Little Sister Sugg

By soyyomai

81.7K 1.5K 213

Do you know Zoella or ThatcherJoe?? We'll i do!! Inside and out... But that's only because i'm Zoe's and Joe'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 'Filming'
Chapter 4 'Meeting Nala'
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 |Vidcon|
Chapter 21 {The End}
Little sister sugg sequel?

Chapter 15

2.6K 60 10
By soyyomai

When i woke up everything was silent, i was sleeping on Caspar, i mean i was genuinely on him. I got up very slowly trying not to wake Caspar up, for a moment i had completely forgotten what had happened yesterday. I walked upstairs, Alfie and Zoe were fast asleep on their bed and Joe was asleep in the guest room. I went down stairs and Nala was waiting impatiently at the door, i opened up and she ran out to do her necessities, i sat outside listening to the piano playlist on Spotify, it calmed me down so much. Just as my favorite song was about to finish, Zoe crawled behind me and hugged me. She then sat in front of me and looked at me.
"Emily" she started "You're okay right? I mean... I don't know what i mean but you understand me..."
"I'm fine, i just feel weird and unsafe, but i'm okay i guess" i said holding my legs in my arms.
"I called mum, she should be arriving any moment, dad did say he would come as soon as he could but he probably couldn't make it today."

"Is Joe okay?" I asked Zoe sitting beside her.
"He'll be fine" she said pulling me in her arms "He just feels guilty, i think, he doesn't understand this, you know how Joe is, he lives in such a good world with good people that when bad things happen he can't cope with it, he's always been like that, it's like when mum and dad divorced."
"Yeah, i guess, i'm just afraid he won't look at me the same way" i said, a tear escaping my eye.
"Don't be stupid Ems, of corse he'll look at you the same way just don't expect him to be letting you out of his sight for a while"
"I think i'm going back to mum's Zoe"
"What? Why? But how are you going to?" She asked.
"I don't feel right here, or with Joe right now, i want to be with mum and i can't see" i took a deep breath "i can't see daniel again so, i don't know what i'll do"
Suddenly the doorbell rang, i ran over to the door and to my surprise it was my dad. I hugged him tightly and he embraced me very hard. Once i had let go of him, he went to hug Zoe and Caspar, who had woken up with all the rattle.
"Hello Graham" Caspar saluted.
"Hi Caspar" my dad said laughing.

We then all went back outside were me and zoe had been sitting, Caspar stayed inside because he thought we had to talk as a family. I sat next to my dad and he held me in his arms tightly.
"I want to go back home dad" i said hugging him.
"I know Emily but you know i can't be here right now, and you know it but we'll discuss it when you mother arrives" he said kissing my forehead.
"What do we have to discuss?" Joe asked making a sudden appearance in the garden.
"Your sister, she says she wants to go home"
"What? Emily." He asked looking at me. "Why?!" He said his tone getting a bit angry.
"Hey joe" Zoe said looking at him with the death eye. "We'll talk about it when mum gets here, okay?!"
"Yeah, whatever" he muttered sitting down.
I didn't want Joe to be angry, but i didn't want to be anywhere but home right now, at least that's where i think i'll feel safe.
We sat there in silence for a few minutes until alfie came out with some biscuits and drinks. As he was about to leave i stood up and gave him a hug.
"I'm sorry for everything little sugg"
"I'm thankful for everything Alfie"

I sat back down with my dad and a few minutes later my mum arrived, after saying hello to Caspar and Alfie she came outside and hugged the three of us and said hello to my dad. She sat down between Zoe and Joe.
"Are you okay Emily?" Was the first thing she said once she had sat down.
"She's okay" Joe answered for me.
"Joe, she asked Emily not you" Zoe whispered.

Joe looked down angrily.
"I just feel unsafe" i said, which made my dad clutch on to me just a bit more.
"But i want to go home mum, i think i'll feel safe at home"
"Ohh baby" she said coming and sitting beside me, my dad letting me into her arms. "What are we going to do?" She asked looking directly at my dad.
"We have to find a way for this to wrok Tracy, first of all we have to call this boys parents and ask them what they're planning on doing, because i'm not letting my daughter in the same building as him so we have to sort that out" he said calmly. "And she needs to finish her exams, so she has to go to school and she can't do that if she's living with you Tracy, and you know i can't leave what i'm doing right now, so i don't know"
"She needs to be with me and Caspar, liked planned from the begging!" Joe said looking at his feet frustrated.
"Emily, there's not much option" My dad said holding my hand.
"Emily, think it's just about two weeks and then you're out of school until next summer" Zoe commented.
"But i can't go to school, i'm scared" i cried.
Joe stood up kicking the empty garden bench. "This is bullshit, i should've just broken his face, that way she wouldn't
be scared" he screamed walking inside, Caspar following him into the guest room.
"He'll be fine" Dad said squeezing my hand.
"Can i go talk to him?" I asked Zoe, i don't know why, i think Zoe was the one who knew if i should talk to him or not.
"I think that's a good idea" she nodded.
I stood up getting out of the grip of my parents and walked inside. I knocked on the door twice and opened the door, Joe was sitting down crying and Caspar was kneeled down comforting him.
"Can we talk?" I asked him.
He nodded and i went in closing the door behind me.
So i uploaded this instead of studying... (My mum would kill me i she found out) Well anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did please press the vote button and if you're feeling extra nice maybe leave a comment? That really brights up my day. By the way... Where are you guys from?? I'm really curious!! Maybe we know each other and we'll never know!! Tell me where your from!! Haha Byee love youu and never forget to smile 😊

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