Ducktales Retold: The Life Of...

By Jozar143

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I made my own fanfictional character from the 1987 ducktales and the 2017 ducktales versions, a only eleven-y... More

Aiden Gets His Magical Powers/Aiden's First Adventure
Funso's Funzone Of Doom
Aiden Meets Lena
The Inventions That Turns Evil
Mark Beaks The Tech Billionaire
The Terra-Firmians That Live Underground
A God For A Day
Happy Birthday To Scrooge Mcduck
The Only Child Day Adventure
The Young Mage And The Robot
Rescueing Agent 22
The Other Bin
The Tales Of Sky Pirites
Scrooge's Parents
Aiden's Horrible Mistake
Aiden Vs. Magica

The Money Shark That Attacked Duckberg

139 7 0
By Jozar143

On a sunny afternoon both Lena and Donald were waiting for the boys, Scrooge and Webby to come back for their adventure in the bean stock and Donald says "I'm sure they'll be back soon Lena. You can count on it" Lena didn't understand a word he said but when they heard the beanstalk falling, Lena assumed that it's probably them and it was.

Scrooge: Ha! It really was a brilliant idea to that bean stock in our backyard Aiden and Webby and theirs old saying to this. "Beans, beans, the magical fruit, just plant your beans then grab some loot."

Webby: Man, we've been saying that rhyme all wrong.

Webby greets Donald and Lena while Huey and Dewey were struggling with a giant gold coin and Louie was thinking of putting this treasure into the boy's room but Scrooge says "nice try, lad, but you know the drill. All money goes to the bin..." Louie finishes "not next of kin". So as Louie puts all the treasure that he has right next to Scrooge and heads upstairs to his bedroom and Mrs. Beakley handles the rest of the treasures.

Beakley: Your board of directors just called. They say your recent adventures are causing costly damages to the city of Duckberg.

Scrooge: Which I always pay for! Adventure leads to treasure, treasure helps the company, the company helps the town through appreciating investments in long-term civic fiduciary interests.

Webby, Dewey, Huey and Donald went out of the room while Scrooge and Beakley were having a conversation of the board of directors complaint.

Beakley: Yes, what's not to understand? The board has set up a television interview of Roxanne Featherly to help "boost your character".

Scrooge: My character does not need boosting. They're overreacting.

Launchpad: Good news, Mr. McDee! The beanstalk missed the orphanage!

Scrooge: Uh... what time is the interview?

As Scrooge leaves a trail of gold coins, Beakley cleans up his mess while Lena walks beside the cart full of treasure from their beanstalk adventures and when she about to put a red jewel in it, she spotted a tiki face was being levitated by Aiden, she hits the jewel from him.

Aiden: Lena!

He runs in and to hug his best friend but Lena tells Aiden that she's not hugger, he totally understood and stops hugging for at least one mibuddies?

Aiden: Are you excited for our sleepover, magical buddie? We're gonna brush our teeth, go to bed on time, wake up in the middle of the night confused saying, "Where am I? Oh, that's right. I'm at the best sleepover ever!"

Lena: Mm, so this is your first sleepover, Mage?

Aiden: Yeah, I never had someone sleepover at the houseboat for ten years! Last one up the stairs has to brush their teeth twice!

As Aiden does little acrobatic tricks up the stairs, Lena puts the jewel into the treasure and heads upstairs with Aiden then the manager puts all the treasure in the money bin and the red jewel was actually magic and fuses with Scrooge's money and made it have red evil eyes. Later on the night Webby allowed Aiden and Lena to sleepover in her room because it will a little crowded in the boy's room anyway plus Aiden will be thrilled to have two of his best friends in his first sleepover.

Aiden: Webby do you want to join me and Lena?

Webby: Really? I thought you never asks, yes of course! I mean if it's alright with Lena?

Lena: Sure... why not. Bathroom?

Aiden: Down the hall, on the left.

When Lena enters the bathroom, she closes the door and was startled by her shadowy Aunt Magica but was Lena was keeping it cool.

Magica: [evil laughing] The home of Scrooge McDuck is safe no more! What do we do first?

Lena: My current plan is make popcorn, watch a movie, and then Aiden really wants us to brush our teeth.

