More Than Friends

Από BunnyStyle29

10.7K 260 786

Stan's dad is in jail, and his mom is selling the farm and moving them back to town. Stan doesn't know how to... Περισσότερα

Back to Town
Stark's Pond
It's Not Gay
Panic Attacks
New Friend
The Date
Nail Polish
The Kiss


528 12 22
Από BunnyStyle29


The rest of the week passed uneventfully. Stan was even able to make it through school without another panic attack. He knew it was likely due to the fact that between Kyle, Kenny, and Butters he was never alone. Something he was extremely grateful for.
He and Butters actually had music together and Stan was surprised at how much he enjoyed the bubbly blonde's company. He remembered when they were kids, he would sometimes get annoyed at Butters constant optimism. But now it was like being around a little ray of sunshine. He found it extremely hard to be anxious when Butters was around with his ever present smile and genuine good nature.
Stan understood now why Kenny seemed so protective of Butters. Or at least part of the reason anyway. Stan had his suspicions about the other reason.

But the biggest surprise had been when he'd overheard someone talking about his dad in the bathroom and none other than Cartman had put an end to it. He had threatened the other kid with some kind of dirt he apparently had on him if he even breathed Stan or his dad's name again.
After the other boy left, Stan emerged from the stall and eyed Cartman curiously. Cartman had just rolled his eyes and snapped at him, before leaving in a huff.
Stan just shook his head. He knew in his own fucked up way Cartman actually cared about his friends.

Friday after school he and Kyle had finally got the chance to hang out somewhere other than Tweek Bros.

They had ended up at the mall, where Kyle was busy pawing through the racks of a clothing store looking for a new jacket.
Stan stood next to him, a bemused smile on his face.
Kyle pulled a black and red jacket from the rack and held it against his front. "What do you think?"
Stan shook his head, stifling a smile. "Dude red is definitely not your color."
Kyle sighed and shoved the hanger back on the rack. "I give up."
Stan chuckled and moved around the flustered redhead, scanning the racks for something acceptable.
His eyes lit up when he spotted something dark green. He reached out and snagged it off the rack. It was a thick track jacket and Stan knew instantly Kyle would love it. "Here Ky, try this one."
Kyle's eyes lit up when he spied the jacket Stan held out to him.
Stan felt his heart rate speed up as Kyle grabbed the jacket, slipping it on, the color suiting his deep red hair and bringing out his eyes.
"Dude it's perfect!"
Stan grinned at Kyle's joyful exclamation. "It looks great on you Kyle."
Kyle smiled and reached for the price tag on the sleeve.
Stan watched his face fall as he read the price tag.
"Shit, I only have an extra $40. The rest is for tomorrow."
Stan leaned forward and flipped the tag around. $65.
Kyle shrugged it off, but before he could put it back Stan snatched it from him, slinging it over his shoulder. "Let's go."
Kyle crossed his arms, not moving. "Stan, you can't keep buying me things."
Stan grinned at him playfully.
"Maybe I'm buying it for myself."
Kyle rolled his eyes. "Uh-huh. At least let me pay for part of it."
Stan shook his head. "Nope."
He laughed as Kyle narrowed his eyes at him, and turned around heading for the check out counter. He heard Kyle muttering under his breath behind him. Stan smiled to himself. He loved it when Kyle was flustered. It was cute. He was a little confused why Kyle was resisting so much though. They had always either pooled their money together or paid for each other's stuff when they were younger. His pace slowed slightly as he realized that it was extremely likely that was the last time anyone had done so for Kyle.

He strode forward with determination and placed the jacket on the counter. The cashier smiled politely as she rang it up. "That'll be $66.81."
He smiled and handed her the money as Kyle came up behind him. "You're asthmatic and shorter than me, how do you walk so fast?"
Stan shrugged and took his change and the bag from the cashier who was trying not to giggle at them.
He handed the bag to Kyle and shoved his change in his pocket.
"Where to next?"
Kyle sighed defeatedly, hiding a smile. "Wherever. I don't wanna go home yet."
Stan nodded and headed for the coffee place a few shops over.
"I need caffeine."
Kyle smiled at him slyly. "I'm buying."
Stan rolled his eyes. "Alright if you insist."
They walked into the coffee shop, Stan snagging them a table as Kyle went to get their drinks.

