My GirlFreen (FreenBecky)


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Rebecca Armstrong never thought that she would return to her mother's homeland for good when the Armstrong fa... More

Chapter 1: The New Girl
Chapter 3: BABY
Chapter 4: A Game
Chapter 5: Once & Twice
Chapter 6: Of Butterflies and Shoelace
Chapter 7: Mine
Chapter 8: Straightforward & Undecided
Chapter 9: Little Bunny
Chapter 10: GirlFreen
Chapter 11: Known
Chapter 12: Bad Things
Chapter 13: The Human Anatomy
Chapter 14: Sports Day
Chapter 15: Catfight
Chapter 16: Glimpse of The Past

Chapter 2: Nose Bleed

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Chapter 2

Becky was nowhere to be seen the moment Freen woke up. She must have gone to shower to get ready for class. Early morning routine was all about time management. There were only two options; it's either you needed to be fast, or you wake up early to get everything done just in time. It was obvious that Freen could opt for the first. What did you expect? It was her fourth year in the academy.

"Damn, I must look like a panda." Freen patted her face gently, wishing that would freshen her up.

What happened last night almost caught her into a controversy. Freen's last conscious mind was her, comforting Becky to sleep but the next thing she knew, she was fast asleep next to the girl. Freen freaked out upon realizing that. It was just by pure luck that none of their dormmates was awake at that moment.

Becky was back at her space again the moment Freen returned from the bathroom. Whatever Freen has been witnessing has caused her to sigh deeply, frustrated by the scene. Becky was having a trouble time fixing the bedsheet and the bedspread. Lily must have briefed the London girl about those dos and don'ts last night. Everything must be kept neat before you leave the dormitory. Any messy bed or dormitory will be penalized with demerit where the cumulative points of your house will be deducted. Freen did not wish to bother but the sight of the London girl's incompetence really hurt her eyes.

"All you should do is ask for help. There are many people here. Anyone can help you if you ask politely."

Becky was surprised by Freen's sudden appearance. She stiffened there; a dreadful look drawn all over her pale face.

"Move aside and watch closely. I'll teach you how to do it." Learn by example, Freen believed it was how it should be. You observe, understand, or memorize it and carry it out on your own.

In the midst of their usual hectic morning, Freen did not know that Lily was watching them from a distance.

"Who is babysitting the girl now?" Lily laughed internally.


"Thank you." Becca said, pouting her lower lips. She lowered her head, avoiding an eye contact with Freen.

Freen saw everything. That effortless expression of Becky pouting her lips was natural as if it's her habit. She did not usually get affected by anything humanly, but it seemed odd with Becky. Her heart fluttered strangely. Lub-dub, lub-dub...the thumping of her heart was getting harder and quicker with each passing second.

"That's annoyingly cute."

"Whatever, I need to get ready myself." Freen shook it off.

Freen was just about to turn on her heels when her eyes caught the sight of Becca's wrinkled shirt. The white shirt was the most prominent part of the academy uniform. It should be perfect.

"Wait a second, did you iron your uniform just now?" Again, she did not wish to bother but everything seemed to hurt her eyes this morning. The perfectionist Freen could not accept such disgrace to the uniform. Every student must neatly dress up.

"I did..." Becca hesitated "But I guess it didn't turn out well." With all the pouting, Becky's mouth might turn into a duckbill by now.

"Oh my goodness. You're giving me headache when I don't need to." Freen pinched the bridge of her nose, already appearing to be stressful.

"Oh Lord, you guys really need a proper orientation week. You can't even do the basic thing properly." Clueless, Becca only stood there watching Freen losing her mind that early in the morning.

"Look we don't have much time. You can't go out and attend your classes with this look. Take off your shirt right now and I'll lend you mine."

"Ouh..." Becca was speechless. Briefly she checked over her attire which seemed fine to her but not to Freen.

It was not what Becca expected when Freen grabbed her hand and dragged her along to Freen's locker.

"I guess we're about the same size. Now change your shirt." Freen handed her a nicely ironed shirt.

Becca took the shirt and hurriedly made her way out of the dorm.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom and change my shirt?"

