
By kuwebby2

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An Azur Lane high school AU of sorts with me and Alex as self-inserts More

Chapter 1: Meeting
Chapter 2: Fighting
Chapter 3: A 'normal' Saturday
Chapter 4: Going on a mission
Chapter 5: Battle for the Cuddles
Chapter 6(Kansen Arc start): Vessel?
Chapter 7: Attempted Murder
Chapter 8: Saving Titanic
Chapter 10: Time Traveling Motherfucker
Chapter 11: Getting bullied and getting revenge
Chapter 12(Kansen Arc Finale): Big Reveal
Chapter 13(Intermission): Prove your worth
Chapter 14(War Arc Start): To Japan!
Chapter 15: Drifting Home
Chapter 16: Drifting Home Pt. 2
Chapter 17: Drifting Home Pt 3
Chapter 18: Prepping gone wrong
Chapter 19: Commence Operation
Chapter 20: Finishing Prep Work
Chapter 21: Give My Cousin Back
Chapter 22: Adventures in the Back...lines
Chapter 23: Failed Termination
Chapter 24: Misunderstanding and Loss
Chapter 25: Meeting the Empress
Chapter 26: Fighting the Empress
Chapter 27(War Arc Finale): Defeating Empress
Chapter 28(Pirate Arc): Waking up
Chapter 29: Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirate's Life For Me
Chapter 30: Familiar Face
Chapter 31: Spilling the Beans
Chapter 32(Semi-Finale): Death to the King
Chapter 33(Arc Finale): Home and a New Year
Chapter 34(Multiversal Arc): First sortie of 2027[1/4]
Chapter 35: Hunter meet Hunted[2/4]
Chapter 36: Get in and Grab [3/4]
Chapter 37: Done with Hurricanes? Have a Typhoon (4/4)
Chapter 38: Speaking with the Dead
Chapter 39: War of the Pranks
Chapter 40: Diplomatic Mission to China
Chapter 41: Arriving in China
Chapter 42: The Sea Shepherd Caper (1/3)
Chapter 43: The Sea Shepherd Caper (2/3)
Chapter 44: The Sea Shepherd Caper (3/3)
Chapter 45: Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 46: Chinese Human Trafficking
Chapter 47: Cold Welcome in Atlas

Chapter 9: Operation: Yamato

77 2 7
By kuwebby2

(Don't be confused by the title, this is a spin-off of sorts on the 2007-2008 campaign Sea Shepherd launched named Operation: Musashi)

General POV

Picking up where last chapter left off, Andy made his way to a table with his lunch and his fleet sitting around him. It was Monday and he, as the Second Ranked in terms of power had the honor of greeting the visiting students that morning.

Royal Student: "I say it has been nice to meet you good chap." she said, merrily.

Reich Student: "Ja, you have been most velcoming." he added.

Parliament Student: "If only our Sakuran Comrades were here." he said, "They are very enjoyable."

Andy: "It's been great to meet you all too, and I look forward to sparring with each of you when we get the chance." he said.

Andy sat down in his seat, the cafeteria absolutely packed as 4 of the 5 schools mingled with each other.

Cleveland: "This place is looking damn lively now." she noted.

Antonio Luna: "Obviously, events like these are big deals from what I've heard." she said, "They happen every year but they're the only 2 times when every school comes together."

Arizona: "It also means more people will gawk at us since these events allow the press to come onto the grounds." she said.

Georgia: "Something I don't mind.~" she said, winking at a camera man teasingly.

Said camera man fainted with a nosebleed causing Georgia to burst out laughing.

Andy: "You gotta stop doing that Georgia." he chastised.

Georgia: "Can't stop me from having fun." she replied with a shrug.

Spee scooted closer to Andy shyly. After finishing their lunches Andy walked over to the Irwin so he could fire her up for a training exercise alongside his fleet. As he did he heard the sound of an argument....and immediately groaned as he heard Rex.

Rex: "You don't belong as a Commander slave." he said, "So why don't you make like a tree, and shove off."

???: "Fuck you Rex!" she yelled back, "Just let me through!"

Rex: "Not a chance sla-!?" he starts.

Andy: "What the hell's going on over here?" he growled.

