Hurt but Healing

By Khalanni

121K 1.9K 158

After being shunned from her family Azariah has no where else to go and no one to help her. So she has to mak... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 24

1.6K 30 6
By Khalanni

Thank you for those readying and supporting my book its at 32.1k reads I think it said I could have done it without you guys so very much appreciated to those reading and adding to their reading lists.  Shout out to @Natblast121402 @MichaelHarbort @jillian9446 for voting/ commenting really appreciate the support.

QoTD: What's your dream holiday destination? Mine is Hawaii.

Azariah's POV

Months later

Life has been extremely good everything is almost too perfect everything is just where it is meant to be. Even though I no longer work as a nurse because it was starting to become too stressful for me sometimes I volunteer at the local dog shelter and help out the owner Ms Mary. Ms Mary is a sweet lady in her early 60's she has been the absolute best, she doesn't have any children, but she treats me like I am one of her own she's treated me better than both my parents have my entire life

Speaking of my parents I haven't seen them at all no random weird pop ups which I'm so grateful for.

Me and Dalton's relationship is even better, there was nothing wrong with it before, but it's almost as If it has a new spark to it, not sure what it is, but it feels amazing and I really don't ever want it to end. He has really helped me come out my shell and I couldn't do half the things If I didn't have him. My confidence would probably still be non-existent and who knows if id be in harms way with my father.

Right now I'm at the shelter which is almost like my second home playing with this adorable Bichon Frise puppy called Bella. She was brought in very malnourished, but now she's fireball of energy and you just cant help, but to love her.

"Darling I thought you already went home its already 6:30," Ms Mary came in and said.

Looking out the window I see the mild sunset and can't believe it.

"Oh wow I should getting going, Bye Ms Mary see you soon," I said giving her a hug.

"See you soon dear,"

Getting my coat and bag I head through the door and decide to walk home since the weather is nice and it's not a far walk.

At home

Walking in I see Daddy sitting on the couch, "Daddddyyyyyyy!" I run and hug him I never realised how much I missed him until I saw him.

"Hey princess how was your day,"

I start rambling on without even noticing and Daddy just looks me deep in my eyes with nothing but admiration and I'm so happy this right here is my happy place. "Lets get you something to eat princess, what should we put in that tummy of yours?" He says standing picking me up heading towards the kitchen.


"Good manners, but inside voices princess," He says in a stern voice

"Yes Daddy,"

"I'm not going to give you too much right now because we are going out later baby,"

I look at him in such confusion because I don't remember anything about going out.

"It's a surprise Az,"

Now I'm just curious. I want to know.

After I eat Daddy sits with me to colour for a bit, I start to yawn and he says I can have a nap before we go out and I don't have to be told twice I cuddle into Daddys embrace and peacefully fall into my dream land.

A couple hours later

"Az time to get up,"

"Are we still going out?"

"Yeah we definitely are, so you dress is hanging in the wardrobe, freshen up and put it on and meet me downstairs."

Getting up to go straight in the shower I let the warm water run down my body as I lather up my body.

20 minutes later

I get out and lotion my skin with my lavender scented cream and open the wardrobe to see the most beautiful dress, with a pair of shoes next to it. They look so beautiful I love them. Deciding I want to change my hair last minute I decide to go with a silk press, my hair has grown an incredible amount so I know it will defiantly look good.

After finishing my hair I make my way downstairs at the sound of my steps Dalton turns his head and looks at me with nothing but adore and love.

The shoes give me a few inches more of height and looking at Dalton gives me butterflies just looking at him is an instant turn on he doesn't even have to say anything and its so hard to control myself.

"You look handsome Daddy," I say fondling with his purple tie that matches my dress.

"Thank you baby and you look absolutely beautiful,"

That voice just powerful to make my knees go weak I pull him close with his tie and we share a passionate kiss. Almost as we are both ready to strip each other's clothes off. He licks my bottom lip asking for entry, but I choose to be a tease and not give him access, causing him to bite my lip making me moan giving the entry he demands.

After the full make out session we pull away and look into each other's eyes.

"Come on lets go or we will never make it out of here" He said.

Going outside there is a driver that opens the door for us and we say thank you and get In.

When we get to the restaurant there is no one here except the host that tells us our table is ready and we should head up and someone will with us shortly.

"Oh my gosh it's so beautiful up here I can't believe it. Thank you so muchhhh," I turn and give Daddy a hug.

"Anything for you princess, come lets sit down and look at the menu."

An hour later

We just finished our desserts we shared a brownie and ice cream knowing if we had our own one we wouldn't be able to finish it. Sipping on my rum and coke Dalton entwines our hands together and has us stand and look at the stars over the balcony railing.

Wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning his head on my shoulder and starts talking.

"Azariah... you know I love you right. I would do absolutely anything for you bad and good I just know that it would be too hard to not do it. You coming into my life has been my biggest highlight nothing can top that day because even though it was under horrible circumstances, if I hadn't I wouldn't have you with me by my side. You have no idea how happy you make me. Just seeing you makes me smile. And I hope that we stay together for an eternity." He says while removing his hand out from around me at the end.

I stay facing the edge and look at the sky while wiping my tears because that heart felt message was so cute. I feel something fur against my leg and look its Bella?

She's so cute I bend and ruffle her fur only to look and see a paper in her collar I take it out.


Huh why wou-

Looking up I see Dalton on one knew with a ring in a box.

I don't know how I never noticed the extra bright lights that randomly appeared in the corner.

"So, Azariah Avery Winters, Will you do me the honours and accept this ring and become my wife?

I'm shocked words wont even come out my mouth it's like everything froze.


"Y-yes of course."

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry for any mistakes.

Khalanni xx

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