Magica: Dental hygiene can wait! I can feel my powers growing the closer I get Scrooge's precious Number One Dime. Listen to this.

Magica was practicing her evil laugh.

Lena: The amulet thing is already in the bin. So I just hang out here and wait, right?

Magica: Ugh! You wait here while the Hunter's Stone searches for Scrooge's dime. It will bring the dime to you, you bring both the dime and Aiden Fauntleroy to me, so you'll be free while Aiden takes your place, and I'll make the fleshed-face child to unleash his secret mysterious powers, striking his own home and his beloved Uncle... Scrooge McDuck!

Lena: Mm, mm-hmm. So, just hang out here and wait, right?

Magica: Could you please try to care about our centuries-old blood feud?

Lena: You know what I care about.

Magica: Bleck. Fine. Whatever. Do this and I'll grant your dark heart's fondest desire. Unless you're too busy hanging out with your prince charming over there.

Lena: Relax, it's just an act.

Magica: The lunar eclipse is soon at hand, you little whelp! Don't trust him, Lena. Unlike Scrooge, Aiden will turn on you in an instant if he knew what you really are.

When Magica wents back in Lena's shadow and Lena just wants to keep on hiding the truth from Aiden about her Aunt Magica and her feelings for Aiden cause she thinks he's kinda cute and handsome more of less. Meanwhile both Aiden and Webby were making matching friendship bracelets for themselves and one for Lena and she was back into the room Aiden offers her bracelet, Lena was grateful and she sees Webby's family tree and Aiden shows Lena a photo that he has a family tree that Webby helped in his room when he first moved in with Scrooge.

Lena: It says here that Scrooge used to hate magic.

Webby: Oh, yeah, all kinds. Curses, incantations, card tricks. He says magic is supernatural shortcut for hard work.

Aiden: Which I never my magic for hard chores that Scrooge and Beakley give me and that's he trust me with my magical powers cause I always used them for good he even let practice my spells.

Webby: Speaking of spells, [turning to Lena] do you wanna see some spells on what Aiden can do?

Lena: No! I mean How about we play a game?

Aiden: Hmm... (gasp) I know just the one!

Aiden was texting his brothers to save him from Webby and Lena from a pillow fight and as they responded to help their little brother, but actually it was all a trap for Huey, Dewey and Louie.

Aiden: Webby you take Huey, Lena you take Louie and I'll take Dewey.

Webby: Okay!

Lena: Lead the way Young Mage!

And as Huey, Dewey and Louie about to save Aiden with their pillows, they all felt for Aiden's trap and Aiden, Webby and Lena chased the boys with their pillows and the triplets lost the battle.

Huey: Why would we pick a fight with Aiden? Now that he's magic?

Dewey: Oh! Grab your swim trunks, boys! I know how to salvage the night.

While the three brothers were getting ready to go on their on adventure Beakley does a role play of Roxanne Featherly for Scrooge's interview but also tries to help him to keep smiling.

Scrooge: Some find my scowl very appealing.

Beakley sprays water at Scrooge and tells him "the press of the vultures looking for the next story to feast" and Scrooge answers "I can handle a puff- piece reporter."

Beakley: Fine, I'll go easy on you. [Roxanne Featherly's voice] Now, Mr. McDuck, I love your accent. Tell me, what part of Ireland are you from?

Scrooge was getting angry and Beakley sprayed som water at him again. Meanwhile Huey, Dewey and Louie were at Scrooge's office where the money bin is also the money creature turned into a money shark which the boys were not aware of.

Louie: Up next to the diving board is Dewey Duck, representing the proud country of Dew-donia. When asked if he was concerned about the possibly injuring himself on the cold hard cash below, he simply replied, "Nerp!"

Dewey: Man! I can't believe Aiden is missing out on all the fun we're having.

Louie: We hold now for his national anthem.

Huey: ♪Oh Dew-donia land of the few♪ ♪Home of the duck, clothed all in bluuuuue! ♪

Dewey high fives his brothers and he's about to make his jump into the money bin.

Louie: Dewey Duck makes his approach. Word has it he's got a new move: The triple cork-Dew.

