touch of nature * JIYOO

By jiunique

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A deadly virus wiped off most of the planet's population, marking the start of it's 'New Days'. Human civiliz... More

2. "Factions and Troubles"
3. "Enemies or Allies?"
4. "An awaited meeting"
5. "No More Games" (M)
6. "First Location"
7. "Tasks and Goodbyes"
8. "The Unexpected Plan"
9. "You and I"
10. "Memories of The Past"
11. "Captain-up, Captain-down"
12. "First of Many"
13. "Close To Death"
14. "Feelings"
15. "That Time of The Year"
16. "Trouble Slowly Starts"
17. "Before and After"
18. "Accidental Wrong Move"
19. "Anything For You" (M)
20. "A So Called Peaceful Day"
21. "Out of The Ordinary"
22. "Broken And Repaired"
23. "Christmas Day" (M)
24. "Christmas Night"
25. "Nothing Feels Right"
26. "The End Is Near"
27. "More Than One"
28. "Closer To The Truth"
29. "One More in The Group"
30. "Last Moments Before Disaster"
31. "Calm Before The Storm"
32. "The Day Has Come"
33. "All of Their Hope Was.."

1. "The Start of Everything"

390 22 15
By jiunique


It was a normal day in the year 2064 for a hard-working scientist named Yunseok. He followed his usual routine of waking up for work, eating lunch and dinner with his colleagues and coming back home late to sleep. This routine didn't seem to burden him. He had gotten used to it and not even once complained about it's repetitiveness. He earned his generous pay and had a big, comfortable couch to peacefully doze off on. Though, because of the tiring day he had, it seemed like he had forgotten about one little detail..

"Papa! Welcome back home!"

The voice of a young, happy and bubbly girl surprised the half-asleep scientist. He was a divorced man and could only see his daughter for a week every month. The mother of his child won full custody of her because of his work routine, so every time he had the chance to be with his daughter, it was like a gift from the heavens to him.

He smiled with his eyes at the sight of his daughter, completely forgetting that he was sleepy a moment ago. He sat up on the couch, opening his arms with a big grin. The child jumped into his embrace and hugged the man with the sweetest smile ever. Yunseok kissed the temple of her head and sat her down next to him, covering her body with a comfy blanket and ruffling her hair.

"Hey there princess, I'm sorry I came back home so late. How was your first day of school?" The man asked with a proud smile.

"Boriiiing!! I expected to learn something useful about animals and plants, not study those stupid numbers I already knew of since kindergarten!" The little girl pouted, crossing her arms and leaning her small head on his arm. The father chuckled at her remark, putting his hand over her shoulders and hugging her closer.

Ever since his daughter was a toddler, she was always interested in what her father was doing at work, so Yunseok taught her how to count and write from a very early age, showing her many chemical formulas and simple experiments to amaze her. She wasn't into dolls and toys like most girls. All she cared about was learning more about chemistry and mathematics to practice her strategizing skills and get academically smarter. That surprised the man a lot, but he knew that she'd be very intelligent, maybe even more than him in the distant future.

He leaned back on the couch and grabbed the remote control, turning on the TV to watch the animated movies that his daughter seemed to love a lot. And he was right. She smiled the moment her favorite cartoon characters appeared and giggled at every joke they said. He couldn't lie, the childish and corny jokes indeed were funny to him as well.

Though, his fun didn't last long because he got a call from one of his senior associates. It was a surprise for him since he never got late night calls because the company he worked at had many other talented scientists. Yunseok looked at his daughter before answering the call, still smiling at the cute behavior of the kid.

"Good evening Mr. Jung. It's unusual of you to call me so late, has something happened?" Yunseok spoke with confusion in his voice, waiting for a response from the other side of the line.

To his dismay, he was called to visit the main laboratory immediately because it was an emergency, so he had no choice but to leave the girl for an hour or two more...

But he widened his eyes at the next words his senior spoke, causing his daughter to look at her father with curiosity.

