My Other Half

By ChrisElizondo7

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Olivia Baker is a single mother and one of the top sports agents at Kluth Sports Group in Los Angeles. Her da... More



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By ChrisElizondo7

Spencer's P.O.V

After everything that happened last night, I wanted to make today special for Liv. She has been through a lot and deserves to be happy. I look down and she's still sleeping on my chest.

I couldn't help but smile.

She wakes up looking up at me.

"Good morning Spencer" She says smiling.

"Good morning Liv, how'd you sleep?"

"I slept good. I know yesterday was a lot for me, but I had you by my side to make things better."

"I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Thanks. So listen Spencer, I know you said no business talk, but I still have the offer from Adidas and I want to let them know you're still interested."

"Ok, but with it being Super Bowl week, I'll only have very little time to talk to them."

"They're well aware, and willing to make some time for you. They know you're worth the wait Spencer, and would've pulled the offer had they not care about you."

"Sounds good." I look at the clock and notice I have to get to practice in an hour and still have to get ready. "Oh man I have to get going. I have practice in a few and need to catch the team bus. I'll meet you at your hotel in the lobby at 1pm. I have a whole day planned for us."

"Spencer you don't have to do this. I want to you to be focused for the big game on Sunday."

"I'm always focused Liv. And it'll be fun. Trust me."

"I don't know."

"Look you can try and deny all you want, but I'm not taking no for an answer." I tease her as I grabbed her hand.

"Okay. This better be a day to remember Spencer James." She smiles at me.

"Oh I promise you it will."

We say our goodbyes and I meet with the rest the teammates as we headed to Allegiant Stadium for today's practice.
As I finished up with practice, I headed to the locker room wanting to get to the hotel because I so much planned for Liv that she's not going to forget this.

"Hey Spence. Hell of a practice." Jordan walks towards me.

"Yeah Jordan. I'm trying to be at best for the Super Bowl."

"For sure. So I have to ask you man."

"Ok, what's up?"

"What's this thing you going on with my sister."

"Look Jordan, me and Liv are only friends. Nothing more. But there's something else I want to tell you myself."

"What's that?"

"Liv is also my agent. I was going to tell you after practice." I told him hoping he won't be furious with me.

"Hey Spence why you getting so worked up. I'm happy for you."

"You are? You're not mad?"

"Why would be mad at you Spence? Like I said after the NFC championship game, you like a brother to me. Plus, Liv is the best of the best. There are pro athletes that would beg her to be their agent. The fact that she went to you, means you're the real deal. Liv represents the best athletes in pro sports, and now she has you."

"Thanks bro, I appreciate that. But I'm also spending the day with her. I got a lot planned that I want it to be special and something she won't forget. Especially after what happened yesterday."

"What happened?"

"I had a meeting Nike that didn't go well, and it turned out that one of the representatives was Devin, Liv's ex and Brianna's father."

"Devin was there and works for Nike?"

"Not anymore. When Liv was negotiating on my behalf, let's just say she made a fool out of Devin and he got upset. Then he put his hands on her."

"Oh hell no. He's not going to get away with this."

"Jordan. It's handled, he got arrested soon after when I tackled him. I wanted to make sure Liv was ok for the rest of the day so we hung out trying to forget what happened at the meeting."

"Thank you Spence. You literally saved my sister."

"I got you Jordan."

"Well I hope you guys have fun."

"Thanks Jordan. I'll see you tomorrow."
TW: (Explicit Language)

I get to my hotel room and start to make some calls for today. "Man I hope everything goes as plan. I want things to be perfect." I thought to myself.

All of a sudden I hear someone knocking on the door.

"One sec."

When I opened the door, I saw the one person I was least expecting.

"Hey baby." She smirked at me while licking her lips.

"What the fuck are you doing here Alicia and how'd you even get past security?" I asked her.

"I have my ways. Now aren't you going to let me in? I missed you and wanted to make it up to you."

"You're insane Alicia. Why would I want to see ever see you again after you cheated on me?"