Dewey does his triple cork-Dew and screams "nailed it" and then suddenly he was eaten by a money shark, both Huey and Louie were screaming in terror while they ride their backs back to the mansion to warn Aiden, Webby and Lena. Meanwhile in Webby's room Lena teaches Aiden and Webby by playing truth or dare, Lena picks truth but when Aiden asks her "what's your deepest, darkest secret" Lena changes it to dare, and all of a sudden both Huey and Louie entered the room already exhausted of telling them what happened in the bin so they were doing charades and Aiden already figured it out.

Aiden: (gasp) Dewey was eaten by a magical money shark in the bin!

Everyone looked at Aiden that he was really great at charades.

Louie: It's just swimming around in there! Eating money! And children! And money!

Webby: We have to tell, Mr. McDuck.

Louie and Lena: No!

Louie: We... might have snuck into the Money Bin without permission.

Aiden: You realize getting our brother eaten is way worse.

Lena: Louie's right. If we tell Scrooge they snuck into the Bin, Scrooge'll feed the rest of your brothers to the shark himself.

Huey: Well, we need do something!

Lena: We need to take care of it ourselves. Don't you trust me Aiden?

As Lena showed him her friendship bracelet to Aiden and he looks into his own, he takes Lena's offer.

Aiden: Of course I do Lena, alright let's do it!

Webby: Count me in too. But if there's a monter in the Bin, we need a way to keep safe while looking for it.

Huey: Like a boat?

Louie: But how do we get a boat into the money bin?

Suddenly Launchpad came in with pajamas on saying "my best friend Dewey's in trouble! I can feel it" the kids asks Launchpad to help them get Donald's houseboat into the Money Bin to save Dewey and as they all got into the Sunchaser and grabs the houseboat while Donlad is asleep on the pool tube they all flew to the bin where the money shark is. Launchpad lands the houseboat into the bin while the children were inside of it and Launchpad slides down onto the rope while the plane went crashing somehow.

Huey: Now what do we do?

Launchpad: We wait.

Aiden: And then what? How are we suposse to save Dewey if we just wait here and do nothing? We got to lure something for the money shark but with what?

Huey: You lure real sharks with chum, so logically we should be able to lure a money shark with expensive stuff.

Aiden: Right, duh!

Louie: Mmm, so long, future inheritance.

So as the boys and Webby were throwing lots expensive stuff into the bin to lure the money shark, Lena was in the houseboat looking at her friendship bracelet that Aiden gave her and she really loves how Aiden is so creative, caring and really handsome, she always blushes when she thinks of him all the time and suddenly her Aunt us back and pushes her feelings of Aiden to aside for now.

Magica: Ha ha! I would never have thought to feed Scrooge's family to the Hunter's Stone but we still need the fleshed-face boy alive for your replacement well done Lena!

Lena: Next time you give me a jewel that turns into a monster, I'd appreciate a little heads up.

Magica: That monster has a name. Show Tiffany some respect! (gasping) Are you wearing a colorful personalized bracelet?

Lena hides the bracelet behind her back as her face blushed red and said "it's not that colorful"

Magica: Oh my sweet, dumb, dumb little Lena, you're being the worst fool of all: A sentimental fool. You're actually trying to help your little boyfriend and his family.

Lena: No. I had to do something to keep them from getting Scrooge involved. Plus Aiden is not my boyfriend we aren't even really friends but that doesn't mean that I want to see him to get killed by a money shark and I don't to get killed either.

Magica: Of corse! How else you'll get your freedom without Aiden and the dime? Now get out there and stall while Tiffany accumulate mass.

Lena: Wait. It's gonna get bigger?

Magica: Oh, she's going to get really big and really mad until she gets that dime and that fleshed-face kid. Just to don't let him and yourself get eaten alright?

Meanwhile Louie kept on complaining about dumping the money into the bin saying "this is coming out of Dewey's portion of the inheritance."  And suddenly when Louie was about to toss the rest of the expensive stuff, the money shark ate the bag and Dewey shouts "Help".

Aiden: (gasping) Dewey!

Huey: Did you know sharks never run out of teeth? They have the most powerful jaws on the planet. On average, there are about 100 shark attacks a year.

Louie: Dude, now is not the time!

Huey: Facts comfort me when I'm nervous!

Webby: It's clearly a magical creature. So there's only one way to defeat it.