"We should have believed you and Daemin.. You two were right from the beginning!- He released the virus! Come get your most important things and hide or run away for safety!" The senior spoke with fear in his voice.

Yunseok felt his daughter tap on his shoulder and tilt her head, asking for a quick explanation as to why his colleague seemed so tensed up. If the father was honest, he couldn't wrap his head around the sudden news and asked his associate for a better explanation, until he heard screaming coming from outside his house.

"Mr Jung, is it the threat that I'm thinking of that you're talking about..?" Yunseok asked perplexed, slowly walking up to his window to check what was happening and caressing his daughter's head while she hugged his leg for protection.

He got no answer from the man. Yunseok almost disconnected the call, until he heard commotion happening and a deep, male voice panting. Gunshots and loud screams were heard from the call's background, worrying Yunseok. Soon the person holding his senior's phone cursed under his breath while trying to find a decent hiding spot. The voice was very familiar to Yunseok - it was his co-worker and closest friend, Kim Daemin.

"Daemin? What the- Are you okay? What's going on?" Yunseok choked up after hearing his friend's panting, wondering what he could be running from.

"Our SYM vaccine.. it makes us immune to their infection, but not their weapons.. Only obsidian can kill it Yunseok, get your kid and get out of this city!" Daemin said in panic, making Yunseok more worried than he already was.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Yunseok questioned, not understanding why Daemin would inform him about the 'virus' now of all times. "J-Just listen! It's exactly what we found in the research. The thing is immune to all kinds of material, but not obsidian. Remember that, please!" The man from the phone said desperately.

Yunseok's daughter recognized the voice and decided to act smart, so she quickly rushed to grab a pen and paper to write down the information they received. The father looked at his daughter in admiration, thanking her with his eyes and caressing her head.

"Daemin, what's going on? What is 'it' supposed to be? How does it look like?" Yunseok tried to act composed, making Daemin chuckle because he knew his friend too well.

Even though the place he must've been in was nowhere near safe enough, Daemin still tried to give his best friend as much information as possible before he was in even more danger than now.

"I.. I don't know what it is exactly, but I know that he was behind it all. We were right all along.. It can't be killed by guns or grenades. The military tried, but it just heals itself and doesn't die." Daemin truthfully answered, making Yunseok and his daughter stare at eachother in shock.

Daemin suddenly coughed, sighing and typing sounds being heard afterwards. Yunseok then received an attached file document with an added message to it, saying:

"I'm infected and this was all the information I got for now. If I start coughing more, hang up the call immediately and run to safety, away from the city or the country before it's too late. Don't worry, all of our information for the future is safe and sound."

Yunseok opened the file, reading everything and showing it to his daughter to write down on the piece of paper. Thankfully, the girl had eidetic memory and easily managed to remember the text and write it down with just a single look.

Daemin suddenly started running and panting again, grabbing the attention of the two. Daemin knew he wouldn't survive for long so he had locked himself inside a room. He coughed again, this time sounding more chesty than before.

"I don't have long left, so listen carefully Yunseok. I saw it's full form. That thing is a green and black looking fungal parasitic symbiont. The vaccine you created a month ago is the only one that can give humans immunity to it's infection." The guy cleared his throat, grunting at the uncomfortable feeling within his body. "But, I have a feeling that a vaccine isn't needed for you to be immune to it.. You can possibly be a host in partial control, but the chances of that happening is.. *sigh* one in a damn million." Daemin said in a hurry, sounding more worried than before.

"I know you might find it weird that I know all of this, but I saw it with my own eyes and.. it's so much stronger than I expected. An unbeatable '¹'micropredator. Believe me, I know that what I'm saying is-" Daemin started coughing profusely after pausing mid sentence, making Yunseok call-out his name a few times to get a response out of him.

('¹' micropredator - when an organism, the predator, controls and lives inside an organism, its prey, without causing harm to it. It is different than a predator [which usually kill and feed on the host].)

A loud thud was heard and a  grunt escaped from the other line, proving that it was way too late for the latter as the virus had already taken over him. Yunseok was fighting his urge to hang up and listen to his friend's previous request, but he heard his weak voice silently speaking to him.