Rex froze and turned to see Andy glaring at him.

Rex: "N-nothing...." he stuttered.

Andy: "That's what I thought Rex, get outta here." he basically ordered.

Rex scrambled away as the unknown girl sized Andy up. He had changed his attire since coming into contact with Irwin and replicated her outfit, changing the skirt with a pair of pants and adding on a pair of black Nikes.

The girl before him was about as tall as his chest, her clothes were entirely black, the Sea Shepherd logo on a pair of shorts, a hoodie with the name 'Ady Gil' over her chest, below it a white shirt with the name 'Earthrace', her hair was pitch black under a cap with 2 wing-like protrusions resembling her pontoons and her main bridge section.

Ady Gil: "O-oh you own the-?" she started.

Andy: "I'm Commander Andy, yes I own the Steve Irwin." he said, "I assume you're the Ady Gil."

Ady Gil: "Mhm! It's nice to meet you sir." she said.

Andy: "Nice to meet you too kid." he said with a nod, "Where's your Commander?"

Ady Gil: "I am my own Commander." she said, "I'm the first Kansen Commander and my classmates at Sakura always bully me about it."

Andy: "Oh, you're Sakuran, I'm supposed to greet you guys, but if worse comes to worse, you'll have a place sailing alongside me and my a fellow Commander of course." he offered.

Ady Gil: "That would be great!" she said, cheerfully, "My fleet will arrive in a few days time and I hope they get along with your fleet."

Andy: "Ah that's nothing to worry about, if Akagi behaves it'll be smooth sailing." he stated, waving her concerns off, "Anyway, if that's all, you can meet me on the Steve Irwin later, I'll catch you up on a few things."

Ady Gil: "Ok, sounds good." she said.

Ady walked off to the cafeteria as Andy went to the Admiral's office, he was contemplating telling Ady that he was Irwin's host. When he got there he was allowed in by Lieutenant Dave but heard the Admiral arguing over the phone.

Admiral Emily: "I know it's a part of your history but seeing the current state of the world it's a stupid part of history!" she yelled, a pause to hear the other person on the phone, "I'm not looking over something I already opposed to!"

Andy: "What's going on?" he whispered.

Lieutenant Dave: "The Sakuran Admiral wants to continue whaling because of the fact he is a very traditional man." he whispered back, "Everyone else is opposing so he's getting a little desperate."

Andy nodded as the Admiral finally slammed the phone against the wall enraged at the thick-headed Admiral on the phone. When she finally looked at who came in she composed herself and calmed down.

Admiral Emily: "Yes Andy?" she asked.

Andy: " of the Sakuran's just came in, Ady Gil." he said, "I was gonna ask permission to tell her about my condition but uh....well..."

Admiral Emily: "Oh is that all?" she asked, "It's fine to tell her, she's a sweetheart and a good girl."

Andy: " sound like you say that from experience..." he said.

Admiral Emily: "She's my niece." she stated, "She's as harmful as a butterfly, in other words, not at all."

Andy: "Oh....ok, I'll tell her when I next get the chance." he said, getting ready to leave.

The Admiral nodded as her other phone rang.

As Andy made his way to the cafeteria to talk with Ady he saw a group of 4 ships sail into harbor.....all of whom familiar.

Andy: "Oh fuck..." he cussed.

Coming into harbor was the rest of the Japanese Whaling fleet 3 Harpoon Ships (Yushin Maru 1-3) and a Factory Ship (Nisshin Maru). Andy felt Irwin take partial control and glare at the whalers wanting to order Georgia to sink them right there and then.

Andy: "Easy Irwin..." he said.

Steve Irwin: "Those bastards are gonna try breaking the law again!" she yelled.

Andy rolled his eyes....before registering that he was talking to Irwin.

Andy: "Wait a minute..." he trailed off.

Steve Irwin: "Yup....this is earlier than I expected." she replied, not the least bit shocked, "Now can you please do something about them!?"

Andy shook his head and walked over to their dock to greet them, slightly angry. Andy walked up to the Nisshin Maru as its Captain walked down.

Hiroshi: "Kon'nichiwa down there." he greeted, "I'm Commander Hiroshi Ogawa, son of the former captain of this ship, are you the Commander sent to greet us?"

