Candybats Royal AU!

By lxveoq

4.7K 69 137

This is a AU where Kevin is the prince in the Royal family and Streber is a vampire prince! there might be tr... More

The Stroll.
Delightful Day isn't it?
Better place.
The encounter.
Not so healed.
Lovers Lust.


223 4 3
By lxveoq


Few months later

Strebers POV:

Today is Kev's birthday and I really want to get him something but I don't know what. "Hey Kev!" I said as I found him at the forest. "Hey dude!" Kevin said. "Are you excited for today?" I asked. "Yeah!" He said. "I know I shouldn't spoil the gifts but guess what!" I said smiling at him. "Hmh?" He questioned. "Me, Jack, and Radford got to convince your dad to allow you to get a cat!" I said. "Wait really?!" He said smiling. "Yep!" I said. "Oh my god thank you so much dude!" He said hugging me. "No problem man!" I said hugging him back. "But really though, I think we should head back because your party starts in like an hour." I said laughing. "Oh right come on!" Kevin said grabbing my arm.

At the party

Kevins POV:

As we entered the ball room and saw how beautiful the decorations where my jaw was practically on the floor. "Oh my god.. Y'all did such a good job! It's so pretty!" I said smiling. "Thanks, we all put a lot of effort into it and we're glad your happy!" I heard someone say. Wait a second.. "Ethan?!" I said as Ethan walked up to us. "Your birthday was all Streber could talk about for the past couple of weeks so I decided I should help with the decorations for fun." He said. I was just shocked. "I told you Streber, he was gonna like it!" Ethan said laughing. He walked off to get something to drink. "Hey Kevin! Happy birthday little bro!" Jack said walking up from behind me and hugging me. "Hey man!" I said. "Hey there's something I gotta show you real quick wait right here." Jack said as he ran up stairs. He had a suit bag thing and gave it to me. "The suit mom made you before.. yeah." Jack said. "Oh." I opened the bag and saw the suit. "It's beautiful.." I said tearing up. "She would've been happy if you didn't get your tears on the suit kev." Jack said trying to lighten the mood.  "Oh yeah heh.." I said whipping away a tear. "Alright let me get changed and I'll be right back." I said heading up to my room to change. After I got changed into the suit I stood there just looking at myself in the mirror. I was happy and sad at the same time. I loved the suit I really did but I was sad because.. well.. my mom. She made this suit and now she can't even see me wear it. Pull it together Kevin. Alright good to go! I walked back down to see everyone into a masquerade type outfit. "Hey Kev!" Streber said walking up to me. "You look amazing!" He said. "Same for you too I love your outfit." I said smiling at him. "Oh! Almost forgot here!" Streber said handing me a mask. "For the masquerade theme!" He said smiling. I put on the mask. "You look great!" Streber said giving me a thumbs up. A few minutes had passed and the party started. People where dancing, laughing, and just chatting. "Hey Kevin can you come with me to the balcony real quick?" Streber said. "Yeah sure!" I said as Streber leaded me to the balcony. As we walked out I heard Streber mutter something. "What was that?" I asked looking at him. "Uh- nothing!" He said sounding nervously. "The moons beautiful tonight isn't it?" Streber asked looking at the moon. "Yeah it's really pretty." I said. "Hey Kev? Can I ask you something?.." Streber looked up at me. "Of course! What's up?" I asked. "Well, uhm. If you were to kiss anyone who would it be?" Streber said nervously. "Hmh.. I'm not quite sure. Honestly." I shrugged. "Uhm.. Odd question but, would you-kiss me?.." He asked smiling nervously. "What?.." I looked at him. "Shit-! Fuck, I'm so so sorry that was dumb for me to ask!" Streber said panicking. "I'm so sorry Kev!" Streber said holding his head in his hands. "No it's okay calm down! Its alright! You where just curious!" I said trying to calm him down. "But yeah actually. I would kiss you.." I said snickering. "Wait- What?.." He said looking up at me. "Your sweet, kind, and really dorky which I love about you.." I said. Streber stood there in shock staring at me. "I would kiss you no matter what honestly. I really like you and have wanted to tell you for quite some time now." I said grinning. "Y-You like me?!" He said. "Yeah, I really like you Streber." I said. He turned bright red after I said that. A few minutes passed after we just awkwardly stood there. "I really like you too Kev.." Streber said breaking the silence. "Really?.." I said. Streber walked up to me and put his hand on my cheek. "Of course. Your sweet, caring, kind, funny, smart, and just fucking beautiful." He said before pulling kissing me. I turned red and kissed him back. We pulled away and just smiled. "Well, It's your birthday. And I wanted to do something special with you.. So would you like to dance?" Streber said. "I-I would love too!" I replied. Streber grabbed my hand and we danced.

After the party ended

Kevins POV:

While me and Streber where walking back upstairs to my room I heard something come from my room. "Wait hold on.. Did you hear that?" I asked. "No? What did you hear?" Streber said. I put my ear on my door and heard a faint meow. I opened the door and saw a little black cat on my bed. "Oh my god!" I said running up to the cat. "Surprise!" Streber said. I was playing with the cat while Streber came and sat on my bed next to me. "Her name is binx!" Streber grinned. "She's perfect!" I said hugging Streber. "Glad you like her!" Streber said before pecking my check.

After they got changed and got ready for bed

Kevins POV :

"Thank you for today Strebs." I said as we cuddled. "Your welcome. I love you." He said pecking my check. "I love you to Streb." I said as we fell asleep.


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