He eyed the redhead curiously as he sat down with what appeared to be two coffees.
"Adventurous today are we?"
Kyle shrugged, tapping his foot restlessly.
"Are you nervous about tomorrow?"
Kyle nodded and sipped his coffee, before peering at Stan with a thoughtful look. "You know it might be fun if it was a double date."
Stan laughed. "Yeah and who would I bring?"
Kyle squinted at him mischievously. "You could always ask Bebe."
Stan groaned. "Ewww, no."
Stan had spent the last two days trying to avoid Bebe and her wandering eyes.
Kyle snickered. "Oh that's right, you like redheads."
Stan's face turned bright red and he choked on the coffee he'd just taken a sip of. "Wh-what!?"
Kyle laughed harder and leaned back in his chair. "Dude chill. I see how you and Red are together. I get it. She's pretty and really cool."

Stan felt relief wash over him at Kyle's words. "Dude, I do not have a crush on Red. We're just friends."
Kyle smirked at him. "Oookayyy."
Stan shook his head and took another sip of his coffee.
Kyle was still smiling at him smugly.
"Dude, drop it. I do not like Red. Not like that."
Kyle held up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay."
Stan crossed his arms on the table and leaned forward. "Besides, I thought we were talking about you being nervous about tomorrow?"
Kyle looked at him with a flat expression. "Gee, thanks for bringing that back up."
Stan grinned at him.
"You're welcome."
Kyle sighed and started fidgeting with his straw.
Stan looked at him sympathetically. "It'll be fine Ky, you'll see. Nichole seems like she's still a really sweet person."
"She is. I just don't know how to act or what to say. I don't really date." Kyle groaned and laid his head on the table, causing his hat to slip off.
Unable to resist, Stan reached out and ran his hand through Kyle's hair lightly. He heard a soft hum of contentment from the other boy and smiled.
"Just be yourself Ky. She asked you out. She obviously really likes you."
"You really think so?"
Stan smiled at Kyle's muffled question.
"Yeah dude, of course."
Stan realized he was still touching Kyle's hair and snatched his hand back.
Kyle sat up and shoved his hat back on. "Thanks. I feel a little better."
Stan nodded, smiling. "Anytime."
Kyle looked at his phone and sighed. "I gotta go. It's almost dinner time."
They got up from the table and headed out the door, Stan sipping pensively on his coffee as they meandered towards the mall entrance.
He jumped when Kyle poked him in the ribs. "What?"
"What are you thinking about so hard?"
"Nothing, just spacing off."
Kyle eyed him skeptically.
"Mmhm, sure."
Stan rolled his eyes. "Seriously I was mostly spacing off. Kinda thinking about what songs I'm going to play tomorrow."
Kyle's face lit up at that and Stan felt a wave of relief. He certainly wasn't going to tell Kyle he was thinking about how soft his hair was. Or the fact that the redhead actually seemed to like Stan touching his hair. Whatever dumbass, you're probably projecting.
He turned his attention back to the boy in question, who was staring at him intently. "Sorry, what?"
Kyle shook his head in amusement. "You're doing it again. I asked if it would be weird if I bring Nichole by while you're playing tomorrow?"
Stan shook his head. "Why would it be weird?"
Kyle shrugged. "I didn't know if it was weird for a date. 'Hey let's go watch my best friend play music at a coffee shop.' "
Stan chuckled and shoved Kyle's shoulder playfully. "You're overthinking it dude. I think it's a good idea. I'll even play couple-y songs."
Kyle looked up at him appreciatively. "You're the best."
Stan grinned as they walked out of the mall. "I know."

They walked home in relative silence, both lost in thought. Stan was having a hard time keeping his thoughts from wandering to Kyle. The urge to reach over and grab his hand was almost overwhelming. Instead he settled for stealing glances whenever Kyle wasn't looking. A few unruly red curls had escaped Kyle's hat and Stan had to stop himself from reaching for them. Get a hold of yourself. He was quickly becoming irritated with himself and his intrusive thoughts.
Maybe I should date someone.
He sighed and looked over to see Kyle looking at him curiously. "You ok Stan?"
"Yeah, just um, not looking forward to all the homework I have this weekend."
Kyle nodded in agreement. "Yeah I can't believe we have homework the first week of school. But I'm still staying over Saturday night, so we can do it together."
Stan smiled at him gratefully. "Dude, you're a lifesaver."
"I know." Kyle echoed Stan's words from earlier playfully.