"UV light.. It burns their skin and suppresses their abilities.. Just run away with your kid, Yunseok... Survive for us. And.. please tell my daughter and wife that I loved them... *cough* Goodbye buddy, you were... an amazing best friend."

After speaking his last words, Daemin hung up the call himself and silence, followed by muffled screaming and crashing cars from outside, filled up the room. Yunseok and his daughter looked at eachother and both knew it wasn't the time to grieve for him yet. It was amazing to the man how logical and sharp his child was. She was a necessity for the world to become a hopefully better place.. They had to save themselves and help as many people as possible with this information.

"Papa, what is this SYM vaccine? Do we have some at home?" The child suddenly asked, bringing back light to the man's memories. He indeed had some at home.

Yunseok quickly asked her to jump on his back for a piggyback and they rushed upstairs, unlocking one of the hidden cabinets attached to the bedroom's wall.

And the nightmare occured..

There was just one single dose of vaccine. He swore to himself that he was given a box with two vaccines.. Who could've switched them without his knowledge.. and why? It was already getting messy and it wasn't even the beginning of the end.

"Just one dose..?" He looked at the box in disbelief, noticing the color of it was different. That was when he realized.. It was his experimental vaccine.

That vaccine was supposed to be a much stronger dose that had a higher chance to give one immunity, as well as a huge benefit by enhancing the human's abilities so they could match the infection's one, but he hadn't got any clue if it was near it's full completion or not. The serum had some unpreventable side effects, but the main and most important effect of 'parabiosis remained the same. Though, the powers part was basically just an idea, since he never tested it out of fear of creating a possible weapon he was forced to make. He was scared of handing it out to the wrong person.

('²' parabiosis - mostly known as a psychological technique that involves the joining of two living organisms in such way that they develop a single, shared physiological system, such as exchanging blood, hormones and more. Simply said, it creates harmony between two living organisms.)

He couldn't believe that such thing happened, slightly making him suspect that SYM's leaders could have known that this virus would spread right when he was unequipped and defenseless. But Yunseok also remembered that he left his bag at work where all the other completed normal vaccines were. But now, all he wanted was his daughter to be safe and well.

"Papa, you should take it since you are smarter and stronger and you can protect everyone, including me." The little one said while hugging her father's neck, making him shake his head and immediately put her down. He sighed, hesitantly giving her the experimental vaccine before she could try to talk him out of it.

"I'm sorry princess, but I'm sure you'll be strong enough to defeat the side effects in the future.."

She tried to protest in confusion, but the injection was already penetrated into her skin and the liquid was a part of her system now. Hopefully, for a long time.

Thankfully, the vaccine had no immediate side effects on her, which meant that it probably didn't have any bad substances to it that would kill her instantly. Yunseok held her hands in his', squeezing them lightly and smiling at her.

"Listen big girl, I have more vaccines at my workplace. I can get one for myself some other time. Now, your safety is my biggest priority, okay?" He softly spoke, getting a shaky nod in return from the kid.


A loud sound of their kitchen's window shattering made the two-member family flinch, making them cautious of their surroundings. The father held the girl's hand in his', pulling out the closest thing he had to a weapon from his pocket, which was a normal pen, and he stealthily walked downstairs to check out the noise. He peeked his head, fearfully staring at a squirming body covered in blood and black, alien-like goo.

Both survivors gulped down their fear and slowly walked up to the individual, examining it the moment it's squirming had stopped. The man looked closer to visually examine the infected person, retracting himself the moment it tried to stand up, surprising the two at the sight of someone close to both of them.

"M-Mama?" The little one whispered to herself, staring into the fully black and green eyes of the person who was once her mother, but was now a monster.

"Wonjin..? Oh my god, what did they do to you.." Yunseok said silently in shock, taking a few steps back. He gently tried to pull his daughter with him, worried for her. Seeing his ex wife transformed into something so inhumane was hard to comprehend, especially since they used to be in love in the past.

