The Bad Batch Aftermath{Techx...

By xoautumnbratxo

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~Book two to Valerie's story~ What was only one mistake turned out to be the very thing that possibly saved h... More

Author's Note #1
Meeting The Batch
Skako Minor Pt. 1
Skako Minor Pt. 2
Unfinished Business
Saving The Handmaiden
Order 66
Finding Her
Breaking Point
Ord Mantell
Battle Scars
Author's Note #2
Bounty Lost
The Truth
Rescue on Ryloth
Old Guns
Before The Storm
Return To Kamino
Kamino Lost
A New Day
Now This Isn't Pod Racing
Treasures All Around
Gone Girl
The Youngling
Clones, Conspiracies, The Senate Oh My!
Truth and Consequences
Rescuing Hope
The Crossing
Fate Worse Than This
The Test of A Jedi
Jealousy is an Ugly Color
A Worthy Jedi
The Summit
Plan 99
Authors Note #3
Season 3/ Written Trailer
The Darkness
Fighting Back
Sandy Planets
His Memories
What Could've Been
Closed doors
The Hard Truth
Starting Over
Paths Unknown
A Different Approach
The Return
Bad Territory
The Harbinger
Point Of No Return

For The Republic

134 6 2
By xoautumnbratxo

Valerie, Echo, and Rex had just made it back to Rex's starfighter. Rex broke off from them to make his way back to the bridge. Valerie and Echo were walking down the hall together.

"Valerie! Echo!" A female called out and the two of them turned and they saw Eloise run up to them, she grabbed Valerie into a hug before hugging Echo. "I'm glad to see you both but why are you here?" She questioned.

"I'm helping Rex with finding more clones." Echo said.

"I'm looking for a friend of mine." Valerie said. "How's looking for your sister?"

"The search is at a halt at the moment but Rex and the rebellion have been great with letting me use any resources I need to try and locate her."

"Well if you need any help, let me know." Echo said.

Eloise smiled. "Thank you Echo, that's so kind of you. I was just on my way to get something to eat, would you both like to join me?"

"Maybe next time, I'm gonna go meet up with Moose and Rickshaw." Valerie mentioned.

"I'll join you Eloise." Echo said, "I'm pretty hungry."

The three of them ended up in a split hall, Valerie waved to her two friends before heading to Moose's room. Walking down the hall she took note of the people walking down the hall. All of them coming from different backgrounds and cultures but all working together and fighting to stop the empire, to restore peace back to the galaxy. Valerie smiled, it filled her with hope.

At Moose's door she stopped and knocked. No one answered. "Moose?" She called out, but there still wasn't a response. "Are you sleeping?" She asked and put a hand on the door, she didn't sense anyone was in there. "Maybe Rex will know where they are." She turned and started to make her way to the bridge.

Valerie entered the bridge, she saw Rex talking to some resistance fighters. She walked up to them. "Rex." She said and the fighters walked away.

"Valerie, what can I do for you?" He asked.

"Have you seen Rickshaw or Moose?" She questioned.

Rex smiled. "Why don't you turn around and ask them yourself." He said and Valerie turned and saw Moose walking towards them.

"Moose!" Valerie smiled.

"Hey kid!" He pulled her into a hug, "you gotta come quick." He took her hand and started pulling her. She heard Rex laughing behind them.

"Moose, where are you taking me?" Valerie questioned.

The two of them stopped, "close your eyes."

"Close my eyes?"

"Do it Valerie." She nodded and closed her eyes, she sensed people walking over to her and they seemed familiar to her. "Okay, you can open them now." Valerie opened them and saw two clones standing in front of her. Rickshaw and Moose were standing on either side of her.

"Ginkgo? Bo?" Valerie couldn't help but smile.

"Hey Valerie, long time no see." Bo said and rubbed the back of his neck. Valerie saw they had two scars on the side of their head, where their inhibitor chip  would've been. Valerie deduced they had theirs removed.

"Oh my-" Valerie walked up to them and pulled the two of them into a hug. "How I missed you boys."

"We missed you too kiddo." Ginkgo said and patted her back.