"Are you serious? Just go back to your space and get change. Do I really need to teach you that?" Freen sounded as if she wanted to explode.

"Can we really do that?"

"No one cares about your boobs or anything else. As long as you don't go naked, it's fine. Now hurry up. It's almost time before the bell rings."


"Freen, wake up." The nudge on the side of Freen's ribs was a little too hard that it pained her. Jim was irritated because Freen could not keep her head straight. Sooner or later, she might just drop to the floor.

"Seriously, Freen. Why are you that sleepy? You better stay alert before the teacher noticed that you're sleeping for the entire period." Jim whispered.

"It's nothing. I just need more sleep." Freen could not hold it any longer.

"FREEN SAROCHA!" The voice was loud and clear to cause Freen's eyes wide open in a snap.

"I'M SORRY TEACHER." Freen stood up abruptly, almost stumble over the desk. Jim shook her head, embarrassed with her desk mate.

"Get out. Stand outside the class until I call you in."

Freen inhaled deeply, knowing the consequences of her own action.

"Geez, this is embarrassing." Freen never thought that at this age she still got this kind of punishment. Lucky them that the junior students' blocks were separated from theirs or else, it would just double up the embarrassment. Her pride was hurt.

Freen was taking her notes when she heard noises coming from a distance. That was when she saw a group of girls from another classroom walking down the corridor. They must be heading to the laboratory for their next period. All eyes were on her, knowing that Freen was being punished right there. However then, there was only one thing that caught her off guard; the eyes of the London girl.

Becky walked past her, they exchanged a brief eye contact before the latter gone into thin air with the other girls.

"It's all your fault."


"Papa, off all the schools that I can go to, why must it be a boarding school? Can't I just continue to attend a normal school?"

"Look, both your mom and I will be a lot busier this year. You know that well. Richie can't be with you all the time either. This is for the best."

"I'm old enough to take care of myself. You can get us maids and assign a driver for me. What's the issue? Or this is just an excuse for you to imprison me? Seriously? By sending me to a boarding academy? And how do you expect me to survive there? I have never done anything by myself."

"This is the time for you to learn those things. No further discussion or negotiation, Becky. You'll attend the academy until you graduated."

"Are you alright there, girl." Becky felt a soft touch on her shoulder, breaking her reverie. It was Yah who asked. Yah, was the first friend she had. They were classmates and Becky was seated next to her.

"Yeah, everything is still quite new to me." Becky said. The truth was, there were too many things going on inside her head. The little disagreement with her father, a month before she came here was still fresh in her mind.

"Just take it slowly. You'll get used to it. When I entered this academy four years ago, I used to cry every day for a continuous six months, begging my parents to take me out of this place." Yah giggled when she recalled the story to Becky.

"Does that mean I need six months to adapt the life here?" Becky seemed restless. Half of a year sounded like a long time.

"Nah, all you need to do is finding something to distract you or something that you like. Trust me you'll love this academy even though sometimes I think the rules are too much to follow." Yah said, con.

"What about you, Yah? What made you stay?" Becky was curious. Only if Yah knew how much she wanted to run away from this academy.

"Hmm...I guess I found my passion. I joined the school Orchestra team and I have so much fun with that."

Becky nodded. She might as well listen to the tips given by Yah. If joining the academy did not excite her, she might as well search for something thrilling to enjoy while she's here.

"Freen..." The name slipped off from her mind. What a unique name! Becky thought.

Her mind then was taken all the way back to this morning scene. Becky smiled for no reason. She knew Freen did not seem like she wanted to be any helpful, but the girl helped her anyway. How is possible that an intimidating and adorable character co-exist in person? It was chaotic in the cutest way.

Becky sniffed the collar of the white shirt that she was wearing. The soft citrus smell was calm and refreshing. It might be the combination of a perfume and the detergent that the person used. She must be extra careful today as not to stain it with any dirt. This shirt was not hers to begin with.

Then she suddenly remembered seeing Freen standing outside the classroom. The dark circles under her eyes were horrible. Freen definitely lacked of sleep last night. Becky smiled again, as she recalled what had happened.

