Queen's Embrace||KIM TAEHYUNG...

By swee-ty

151K 8.9K 2.2K

Started : 17th February 2022. Ended: 1st January 2024. 100k reads: 29th February 2024 Kang Y/N - Female lead... More

|Twenty One|
|Twenty Two|
|Twenty three|
|Twenty four|
|Twenty Five|
|Twenty Six|
|Twenty seven|
|Twenty Eight|
|Twenty Nine|
|Thirty One|
|Thirty Two|
|Thirty Three|
|Thirty Four|
|Thirty Five|
Author - Snow
|Thirty Six|
|Thirty Seven|
|Thirty Eight|
|Thirty Nine|
|Forty One|
10k Reads!
|Forty Two|
|Forty Three|
|Forty Four|
|Forty Five|
|Forty Six|
|Forty Seven|
|Forty Eight|
|Forty Nine|
|Fifty One|
|Fifty Two|
|Fifty Three|
|Fifty Five|
|Fifty Six|
|Fifty Seven|
|Fifty Eight|
|Fifty Nine|
|Sixty One|
|Sixty Two|
|Sixty Three|
|Sixty Four|
|Sixty Five|
|Sixty Six|
|Sixty Seven|
|Sixty Eight|
|Seventy One|
|Seventy Two|
|Seventy Three|
|Seventy Four|
|Seventy Five|
|Seventy Six|
|Seventy Seven|
|Seventy Eight|
|Seventy Nine|
|Eighty One|
|Eighty Two|
|Eighty Three|
|Eighty Four|
|Eighty Five|
|Eighty Six|
|Eighty Seven|
|Eighty Eight|
|Eighty Nine|
|Ninety One|
|Ninety Two|
|Ninety Three|
|Ninety Four|
|Ninety Five|
|Ninety Six|
|Ninety Seven|
|Ninety Eight|- FINAL

|Sixty Nine|

1.1K 90 17
By swee-ty

Words: 1250

Y/N Pov

It's 5 pm now.

I completed my work for today and was chilling with Yoongi in the garden.

We were playing chess.

Yoongi: Why do you always win when we are playing chess?

He asked while the game is about to end.

Y/N: It's skills, yoongs.
Yoongi: Are you saying that I don't have one?
Y/N: Maybe you have no skills in chess.

I said while shrugging my shoulder.

Yoongi: Why do you like chess so much?

I looked at him and said

Y/N: Chess is not just a game but a mind game. It improves our concentration. If we want to win, we need to observe what our opponent is doing, and before reacting to it, we have to think of all the possible consequences made by that. To be clear, we have to think from both our and our opponent's point of view. We have to calculate what move they could do against us when we made a move. Our one move can make us either win or lose the game. So, we should make every step with concentration.
And I bet you don't have that.

I chuckled and completed my sentence after making a checkmate and winning right away.

I looked at him who was annoyed be now.

I patted his shoulder and said

Y/N: Better luck next time, buddy~

He glared at me and pushed my hand off his shoulder.

Yoongi: I won't play this game with you again. I am just fed up.

He said while standing up.

Y/N: Fed up by losing always to me?

I smirked while he looked away.

We noticed others coming towards us.

We looked at them.

Jungkook: Y/N, can we go around and look around the house?

I looked at him and nodded.

Y/N: Go ahead.

Jungkook: Guys, come on. Let's go!!

He asked others while being excited.

All went with him while me and yoongi followed them slowly.

They were roaming around the mansion and looking for every room here.

I went to the small balcony, which is places in one end of the hallway.

I looked at the blue sky and admired it but turned around as soon as I heard Lisa calling.

Lisa: Y/N!

I went towards her, who was with others.

I looked at her.

Y/N: What happened?
Jungkook: We have seen every place in this mansion except one. This one.

He pointed towards a door.

My eyes slightly widened, but I managed to pull the normal face of mine.

Jungkook: The door looks so mysterious. It's locked. Otherwise, I would have entered in it by now.

He said while admiring the door.

Jungkook: Why is it locked? Can you open it?

Y/N: It's just a store room. Nothing is special there.
Jungkook: Please~ Can you open it?
Y/N: I can't.

By now, all the eyes were on me, which held confusion.

Taehyung: Why?

Y/N: I lost the key.


Jungkook: Oh.. I thought of going in.

He said while tracing his fingers on the door.

Y/N: Come on. It's just a store room. Go and do your work, guys.

I said, and they nodded and left the place one after another.

But I stood there while looking at the door.

It's not the right time for them to know about this.

I left to my room.

I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling while thinking about the door.

Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen soon?

I was startled when I heard my phone ring.

I took it as it's from Eunwoo.

Y/N: Yes, Eunwoo?
Eunwoo: Y/N, could you come to the company now?

He sounded hurry.
Something is wrong.

Y/N: What happened, Eunwoo? You're not sounding good.

Euwnoo: You are right. A man came here a few minutes ago and said he wanted to meet you. But we denied it as he doesn't have any appointment and is also suspicious.

Y/N: I will be there in minutes.

He hummed and I cut the call.

What's with the new problem now?

I quickly got ready and went downstairs.

All who were present in the living room stood up as soon as they saw me in the office attire.

Jisso: Is something wrong?

Y/N: Ya, I will just go to my company and will come as soon as possible.

They nodded.

Y/N: Be careful.

With that I left.

I reached the company and Eunwoo came to me.

Euwnoo: He is sitting in the waiting area.

I nodded and went there with Eunwoo following me.

Y/N: You???

I fumed in anger as soon as I saw his face.

He stood up with a sad smile.

....: Y/Nahh, how are you my child?

He stepped near but I stepped back.

Y/N: Just stop right there. I don't need your fake concerns.

Euwnoo left from as he found that I knew him.

....: Fake? It's me your driver uncle whom you have respected-

Y/N: Ya. I have respected and adored but that's all before you  took me, Hana and Ru to that f*cking building were I lost my Ru.

I shouted as this hall is sound proof.

....: I am sorry-

Y/N: Sorry won't bring my Ru back, Dae.

I stated coldly.

Dae: Y/N-

Y/N: Just get the hell out of my company and don't dare to show this face of yours to me.

He looked down and left, leaving me in the memories of the day I lost my Ru.

Eunwoo: Y/N...

I heard his voice.
I gulped the lump in my throat and turned towards him with blood shot eyes as I have controlled my tears.

Eunwoo: Are you alright?

I looked away and nodded lightly.

Y/N: Leave it, Eunwoo. Is there some work that I have to do now? I don't know when will I again visit the company.

I myself don't know why I said the last sentence

Eunwoo: Ya,ya. You need to sign some documents and approve the designs of our collaboration with Kim marbles.

I nodded and we headed to my cabin.

I started to sign in the documents after go throughing it.

I signed the last document and looked at Eunwoo.

Y/N: Don't allow that man here ever again.

He nodded and I left.

When I entered the mansion, I noticed the expression of all in the living room.

My friends looked tensed.

Jackson and Chaneyol were not there.

Jimin and Jungkook were comforting Jin and Taehyung.

Taehyung's face had dried tears.

Yoongi's face is seemed to be tensed.

What in the hell is happening here?

Y/N: What is happening here? Why are you all looking so tensed?

As soon as they heard my voice, they stood up.

Irene: Y/N, Namjoon is missing.

I stood feeling numb.


I wrote this chapter whenever I got little time only to post it today.(6th June)

I have lost interest in writing a few days ago and some of you have replied me with positivity and motivated me in both dm and message board.

I am still trying to set my mind for writing but don't worry  snowies, I am determined to finish this book no matter what.

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