You're Broken (Dracoxreader)

Par anx10usdraco

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Y/n Hale is a transfer student from Beauxbatons, joining Hogwarts her 4th year. Trouble comes along when she... Plus

Read before starting story!
Update! Please read!
T W E N T Y - O N E
T W E N T Y - T W O
T W E N T Y - T H R E E
T W E N T Y - F O U R
T W E N T Y - F I V E
Important Please read
T W E N T Y - S I X
T W E N T Y - S E V E N
T W E N T Y - E I G H T
T W E N T Y - N I N E
T H I R T Y - O N E
T H I R T Y - T W O
T H I R T Y - T H R E E
T H I R T Y - F O U R
T H I R T Y - F O U R

T H I R T Y - F I V E

515 16 18
Par anx10usdraco



I hurriedly turned the corner into the door leading me to where Severus laid.

"No! No.. No" I said hearing footsteps behind me.

I kneeled down next to Severus and placed my hand on the cut on his neck applying pressure.

"You're gonna be're gonna be okay" I repeated.

I saw tears rolling down his face.

"Take- Take them- please" he said.

Harry kneeled down next to me as he heard what Severus said.

"Give me something!" I yelled.

"Quickly, A flask, anything" Harry said.

Hermione began searching through her bag before retrieving a small vial. Harry grabbed the vial and put it up toward Severus face and began collecting his tears.

"Take them to the pensieve" Severus said.

"Look at me" he told Harry.

Harry did as told and looked at Severus.

"You have your mothers eyes" he said.

He turned to look at me.

"Severus no.. don't go please" I said crying.

"Please don't leave me" I cried.

"You- you have my daughters eyes" he said looking at me.

He took a last breathe before looking away, no longer struggling to breathe, completely still, and no longer here.

"No! No! Severus! Look at me! Please!" I yelled.

"Y/n-," I heard Hermione say.

"No! You cant-," I cried.

"Y/n-," Draco said.

I continued to cry as I held onto Severus' still body.

"You cant leave me" I cried.

"You cant leave me too" I muttered.

"Y/n-," I heard Draco say, now feeling a hand on my shoulder.

"He's gone y/n...we have to go, we have to finish this for him, for everyone" Harry said.

Draco helped me up, holding me as I attempted to settle down.

As we were about to exit the room, we felt a gush of wind, hearing the water move, before we heard it.

"You have fought valiantly, but in vain, I do not wish this every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste" We heard Voldemort say.

"I therefore command my forces to retreat, in their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity" he said.

"Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you, on this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather than face me yourself, there is no greater dishonor" he said.

"Y/n Hale, bring him to me, bring me Harry Potter, Join me in the forbidden forest and confront your fate Harry Potter, if you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child, who tried to conceal you from me," he said.

The voice stopped, Harry and I now staring at one another.

"Let's get back to the castle" Hermione said.

I continued to settle down, still feeling a lump in my throat and a wrenching feeling in my stomach. I wanted to scream, cry, break everything in my way.

The one real parent figure I had...gone.

We made our way back to the castle seeing no one.

"Where is everybody? Hermione asked.

We looked around for some time before walking into the castle, into the great hall.

We found everyone, some healing each other, others sitting with a blank stare.

Draco held onto me as we walked deeper into the great hall.

I felt him let go once he saw Ron react.

"What is it? Ron?" He said.

"Weasley answer me!" he said worried.

Ron began to speed up causing Draco to follow along.

I followed behind before I saw it, I covered my mouth as I gasped in horror.

Fred's body.

The Weasley's all holding onto one another as they cried.

George holding onto his brothers body and hearing his cries pour out. I saw as Draco kneeled next to George putting his hand on his shoulder.

George looking at Draco and hugging him tightly. Draco beginning to cry over one of his best friends being gone.

They stood up and hugged Ron. I stood next to Harry as we looked over next to them.

Professor Lupin and Tonks.

"Draco- Draco- it's Tonks" I said.

He turned to look at Tonks body before looking back at me and breaking down once again, getting comforted by Mrs. Weasley.

I looked at Harry and he looked at me, we shared a look for a few seconds before we both knew.

We knew what he had to go finish.

We began walking toward Severus' office to find the pensieve.

Once inside the pensieve showed itself to us, Harry lifted it as it floated toward the desk in the middle of the room.

Harry poured in Severus' tears before looking at me.

"Follow me" he said.

We grabbed onto the pensieve and put our head into it.

Hearing voices and seeing a whirl of blue and black before an image appeared before us.

Two girls stood before us. One sticking out her hand and a flower blooming.