Andy: "Yeah, Commander Andy, nice to meet you." he said, hiding his anger as he bowed down at 90 degrees in respect.

Hirsohi did the same, but as they rose again the 2 men glared at each other, no doubt he noticed Andy's Sea Shepherd logos.

Steve Irwin: "Bastard." she said.

Andy could only agree.

Andy: "So," he said, hiding his anger once again, "I shall see you around and when your fleets arrive I shall challenge you to a duel."

Hiroshi: "Hai." he said, following Andy's example.

The duo split up and Andy walked back to his base muttering some very unpleasant things about the Nisshin Maru.

Antonio Luna: "Yikes..." she said, Andy having passed her and the rest of his fleet.

Georgia: "What's wrong with him?" she asked.

Akagi: "The Sakurans arrived." she said.

Cleveland: "They probably brought the Whaling Fleet with them and seeing as he owns the ship who fought them multiple times....well you can see where that's going." she added.

Georgia: "Ah..." she trailed off, "Should we intervene?"

Graf Spee: "Kommandant just needs some space." she said, "Most likely if nothing else goes wrong he'll be back to normal in no time."

Sadly, something went wrong. Andy was casually eating Dinner in the cafeteria, all was going well and Andy was unwinding from the confrontation earlier, Ady was working on her ship, Alex was...nowhere to be seen, and the fleets were fast was of course at this exact moment that feedback screeched over a speaker.

Hiroshi: "Hello Azur High!" he yelled, "I am Hiroshi Ogawa of Empire High, my purpose today is to promote the upcoming return of Commercial Whaling!"

Andy's right, glowing eye twitched.

Hiroshi: "Next month, me and my fleet of ships shall descend into the Southern Ocean and hunt down at least 1,000 whales!" he announced, "There'll be no one left to stop us since Sea Shepherd is too busy with IUU fishing!"

Andy started giving off a murderous aura which made most of the Commanders give him a wide berth. The Admiral was trying to step in and stop him but he wasn't listening, reluctantly the Admiral let Andy do the talking.

Hiroshi: "But, I call for any challengers, who shall prevent the march of history-!" he started.

He was cut off however when Andy slammed his hands on his desk.

Andy: "I challenge this so-called march of history." he said, "In fact, I have a way to settle this bullcrap."

Hiroshi: "You bend over and help us?" he asked, hopefully.

Andy: "No, I propose a game." he said.

The next day, since class was suspended for the week, Andy and Hiroshi stood side-by-side overlooking the ocean, the other Sakurans were with Hiroshi, Ady was on Andy's side and everyone else watched the tense scene.

Andy: "Here's the deal, we have 2 small, wooden, Filipino island-hopping boats, both are roughly the size of a small Minke." he explained.

Hiroshi: "Go on." he said.

Andy: "If the Yushin's can track down and bring all 3 to the Nishin's slipway then I'll let you pass on to the Southern Ocean, no contest, but if I prevent even a single one of those boats from reaching that slaughterhouse of a ship, you will have to deal with the Battleship Georgia on your way to Antarctica." he threatened.

As if to accentuate his claim, Georgia sailed into view, her 6x 18 inch guns shining in the sunlight.

Hiroshi: "That is a-uh.....very strong bluff." he said, nervously.

Andy: "Oh it isn't a bluff." he growled.

Hiroshi: " that escalated." he said.

Andy: "Believe me ya bastard, this is me playing nice." he said, "Now, ya taking the deal or am I sinking ya right here right now?"

Georgia's guns aimed at the Nishin while Luna locked onto the Yushins to further pressure them.

Hiroshi: "A-alright, we'll play your game!" he yelled.

Andy: "Good, the game starts at twilight." he said, "the boats'll go out and start running around and your hunting grounds are limited to the Hawaiian Island chain. If you can't find one of the boats, which are unable to go out of bounds, you still lose. This shall all end by the end of the week."

Hiroshi: "Sounds fair..." he said.

Andy: "Oh! And one more thing, if I win, an I hear Ady is being bullied at your school I swear to God I'm gonna sail over there and whoop your ass myself." he threatened.

Hiroshi: "....a-also fair..." he stuttered.

