his phone only to see bombarded phone calls and messages from his brothers and Riri .

His chuckle ,woke y/n up ,she looked at him confused and realized that they were sleeping next to each other ,holding each other ,as her hands was on his chest and her head on his arms ,while his phone on his other hand .

"Get up princess ,we have activities to do " He spoke in his hoarse voice .

Y/n nodded with her smile .

"I will freshen up ,let's meet each other downstairs " .

"Sure ,my princess " His eyes stared at her while he spoke ,still not letting her go from his arms .

"Let me go now " Y/n pouted

"Sure " He spoke ,as he let her go and bidded goodbye and headed out to his room to freshen up .

"Riri " Y/n exclaimed in excitement .

"So,what happened yesterday ?" Riri asked ,looking at her best friend suspiciously .

"We both confessed ,so we are couple now " Y/n spoke nervously and whispering .

"WHAT !? SERIOUSLY !? LEE Y/N I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU " Riri yelled in excitement and hugged her best friend .

"Not happy for me ?" Taehyung spoke as he all of a sudden appeared and rested his arm on y/n 's shoulder .

Riri scoffed

"Of course i am ,I better not see y/n shed even a drop of tear " .

"Sure madam ,I will man sure "

"You better , Or I will weep your ass off " Riri threatened .

"Scary best friend you have ,princess " Taehyung exclaimed in horror .

Y/n chuckled at both of them

"Let 's go outside " Y/n spoke ,as Taehyung and her walked out towards the open space again for new activities .

"Where is Jimin ?" Riri mumbled to herself ,but was heard by Y/n ,y/n knew she was searching for Jimin from the moment she came out the room .

As soon as they stood outside , Y/n saw Jimin with a girl talking .

But Riri didn't and was Still searching for him ,she again mumbled .

"Where is Jimin ?" But to her luck ,Riri didn't knew Jimin was standing just beside her ,y/n who already assumed the future walked in different direction with Taehyung not wanting to embarrass her self .

Searching for your crush while he just standing right Beside you ,knowing you searching for him .

"Searching for me ?" A voice startled Riri ,as she looked beside her to find him standing with a girl ,she again looked at y/n who was laughing her ass off with Taehyung afar .She widened her eyes and bowed to Jimin .

"Oh my god ! I am sorry .I am sorry ,I am sorry " Riri bowed to Jimin multiple of times and ran towards y/n ,where she was laughing ,trying had to to breath between her laugh ,Taehyung chuckling as well .

The  behavior of Riri 's made Jimin and The girl laugh as well ,as they both stared at the girl bowing to them ,just because she was searching for him .

"Y/NNN~" Riri screamed whiny ,embarrassed that Jimin now know ,that she was looking for him and hit y/n 's back multiple time playfully ,while y/n laughed groaning .

"Why did you not tell me ? Jimin was beside me .How he might be feeling ,his ex -girlfriend searching for him " Riri whined .

"Its okay Riri ,I know he didn't mind " Taehyung spoke chuckling .

"Stop laughing Lee y/n ,don't let me tell the embarrassing moments of yours to Taehyung " Riri threatened .

"Now ,that you have taken the topic tell me.? " Taehyung asked

Y/n widened her eyes and shut her mouth .

"NOOO " Y/n screamed knowing very well ,Riri know every single embarrassing moment of hers as she was the one to witness all of them .

"I will " Riri smirked

"I won't laugh ,Riri. I swear now " Y/n spoke ,stopping her to speak further .

While Taehyung adored his girlfriend smiling .

You all were waiting for this moment ,here it is 💜 Thank you for all the votes ,comments and adding this book to your reading list and following me 💜BORHAE 💜

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