As soon as they were close to Kyle's house, they slowed down, Stan about to cross the street. He turned to look at Kyle briefly.
"Tomorrow, ditch the hat."
Kyle stared at him incredulously.
Stan grinned. "Just trust me okay?"
Kyle nodded, still looking slightly skeptical.
Stan waved, crossing the street and walking towards his house, leaving Kyle to stare after him curiously.


It was Saturday morning and Stan was sitting on Kenny's couch as Karen painted his nails dark blue. Kenny watched with amusement from the recliner.
"Ok now go like this." Karen mimed shaking her hands around, fingers spread. Stan obeyed while Kenny snickered at him. Stan glared at him, sticking out his tongue. Karen giggled and capped the nail polish before getting up and taking it back to the bathroom.
Kenny shook his head.
"She's got you wrapped around her little finger."
Stan shrugged, inspecting his fingernails. "I like it. Besides, she paints your nails."
"Yeah but I'm her big brother, it's my job."
"Fine you caught me, I'm a big softie who couldn't say no."
Kenny laughed. "Almost no one says no to Karen. You should see Butters with her. Total marshmallow."
Stan laughed and shook his head. "Doesn't surprise me."
Stan looked back down at his nails, smiling. It really did look cool.
"Do you like it?"
He looked up to see Karen peering at him expectantly.
"Yeah Kare, they look great. You did a really good job."
Karen beamed proudly. "Thank you." She turned to look at Kenny. "Can I go to Red's? I'm going to do hers too."
Kenny nodded. "Sure Kare bear, just be home in a couple hours, okay?"
"Okay." She pranced off down the hallway to the bathroom. She came back with her nail polish and waved at them before leaving.

Kenny leaned forward and nudged Stan's foot with his.
"So how are you doing?"
Knowing exactly what Kenny was referring to, Stan sighed and rolled his eyes. "Dude, I'm fine. I'm happy for him. He's liked Nichole forever."
Kenny raised an eyebrow. "You sure? You can talk to me."
Stan smiled. "I know Kenny, and I appreciate it. But really I'm fine."
Kenny still looked skeptical.
Stan groaned and ran his hand over his face. "Seriously I'll be fine. I'm not gonna freak out or anything."
Kenny nodded. "I know man, but it's okay if you're bothered by it. Your feelings are valid too."
Stan chuckled. "Dude, are you a therapist now?"
Kenny shrugged, grinning. "Only on my days off from everything else."
Stan shook his head and leaned back against the couch. "You've got enough to worry about without adding me to the list. I'll be fine."
Kenny got up from his chair and crossed his arms. "You're my friend Stan, I'm allowed to worry about you.
Stan sighed. "Fine."
Kenny uncrossed his arms.
"Maybe you just need to get laid. We could always fool around."
Stan felt his face heat up and he stared at Kenny stupidly.
The blonde burst out laughing as he turned around and sauntered into the kitchen. "I'm not hearing a no." He sang over his shoulder.
Stan cleared his throat loudly. "I think I'll pass."
Kenny laughed from the kitchen. "Your loss."
Stan sank lower into the couch as he very briefly considered the idea. But only briefly. One resident horndog was enough.

Kenny came back from the kitchen with two cans of soda and sat them on the coffee table, before flopping on the couch next to Stan. "So what time are you supposed to be at Tweek's?"
Stan glanced over to where his guitar sat in the corner. "Noon."
Kenny nodded. "So we've got a couple hours."
Stan narrowed his eyes at him.
"I'm not fooling around with you."
Kenny snickered. "Get your head out of the gutter."
"You're the one that put it there." Stan shot back.
Stan shook his head with amusement, then turned to Kenny with a serious expression. "Can I ask you something?"
Kenny nodded. "Yeah man, of course."
"What happened after I left? Kyle seems....not really different....but all my mental shit doesn't seem to freak him out as much."