"I know Rickshaw and Moose said they were trying to locate other 671st members but I didn't think they would find anyone so soon." Valerie said.

"We found them piss drunk at a bar on Coruscant." Rickshaw said.

Ginkgo laughed but it was Bo who spoke. "Yea, the captain walked in and we couldn't believe it at first. He told us to get off our asses and get back into the fight." He shrugged. "So we did, we're still looking into other leads for other members."

"I'm glad you boys are here." Valerie turned to Rickshaw. "I'm sure Moose has told you about why I came back."

"Yes he did, he said he's found a small lead himself." Rickshaw said.

"Yes. Well, believe it or not Clone Force 99 and I were on Coruscant helping Rex and one of the senators. She said that she's going to look into seeing if she can pinpoint an exact location." Valerie said.

"That's great news, of course we're here for you." Rickshaw said.

"Yea! Whatever it takes to get General Amon back." Bo said.

"We're with you to the end of the line." Ginkgo said and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Of course I told the boys our plans and they wanna help too." Moose said.

Valerie smiled. "The more help the better, but right now I'm just waiting for Riyo to reach out."

"Yea, you had a long flight, you should get some rest. I have an extra bunks in my room. Come on" Moose said.

"See you later Valerie." Bo said and waved with the other three as Valerie followed Moose out the doors.

Walking down the halls Valerie stopped at a big open window, she couldn't help but stare out into the galaxy, she wondered what the boys and Omega were doing. She hoped they were staying out of trouble but she knew better.

"Valerie?" Moose walked back to her, pulling her from her thoughts. She looked over to him as he stood next to her. "You alright?"

Valerie nodded. "I am, just taking in the view."

"You know, you only do that when something is weighing on your mind." Moose mentioned.

"Is that so?" She chuckled.

"I've known you for a long time, kid. Staring into space is a specialty of yours, what's on your mind?"

"Too much." She sighed. "So much has happened since the order, kriff, since I last saw you. I guess I'm finally getting a moment to process it all."

"Has someone hurt you?" Moose got defensive. "Valerie I swear if those clones hurt you-"

Valerie laughed. "Moose the boys didn't hurt me. They saved me a few times. It's been awhile since I have been able to meditate so I haven't been able to process my emotions correctly."

Moose nodded. "You know Valerie, I'm here to talk."

"I know Moose," she paused. "Come on. Let's continue."


The two of them made it to Moose's barracks. Valerie jumped onto the extra bed in his room. "Want me to stay?" He asked her.

"I'll be okay. I think I just want to sleep more than anything." Valerie said as she got comfortable in the bed.

"Okay, I'm meeting back up with the boys, call if you need anything." Moose said as he walked towards the door.

"You got it." Valerie said as he left the room. Valerie looked up at the ceiling. She was very tired but of course sleep wasn't coming. Part of her was anxious when they would finally rescue Drake, she wondered what his reaction would be when they finally see each other after being apart for so long. Valerie felt her eyes grow heavy before sleep took her away.


Valerie was enveloped in darkness, she knew she wasn't alone but she was in pain. "You have to tell her, I was never mad at her." A male voice boomed, the voice familiar. "I can buy you some time but keep her safe! She's important to me."

"What are you planning? She's not gonna like this once she wakes up!" Another familiar male voice said.

She heard the sound of a lightsaber igniting. "I'm going to make sure she gets out of this alive." The first voice said.

"But you, yourself are weak from whatever force trick you used!" The second voice said.

"We have incoming!" A louder third voice yelled.

Valerie tried to move, she wasn't sure if she did or not until a smaller female voice called out. "She's moving!" Valerie slowly peeled opened her eyes and saw Tech and Omega leaning over her.

"Tech? Omega?" Her voice was hoarse. She struggled to sit up, her abdomen hurt. Her vision was blurry, like she was in a dream but she looked over and saw her master fighting off imperial troopers. "Drake?"

"Get her out of here!" Drake yelled.

"Valerie, we have to go." Moose said and pulled out his blaster, "can you walk."

Valerie couldn't take her eyes off her master, she knew he was weak from his stance, it was sloppy. "Master, come on!" She called out.

"Valerie, get out of here! Save yourself!" She watched him get shot in the shoulder.