"Freak! Come here, I'm gonna tell mummy! You're a freak! You're a freak Lily!" One of the girls said.

"Lily? Harry your mum" I said.

A young boy appeared coming out of a tree causing the other girl to run away. He lift up a piece of grass and floated it towards Lily.

Another image came up of them two.

"She's jealous, cause she's ordinary and you're special" the boy said.

"That's mean Severus" Lily said.

"Severus-,"  I said.

"Harry- that's-," I mumbled out.

The pair continued to lay on the grass as the memories began to show us the lake in front of them.

The image disappeared and another showed.

"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat said as it was placed onto Lily's head.

She gave a smile to Severus before he watched her go to the Gryffindor table and meet a boy named James.

Another image appeared of the pair walking down the halls of Hogwarts and James and his friend pushing through them causing Severus to drop his books.

"Just like your father, lazy, arrogant" I heard Severus say in the background.

"Don't say a word against my father" I heard Harry's voice say in the background.

Another image appeared of Harry's parents kissing.

"Blood shall be split and servant and master shall be reunited once more" I heard in the background.

We saw Voldemort in the memories.

"Severus" he said.

"No. Don't kill me" I heard Severus say as the image changed to Severus.

The image changed again to him on what seemed like the edge of a cliff.

"The prophecy did not refer to a woman, It spoke about a boy born at the end of the July" Dumbledore said as he appeared.

"Yes, but it's her son! He intends to hunt them down and kill them, Hide him... hide them all, I beg you!" Severus said.

"What would you give me in exchange, Severus?" Dumbledore said.

"Was he really bargaining your families life..." I mumbled.

"Anything" Severus said.

The image changed to a broke down house.

"Harry... Harry, you are so loved" I heard his mom say.

It must have been nice to know you were loved, I thought to myself.

The image changed to show baby Harry in his crib.

"Harry, mama loves you, Dadda loves you" she said.

"Harry, be safe, Be strong" his mom said.

"Avada Kedavra!" We heard Voldemort voice say as it showed Harry's mom get hit with the curse as she screamed out in pain.

It showed Severus back at Hogwarts with Dumbledore.

"You said you would keep her safe.." Severus said.

"Lily and James...put their faith in the wrong person, Severus, Rather like you, The boy survived," Dumbledore said.

"He doesn't need protection the Dark Lord is gone" Severus said.

"The Dark Lord will return, And when he does, the boy will be in terrible danger!" Dumbledore said.

"He has her eyes, If you truly loved her..." Dumbledore said.

"No one, can know" Severus said.

The image changed to him standing outside a house.

"I shall never reveal the best of you, Severus" Dumbledore's voice said.

"Your word?" Severus said.

The image changed to Harry getting sorted.

"When you risk your life every day to protect the boy?" Dumbledore said.

"He possesses no measurable talent, his arrogance rivals that of his father's and he seems to relish in his fame..." Severus said.

"Don't say a word against my father!" I heard Harry's voice say.

"James Potter, lazy, arrogant" Severus' voice said.

The image changed to Severus going up stairs and seeing James body.

"My father was a great man!" Harry's voice said.

"Your father was a swine!" Severus said.

The image changed to Dumbledore holding a ring then again to when Severus and I tried to help Harry with hiding his memories.

The room changed back to Dumbledore and Severus.

"Drink it, it will contain the curse to your hand, for the time being" Severus said.

"It will spread, Albus" Severus said.

"How long?" Dumbledore said.

"Maybe a year" Severus said before standing up to leave.

"Don't ignore me, Severus, We both know Lord Voldemort has ordered the Malfoy boy and Hale girl to murder me, But should they fail, I should presume the Dark Lord will turn to you" Dumbledore said.

The image changed to when Draco was caught during Slughorn's party and Severus and I pulled him away to speak to him then it changed back Severus and Dumbledore.

"You must be the one to kill me, Severus, It is the only way, Only then, will the Dark Lord trust you completely" Dumbledore said.

The image changed to Dumbledore's death before switching back.

"There will come a time, when Harry Potter, must be told something, But you must wait, until Voldemort is at his most vulnerable" Dumbledore said.

"Must be told what?" Severus said.

The image changed to Severus in the house again.

"On the night Lord Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry... and Lily Potter cast herself between them...the curse rebounded" Dumbledore said.

"When that happened, a part of Voldemort's soul...latched itself onto the only living thing it could find...Harry himself" Dumbledore said.

"There's a reason Harry can speak with snakes...There's a reason he can look into Lord Voldemort's mind...A part of Voldemort lives inside him" Dumbledore said.

"So, when the time comes...the boy must die?" Severus said.

