The Secret

By readergeekgirl

273 15 3

Trinity is the mystery girl! She always is in the back of the room you can say she's a freak! Even though the... More

Chapter 1: Trinity's POV
Chapter 2: Drake's POV
Chapter 3: Trinity's POV
Chapter 4: Drake's POV
Chapter 5: Trinity's POV
Chapter 6: Drake's POV
Chapter 7: Trinity's POV
Chapter 8: Drake's POV
Chapter 9: Trinity's POV
Chapter 11: Trinity's POV
Chapter 12: Drake's POV

Chapter 10: Drake's POV

11 1 0
By readergeekgirl

After we ate lunch and dinner Trin and I went back into the lake. After hours passed of swimming and water fights it was fire time. We all sat wrapped in the warmest blankets around the camp fire. Trin was on my lap wearing her denim shorts with a blue tank top. I was wearing black sports shorts and a gray muscle Nike shirt. Trinity's head lay right in the crook of my neck. I felt as if all our body heat had become one. I was happy we got to do this today and my friends got to know her. Tyler said he liked her and even though Stephanie could be a bitch she still seemed to be warming up to Trinity.

"So Trinity, we don't really know about you, tell us about yourself," Tyler asked. Trin sat up straight and looked at the fire and replied,

"Well, there's not much to talk about. I live by myself most of the time my parents are never home, they're always on business trips and when they are home they are a pain in my ass!" Everyone laughed and one of my friends, Brian said,

"Did Drake meet your lovely parents?"

"Oh yeah!''

"So tell us Drake, how were they?" Brian asked.

"Pretty much how Trinity explained them. They seemed like asses!" Trin smiled which made me smile and everyone was quiet again.

"This is nice," Trin finally said, "I'm glad I got to know all of you!" Every one lifted up there red solo cups and agreed with clanks of the cups. Trinity smiled again and then my phone went off. It was a text message from my mom.

 Hey sweetie? When do u think u r coming home?

I looked at the time on my phone and it was 1:22. Holy shit when did the time go by so fast. The thing was I wasn't in a hurry and I didn't care if my mom needed me but I replied back to her anyway.

IDK, maybe soon, y?

Oh, just curious, r u w/Trinity?

Yeah, y?

Cause, is she coming home w/u?

Yeah, she's sleeping over!

Oh, k

Y, what's wrong?

Nothing, it is just that ur Gran is here and all.

Last time Gran was here I was dating Stephanie and she was sleeping over, I don't think she'll have a problem with Trinity!

Alright, I was just telling u!

K c u l8ter!

Bye, drive home safe!

I hated how my mom didn't like Trin and it was so obvious that she did. My dad on the other hand thinks Trin is better than Stephanie and he says he is glad to see that someone is making me smile. My mom thinks Trin is too conservative. But I like her, well I love her, my dad likes her and I talked to my Gran before she got here about Trinity and how she was sleeping over and she seemed to like her too! Basically, my mom is the only one that doesn't like her and quite honestly, I don't give a fuck because I'm happy and that's all that matters!


After the gathering, or really party, whatever you want to call it, Trin and I went home. There waiting at the front door with a warm smile on her face and arms reached out was, Gran. 

"Hello," she said enthusiastically, "I am so glad to finally meet you Trinity!" 

Trin looked startled but after a while she smiled, "Hi, how are you?"

"Fantastic, now that you are here!"

"Gran, it's two in the morning, why are you still up?"

"Oh, I couldn't go to bed without meeting the famous Trinity!" 

"Well, let me formally introduce her to you. Trin, this is Gran, Gran, this is Trin." 

"Nice to meet you Gran," Trin said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too Trin. Why Drake, do you insists on giving her a nickname, her name is beautiful just like she is!" Gran looked at me scowling. Trin blushed and replied,

"Thank you, but it is alright, I like it, and I only let him call me Trin!"

"Yeah, but a name like that shouldn't be shortened!"

Trin only smiled unsure what to say next.

"Well Gran," I started to say to get things flowing, "I know I'm tired and I'm sure Trin is tired and I also know you need to go to bed. So, how about we finish this little meet tomorrow when we are all fully rested."

Trin looked at me thankfully and Gran also looked at me and replied,

"Alright Mr. Know It All, whatever you say!" She looked at Trin and said, "Goodnight Trinity, it was nice meeting you and I look forward on getting to know more about you tomorrow!"

Trin chuckled at Gran's emphasis on Trinity and she replied,

"Goodnight to you too! It was also a pleasure to meet you too and I also look forward on talking tomorrow!"

And with that and a kiss on the cheek from me to Gran we were off to bed.

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