"Drake!" She tried to stand but Tech was holding her back. "Tech let me go!"

"No Valerie, go that's an order! You are our future!" She watched him get shot a couple more times and Valerie couldn't help but start crying.

"Val, we need to go now." Hunter appeared on her other side but Valerie couldn't help but ignore him. "She's not listening. Tech grab her and let's go."

"Master!" She screamed and Tech threw her over her shoulder. She looked up and saw Drake getting shot some more and he collapsed on the ground, his lightsaber de-igniting. Tears poured down her face. She screamed and she held out her hand.


Valerie shot up in the bed, sweat dripping down her back and she was gasping for air. She looked around the room. It was dark, she got out of the bed and made her way over to the window. She saw they were still in space. "Was that a vision?" Valerie questioned herself. She thought about her dream, confused by it all. Why were the boys and Omega there? Why did it feel like I was shot? Why did Drake Die? Questions plagued her mind. "Is that going to happen? What are you trying to show me, force?" She whispered. "Are you trying to warn me?"

Someone entering the room, pulled Valerie from her thoughts. "Who's warning you?" She turned and saw it was Moose. "I thought you would've been sleeping still."

"I was, I think I had a vision?" She put a hand on her chin.

"A vision?"

"Yes but although I'm not sure what it means."

"Is it anything I can help you with?"

"I'm not sure." Valerie dropped her hand and looked up at him. "Was there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Oh yes, Rex is going on a retrieval mission and asked if it were possible for you to join him. Rickshaw and I are going."

Valerie smiled. "I would love to join you guys, it's been so long since I've been on a mission with you."

"Awesome, Rex is getting ready to prep the mission now, let's go."


Valerie stood in between Moose and Rickshaw. A couple of resistance fighters stood around them. She saw Echo and Eloise as well and Rex stood at the end of a holo-table. A layout of a building lit the dark room.

"-and once we land on Cato Neimoidia, we'll of course be met with the locals but with Valerie," He nodded to her. "She can convince them that we're supposed to be there and hope we don't have a fire fight and we can slip in and out with the information before they realize what hit em." Rex finished.

"What if they don't fall for it, or realize what's going on before we leave?" Valerie asked.

"We'll then it's a good thing you'll be with us." Rex said. "Any other questions?"

"Why is this information important?" A fighter called out.

"Because it'll hopefully inform us what the plans are with these imperial troopers and where they think they're going to get the funding from since the galactic empire is on the verge of collapse." Small chatter broke out amongst the crew but no one said anything else. "Okay, let's move out."

Walking to the ships Valerie caught up with Echo and Eloise. "You two are coming along as well?" She asked them.

"Of course, whatever Rex needs I'm there for him." Echo said.

"I have some medical background. Master and his Zabrak men were always getting injured and I was stitching them up constantly so I have been working on fine tuning my skills with the fighters. Rex wanted me to come in case anyone gets hurt." Eloise said.

"That's good to hear." Valerie said.

"Hey Valerie?" Eloise asked.

"Yes?" She responded.

Elosie was silent for a moment. "Rex mentioned about you 'convincing the locals' when we arrive. What does he mean by that?"

Valerie swallowed the lump in her throat. "Well I guess there's no point in hiding, but I'm a jedi Eloise."

"A jedi?" She raised an eyebrow.

"She's a good guy, Eloise. Trust me." Echo added.

Valerie patted her lightsaber. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you when we first met but it's kinda a risk knowing and I didn't want you to be in any more danger than you already were."

Eloise nodded. "I'm not mad, and with everything I've been through. You were never a bad guy in my book."

The group came up to the fighters. "Thanks Eloise, I'm just glad we got out of there." Valerie said as they climbed on board. The fighter took off once a group of freedom fighters joined them, bringing them towards Cato Neimoidia.


Entering the atmosphere, Rex came over the coms. "Okay Valerie. Your fighter will land first. We'll be right behind you."

Valerie put her hand up to the ear piece. "You got it captain." The ship landed on the platform and Valerie exited. Eloise was right next to her.

"Eloise, wait with us." Echo whispered, called out.