"Yes. Yes he must die" Dumbledore said.

The image showed Severus falling toward the wall as he saw Lily's body on the floor. He grabbed onto her body as he cried.

"You've kept him alive so that he can die at the proper moment, you've been raising him like a pig for slaughter" Severus said.

"Don't tell me now that you've grown to care for the boy?" Dumbledore asked.

"Expecto Patronum" Severus said as he waved his wand and his Patronus came out of his wand and out a window.

"Lily? After all this time?" Dumbledore said.

"Always" Severus said.

The image changed to Harry in the woods finding the Patronus.

"So when the time comes, the boy must die" we heard again.

"Yes, he must die and Voldemort himself must do it" Dumbledore said.

"But Harry's not the only one" Dumbledore said.

"No," Severus said as he shook his head.

Dumbledore nodded as he looked at Severus.

"No! I won't allow it, she can't," Severus said before walking out.

"You cant stop what needs to happen Severus!" Dumbledore yelled.

The image changed to Severus at the Ministry getting papers.

"You won't be alone anymore" I heard his voice say.

I felt as tears began to fill my eyes.

The image changed again to his office to him and I. He pulled the papers out and placed them on the table as I walked toward the table.

I looked at the memory and caught a glimpse of the papers seeing a big letter A.

It was right before Harry had come back. I immediately headed out of the office ignoring the papers leaving them on the table and I watched Severus put them back in a cabinet.

The memory ended as we both pulled our heads out.

"You have my daughters eyes" Harry said.

"What.." I said looking at him.

He moved to the table and searched the cabinet where the papers were sitting in before flashing them toward me.

"You have my daughters eyes" he repeated as I approached him to read the papers.

The big letter A followed with a D.

"Adoption papers..." I whispered.

"Severus wanted to...he wanted to adopt me" I mumbled.

I felt Harry wrap his hands around me and sit me down as I struggled to stand from what I had learned.

The only person who was ever a father to me was no longer here and all of it was Voldemorts fault.

I felt my body want to give up but I stood back up.

"Y/n you should sit even if it's for a bit" Harry said.

"No" I went over to the table and grabbed a quill and signed the papers before I folded them and placed them inside my pocket.

"This is over now. He wants me, he's going to get me" I said with a blank expression on my face.

Harry nodded in agreement with what I said.

"I'm going too" he said.

"It's the only way they'll be safe" Harry said.

"Well then, he must still believe I'm under the Imperius curse, I can make it seem like I was following orders and taking you to him" I said.

"Well then you're gonna need this" he said going back to the cabinet and pulling out a vial.

"No" I said.

"But y/n, you know you need it" he said.

"Not this time Harry, not anymore, I'm going to accept it this time, it's time" I said.

Harry hesitated but nodded and we began making our way back toward the entrance.

We spotted Hermione, Ron and Draco sitting on the steps and they stood up as we walked towards them.

"Where have you been?" Hermione asked.

"We thought you went to the forest, we had to grab Draco from going" Ron said.

"You disappeared from the great hall, I couldn't let you go to the forest" Draco said.

"I-I can't lose you too" he said.

"We're going there the forest," I said.

"Are you mad?" Ron asked.

"No...You can't give yourself up to him" Draco said.

"What is it, Harry?" Hermione said.

"What is it you know?" Draco said.

"There is a reason I can hear them, The Horcruxes, I think I've known for a while And I think you have, too" Harry said.

"And y/n her own connection to him.. she needs to come too" Harry said.

"I'll go with you" Hermione said as tears filled her eyes.

"No, no y/n you can't" Draco said.

"Kill the snake, Kill the snake, and it's just him!" Harry said.

"There must be another way!" Draco yelled.

"You're not-," Draco said.

"He killed Severus, Draco!" I yelled.

"This is the only way to get rid of him, and I'm going to make him pay, kill the snake, make this all worth it," I said.

Draco hugged me and wouldn't let go.

"No, you're not going" he said.

"Draco please" I said trying to push him off.

"Ron, help" I said.

Ron began pulling Draco back, fully taking him off of me, still grabbing him back as he tried to grab ahold of me again as Harry and I began walking away.

"Y/n! No! I love you! Please No!" He yelled.

We made it to the forest and we stopped before we saw Voldemort.

Harry pulled out a golden snitch and I watched as words appeared on it.

"I'm ready to die" he said before placing it on his lips.

The snitch opened and a stone came out of it. The closer I looked the better I recognized it.

"Resurrection Stone" I mumbled.

Harry looked at me and back at the stone before breaking it in half.

"Here" he said handing me a half.