"Look, I know I fucked up, but I want to make things right between us. Please don't give up on us. We were madly in love and I'm not ready to walk away from you."

"Alicia I know we've been together since college, I thought you wanted to have a future with me. But when walked into the bedroom and saw you grinding on some dude's dick, you thought differently, and that gave me closure."

"Spencer please-" I cut her off. "Listen to me Alicia, we are done. Get that through your head. I don't love you Alicia. Now get the fuck out of here before I have security throw your ass out of this hotel."

She walked away with tears falling down her eyes while I slammed the door. "Ain't this about a bitch. I'm not going to let Alicia mess up my day on what I have planned with Liv." I thought to myself.
I hear my phone ringing and answer it as I'm waiting in the lobby of Liv's hotel. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey Spencer." Hearing her voice just made my day a whole lot better.

"Hey Liv."

"Are you here yet?"

"Yup. I just walked into the lobby."

"Okay, great. I'll be right down."

A few minutes go by and I can see Liv from a distance as I make my way to her.

"Hi Liv."

"Hey Spencer." We exchange greetings and hug each other. "Well someone missed me." She teases.

"Sorry. Just had a busy morning and I'm glad to get to enjoy the rest of the day off." I said trying not to think about what happened earlier with Alicia.

"So what did you plan for us today?"

"Well to kick things off, have you ever been ziplining?"

"No, but I've always wanted to."

"Great. Our ride is over here and I've hired a couple of bodyguards for our trip; just for protection because of the Super Bowl."

"Well you are popular so I wouldn't blame you." I couldn't help but laugh.

We get to the zipline at the LINQ hotel as I'm anxious how this goes, and I'm glad Liv agreed to this.

"So you nervous?"

"Me? No."

"It'll be fun."

"This is one hell of a view of the strip."

"Then you'll like it even more when we're gliding to the other side." I smile.

"Ok, who's next?" The zipline employee said.

"We are."

"Alrighty, we let's get you strapped in and you'll be on your way."

Liv was strapped in sitting down while I was strapped in a superman pose.

"You know you have a game this weekend right?" Liv teases me.

"Yeah, but I decided to have a little fun."

The zipline employee pushes us as we start screaming as we are traveling at a fast pace to the other end of the zipline. We couldn't help but scream and laugh because of the amount fun we were having.

We finally got off the zipline as we made our way to the exit.

"I have to say Spencer, as someone who ziplined for the first time, that was really fun."

"I'm glad you liked it Liv."

"So what now?"

"Well you were talking about the view of the strip, so I bought us tickets to the High Roller Ferris Wheel; where you not only can see the strip, but a wider view of Las Vegas as well."

"No way! This was one of the things I wanted to do while in Vegas, but the tickets were sold out. How'd you get them?"

"I know a guy." I winked at her.

"Thank you Spencer." She hugs me and I hug her back.
We finally made it, and as we're on the Ferris Wheel, we could see the entire view of Las Vegas.

"This is amazing Spencer! I can't thank you enough for buying the tickets."

"Anytime Liv." I smiled at her as she can also tell something was wrong by the sad look on my face.

"You ok Spencer? We can talk about it, not talk about it, whatever you need."

"Something happened this morning between me and my ex-girlfriend. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this morning, I was just too embarrassed to say anything about it."

"What happened?"

"She cheated on me. I didn't want to believe it, but after a few seconds kicked in, it really happened."

Liv holds my hands as she walks up to me and looks deep into my eyes. "I'm so sorry Spencer."

"Some guys are really not capable of love, and I guess I'm one of them."

"Spencer you can't think like that. Any woman would be lucky to have you. I may not know your ex-girlfriend, but it's her loss."

"I kept thinking to myself that a part of it was my fault. I mean I was always busy with football and didn't pay any attention to her as much as I use to, so now it makes sense as to why she ended up cheating on me when I found her in bedroom with another guy; and on top of that, she let the dude in my own house. We've known each other since college, and never expected her to do something like that."