Kenny leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.
"It was......rough. At first we were all determined to come see you every weekend. But we were kids and obviously that was wishful thinking. For a while we tried to pretend everything was okay. But then Kyle stopped wanting to hang out. I'd say for like the first year, he was just running on autopilot. During the second year he started hanging out with me, Cartman, and Butters again. But it still kinda felt like he was just going through the motions. We couldn't really mention your name the first couple of years, he just shut down. Then the third year he spent coming up with plans to "rescue" you. Obviously those didn't pan out. After that we all just kinda tried to get on with life."
Kenny winced at the last part, but Stan patted his shoulder.
"It's okay Kenny, I get it."
Kenny nodded and ran his hands through his hair.
"Kyle definitely took it the hardest though."
Stan looked at him, slightly surprised. "He's always been the stronger of the two of us though. Every time we've gotten in a fight, I'm the one who loses it."
Kenny nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah but I think that's because he was mad at you. When you left, he had no say in the matter. I think he might have finally realized how you felt."

Stan sat quietly for a minute, thinking over everything Kenny had told him. Maybe that's why Kyle seemed more understanding of his mental state lately. He leaned back against the couch, Kenny mirroring the gesture.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, lost in thought.

They were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening, revealing a giggling Karen, Red right behind her.
Stan grinned when he spotted Red, and she smiled back, crossing the room and dropping into his lap. "Hey lover."
Stan rolled his eyes as Kenny looked at her in mock offense. "Am I so easily replaced?"
Red leaned forward and patted Kenny's shoulder. "Sorry boo."
Karen giggled at them all and disappeared to her room.
Red shifted so she was sitting sideways in Stan's lap comfortably. He propped his feet on the coffee table and wrapped one of his arms around her back.
Kenny grinned and raised an eyebrow at them. "You two should just fuck and get it over with."
Stan and Red looked at each other, then laughed. "No."
Red crossed her arms. "Besides, what's wrong with casual affection?"
Kenny shook his head. "Nothing. I'm all for it. But casual sex is fun too." He winked at them.
Red rolled her eyes.
"You're such a horndog."
Kenny chuckled. "Guilty."
Stan huffed out a breath. "He's just trying to get me laid. He offered to do it himself earlier."
Kenny feigned a look of sadness. "He turned me down."
"Good, he has standards then."
Kenny placed his hand on his chest in mock outrage, before they all burst out laughing.

Stan glanced at his phone. He still had an hour until he had to be at the coffee shop. Before he could slip his phone in his pocket, Red grabbed his hand, turning it to look at his nails.
"So she wasn't kidding, she did paint your nails."
Stan nodded, smiling. Red ran her finger over his thumbnail.
"I like it, it suits you."
Stan looked down at her hands, noticing her nails were painted a deep purple. "Yours too."
She grinned at him, and held her hand out in front of them. "I think so too."
Red turned to look at Kenny. "What color are yours?"
Kenny grinned, holding up a hand. "I was skipped."
Red smiled mischievously, before calling out. "Oh Karen, you forgot Kenny's nails."
They heard shuffling from Karen's room and the door opened, Karen racing for the living room, hands full of nail polish.
She sat on the end of the coffee table, sitting all her nail polish next to her. "What color?"
Before Kenny could say anything, Red leaned forward and snatched up a bottle, handing it to Karen. The younger girl giggled as she held up the bottle of cotton candy pink polish. Kenny rolled his eyes and stuck his hands out. "As if I haven't worn pink nail polish before."
They all laughed as they watched Karen carefully paint each one of Kenny's nails.

The next hour passed quickly and before Stan knew it, it was time to go. They all left Kenny's together, Red in the lead carrying Karen piggy back as they giggled about something.
Kenny watched them fondly before looking at Stan. "You know, you could do worse."
Stan shook his head. "Not you too."
Kenny looked at him curiously.
"Kyle's convinced I like her."
Kenny laughed. "He's so oblivious."
Stan nodded in agreement.
"But seriously, why not? Red's great and she's pretty too."
Stan sighed. "That's why not. She's a good person Kenny. She deserves someone who loves her wholly. Not someone harboring secret feelings for their best friend."
Kenny nodded. "Fair. You should still think about it though. You both deserve to be happy."
Stan pinched the bridge of his nose. "Dude, just drop it okay."
Kenny held his hands up in surrender. "Okay."
Stan was relieved when Tweek Bros. came into view, effectively ending the conversation.


Hey y'all, this was originally part of much longer chapter I'm still working on but I decided to go ahead and break it up. This piece still ended up being like 3,200 words. Also if you would like to see an alternate scene with a little bit of Stenny fluff, go take a peek at my one shot book. I should have another update fairly soon.
Peace ✌️

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