He placed it on my palm and we both closed our palms as we held our pieces and closed our eyes for a few seconds before opening them back up and seeing them stand in front of us.

Harry's parents, Remus, and Severus.

Harry went toward his mom and I toward Severus.

"Sev-Dad" I said.

"You've been brave" he said.

"You've been so brave, sweetheart" Harry's mom told him.

"Why are you here?" Harry and I asked.

"All of you" we said.

"We never left" they said.

I looked at Severus.

"I found the papers" I said pulling them out of my pocket.

"I signed them see" I said pointing at my signature.

"I signed them, I'm- I'm your daughter" I cried.

"You said I wouldn't be alone anymore, you said-," I cried.

Harry put an arm around my shoulder.

"Does...Does it hurt? Dying?" Harry asked.

"Quicker than falling asleep" James responded.

"You're nearly there, son" James said.

"I'm sorry" Harry said.

"I never wanted any of you to die for me" Harry said.

"Severus, I- I never meant for it to happen... for you to leave y/n" Harry said.

"And, Remus, your son?" Harry said.

"Others will tell him what his mother and father died for, One day, he'll understand" Remus said.

"You'll stay with me?" Harry said looking at his parents and I said looking at Severus.

"Until the end" Severus and James said.

"And he won't be able to see you?" Harry asked.

"No" Remus said.

"We're here, you see" Remus said pointing at Harry's heart.

"Stay close to me" I said to Severus

"Stay close to me" Harry said looking at his parents.

"Always," Lily and Severus said told us.

Harry and I looked at one another before we opened our palms and let the pieces of stone fall back down.

I put the papers back into my pocket as we looked straight ahead.

"It's time" we both said.

I grabbed onto Harry from his jacket and pulled him forward to where Voldemort was.

We found him. His back was turned to us but he slowly turned his head to see us. Other death eaters were there with him and they had Hagrid.

"Y/n? How could you! What are you doing here Harry" He yelled.

"I've brought Harry potter to you my lord" I said.

"Well done, for once the Malfoy family did something right" Voldemort said facing at Lucius.

He turned back at us.

"Harry Potter...The boy who lived....come to die" he said.

"Avada kedavra!" He yelled as the spell hit Harry causing him to go limp.

Voldemort looked over at me.

"And you, my weapon, you did a great job at bringing him to me but I no longer need of you" he said.

I stared back at him. I knew what was coming. I was ready.

"Avada kedavra" he said.

The curse hitting my body.

Plenty of times has it hit me, but this one felt different.

I felt myself let go.

The room was white and I was laying on the floor.

A figure appearing in front of me that I couldn't make out for a few seconds.

Once I did I could tell who it was.


"Lyra?" I said.

She nodded.

"I'm not the only one" she said before looking behind me.

I turned around to see Severus standing there.

"D-Dad" I said getting up and running to him.

I hugged him and felt him hug me back.

I felt myself get filled with joy once again as I hugged him.

"Y/n you did great" he said.

"You did amazing" he said.

"Lyra why are you here" I said as I let go of the hug.

"To pick you up of course" she said.

"Pick me up?" I said.

"It's time y/n" Lyra said.

I looked at her and over at Severus as I nodded.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Where do you think we are?" She asked.

"I'm not quite sure" I said looking around.

"Very well then, you did a good job" she said.

"Wait-if it's my time- what- what about Draco" I asked.

Behind her the room changed to show Draco, Hermione, and Ron.

Ron was still grabbing onto Draco from running off to find us.

"You cant go Draco" Hermione said.

"Yes I can! I cant let them go by themselves" he said.

"They have to do this, only them mate" Ron said.

"No! That's not- I saw her, I saw her get hit with the curse" Draco said.

"You saw her?" Hermione said.

"Yes! The bond we share let's me, she's hurt, let me go!" He yelled.

"Draco-I can't" Ron said.

"Oh.. Draco" I mumbled.

"He'll understand one day" Lyra said.

I felt Severus put his hand on my shoulder.

"You used the potion I left you correct?" He said.

"I may have ignored it" I said.

He looked at me with a shocked expression.

"Y/n, you can't go back without it, you can't revive" he said.

"I know, I know what I did" I said.

"How could you...leave someone you care for" he said.

"I would have rather it not been the Malfoy boy.. but he clearly cares for you" he said.

"It was time, it was my time" I said.

"When I found Lily...I thought losing her would have been the greatest loss...but seeing how you were before I left...that was my greatest loss" he said.

"You don't abandon those you love and care for if you can prevent it, you should have taken that potion" he said.

"It's too late now" I said.

I looked at Lyra who nodded.