"The child... I don't want it, yet. I want the man.. Right now." The infected woman evilly spoke, trying to sound demanding. The woman's memories had probably been completely wiped out because of the virus and she was not in control of her doings anymore, completely unaware     of everything and everyone.

The child shook her head, standing behind her father's figure and holding onto his shirt. The man brought out his pen, pointing it infront of the infected woman in hopes to scare her off, but that only angered her even more.

"Give me the man before I hurt you both." Her voice suddenly switched to a deeper, more gurgling sounding one, worrying the father and daughter. "N-Never!" The small girl exclaimed, making the infected woman lose her cool. "Fine. Then I shall do it myself.."

Unexpectedly, the woman formed long claws with the black goo around her hand, jumping in the air to attack the two, giving Yunseok a small amount of time to think of a way to escape. The living room and hallway were connected, so their highest chance of survival was for Yunseok to grab his daughter and jump towards the hallway and run towards the back door, but the main disadvantage was that the ground was hard and that could lead to him dislocating his shoulder or not being fast enough to escape on time.

Another idea was that they could try to dodge the attack and then run away, but judging by the way how the woman jumped and in such incredible speed and height, the only result would be his safety and his daughter's injury, possibly her death. It was an immediate no for him.

The man was in panic. He knew he almost had no time to strategize so he acted on his instinctive guts and managed to push his daughter away from the scene, unfortunately resulting in her getting severely injured in the process. He saved her life.

Though, he couldn't save himself.

Yunseok pushed his daughter away, resulting in her getting deeply scratched on the stomach by the infected. He knew that he wouldn't be able to save himself and his daughter without taking risks, so he sacrificed his life and deliberately let himself get attacked by the woman who was once his daughter's beloved mother and his wife.

"P-PAPA!" The girl screamed at the view, trying to stand up from the ground, but the pain coming from the deep slash was unbearable and hard to endure. She slowly rolled up her shirt and worriedly stared at the huge bloody scratch that had a bit of goo on the sides.

The black fungal infection mixed in with her blood, suddenly switching to a greenish color before fading away completely, only showing the bleeding wound. She let out her tears of fear roll on her cheek and tried to ignore the pulsating pain, soon finally standing up and toughly walking towards her struggling father while limping.

"STOP! Don't come near me and just run! Take the UV flashlight and that paper and run away, somewhere far!" The attacked man managed to scream out a few sentences before getting stabbed by the woman's claws, that slowly turned to normal hands.

Unreasonably, the infected woman stopped her movements and flopped down on top of Yunseok, the black fungi around her body fading away and turning into whitened ashes. She released one long sigh, closing her eyes.. Somehow, she was dead.

The little girl was in despair after watching how the woman, who was once her loving mother, brutally tried to end the life of the man she lovingly called 'papa', her amazing father. Her family was shattered for the second time before her eyes. But this time, it was ended for a lifetime.

Yunseok managed to stare at his daughter's teary eyes after getting menacingly stabbed close to his instant death, him flashing his last ever smile at the person he cared about the most in his lifetime. He hardly threw the bloodied pen he held towards her location and weakly uttered his last words with the same loving tone he always spoke with that used to calm his dear child down.

"Live a long life.. and save as many people as possible, my princess... I'll be watching you from above.. at all times..." He whispered, grunting heavily.

"Run, Kim Yoohyeon. Run."


A very noble and well-known family of four were waiting in their mansion's dining room, preparing themselves to have a delicious dinner made by their skilled and well mannered maids. The wealthy family were truly a definition of fairly humble people, who always did everything in their power and good judgement to help those in need of financial and medical aid.

The father, Kim Hongbin, was a talented doctor from Korea's most notable hospital and the mother, Kim Soojae, was a famous lawyer from a credited corporate office. They had two children, twin siblings, that had just started 3rd grade in an elite, highly-secured school.

Even though the twins were a boy and a girl, they were always respectful of eachother's differences and equally shared their toys and knowledge, calling themselves siblings-soulmates. It was a phenomenon that worried the parents, since no modern siblings were as compatible to one another as they were. Though, they never complained about their behavior since the house felt much livelier and endearing because of them.