"Do I look like a nanny here?" Becky pretended that she was asleep as she heard Freen mumbling her complaint continuously. Becky found it amusing that despite all the complaints that came out of the girl's mouth, the latter never stop her hand from caressing her head. It was a few minutes later when Becky realized that the touch from Freen's delicate hand gradually slowed down.

Just when Becca thought Freen would get up and leave her bed, she felt that the girl's warm body taking up a small space in the bed, next to her. Becky kept her position still for a few moments until she heard Freen snoring softly.

"Ah, she fell asleep."

Becky turned to her side so that she could have a look at the person even though it was a bit dark that time. Freen looked different when she was asleep. Her facial expression was a lot calmer when she's not frowning.

"You're adorable." Becky thought.

"You're such a baby. Do you think I'm your nanny?" Freen mumbled in her sleep.

It rhymed well, didn't it?


"Seriously Freen, what made you that sleepy though?" Kade glanced at her friend briefly before she focused on the food again. Freen who would usually spend her recess to sleep, joined her friends for a meal at the café today. The drowsiness in her eyes was unbearable.

"I just can't sleep well." Freen said, taking a sip of the coffee that she bought.

"Is it coming back, again?" Tee asked out of the blue. All eyes were fixated on Tee, uncomfortable with such query.

"Why would you bring that up." Jim smacked the back of Tee's head causing the latter to groan in pain.

"Nah, it's not. I just can't sleep." There was no way for Freen to blurt the truth.

"Hey Kade, the freshies won't be having their orientation week?" It was more about confirming the whole situation rather than being curious for Freen that she decided to ask.

"They'll just have about a day or two to settle all the documentation etc."

"No, it's not what I'm asking. What I meant was, y'know those daily life routine tasks like ironing and washing your clothes etc."

"Freen, they are all grown up. They can just learn it by themselves. Anyway, why are you even bother to ask about it?" Kade was confused.

"It's about the Halfling, right?" Tee interrupted. She came up with 'the Halfling' to address Becky just because the London girl looked pale as if she's a vampire plus the fact that she's also a mixed.

"No." Freen denied.

"NO is YES!" The three of them spoke in union.

Freen has always been strange according to her best friends

"This is strange. Freen, you never showed any interest or concern in anybody else." Kade finished her meal quickly and put the plate aside.

"I second that." Jim supported.

The three of them have now scooted over, close to each other – ready to interrogate Freen.

"Stop. It's nonsense." Freen tried to escape the situation but failed miserably. Both Kade and Tee were holding her down.

"Ah, you like the girl, don't you?" Tee threw her guess.

"You crazy!"

"Okay let's rephrase that." Kade hushed them. "You're intrigued by something in her, right?" Kade continued.

Freen threw her gaze elsewhere but her friends. She touched her nose and hair, the habit if she was in conflict. It was after a long pause when she finally spoke, "Maybe."

"YES YOU ARE!" Kade, Tee and Jim said in union again. They broke into their hearty laughter right away.

"Finally, we'll be having something interesting in Freen's life this year huh?" Kade was breathless.

"You know if you need advice, you can ask me. I'm the expert here." Tee said it proudly.

"What nonsense are you guys talking about?" Freen began to get annoyed.

"You know that they just love to tease you." Jim took her action. "Now listen, if you need anything, we're here for you. You can talk to us. You know that right?"

"Nah Jim, you sound just the same as them! I'm leaving!" Freen stood up in exasperation. She rose from her seat way too fast for her to be aware of the surroundings. Her hands collided with something that she was not sure of. Only then burning pain sensation began to kick in.

"Ouch!" Freen shrieked and so did the other person.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry!" Freen knew it was her fault.

Freen looked up to check the other person's condition. "You!" Her eyes widened in shocked. Becky gapped at her, alternating her sight to both of their white uniforms – both of Freen's white uniform.

The one on Becky was stained with soup and ketchup while the one on her had a splash of coffee.

"My shirt!" Freen gasped.

Becky stiffened there, petrified with guilt. She has been careful about everything the entire day only for it to be ruined by the owner herself.