Webby suggested to Aiden and his magic and he was on board with it but Lena pulls him away thinking it was a bad idea. The money shark was coming back to Launchpad and the children.

Launchpad: I'm just gonna crash into it.

Huey: No, Dewey's in there! Louie! Money bag!

Louie ties the money bag to the arpone and shoots where money shark went and it took the bait but Huey gets caught by the rope and Louie tries to help but they both got eaten by the shark.

Aiden and Webby: Guys!

Launchpad: Oh-no Dewey's brothers!

Meanwhile back McDuck Manor Roxanne Featherly was here to review with Scrooge McDuck himself.

Roxanne: There's the man of the hour! Roxanne Featherly. It's an honor and privilege to meet you, Mr. McDuck. Such a fan. When you forced Medusa to take a good hard look at herself in the mirror, it changed me.

Scrooge: And her. Into stone.

Roxanne and Scrooge were laughing and having a good time.

Scrooge: Most people don't know about that.

Roxanne: Well, most people aren't me. Now, don't worry, this interview is just the two of us having a conversation.

Scrooge winks at Beakley that he's gonna just fine at his interview without any problems at all.

Roxanne: I'm here with multi-milionaire menace Scrooge McDuck, who values profit over people's lives. I'll take your awkward smile as a confirmation that you enjoy feeling superior to everyone in the now-ravaged town of Duckberg.

Scrooge: No, I...

Roxanne: Now, Mr. McDuck, I can quite place your accent. Tell me, what part of Ireland are you from?

Scrooge was getting aggravated and later on that Aiden found a protection spell in his spell book.

Aiden: We'll need a bunch of herbs and a cauldron.

Webby: I'll get the herbs!

Aiden: And I'll magically poof us a cauldron!

Aiden uses his magic powers to poof them a cauldron and Webby puts the herbs in it.

Lena: Uh, I don't know, guys. It's not good to mess with this stuff.

Aiden: I delt with magic all the time Lena, remember how we first met and you saw me how great I am with magic?

Lena: Well... yes but...

Aiden: Okay so I have to use magic to defeat that monster and save my brother, you're free to join us to help when you are ready. I won't force you.

Lena was really glad that Aiden respected her wishes while both Aiden and Webby both did a chant to activate the magical shield. "All evil energies leave the space. Go back from whence you came, you get outta face!"

Lena: Ugh, I hate Magic.

Magica: You hold your tongue. Magic is the family business. And little Aiden will be part of our family soon.

Lena: Well the more we use it, the more likely I am to get caught.

Aiden: Lena, who are you talking to?

Lena: Nobody... just talking to myself.

Launchpad: Don't need magic. Need your wits. And some kind of shark-stopping thing. And maybe a snack.

Webby: Uh, Launchpad?

The is coming after Launchpad and the kids once again.

Launchpad: Uh-oh. Launchpad's hungry. Hungry for vengeance

Aiden and Lena: Launchpad...

Launchpad: Vengeance. For Dewey!

Aiden, Webby and Lena: Launchpad!

Launchpad: Anyway, crash boat now?

Lena: Yes! Or no! Move!

Aiden and Webby: Just go!

Launchpad chases after the shark and tries to crash into it but instead the shark opens and tries to eat Launchpad and the kids but luckily Lena, Aiden and Webby jumped out of the boat and they were safe for now. But Aiden lost his jersey, his backpack and his spellbook from the money shark and not only that his friend got eaten too.

Aiden: Webby! Lena! Are you alright?

Lena: Yeah! We're fine! What about you?

Aiden: Yeah, I'm okay.

Webby: Sorry about your jersey Aiden.

Aiden: It's alright. You guys are more important to me then some jersey.

Lena blushes red and smiles for a bit and then goes back to focus on getting to higher ground and away from the money shark.

Lena: Next time, we have a sleepover at my house.

Aiden: Awesome! We are so there... unless if Webby has other plans then I'd be totally there at your place Lena.

Back at McDuck Manor Scrooge was arguing with Roxanne Featherly about he's done good than harm Duckberg and he wants her to ask anyone and Roxanne says "will do".

Roxanne: Joining us for comment via satellite from his office that was recently ravaged by Scrooge's blameworthy beanstalk created by his adoptive nephew Aiden Fauntleroy and Beakley granddaughter Webbigal Vanderquack please stand by for Flintheart Glomgold.