At about 4:27 pm, the tourist boats sailed out and ran off in random directions, the Whaling fleet departed an hour later, then the Irwin and the Ady.

The 2 Conservation ships broke off, both searching for the Nishin to get behind the slipway or otherwise block the boats from being brought aboard.

Andy: "Hey Ady, when we get back to Azur, wanna have a spar?" he asked, "This should be enough time for your fleet to arrive."

Ady Gil: "A friendly spar sounds nice Steve." she said.

Andy nodded, already making a game plan for the week as he searched for the Nishin. The next couple of days and nights consisted of Irwin and Ady combatting the 3 Yushins, Shonan escorting the Nishin, and the Nishin doing nothing.

The 3 island-hopping boats constantly eluded the Yushins, nimbly ducking into shallow rivers and into caves.

Yushin Maru 1 Captain: "Is that allowed?!" he demanded on the first day.

Andy: "If the whales can submerge to avoid your harpoons, the boats can take advantage of their size and speed." he replied simply.

Ady giggled as she listened in while scouting for the Nishin and the Shonan.

On the 3rd day Yushin Maru 3 caught a 'Whale'....unknown to him, Ady was nearby and tailed him to the Nisshin, and just before they could start the transfer Ady used the bow and arrow Pete Bethune left in her to shoot the lines connecting the 2 craft together.

(Bethune brought a bow and a quiver of poison-tipped arrows to poison the whale meat so the whalers couldn't take the whale in the Ady Gil's first and only action as a Sea Shepherd)

Yushin Maru 3 Captain: "FUCK!!" he cussed, "The Ady's behind me!"

Andy: "Ady, position." he requested.

Ady Gil: "I'm just North of Oahu, hurry!" she said as she started stalling.

Andy: "On my way! Hang in there kid!" he yelled.

Andy gunned the Irwin's engines and raced towards the Northern tip of Oahu, thankfully he was nearby.

Steve Irwin: "C'mon Andy, let's get them!" she yelled.

Andy: "I get the memo Irwin!" he yelled back.

Meanwhile the Nishin fled desperately as the Shonan and Yushin 3 hatched a plan, they came side-by-side with the Ady in between them with obvious intentions.

Ady, seeing this, gunned it, the 2 Whalers were close enough that their bow wakes were interfering with each other giving Ady a very rough ride.

Ady Gil: "Damn assholes." she cursed under her breath.

Just before the 2 ships collided with each other Ady barely scraped through and behind the Nishin's slipway, holding the fort so the Irwin could catch up.

Ady Gil: "C'mon big guy, where are ya?" she asked.

Andy: "I'm a few minutes away, hold on." he said.

When Andy hung up the Whalers tried getting into Ady's head.

Yushin Maru 3 Captain: "C'mon little Gil, you're not gonna win, so let me through." he purred, dangerously, "We'll stop bullying with you in time, just let us through."

Rex: "Yeah, just let us have this." he added on.

Hiroshi: "We'll give you your berth back." he finished, "Just get out of the way."

Ady Gil: "N-no!" she yelled, "I refuse to step aside and let my entire reason for living be desecrated!"

Rex: "Oh please, that stupid old Patrol boat and his 'noble' cause just hinder progress." he said, "Besides you're just an overglorified race boat in over her head, now abandon your post and let me win against that Stupid, Old, Slow, Outdated, Piece of Scra-?!"

The Shonan proceeded to get rammed out of the way and create a domino effect with Yushin 3. Irwin is revealed to have done the honors.

Steve Irwin: "I may be old, I may be slow, and I may be outdated, but one thing I'm not is stupid!" she yelled in Andy's body.

Ady Gil: "Andy!" she celebrated.

Steve Irwin: "Steve Irwin to you little missy, now keep these buggers pff my ass." she ordered.

Ady Gil: "Yes ma'am!" she saluted, breaking off and allowing Irwin into the saddle.

Rex and Yushin 3's captain growled but were kept at bay by the Gemini, the Delta, Ady, and her Jet-ski. Hiroshi growled knowing the Irwin wasn't gonna be swayed, so he called in everything he had left, knowing he only had a day left.

Hiroshi: "Yushins 1 and 2, sink the Irwin!" he ordered.