Valerie looked up and could barely see the other shuttles coming into view. Eloise turned and waved. "It's alright. I trust her." She whispered back. Valerie couldn't help but smile.

Valerie walked up to a Neimoidian guarding the side entrance they were sneaking into. "Hold it." The Neimoidian said and raised his blaster.

Valerie held up her hand. "We're supposed to be here. We have a meeting with someone from the Banking Clan." She waved her hand.

"You have a meeting with the Banking Clan." He started, "but I really should call and let them know you're here."

Valerie waved her hand again. "They're expecting us, you don't need to inform them."

"They're expecting you and I don't have to inform them." He repeated and Valerie heard the other shuttles land and could sense Rex and Rickshaw walking towards them.

"You also want to go home and enjoy some time to yourself." She added.

He nodded. "I would like to go home to enjoy myself." The Neimoidian turned and unlocked the door and entered, before the door fully shut, Valerie stuck her foot in the doorframe, catching it.

"Good work Valerie." Rex said. "We'll take it from here. You and Moose wait out here with the others."

"You got it boys, be careful." Valerie said and Rex grabbed the door. He, Rickshaw, Echo, Eloise, along with some fighters all entered the building. Valerie turned and stood next to Moose. She put her hands behind her back and studied the building. She could hear the other fighters moving around behind them.

"Relax Valerie, you're tense." Moose mentioned after some time.

"Huh?" She turned towards him.

"You're tense. I can tell." He said.

"I am not tense." She defended herself.

"Are too, the boys are fine. Rex does missions like this all the time. No need to worry."

"We're in separatist territory of course I'm worried, we've done missions like this all the time and it could go either way of being successful or going horribly wrong."

"Technically this isn't separatist territory."

"Yes it is?"

"Ehh not anymore, this is Galactic Empire territory now." He chuckled and Valerie rolled her eyes, even in the tensest of moments Moose could always break that tension. "Still, even if things do go wrong. We have you to back us up and save our asses."

Valerie smiled. "Yes you do and for me to say I told you so in the process." Moose laughed.

Someone came walking out of the building and Valerie and Moose turned, they saw it was another Neimodian he was holding his blaster up, walking towards him. Valerie too walked forward.

"Who are you!" He demanded.

Valerie held her hands up. "It's alright we're supposed to be here."

"No you're not, this is a restricted area." He stated.

Valerie waved her hands. "We are supposed to be here." The Neimoidian kept his blaster pointed at her.

"You have a clone behind you."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do, I can see him right there!"

"No, uh, he's not a clone. He has a twin." She shrugged.

The Neimoidian looked down at her waist. "You're a jedi!" He said.

Valerie realized she kept her lightsaber on her waist. "No I'm not. I stole it."

"Liar!" He got his blaster ready to fire and Valerie rolled her eyes and grabbed her lightsaber, cutting the blaster in half. She wrapped around the Neimoidian and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Moose!" She called out and Moose stunned him. Valerie lowered him to the ground. "Rex, you gotta move it, the locals are catching on." She called into her coms.

No response.

"Did he answer? I haven't heard anything." Moose called out.

"No, I haven't either." Valerie called back. "Rex? Rickshaw? Someone answer me or I'm coming in. Echo?" Still nothing. Valerie turned towards the door and started walking. The door burst open and the group came running out. Some of the fighters turned to stun whoever was behind them Echo had Eloise right behind him, protecting her. Rex and Rickshaw were the last to leave. Valerie ran up to them, her lightsaber ignited and started blocking blaster fire. "What happened?!" She yelled.

"We should've had you come in with us. Someone made an unannounced visit and they set off the alarms." Rickshaw said.

"I don't know about that as someone outside also made an unannounced visit." Valerie backed up with the group as she blocked the blaster fire.

"Everyone get on board and start the ships!" Rex called back and everyone boarded but Valerie. She worked on blocking the fire. "Valerie get on now!" Rex ordered. Valerie backed up on the ship, the doors stayed open as Valerie worked on defending the group. "Get us in the air." Rex said and the ship started lifting.

"Get the information?" Valerie asked.