"I'm here now, with you dad" I said.

He looked as though he hesitated to speak.

"And you'll never be alone, not again" he said as he placed his hand on my head.


I arrived to a white room laying on the floor, I stood up and looked around before I saw something bloody under a bench.

"You can't help..." I heard Professor Dumbledore say.

"Harry, you're a wonderful boy...You brave, brave man! Let us walk" he said.

"Professor, what is that?" I asked.

"Something beyond either of our help, A part of Voldemort sent here to die" Dumbledore said.

"And exactly where are we?" I asked.

"I was gonna ask you that, Where would you say where we are?" Dumbledore asked.

"Well, it looks like King's Cross station...Only cleaner and without all the trains" I said.

"King's Cross, is that right? This is as they say, 'your' party" Dumbledore said.

"I expect you now realize that you and Voldemort have been connected by something other than fate, Since that night at Godric's Hollow all those years ago" Dumbledore said.

"So it's true then, sir, A part of him lives within me, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Did, It's been just destroyed many moments ago by none other than Voldemort himself" he said.

"And y/n, is she okay?" I asked.

Professor Dumbledore only looked at me.

"I'd say she's reunited with Severus at this moment" He said.

"Severus? She's got hit with the curse as well...she didn't drink her potion Professor" I said.

"Her connection with Voldemort was similar but she was different, she had a master and servant connection Harry" Dumbledore said.

"When she gave you to him, her job was done, she was of no need to Tom anymore" He said.

"You, two were the Horcrux's he never meant to make, Harry, you were unfortunate to have it happened to and she was made in the midst of training" Dumbledore said.

"I have to go back, haven't I?" Harry said.

"Oh, that's up to you" Dumbledore said.

"I've got a choice? And y/n?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, and for y/n it would be harder but if she wants to go she can" he said.

"We're in King's Cross, you say, I think if so decide, you'll be able to board a train" he said sitting down on a bench.

"And where will it take me?" I asked.

"On" he said standing up and beginning to walk further.

"Voldemort has the Elder Wand? And the snake is still alive?" I said.

"Yes, true" he said.

"And I've nothing to kill it with?" I said.

"Help will always be given at Hogwarts, Harry, to those who ask for it, I've always prided myself on my ability to turn a phrase" he said.

"Words are, in my not so humble opinion almost inexhaustible source of magic capable of inflicting injury and remedies" he said.

"But I would in this case amend my original statement to this: Help, will always be given at Hogwarts, to those who deserve it, do not pity the dead, Harry... pity the living and above all...
all those who live without love" He said.

"Professor, my mother's Patronus was a doe, wasn't it? As the same as Professor Snape's, It's curious, don't you think?" I said.

"Actually, if I think about doesn't seem curious at all! I'll be going now, Harry" he said.

"Professor? Is this all real? Or is it just happening inside my head?" I asked.

"Of course it's happening inside your head, Harry, Why should that mean, that it's not real?" He replied before walking again.

"Professor? What should I do? Professor" I said with no reply.

I heard the chimes of a train coming to my left.


I had accepted the fact that my time had come.

I held onto Severus as Lyra was leading the way.

"Are you sure Draco will understand one day?" I said.

"I'm sure he will" Lyra said.

I heard a loud sound coming from behind me causing me to stop.

"Y/n!" I heard.

"Harry?" I said.

I heard the chimes from a train coming toward as it stopped next to us and Harry came out.

"Y/n!" he said.

"You didn't think I was gonna leave one of my best mates here did you" he said

I looked at Lyra and Severus before looking back at Harry.

Severus gave me a comforting look to let me know it was okay.

I hugged him.

"You were right dad, I'll never be alone again" I said letting go.

"I have everyone waiting for me" I said.

"And you'll have me waiting here in case anything goes wrong" he said.

I smiled before give him one last hug.

"It's not my time Lyra, I have to go back" I said.

I ran towards Harry.

"You're not alone y/n, you'll always have me" he said.

I hugged him before we boarded back into the train.

"Going back for Draco" he said mockingly. 

"Oh shut it" I said.

I felt the wind hit my body like it did before I got hit.

I didn't move as I heard footsteps coming closer toward me.

"Dead" I heard.

"And the girl" I heard.

The footsteps came closer.

"Are you alive, y/n are u alive" I heard Narcissa whisper.

I slowly nodded.

"Dead" she said.
I felt someone pick up my body and carry me as they walked.

I couldn't tell where we were going but I didn't risk opening my eyes to check.

I heard footsteps come closer as I felt them stop walking.

"Who is that? Hagrid's carrying" I heard Ginny say.