Yushin Maru 1 Captain: "Yes sir!" he saluted.

Yushin Maru 2 Captain: "I'm on a boat's tail!" she yelled, "I'll come back with it tied up!"

Hiroshi: "Hurry then!" he yelled, hanging up.

Irwin was glued to the Nishin's tail and kept pace easily, the other Yushins took a few hours to get there, Yushin 2 having a boat tied to her port side. Yushin 3 raced ahead as the other smaller ships were busied by Shonan, the 3 kill ships started trying to ram Irwin out of the way.

But each time they tried Irwin aggressively maneuvered and defended her spot, making sure not to give too much distance or turn too sharply and give them any room to transfer. The Yushins started getting angrier and angrier and started getting riled up, starting to play chicken with themselves and Irwin.

Irwin however won...all the times, she kept them back and if pushed she would shove back. Anyway, she stalled for hours on end, finally the Yushins backed off seeing as Irwin was unable to be moved.

Hiroshi: "Lazy...fucking....COWARDS!! Sink that stupid fucking patrol ship!" he ordered, before yelling cusses in Japanese.

Steve Irwin: "Give it up kid, you've got a few hours left." she said, "Let this end, now!"

Hiroshi: "Never!" he yelled back, "Rex, sink the Ady Gil!"

The Shonan turned to do just that and Ady ran for her life, is what Rex thought had happened, instead Ady ran towards the Delta and watched as the Security Ship ran head first into a prop fowling line which brought it to a stop.

Hiroshi: "NO!!" he yelled.

The Yushins continued trying to break through to the slipway as the Sea Shepherds continued to not give an inch. Soon the time was up signaled by the Admiral on the radio.

Admiral Emily: "TIMES UP!! Return to Azur now!" she ordered.

Rex: "No! No they didn't just win!" he yelled.

Hiroshi: "NOOO!!!!!" he cried.

Andy: "Yes ma'am!" he laughed, ignoring the Whalers as he hung up, "We did it Irwin!"

Steve Irwin: "HAHA!! SUCK IT BITCHES!! WHOO!!!" she laughed.

Andy gave 3 long blasts of Irwin's horn as Ady celebrated by running circles around the Patrol Ship which recovered its boats and helicopter.

Ady Gil: "WE DID IT!! WE DID IT!! WE DID IT!! WE DID IT!!!" she celebrated.

Irwin chuckled at Ady's childishness.

Andy: "C'mon kid, let's go, and stay close to me." he said.

Ady Gil: "You got it sir." she smiled.

The victorious Sea Shepherds sailed back to Azur to a hero's welcome and were allowed into their berths alongside the Alaskan Crabbers. The Whalers came into dock, humiliated and afraid of the Shepherds.

Andy: "Phew....what a rush." he sighed.

Ady Gil: "Mhm." she hummed.

Cleveland: "Sounds like you had a good game." she noted.

Andy: "You can say that Cleve." he replied.

Georgia: "Good job beating some sense into the Japs sir." she said.

Graf Spee: "Mhm!" she hummed, giving him a thumbs up.

Admiral Hipper: "Good job...Dummkompf." she pouted.

A little later, after the entire school blew Andy's and Ady's heads to the size of Jupiter and the duo deflated themselves to regular size, the duo met in Irwin's bridge.

Ady Gil: "What'd you wanna talk about Andy?" she asked.

Andy: "Well, when I first met you, you were gawking over I decided you should meet her again." he said.

Ady Gil: "How?" she asked.

Andy: "'re not unique in being a kansen Commander....I'm the vessel of the Steve Irwin." he said.

Ady looked at him shocked as hell.

Ady Gil: "Really?!" she exclaimed.

Andy: "Yeah, my hair isn't usually in this weird color, and it's not dye." he explained, "Anyway, enough dillydallying, Irwin?"

Steve Irwin: "Hi Ady." she greeted, taking control of Andy's body.

Ady covered her mouth before running and crashing into Irwin in happy tears.

Ady Gil: "It's been so long Irwin..." she sniffled, "I missed you..."

Steve Irwin: "I missed you too Ady." she said, hugging her back.

The screen cuts to black on the wholesome scene.

A/N: I tried my best, dieHero, it's your turn.

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