"Like I said Spencer, it's her loss, and you can't blame yourself. She's an idiot and took you for granted. You'll find your true soulmate Spencer."

"Thanks Liv. You're always able to make everything better."

She smiles back at me as we hugged each other. The side of our heads gently touched each other and we enjoyed the rest of the ride on the Ferris Wheel.

"This was amazing Spencer, I had a great time and thank you again for buying the tickets."

"I had a great time to Liv. And as for the tickets, it's no big deal. I wanted to do this for you."
As we were walking down the strip, I couldn't stop thinking about Liv. I don't know, she just brings the best out of me. Whenever I'm having a bad day, she's always there for me. I want to tell her how I feel, but I'm afraid that I'll lose her not only as a friend, but as her client if she doesn't feel the same way.

My thoughts were interrupted when Liv got my attention. "Hey Spencer, can stop by this shop really quick? I want to buy something for Brianna.

"Of course."

I opened the door for her as we walked in.

"This looks like the wand shop from 'Harry Potter'."

"Olivander's." I look at Liv surprised. "What? You're not the only Potterhead. And this place is nothing like it. No wands, only crystals."

I see her admiring a necklace that got her attention.

"Oh my gosh. This necklace is beautiful."

"You think Brianna would like it?"

"Hmm, nah. It's too agey for her. I was thinking more of a heart shaped necklace as a reminder that I love her and I'm always with her."

"I have some heart shaped necklaces over here. As for the gentlemen, I think he's looking for clarity instead." The psychic says as she walks in from the back. "Clarity about what?" Liv asks me.

"I didn't say it. She did."

"Clarity about what?"

She doesn't answer Liv's question. Instead, she points to a sign that says "Readings for $10".

"Okay, let's just look at the heart shaped necklaces and head out." I say to Liv.

"Wait Spencer. Let's just hear her out. Get some clarity." I finally agree to Liv's request. "Alright."

Few moments later we sit across from the psychic as she is moving her arms around a crystal ball and checking to see what's in the future.

"There's so much energy here. I see a forever love." Me and Liv look at each other in confusion.

"What else do you see?" Liv asks the psychic.

"Someone close to you is hiding something of great importance." She says.

"Someone I know or he knows?"

"That isn't clear, but when it is revealed, everything will change."

"So you can see someone hiding something, but you can't see who they are or what they're hiding. That makes sense." I said sarcastically.

"I see what I see." She says with confidence.

I simply nodded at her.

Liv buys this beautiful necklace for Brianna and I think she'll love it.

"That's an amazing necklace you picked out Olivia, your daughter will love it."

"Thank you. Oh um, do I have a restroom I can use?"

"Yes. Down the hall to the left." She points out.

As I wait for Liv, I'm looking around to see what else the shop is selling.

"See anything you like?" The psychic asks me.

"Um, can you actually ring this necklace up for me?"

"Of course. That'll be $20."

I hand her the money and she puts the necklace in a gift box and wraps it up for me.

"Thank you."

"Spencer. You'll never find what you're looking for until you start being honest with yourself."

I look at her and all I could do is acknowledge what she said to me. Liv walks out of the restroom and we left the shop.

As we were walking back to Liv's hotel, I couldn't help but think about what psychic told me.

Spencer's Thoughts:

"Man how did the psychic know so much. I think she's playing me. She has to messing with me or something. WAKE UP SPENCER, IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF!!!! She even told you so. I don't want to believe it and start getting ahead of myself, but everything is making sense now. I think I'm starting to fall in love with Liv. I want to tell her, but I'm afraid that it'll end badly just like it did with Alicia. Lord help me please."

"Hey Liv."

"Yes Spencer?"
Spencer decided to do something nice for Liv, but now he's starting to fall in love with her. Will he finally take a risk at real happiness? Will it possibly cause any complications for them? Who's knows what'll happen next. Please excuse the mistakes or grammar errors. Thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts/predictions in the comments section for the next chapter.

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