"Yes sir!" One of the freedom fighters said and held up a little flash drive. While they were lifting in the air, the defense towers kicked in and started blasting the ships. The ship Valerie was on shook and everyone lost their balance. The fighter holding the information dropped the drive and it fell out of the open door.

"No!" Rex yelled and before Valerie could think she jumped out of the ship and grabbed the flashdrive. "Valerie!" She heard Rex scream out as she was falling. She used the force to slow herself down and slammed her lightsaber into the ground to steady her. "Valerie! Are you insane!" She heard Rex call into her coms.

She saw the Neimoidians running to her in the distance, she strapped her lightsaber on her waist and took off running into the woods. "I'm okay Rex, get the others to safety, got it?"

"We're coming after you!" He responded.

"AFTER you get the others out of there!" She repeated. "I'll be okay, I can probably lose them in the forest."

"You better survive this or I swear Valerie-" Rex started.

"Go Rex!" She cut him off and continued to run. Blaster fire flew past her as she ran past the forest line. She had to jump over rocks and uprooted roots so it slowed her down a little bit, but it did the same for the people chasing her as well. Valerie came into an opening in the forest and paused, catching her breath. She held out the drive in her hand. "I hope you have some damn good information for the trouble you're causing." She started running again when she heard the shouting. She ran to the edge of a cliff, barely catching her balance. She looked over the edge and couldn't see the bottom. She started running along the cliff.

"Valerie, where are you, we got the others out and we're coming to get you." Rex came over the coms again.

"On the edge of the cliffs." She called back. "I see some bridges I'm running to now, I have an idea... I think."

"I have a feeling I'm not going to like this." He said.

"Probably not, but it'll be fine?" Valerie tried to convince herself and Rex. "Just whatever I'm planning, be ready." Valerie made it to the bridges and the others were also behind her, upon crossing the bridge one of them shot her and it grazed her shoulder. She fell and grabbed her shoulder, it stung. "Druk!" She called out.

"Valerie, we see you on the bridge, now what." Rex called.

Valerie got up and started running again. "Um, open the doors and get below me."

"No you're not doing what I think you're doing."

"Do it Rex!" There wasn't a response but Valerie saw the ship descend below her with the doors open, she turned her head and saw them still chasing them. "I'm gonna die." She reassured herself before she gripped the flash drive and jumped over the railing. She tried to slow her fall as the fighter was under her and tilted to the side. Both the doors on either side of the ship were open when she fell through and Rickshaw grabbed her arm as the fighter straightened back out. The Neimoidians tried firing at them while the fighter flew away. Valerie sat on the ground, exhausted.

"Valerie you are kriffing insane!" Rex said and knelt down next to her.

"Yea I know." She held her arm.

"Valerie your arm!" Eloise knelt down on her other side and held a cloth to where she got shot. "You're lucky this only grazed you!" Valerie nodded.

"You shouldn't have jumped out of the ship! That was stupid of you." Rex started to lecture her but in the middle of his lecture Valerie held up the flash drive, stopping Rex mid speech. "But I'm glad you are okay and made it back safely." He took the drive and stood up.

"Of course Rex, for the republic." She leaned her head back and closed her eyes while Eloise continued to patch up her arm.


Back at Rex's fighter, Valerie was walking with Rickshaw and Moose. She heard Echo praising Eloise behind her for how far she's come since they rescued  her. Valerie tugged at the bandage on her arm.

"Leave it." Moose said. "It stays on for now."

Valerie did a two finger salute. "sir, yes sir." The two of them laughed.

Bo and Ginkgo ran up to them. "You got a message from someone Valerie, she wouldn't say who she was, kept her face hidden. Only that she had information only for you." Bo said.

"Who could that be?" Rickshaw asked.

"I think I have an idea." Valerie said. "Take me to a private room Bo." He nodded and led her to where he got the message.

Valerie waved to Bo as he exited the room. It was dark until the holotable activated and saw it was Senator Chuchi. "Riyo."

"Valerie, it's good to see you are doing well." Riyo said.

"As is you," Valerie bowed her head. "Did you find anything?"

"Yes I did, but Valerie..." Riyo paused.

Valerie raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"You're not gonna like it."

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