"Where's y/n, is that her?" I heard Draco say.

"Neville who is it, where are they both" Ginny said.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort said.

"No! No!" I heard Ginny yell.

"Silence!" Voldemort said.

"Where's y/n!" Draco yelled.

"Oh right! My silly little weapon" Voldemort said.

I felt myself get thrown onto the ground getting an immense pain on my arm as I hit the ground. I didn't let myself move although my pain increased.

"No!" Draco yelled.

"Stupid girl, no longer needed" Voldemort said.

"They're both dead" Voldemort said laughing.

"From this day forward you put your faith in me" He said.

"Harry Potter is dead" Voldemort said.

I heard an uproar from the death eaters, pure laughter.

"Now is the time to declare yourself, come forward and join me" I heard.

"Draco! Draco" I heard Lucius say.

"Draco, Come" Narcissa said.

"Mate no" I heard Ron say.

"I have to, it's my mum" I heard Draco say.

I heard footsteps.

"Well done, Draco" I heard.

I heard footsteps once again.

"Well, I must say I'd hope for better" Voldemort said as laughter echoed behind me.

"And who might you be, young man?" Voldemort said.

"Neville Longbottom" I heard as laughter echoed again.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our rank" Voldemort said.

"I'd like to say something" Neville said.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say" Voldemort said.

"Doesn't matter that Harry or Y/n are gone" Neville said.

"Stand down, Neville!" I heard.

"People die everyday! friends, family, yeah...we lost them tonight, they're still with here, so as Fred, Remus...Tonks...all of them, they didn't die in vain, but you will, because you're wrong! Their heart did beat for us, For all of us! It's not over!" He yelled.

I knew it was time to get back up. I heard as gasps happened and stood and saw Harry standing as well.

"Harry!" Draco yelled as he threw his wand at him.

"Confringo!" Harry yelled at the snake.

I ran toward Harry as Voldemort tried shooting a spell toward him.

"Protego" I yelled.

I heard running coming from behind me as I reached Harry.

"Y/n!" I heard Draco yell.

Harry and I stopped as we heard.

"You two, go to the castle help everyone I'll handle Voldemort" Harry said.

I looked over at Draco who was staring at me up and down making sure I was alright.

"You heard Harry, let's go" I said grabbing his hand.

"I need a wand, I gave Harry mine" he said.

"Expelliarmus!" I yelled at a death eater catching his wand.

"Stupefy!" I yelled.

The death eater flew back as I handed Draco the wand.

"You said you needed a wand" I said.

Draco grabbed it as he grabbed my hand as we started running.

We watched as death eaters began to disappear as we ran toward the castle.

I bumped into Narcissa on our way.

"Mum, get away, get as far away as you can" Draco said.

"You have to leave, I'll take care of Draco I promise you" I said.

"Take care yourself dear, we can't afford to lose a Malfoy" she said.

"Snape, my surname, can't afford to lose another Snape" I said.

Draco looked at me confused.

"I'll explain later, just know it's Snape now" I said before pulling him into the castle.

Draco and I held onto one another as we ran through the people looking for Hermione and Ron.

"Protego!" I yelled.

"Confringo!" He yelled.

"We're going to have to spilt up" he said.

I hesitated before agreeing.

"We'll find each other again" he said.

"We'll find each other again" I said.

He ran to the left of the castle as I ran up the stairs.

"Expelliarmus!" I yelled.



I ran up the stairs until I got hit with a spell.

"Bloody hell!" I yelled as I hit the wall cause me to be on the ground and lose grip of my wand.

A death eater stood in front of me as I sat on the floor.

"No longer useful to the dark lord" they said pointing their wand at me.

I looked at my wand that sat on the floor a few inches away from me.

"Petrificus totalus!" I heard a familiar voice say.

The death eater became still and fell over falling down the stairs.

"I guess we're even now Hale," I heard.

"Sirius!" I said.

He reached out his hand to help me up and picked up my wand handing it to me.

"It's Snape now by the way, my surname" I said.

"Snivellus got himself a kid" he said.

"As of today" I said showing the papers.

He looked at me with compassion.

"Well you'll definitely do a lot of good for him" he said.

I looked down.

"I'll make sure his name gets clean, now that he isn't here to do so" I said.

I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"Moments ago, would have been here earlier if a hippogriff could go any faster" he said.

"Harry will be glad to see you" I said.

"Protego!" I said shooting behind Sirius.

"Guess we're not even once again, Black" I said.

"You got lucky, Snape" he said.

"Take care of yourself" I said before running back to find Ron and Hermione.

I saw Harry for a split second before seeing Hermione and the snake.