Glomgold: Curse you, McDuck! And your wee little children too! Roxanne, good to see you.

Roxanne: And you.

Scrooge: You can't believe this tam o'shanter-wearing terror!

Roxanne: Oh, shameful.

Glomgold: We can't all afford top hats, you rich snob!

Scrooge: You're rich, too, you malevolent mountebank!

Glomgold: You'd best believe it, Scroogey! I'm rolling in it!

Scrooge: Then what is your point?! I'm glad that Aiden's beanstalk crushed your office!

The cameramen was shocked to hear Scrooge say that to Flintheart Glomgold, meanwhile back at money bin Lena was trying to find Scrooge's number-one dime while she's mimicking her Aunt Magica saying  "Lena, do my bidding." "Lena, find a tiny dime in a sea of dime." "Lena, don't get mad when my money shark tries to eat you and your fleshed-face friend!"

Aiden: Lena, we found something! It's a good thing that Webby bringed her own spellbook her otherwise we'd be goners.

Webby: According to this, to stop an enchanted force, you must remove its power source or beat it with a stronger magical totem. We can use our friendship bracelets!

Aiden: That's a great idea Webby! Friendship is the greatest magic of all!

Lena: Well sorry to be the barrier of bad news Mage, but that's not how magic works. But the shark is made of coins, so maybe if we can find some kind of coin that holds a special significance, we can stop it.

Aiden: Oh! Like Scrooge's Number One Dime?

Lena: Oh, is that a thing? Like do either of you know where it could be?

Webby: Scrooge keeps it in his pocket at all times.

Lena: What?! The stupid dime isn't even stupid in here? We need to get to Scrooge now.

Lena grabs Aiden's arm but Webby grabs his other arm and says "our friendship is all the magic we need" Aiden adds on to Lena and asks "don't you trust us... don't you trust me?" Lena was no choice but to give their friendship a shot and starts doing the chant.

Webby: With the hand of my best friend, we bring about the money shark's end!

Lena: Webby, stop! It's not working!

Webby: Just believe! Again,  with feeling.

Aiden and Webby: With the of my best friend,  we bring about the money shark's end!

While both Aiden and Webby say their chant Lena and Aiden begin to glow yellow and pink and suddenly changes into aquamarine blue and Lena breaks the chant and pulls Aiden away from Webby.

Lena: [turning to Webby] You sentimental fool! You don't know what you're doing! You're gonna get us killed!

And suddenly the shark preaches out of the bin and giving itself some legs and was ready to get the dime and coming back for Aiden. Later on Glomgold was still complaining about his office being destroyed.

Glomgold: My building was destroyed by Scrooge's little abomination's beanstalk and he just gets away with it?

Scrooge: Don't you dare calling my eleven year-old nephew an "abomination" he may not be perfect but he would never wanted to see anyone get hurt. He's a good kid and someone that can count on even with his magic powers. Plus you tried to blow up my office at least twice this week.

Glomgold: Three times if you count right now!

When Glomgold pushes the button that activates the bombs to Scrooge's office which it doesn't work and it was very embarrassing for him.

Scrooge: Roxanne, you can't trust the word of my sworn enemies whose only pastime is constantly plotting against me. There is absolutely no truth to the  claims that my treasure hunting is in any dangerous to Duckberg.

Roxanne: This just in, Scrooge Mcduck's treasure has transformed into a money shark and... hold on. I'm being told it now has legs.

Scrooge: Of course it does.

Roxanne: For those just tuning in, a money shark appears to be heading to Duckberg, where it's sure to cause untold destruction. Citizens are rushing over in boats to collect the faling gold debris. It seems Scrooge's fortune is now up for grabs. Glomgold, your thoughts?

Flintheart Glomgold just ran out of his office and collect Scrooge's fortune without saying a word.

Scrooge: Awk! Me money! And the safety of the fine citizens of Duckberg.

Said Scrooge twitching his eye and slowly goes after the shark. Later on the kids were out of the bin seeing the shark trying to eat the people that are talking the money.

Lena: On the bright side, it's not just trying to kills us anymore.

Aiden: Why did you break our chant? Is our friendship not magical enough for you?

