
By xNikkiGx

423 2 0

Ella's parents were pretty much the Rodeo King and Queen. But her mom died from cancer when she was a teen an... More



19 0 0
By xNikkiGx

"Alright girls are you ready to go" Tommy said

"Am I a girl?" Colin laughed

"Nah. But good luck with these two. Let me know when you want to get picked up" Tommy replied

"You sure you can't stay babe" Kate pouted

"Sorry, I'm on call and already have one" He said

Kate nodded and Tommy drove us to the bar. They invited Colin then said Kate and I could come. John also asked me. So I guess they actually do want us to come? Who knows.

"John said Bobby is going to be there. Is everyone okay with me decking someone tonight?" I said

"No" "Yes"

"Ella. No" Tommy said

"Kate. Your husband is no fun" I pouted

She laughed and soon we got to the bar. Walking in, Colin said they weren't here yet so we got a table. Eventually, the 3 boys showed up and sat with us. And the drinking has started. Shots sounds like a terrible way to start the night, so that's what we did. Now, I don't really drink. I'm not a big alcohol person. So y'all can bet i'll be the first one shit faced.

"So, how did you guys survive the storm?" Ryan asked

"Board games" I shrugged

"Her dumbass went and picked up our dinner" Colin laughed

"Hey, i'm a master at driving in shitty weather. Even though my truck almost went off the road" I said

"Was there anyone else on the roads?" Bobby asked

"A hand full of cars. So I rode the center line" I laughed

"It said you were active on insta the whole time" Bobby said

"How would you know that?" I asked

"I messaged you. But you never read it" He said

"... Oh. I had a lot of messages yesterday. And today too" I shrugged

He looked at me and we continued on with our night. John and I have been chatting, Ryan keeps looking at us. Confused.

"Oh, I know why you rejected me yesterday" Bobby said finishing glass like 12 of alcohol

"Enlighten me" I replied

"Well since you're not dating a guy. You must be gay" He said

"I... No. Not at all" I said

"Nah. You're definitely a lesbian" He nodded

"I'm not but okay" I nodded

"Prove it. Kiss me" Bobby said

"No bobby, you need to chill" John said

"Why, who else is there. You and Ryan? Why can't she prove it by kissing me" Bobby said

"I don't want to kiss any of y'all. I don't play that way" I said

"Is this how east coast people act?" Colin asked

"No just ass holes" Kate said

"C'mon man" Bobby said

I really don't want to listen to then bickering the rest of the night. I'm actually handling my alcohol pretty well. Shocker.

"Oh my god Bobby, here i'll prove it" I said

They all looked at me and I grabbed John's face. Putting my thumb over his lips, I pretty much kissed my thumb. But the angle they all had, looks like I actually kissed him.

"Well damn. What the fuck" Bobby said

I sat back and smirked while getting looked at by my friend and cousin.

"Did you really just kiss him?" Colin asked

"No. I put my thumb over his lips" I said

"Ohh okay" He nodded

"Ah, you've done that before. Mess with people." Kate said

Well she slurred her words so i'm guessing that's what she meant.

"You two aren't like.. a thing are you" Ryan asked

"Me and her? No" John said

"Now why would you think that" I asked

"You kissed him." Ryan replied

"So?" I asked

He just shook his head and we continued on with our night. After a little bit, Kate looked at me a nodded towards the bathroom. So we both stood up and she stumbled a lot. I trip trying to catch her.

"You good?" John asked

I looked at him and nodded, then followed my friend to the bathroom where she proceeded to vomit. I held her hair back. While also getting out my phone.

"Hello" Tommy said

"Hey, your wife is yaking, I think she's done" I said

"Is that her I hear" He laughed

"Yup" I replied

"I hope you're in the bathroom" He replied

"We are. She might make me vomit." I said

"Okay i'll be there soon" He laughed

Hanging up, she finished puking and washed her mouth out.

"Okay, I think that's all, is Tommy coming?" She asked

"Yeah babe. You want to go drink some water" I asked

She nodded and we went back to the table. She also took my water. Rude, I was drinking that.

"Hey Colin. Tommy is on his way" I said

"Okay, I was going to ask when he's coming" He smiled

"Aw your leaving so soon" Bobby said

"My girlfriend is done for the night so yes." I replied

"You said you weren't gay though" He said

"Well considering she's pretty much married, i'm not" I replied

He shook his head and I saw Tommy walk in. Waving everyone looked at him and he laughed as he walked over.

"Okay. You guys ready?" He said

"Hi baby" Kate smiled

"C'mon babe" He replied

He helped her up and Colin and I followed. I also tripped and almost fell onto John.

"Do you need help too" He laughed

"I'm good. Phew. Yeah. Bye" I smiled

"See ya" He said

Oh man, I can't wait for my bed.


Well living with my aunt, uncle and cousin, is a lot of fun. I don't have to cook every meal and don't have to ask permission to go out somewhere. I'm loving this barn too. There's steer here and Ryan has been showing me roping. John is kinda helping too. They both come to practice when i'm out trail riding and say I can come join. I don't know why, but it's fine. It's currently Friday and there's a rodeo tomorrow. Colin rode in one of ours and loved it. Also one of the bull riders asked me on a date tonight. We had a meeting last night and he came over and asked if I wanted to go to dinner. I said sure, so that's where i'm off to tonight.

"Have fun on your date" My aunt said

"I'll see you guys later" I replied smiling

"Bye" They replied

Hopping in my truck, I GPS'ed my way to the diner he wanted to go to. He's kinda cute, he seemed a little stuck up but I guess i'll give him a try. Pulling up to the diner I hopped out and met him by the door.