"Confringo!" I yelled.

The snakes attention moving to me.

"Y/n! Go help Harry!" I heard Ron yell.

"Hermione and I got this" he yelled.

I ran toward where I saw Harry go.

"Protego!" I yelled.

I ran and ran until I found him.

"STUPEFY!" I yelled toward Voldemort.

We apparated toward another hall of the castle.

I felt Harry grab onto me as he ran. We both shot spells aiming at Voldemort.

"Stupid children, you won't win" Voldemort said.

"CRUCIO!" I yelled.

Voldemort moved before it could hit him.

We were at the entrance of the castle once again as I we shot spells at one another.

Harry and I got split as we took cover, running as Voldemort made where we were hiding explode.

"Y/n!" I heard from behind me.

I turned around to see Draco a good distance from me.

"Y/n!" He yelled.

I was relieved to see he was okay.

"Draco!" I yelled.

I continued to shoot spells out as death eaters shot spells back. I turned to see Harry was still okay as well.

"Y/n! Marry me!" I heard Draco say.

"What!" I said.

"A proper wedding, after all this is done" he said.

"Draco I don't think this is the time!" I yelled.

"I want to know you're willing to be my wife without being forced, be my wife! Properly this time" he yelled.

"We can have our friends there! People we care for, no longer will you have to risk your life for me! Marry me Y/n Snape!" he yelled.

I turned to look next to me as I saw Voldemort standing a few inches away.

"How sentimental" he mocked.

He shot a spell toward where Draco stood causing that part of the castle to begin to collapse.

"NO! DRACO!" I yelled.

"Y/n we need to end this!" I heard Harry yelled.

I couldn't move. I felt someone pull me from behind me.

"NO!" I yelled as I got pulled by Harry giving me no time to check on Draco.

I looked toward where Voldemort stood near the edge of the hall.

"Let's finish this the way it started" Harry said.

We grabbed onto him and let ourselves fall with him.

We screamed as we grabbed onto him. Apparating around the castle, feeling as though we were all becoming one, feeling us hitting the castle until we ended up at the entrance of the castle once again.

Our wands landing in front of us as we were all on the ground.

We immediately began crawling toward our wands and grabbed them, Harry and I forcing one another to stand up.

We all stared at one another for a second before raising our wands.

A green light came from Voldemorts wand as he shot at us as we shot him with a red light, our spells meeting in the middle.

Shooting at him for what felt like an eternity before he stopped causing us to stop as well. For a split second it looked as thought he were in pain causing us to look back and seeing Neville who had just killed the snake.

Harry looked over at me immediately and reached out his hand.

I grabbed ahold of it and nodded.

Voldemort aimed at us once again and so did we.

This was it. The moment everything had built up, but this time...

In this moment, I was doing what I knew was right, not what I had been created to do.

The grip of Harry's hand in mine grew tighter as we both aimed toward Voldemort.

We were stronger together, we would finish this together.

Our wands still meeting in the middle until our spell grew closer to Voldemort causing his wand to fly out his hand and I caught it.

We watched as Voldemort began to break apart in front of us, as though he was paper, little pieces of him blew in the wind until he was no more.

Harry and I were finally able to exhale the long breath neither one of us knew we had been holding.

Harry no longer had to fight to keep others lives and I no longer had to fight to keep mine.

"Draco" I said.

"Harry! Draco! Help me find him"


I heard the part of the castle begin to collapse and watched as y/n was pulled away.

I felt something pull me from behind and something hit my head as I was pulled.

Waking up I saw white and heard a voice.

"Draco" I heard.

I rubbed my eyed to get a better look before I saw Lyra.

"Lyra no, what are you doing here" I said.

"Me?! What are you doing here!?" She asked.

"You're not supposed to be here yet, it's not your time" she said.

"My time!?" I said.

"Draco " Lyra said.

"No no I'm supposed to be with y/n" I said.

"And you will, it's not your time" she said.

"Now then why am I here?" I said panicked.

"I'm not sure" she said placing her hand on my shoulder.

"You- you can touch me" I said.

I hugged her immediately as if my life depended on it.

"I've missed you, I've missed you so much" I said.

I felt her hug me back tightly.

"You've grown into such a great man Draco" she said.

She let go of me and place a hand on my cheek.

"You did a great job at finding your people" she said.

"Very good job, if I say so myself" I heard from behind me.

I immediately turned my head to see Fred.

"Fred!" I said going to hug him.

"Alright alright I know I'm handsome don't have to squeeze me to death or well you know what I mean" he said laughing and hugging me back.

"I'm so sorry for what happened" I said.