Lena: Aiden...

Sudddenly Scrooge arrived and was furious at whoever milipulated Aiden's magic to create this monster, and the money shark spotted Scrooge's Number One Dime and goes after it.

Lena: Look you guys! It must be after Scrooge's Number One Dime!

Webby: Wait! Why would you think that?

Lena: I dunno, a... a reason. No time to think. We gotta go!

Aiden: Right!

So Aiden, Webby and Lena went after the shark and save Scrooge, meanwhile Scrooge was screaming at the people that are taking his money and he calls at the money shark to fight it, the shark uses its telekinesis at the dime and swallow it.

Scrooge: Oh, no you don't, you predatory piggy bank!

Scrooge charges at the money shark and got eaten.

Aiden: Uncle Scrooge!

Webby: Mr. McDuck!

Both Aiden and Webby charges at the creature next and Webby grabbed her grappling hook, Aiden takes her hand and up they went on top of the shark and starts attacking it soon both Lena and Magica sees the dime in the creature's mouth, Magica gives the shark's intention.

Webby: Oh no! The shark's going to eat Lena!

Aiden: No it ain't! C'mon Webby!

Webby: Right behind ya Aiden!

When Aiden and Webby tries save Lena from the money shark, Magica orders Lena to get her the dime and Aiden but Lena asks "how am I supposed to get them without being eaten alive?" Magica adds "ah, you'll figure it out."

Aiden and Webby: Lena! Look out!

Both Aiden and Webby successfully saved Lena but Webby got eaten.

Aiden: Webby!

Lena: No!

And soon the money shark devoured both Aiden and Lena and they were still alive in its mouth, Aiden was hanging on to its uvula while Lena and Webby was hanging on to its throat.

Aiden and Webby: Lena!

Lena: Why'd you and Webby save me? I thought you guys were mad at me?

Webby: We're friends you beautiful idiot! We don't what you did!

Aiden: Yeah! And we always be there when our best friend is in danger!

Lena was really happy to have great friends like Aiden and Webby. Suddenly both Aiden and Webby lost the grips and they started falling.

Lena: Aiden! Webby!

When Magica was just about to reach for Scrooge's number-one dime, Lena says the chant "with the hand of my best friend we bring about the money shark's end" and the money shark exploded and everyone was okay Aiden and Webby sees Lena hugging them even though she doesn't like hugs.

Aiden: Looks someone's a hugger after all.

Lena: Mm... don't tell anyone.

Aiden: Thanks for savin' us Lena! You're a true friend!

Aiden hugs Lena and Webby was getting into the hug fest meanwhile Scrooge was trying to collect his own money and suddenly Roxanne Featherly shows up once again reporting live from the scene where Scrooge's apparent generosity has provided a much-needed economic boost to Duckberg. Scrooge McDuck, tarnished tycoon turned humble hometown hero. Scrooge waves to the camera awkwardly but when the Beagle Boys were stealing the money all he can do is just let them take without say anything or doing anything and everyone left, luckily they did not take Scrooge's Number One Dime and now he wants to go back home later on that night Magica was arguing with Lena.

Magica: You had the dime and the boy in your grasp!

Lena: No, your crazy shark had the dime and Aiden in its throat, so excuse me if we didn't want to be eaten!

Magica: You two would've probably survived! But you cared more about your stupid "boyfriend" and his family than you did about your own!

Lena: Your shark was out of control. The dime does neither of us good if we're dead. I had no choice.

Magica: You had a choice, and you chose wrong! You're not supposed to think. You're supposed to follow orders.

Lena: Maybe I'm tired of following orders. And maybe I do like Aiden a lot, maybe even love him. I'm gonna go tell Aiden how much about Aiden and tell him the whole truth cause I'm done.

Magica: You can't get rid of me.

Magica stops Lena from going to Aiden and reminds her that she's the only one who can give her what she truly want, her freedom, Lena looks at her Aunt mad and looks at her friendship bracelet that Aiden made and puts it in the water letting it get destroyed. Lena feels really bad for what she has done and adds "whatever you say, Aunt Magica" soon it was morning and Launchpad wakes up Donald by dropping his houseboat into the pool.

Launchpad: Good morning, Donald!

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