The mother soon sat down on one of the dining chairs, taking out her handkerchief while sweetly looking at her children. They seemed to be impatiently waiting for their father to arrive home from work so they could finally eat their anticipated dinner.

"Mom, when are we going to eat? I'm starving~!" The boy spoke while pouting, accompanied by his sister following his whining. The mother of both chuckled at their cuteness and ruffled their hair, earning a laughter from the two.

"I got a call from your father earlier and he'll be here any-... second!" Right as she was answering their questions, the awaited father of the Kim Family finally arrived back home.

Visible to his wife's eyes only, the man seemed distressed and anxious, so she raised her eyebrow to him after he was done washing his hands and sitting down. He noticed her worried look and smiled, happy by the fact that she could still read him like an open book after their 12 years of marriage. They were truly in love.

"Hey dad! What took you so long?" The little girl asked her father, waiting for his answer before starting to eat, unlike her twin brother who was already gulping down the food like water. The man coughed as a way to clear his throat and fixed his posture, smiling at his children before answering.

"There was a lot of traffic. I'm sorry for being late. Now, let's see who'll finish their meal first!- Without our little Minjoon though, because he started before us." The father said with a chuckle, earning a whine from his son which erupted a mutual laughter amongst the other three.

Once everyone was done with their meals, the two siblings ran upstairs to play in their shared bedroom with one of the female butlers, leaving the married couple alone with their unoccupied maids.

The doctor suddenly called every maid in the house and let them leave work early, giving them triple their salary. It was very surprising to everyone. None of them protested with his kind gesture and soon exited the mansion, leaving the Kim parents alone. The wife watched her husband try to remove the tie on his shirt with one hand, but fail every time. She giggled at his clumsiness and walked up to him, removing the tie while lovingly looking into his eyes.

"Now that it's just us two, will you tell me why you seem so troubled, honey? You know my eyes can see through your mind whenever you're anxious ." Soojae softly asked, wiping the dust from his shoulders and tilting her head.

He sighed, sitting down on the comfortable cushion, opposite of his wife.

"Honey, I think the virus he had warned us about happened.. and I'm going to become one of them soon.." Hongbin answered truthfully, confusing his wife at first.

But by the look on his face and the sudden cough, along with the wound he showed on his palm, she immediately realized what was happening and stood up in worry. She rushed to one of their safes in the living room and unlocked the vault, grabbing a box with vaccines they bought from the famous laboratory SYM a week ago.

But.. it had no vaccine inside.

They were scammed. Soojae apologetically looked at her husband, leaning back on the couch and shaking her head. They were told not to open the box at all cost since it could damage the vaccine, but it was all an excuse for them not to check the contents inside. How betrayed must have they felt..

"I must leave the house immediately before it gets worse. I don't want our kids nor you to be in danger because of me.." He stood up and walked towards the front door, only to be stopped by his worried wife.

"N-No way am I going to let you leave. We will find another way, maybe a new vaccine before you turn and-" She got interrupted by a hug, it being her breaking point. She was now silently sobbing in her significant other's final embrace.

"The virus is inside me already, we can't do anything. I must leave now.. Please tell the kids that I love them, okay? I love you as well, Soojae." He pulled out the hug, staring deeply into the blissful eyes of his wife. It was painful to him, but he had no choice. He tried to leave the house until..


"Isn't that..?" The father asked in fear, not wanting to say the name of his daughter because he hoped to have heard wrong, but his wife had also heard their daughter's scream. They quickly rushed upstairs to check what was going on and were left in utter shock.

Their kids were trying to fight off their butler. But, unknowingly to the family, the virus had taken over her mind and body. Minjoon was hovering over his sister's body with his toy shield over her, trying to protect her from getting hurt by the infected woman.

"Get away from me and my sister, you darned slime woman!" The boy tried to scare off the creature infront of him, soon noticing how black goo moved towards the infected's hand, forming a hammer.