"Hey" I said

"Hey. You look. Nice?" He said

"You said that like a question" I replied

"Well, I thought you would of dressed up" He shrugged

"... I am" I said

"Really?" He asked

"Well what did you expect" I laughed

"A dress, heels, some make up. You know, girly, considering you get around" He said

"I what? You want to repeat that last part" I said

"You've dated how many people in the rodeo, that doesn't even count the non rodeo people" He laughed

"I've dated one guy in the rodeo. And he doesn't even ride in our circuit anymore cause he moved. And I've dated two people who weren't. So I don't know who the hell you think I am, but i'm not" I said

"Okay but-"

"But what." I laughed "The only but, is that this is not going to work out"

"But we didn't even get inside" He said

"I don't care. I don't appreciate how it's gone so far so.. fuck this" I said

"C'mon, you have to give me a chance" Gavin said following me to my truck.

"No, Gavin, I don't" I replied

Hopping in my truck, I sat there for a second and decided to go to the barn. I'm just going to take Gyp out and walk around. Guys are stupid and rodeo guys are just jack asses. Pulling up, I hopped out and walked over to the barn.

"Hey bubba. How are you" I said to my horse.

I think he was sleeping, but he poked his head out and put it against my cheek.

"You want to go for a walk?" I asked

He huffed and I grabbed his lead rope and halter off the side of his stall. Opening the door, I slipped that over his head and realized my phone was in my truck. Walking him over, I grabbed my phone and stood on my tire to get up on on Gypsy. Then I noticed a truck pull in. Who comes here this late at night... besides me. The truck pulled up next to me and it was John.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Going for a walk" I shrugged

"It's dark, and you don't even have a saddle or bridle" He said

"So? He's good" I replied

"Are you dumb? You know we have foxes here" John said

"That's fine" I said

"Ella, you're stupid." He said

I just looked at him and he drove over to the barn. I shook my head and we started down towards the arena. I guess I could just trot around here. I would like to see some foxes though.

"Gyp, I went out with a guy tonight, and well, didn't even make it in the diner before I said fuck you. But he said I slept around. So what did he expect out of dinner. Also, who else thinks that I sleep around." I said, we went up to a trot and I brought him back down, then I leaned forward and draped my arms over his neck. "Does everyone think I sleep around. They shouldn't unless some of them say they got with me. I legit dated one guy in the rodeo and it went pretty well. He had to move. That's why we broke up. I bet you if he didn't move we would still be together."

I wonder if they all think that. I wonder if I can get Colin to find out. He is a bull rider. So he's eventually going to hang out with them. Though the way Gavin acted, I hope he doesn't. I guess tears are acceptable right now. Crying is fine. Looking at my phone, it was getting kinda late so I went back to the barn. I didn't see John's truck which is fine by me. Going into the barn, I went over to Gypsy's stall and we went in.

"Alright boy you can go back to sleep. I'll see you later on tomorrow" I said taking his halter off

Hanging it up, I shut his stall door and rubbed my boys nose.

"Oh look your back" I heard

"Oh, you're still here" I said

"Why did you go out in the dark?" John asked

"Am I not allowed to just go for a ride at night?"I asked

"No. Especially when you only go out with a fucking halter and lead rope" John said

"Well sorry. I had a shitty night and wanted to clear my mind" I said

"You haven't been here long enough to just go out like that. It's dumb" He replied

"I really don't care John. I guess I can't come here to de-stress and clear my head then" I said

"Why is your face all red?" He asked

"It's cold" I shrugged

"Your eyes are all glassy too. Were you smoking?" John said walking up to me

"No. I wasn't. Now, if I could not be accused of more things I didn't do tonight that would be great" I snapped

"Are you crying?" He asked

"Yes. I'm fucking crying John. Now leave me the hell alone" I said

Turning around I kissed my horses nose and walked towards my truck.

"Wait, Ella. What happened" He said running up to me

"I'm just having a shitty night and I would like to get home. What are you even doing here this late anyway" I said

"I have to work an extra shift tomorrow so I put all my stuff in my trailer tonight. Now, what happened" He said

"Nothing. It's nothing" I said

"It has to be something. I've never seen you cry. You've gotten in screaming matches at the rodeo and got kicked in the face by someones horse who was loose and freaking out. You didn't cry" He said

"Rodeo guys are assholes and I hate them all" I said

"Wow. Me asking you what's wrong makes me an asshole. Okay then." John said taken back

"Not you. Fucking Gavin" I said

"Have you ever talked to him" John laughed

"We were suppose to go out to dinner tonight" I said

"Oh. Okay then. What do you mean suppose. Did he stand you up" John said

"No. He was there. But he pretty much called me a whore" I said

"What? Why" He asked

"Because I didn't wear a dress and heels and fucking make up. And he said I sleep around. I don't sleep around, I don't fucking like people. I dated one fucking guy in the rodeo and that's it. So I don't know who the fuck started telling people I sleep around and I swear to god when I find out, I'm going to end up in prison, because I don't fucking sleep around" I said

I may have let some tears sleep and there was a voice crack at the end.

"I've never heard anyone talk about you sleeping around. There's a bunch of guys that want to get with you but.." John said

"But what. They don't want a girl who sleeps around. Because apparently that's the title I have" I said

"No. Ella. It's not like that" John said

"Then what it is John." I said

"There's a lot of people that like you. And they just probably made up stuff to try and get other people not to be interested" He said

"That's fucking dumb and I hate everyone" I said

"Ever since you and Dalton broke up" John said

"You know. If he never moved, we'd probably still be together" I said

"And be practically married like your friend... Kate right?" He said

I nodded and opened my truck.

"Hey. I'll see you tomorrow" John said

"Yeah." I replied

He looked at me then walked over towards his truck. Starting mine up, I went home and went right to my room. Tonight has been a night, i'm so over it.

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