Sayonara Memories [Reader x J...

By GE_Shia

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A story inspired by the song Sayonara Memories by supercell. More


Sayonara Memories [Julius Visconti x Reader (AU)]

734 16 4
By GE_Shia

"Tomorrow huh..." I sighed as I rest my head on my desk, my (H/C) bangs covering my eyes as I held the letter that I was supposed to give to my best friend and classmate, Julius Visconti. I never thought that I would fall hard for that person. He's so oblivious! Whenever he gets confessions or love letters, he would just say "Thanks" with a blank expression and a small smile. Those made me think twice if I should really go confessing my feelings for him. I sat up straight and looked at the ceiling.

"I think I should go for a walk." I decided and looked at my wrist watch. Clutching the letter on my hand, I put it inside my cardigan's pocket and wrapped up my neck with the striped scarf which I received from the handsome blonde dork which I fell for. I was so happy back then because of the fluffiness of the scarf and its colors were (1st/F/C) and (2nd/F/C). I snuggled to it and went downstairs.

"Okaa-san, I'm going out for a bit~~!" I called out through the tatami doors of her room which I got a slightly edible "Be back before the sun comes down alright?" I responded with a yes and went out the house.

The forecast on the TV said the cherry blossoms would bloom early this year. If that day is today, I might get a chance to catch a glimpse of him. I walked through the streets which we used to walk together when going to school along with our rowdy group. A giggle escaped my lips and sighed. I never thought that it would end so soon. Turning left, I saw the hill where I first saw him, watching the cherry blossom petals swirl with the wind and falling gently. He fell asleep under the tree and looked very peaceful. His banana-peel (TAICHOU GOMENASAI TT 7 TT) like blonde locks was wafted by the slightly cool breeze. Then all of a sudden blood rushed to my cheeks, tinting them pink at the sudden flash back. But then I realized how good looking he was back then! I paced once again trying to clear off my mind with the memory.

Even so, that's the place where we would have a picnic when its cherry blossom viewing. Gilbert would bring the drinks, Nana and Ciel would be the cake, and Romeo-kun would bring cookies! Well me, I thought of bringing home-made sandwiches which my mother enjoyed making and for that blonde dork, he would carry a tea set and tea along with him. And those words he said made me smile as I remember them.

"The cherry blossoms are really beautiful this year..."

"Yeah... I agree."

I spaced out for a while that I didn't notice the corner I turned was his house. I bumped onto something hard.

"Ow! Sorry I wasn't loo—" I couldn't finish my sentence when I fell it warm. Wait...


I looked up to see a familiar mop of dirty blonde hair. I blushed and backed away. He looked back to see who bumped at him; his slightly pale gray gaze met my (E/C) ones and smiled warmly.

"Going out for a walk too, I see?" he started. And if only given a chance I could've fainted right her, right now at this very moment. The slightly setting sun complimented his well carved features. I nodded shyly and tried not to fidget like those girls who tried to confess to him years back. He chuckled lightly and offered to go with me which I gladly accepted. It was silent but never awkward. We're used to walking home with the comfortable silence and nature's sound.

I wanted to tell him at this very moment about the pent up feelings in my heart but then I hesitated. Something is holding me back and that is our treasured friendship. I decided to break the silence.

"I wanted to stay by your side as long as I could" I suddenly muttered ending it with a small chuckle even though it was supposed to be "I wanted to stay by your side as long as I could knowing that you are leaving for Germany." Then he looked at me with a shocked expression, which I didn't expect. And then I told him a lie that I ever said to him.

"No, I was joking!" wait was that disappointment I saw a while ago? It was so fast that I barely got the glimpse of it but he chuckled which I joined him. His expression seemed so radiant that I could be blinded.

We continued to walk around, talking about various, and random things. But even behind that laughter we are sharing right now, my heart throbbed painfully, wanting to burst out the feeling that I kept. I held a hand to my chest only to find my heart beating wildly. We were about to head back when he suddenly called me out.


I blushed and responded with an 'hm?'  He just smiled and patted my head and went ahead of me waving his hand. I stood there, stopping the tears that are threatening to fall and stream on my face. That dork... Getting my heart worked up for a moment and breaking it afterwards. I sighed and decided to get a glimpse of the school one last time. Memories flooded my mind; the noisy halls, the morning greetings and the pranks we managed to pull off with one another! Oh how I missed them. I wonder how much I changed from my secretive, silent personality to now. With a sheepish smile, I went upstairs and stopped at the door to the classroom which used to be noisy and rampant but then fun. I took in a deep breath and opened the doors.  I walked around, gliding my hand to every desk and stopped on his desk.

"Julius... you dork..." I smiled and started drawing circles on his desk.

Then the doors gently opened once more. I turned to see who it was only to find the blonde dork that I fell for at first sight.

"Dork? Well that's a new nick name for me..." he chuckled. Hey, did you just realize that I insulted you? I thought. He walked around and stared far outside the window and my heart was racing to oblivion once again.

I need to say it.

I don't care if he'll hate me.

I don't want us to be friends anymore. The way he would always act around me and everyone... I am really desperate.

I just need to—

"Julius! I..." he turned to me so that telling me that I got his full attention. I clutched the letter inside my pocket and took it out. Holding it tightly in my hands, I bowed deep, holding out the letter which held up my feelings for him.

"I have always... always liked you! Please accept..."

I said it... I finally said it and for a moment he was shocked but then switched to his charming, warm reassuring smile as he accept my letter.

"I've been waiting, (F/N)..." I shot my head up only to be trapped in a warm embrace. Returning the hugged, tears started streaming on my face and then at that very moment... I saw the cherry blossom petals that we didn't noticed that have bloomed until now.

"I like you, Julius..."

And now I can leave and graduate with flying colors and without regrets.

(Edit: i wrote this fast so... sorry if its not good... not sorry cause im satisfied...)

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