Minjoon widened his eyes, throwing the toy shield towards the butler's face to slow her down. He quickly grabbed his sister's hand and ran towards the hallway, butting into his parents.

"Mom! Dad! Ms. Nam turned into this monster and wants to kill us! What's going on!?" The boy asked in between running, soon noticing that his parents weren't following after them.

"J-Joonie, where are mom and dad?" The girl asked, feeling her brother's shivering hands. She hugged his arm, hopefully to calm him down, as well as herself. "I-I don't know, they were right behind us.. Let's check.." He replied, sighing worriedly.

The siblings slowly went back upstairs, peeking their heads and noticing their father fighting the infected maid barehanded while their mother was nowhere to be found. Soon, she appeared from the grand bedroom with two dark colored daggers and slashed the maid's face. Infected goo, once black and now ash white, got splattered all over their clothes and walls.

"We're safe for now.. let's get outside and wait for help to arrive." The mother said, looking into her kids' eyes with a smile and sighing in relief.

The twins also released a sigh, hugging eachother for managing to survive. Though, they noticed something seemed off in their father's behavior. Once they broke the hug, they screamed at their mother to turn around to defend herself.

But she wasn't fast enough..

Their father had lost the mental battle with the symbiote.. and now, so did their mother. She got her abdomen stabbed by the blackened hand-sword of her infected husband.

The little girl tried to run towards her mother, but was stopped by her brother, who was holding her by the waist and screaming at her not to get closer to them.

"Let me go! We need to help mom and dad, please!!" She demanded and begged, but it lead to no avail since her brother was stronger than her. He knew that he had to stay strong and protect his sister at all cost, even though he wanted to help out his parents as much as she did.

Their mother was still smiling, looking at her children with pride and love. She tried to speak but felt something poking her lower back and right then, another gooey black knife got pierced through from her back to her stomach, making her release a loud scream of unbearable pain.

The siblings couldn't watch the scene anymore. They had to run away and immediately search for help. Their mother eyed them and with the last bit of energy she had left, she pointed at the thrown daggers on the ground. Minjoon slowly walked towards the sharp weapons and dragged them towards himself with his foot. He crouched down to grab them and noticed they were made of an unknown to him before material - obsidian.

The children flinched when they heard yet another scream coming from their mother, making them both sob in fear. They didn't know what to do anymore. They didn't want to live in a world without their parents, but would continue going forward because it's what their parents would have wanted.

"I love you, my dear children.. Please live long for us.." The mother whispered her last words, but the siblings couldn't hear her which lead to their breakdown. They now had to live with the fact that they didn't hear her last words. The kids were in a state of panic and despair, hoping for something to show them what to do from now on...

Right then, a batch of military men in official white clothing broke inside the house and got scattered around to look for survivors. A middle-aged man, whom they recognized as the soldiers' leader and their own uncle - Kim Kang, approached the siblings in a hurry and noticed the sad and unfortunate event that had occured before their eyes.

"You poor souls had to see this at a such young age.. I'm so sorry.." He crouched down to their level and caressed their heads, calling over one of his soldiers. He hugged his niece and nephew before ordering his soldier to take them to safety.

"W-What are you going to do to our parents, uncle Kang?" The little girl asked between sobs. The man looked at her with saddened eyes and gestured with his hands for them to cover their ears.

The girl tried to resist the soldier's hold in hopes of escaping his grip to stop her uncle, but her brother quickly put his hands over her ears and closed his eyes shut. The little girl looked at the latter in confusion, but suddenly, she heard muffled sounds. Gunshots. The boy had flinched twice and tears were escaping his eyes.

"Minjoon.." She silently whispered, his shivering hands still being pressed hard over her ears. He opened his eyes, staring deeply into her soul and quickly embraced her.

The girl didn't know what to do, she felt numb and weak. The boy pulled out the hug and handed her one of the daggers while still shivering. She glanced at it and looked around her house, noticing an opened box on the ground which showed 'SYM vaccine'. What surprised her the most was that she didn't find a single injection lying on the ground. Then it made sense to her. She grabbed her brother's shoulder and pointed at the box.