Becky trailed behind Freen as they were heading back to the hostel to get change. Freen was quiet along the way and Becky did not dare to utter any words.

"Such a mess." Freen mumbled under her breath.

Once they reached their dorm, Freen opened her locker, unveiling those perfectly hung uniforms inside. She had them in several pairs as what Becky estimated. It's no wonder Freen could lend her one. Becky watched Freen taking one of them. Then without any warning, she saw Freen taking off her dirty white shirt, revealing her flawless porcelain skin.

Becky could not help but stare at the heavenly sight. The heat of embarrassment rushed up to her face. She could feel that her body temperature started to elevate. Becky wanted to run her gaze elsewhere, but Freen was faster.

"Aren't you going to change your clothes?" Freen asked, raising one side of her eyebrow in a questioning gesture.

Becky stuttered, losing her word. Freen should not see her reddened face.

"Wait! What is that?" Freen moved close to Becky and leaned closer until Becky could feel Freen's breath on her face.

"Your nose is bleeding!" Freen gasped for the countless time.

Becky panicked, hurriedly pinching her nostril as if her action could stop the bleeding that instant.

"Wait, calm down. That's only going to add another stain on my shirt."

Becky was stupefied, disbelieved with what Freen had been saying. Freen only thought about her belonging rather than worrying about other person's condition.

"Sit down. I'll help you." Freen directed, taking control of the entire situation.

"Pinch your nose here and lean you head slightly forward." Becky did whatever Freen asked her to.

Freen then gone into nowhere and returned a minute later with an ice pack.

"Is everything alright?" Freen stood in front of Becky, trying to analyze the whole situation.

"Could you please hand me a tissue paper." Becky asked. Her hand was stained with blood.

"Ah, sure."

Instead of giving the tissue paper to Becky right away, Freen took a spot on the bed next to the girl. "Give me your hand." Freen said, holding out her hand to Becky. She was ready to help.

Confusion struck Becky all over again. One moment Freen seemed inconsiderate but the next second she was all caring and gentle. "I can do it myself."

Becky's response has caused Freen to shoot her with a dreadful look. Her eyes held so much authority that none would dare to defy.

"You need to hold your nose in position." Freen said, the tone in her voice was firm.

Becky gulped. If such gaze could kill somebody, Freen might have been a serial killer by now. Freen did not wait for Becky as she grabbed the London's girl hand right away. This would be the second time of their physical touch. Skin to skin, Freen's hands were as soft as silk. The warmth from Freen's hands spread all over Becky's, settling in a sense of comfort.

"You're surely a strange one." Becky mumbled under her breath. Freen's personality and attitude baffled her. How could someone switch their character from one to another in split seconds?

"Excuse me?"

"My nose feels strange." Becky countered her words.

"Really? Let me have a look." Freen was alarmed. Then, as swift as it went, Freen tilted Becky's chin and leaned in, to a closer proximity.

Becky's breath hitched. Nervousness enveloped her. Freen often did something when she was least expecting it. Becky could not help but stare at Freen's face. She has never seen anyone this flawless. Those eyes that often held a cold gaze were beyond gorgeous at this gap and those plump lips of hers were irresistible.

"Breathe, Becky."

"AHH, why there's more blood coming out again?" The situation only worsened the moment Becky decided to breathe at her normal pace again. Freen could not contain her panic anymore.

"I'm fine. Just give me a minute." Becky held Freen's hand, calming the girl that began to lose her cool.

"Damn Becky. You couldn't contain yourself either!"

"No, you don't. Let's get you to the school infirmary." Freen got up quickly. She went back and forth from her locker to the bed, looking for something but ended up with nothing.

"You should change your clothes first. No, we don't have time for that. But you look messy though." Freen just could not decide.

"Freen." Becky called the name, but Freen was not listening.

"Freen Sarocha Chankimha!" Becky spoke a little louder causing Freen to halt abruptly as if she was malfunctioning.

Becky watched intently as Freen turned around in the most dramatical way. "D-Did you just call my name? Like my real name?" Freen was surprised. That was unexpected.

"Yes, and it's not that difficult to pronounce." 

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