"Once we're out of here, we will find the scientists and their families who scammed our parents... and get revenge." The girl slowly spoke, awakening the anger inside herself and soon got a nod as an agreement from the shivering boy.

She was outraged by the thought of those same people being happily alive somewhere with their families. It was making her blood boil. Minjoon was a bit scared of the way his sister looked, worried that she might become a completely different person after tonight. The hatred he felt towards the laboratory wasn't as morbid as the latter's, but he did indeed feel vengeful. He agreed to the proposal as long as his sister would be happy in the end.

After a quick minute, their uncle from earlier made his way towards them and crouched down to hug them even tighter. He weakly smiled and removed his white soldier hat, showing a slightly burned picture of a family of three.

The man and woman had an X over their bodies, while the child's face was barely visible because of the burned edges.

"This man was the creator of SYM vaccine and we believe he's the scammer of your parents as well.. An informant of ours saw how his infected ex-wife has killed him, so they will not be a burden to the world anymore." He informed, fixing his stance. "Their daughter ran away, but we're not sure of her whereabouts nor if she's still alive, unfortunately." The leader sighed, putting his hat back on. Before leaving the mansion, he turned to look at the siblings again and spoke with a stern voice.

"If you both want to run away from here, I will not stop you. Just know that you will have to face danger every day and I might not be able to save you again. But, if you wish to seek vengeance and help me and these brave soldiers bring justice, peace and order in this new world by ending the potential threat of SYM laboratories, I will gladly be your Leader and new guardian."

The siblings looked at eachother and back at their uncle. Minjoon didn't take long to accept his offer and was handed a badge and a white hat to wear as a gift. He smiled at his uncle and hugged him, feeling his protection and determination to bring no harm to the world.

"Kim Minjoon, I welcome you as a recently recruited Tier 5 Soldier in our new faction - 'The Icebreakers'." The leader and the other soldiers saluted as a gesture to prove their sincerity. Minjoon weakly smiled and saluted back at them with respect, happy to be accepted somewhere after the traumatic experience.

On the other side, the little girl was distraught and lost. She wanted to bring justice for her parents' unfair death, as well as fight for those who sought vengeance and help them survive. Just like her parents helped those in need. But she truly wondered what she could possibly aim for. What was her purpose in life now? The girl looked at the wooden box one last time and set up a goal for herself on the spot.

To destroy SYM laboratories and the people connected to them, just like how they destroyed her life, as well as everyone else's.

She turned to look at her uncle and brother and walked closer to them, staring right into the older man's eyes with determination. The little girl didn't have to utter a word to be understood. The vengeful spirit within her was in control now. Kim Kang nodded sternly, handing her the same badge and white hat as her brother. She saluted at them first and Kang smiled proudly, the soldiers and him saluting back at her with full respect.

"Welcome to 'The Icebreakers', my niece. You have been officially recruited as our second Tier 5 Soldier. I wish to see your improval soon,

Kim Minji."



The story will have more than one season (hopefully), two to three chapters posted every week and a simple question in the end of every chapter (they are mostly for fun obviously, so there's no need to answer them if you do not wish to!!).

For the beginning, chapter 1 and chapter 2 will be posted one after another for a better explanation to the story's plot. The 1st chapter is held in the past, while the 2nd chapter will take action in the far future, aka the story's actual present time of events. Simply said, this is the prequel/epilogue.

If you have any questions or need for a detailed explanation to certain parts, I will gladly answer them in the comment section! (without giving out any major spoilers ofc :P)

I apologize if there are some mistakes in my writing since I'm not the best in noticing them most of the times, hehe.

Enjoy reading! <3

› ‹


Have you listened to Dreamcatcher's 9th mini album [VillainS] yet? If yes, which song is your favorite?


WE ARE YOUNGGGG- I love that song omfg..

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⚠️ STRICTLY NO REPOSTING ⚠️ [ A L T E R N A T E U N I V E R S E ] A team was send to a state because of the country have been attack by zombies.Zomb...