"It's okay, guessing it was my time, but you on the other hand, not your time mate" Fred said.

"Especially now you cannot leave George alone, he can't lose his twin and his little boyfriend" Fred said.

"Boyfriend?" Lyra asked.

"It's what y/n calls the twins because of how close we are" I said.

"Well now you only have one of us, take care of George for me, Draco, let him know he was the best pranking partner, let my family know I love them and that I'll miss them" Fred said.

"I will" I said.

"And you know if you name one of your kids after me that would be nice too" Fred said laughing.

"Kidding I know Hale would have the last word with the name" Fred laughed.

"That would be Snape, changed her surname now" I said.

"That's correct" I heard.

"Professor" I said.

"You may call me Severus, we're family now after all" he said.

"Although I believe no that school could have been good enough for my daughter...I'm glad she picked you" he said.

"Now I promised her she wouldn't be alone ever again, and you're here" he said.

"He should be going back any moment now" Lyra said.

"Very well, let y/n know, that she was loved, we may have had little to no time as father and daughter but she was always loved and cared for" he said.

"I'll tell her" I said.

I turned to Lyra and hugged her once more before I had to go back.

"It's okay to let me go Draco, you'll still be happy, you'll experience new joy, I'll still be here" she said pointing at my heart.

"I'll never leave, not really" she said.

"You're allowed to be happy without me Draco, remember that, love y/n, treasure her, I've seen her one too many times already" she said.

"I will Lyra, I love you" I said.

"I love you too" she said.

"Always" we both said.

I felt a cold wind hit my body as they all disappeared from around me.


I ran as I made my way into the great hall. I looked around everywhere to find Draco.

I bumped into Ron as I was running.

"Where's Draco" I said.

"Sirius brought him here" he said.

"Sirius is here?" Harry asked.

I ran toward Sirius as he moved out of the way to find Draco on the floor with his eyes closed.

"No" I said dropping to my knees.

He had blood on his forehead.

"No, no, no, no, you can't ask me to marry you then leave" I mumbled.

"No no no" I said.

"Y/n" Hermione said.

"I'm sorry mate" Ron said.

"No!" I said.

"No, he's not, no he can't" I said.

"Draco, wake up, you can't leave, I love you please, open your eyes please" I cried.

I put my head on his chest as I cried over him.

I heard him cough causing me look up.

"Draco!" I said.

"So much for that grand exit we talked about am I right" he said laughing in between coughs.

I hugged him tightly.

"Oh Draco I thought I lost you too" I said.

"Never y/n, you'll never be alone again," he said.

He looked at me with pure love as he smiled.

"Your dad told me to tell you that he loved you and he cared for you" he said.

"You saw my dad" I said.

He nodded.

"I saw Lyra and Fred" he said.

"You saw Fred" George said.

"He said you were the best pranking partner he could have asked for, and that he loved you, all of you and that he'll miss you" he said looking at the Weasley family.

"You know you never answered my question" he said.

"Your question?" I asked.

"Will you marry me y/n" he said as I helped him up.

"I will" I said.

He smiled and kissed me.

Once again I was able to feel his lips touch mine, now with no worry in the world, no longer would I have to worry about his safety, or lie about my love for him.

He was here and I was too.

I pulled away and let our foreheads touch as we smiled.

I caught a glimpse of Ron and Hermione's hands, they were holding hands.

"Finally" I said causing Hermione to laugh.

I looked over to Harry who was now hugging Sirius. I couldn't help but feel a hint of sadness as I remembered I would no longer get to hug my dad. I walked closer to them.

"Thank you for helping Draco, we're even, Black" I said smiling.

"We're even, Snape" he said.

"I'm going to steal Harry for a few, promise to bring him back in one piece" I said.

We walked outside along the bridge with Ron, Hermione and Draco.

"We still have to figure out what we're going to do with this" I said pulling out the elder wand.

"Why didn't it work for him? The Elder Wand?" Hermione asked.

"It answers to somebody else, When he killed....Snape, he thought the wand would become his" Harry said.

"But the thing is...The wand never belonged to Snape" Harry said.

"It was..." he said.

"Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night in the Astronomy tower" I said.

"From that moment on, the wand answered him" Harry said.

"Until, the other night when Draco's wand changed its alliance,"

"So, that means..." Draco said.

"It's mine!" Harry said.

"What should we do with it?" Ron said.

"We?" I said.

"Just saying, that's the Elder Wand, the most powerful wand in the world, with that, he'll be invincible" Ron said.

Harry looked at us for a second before turning the wand and snapping it in half and throwing it off the bridge we were on.

"What will you do now" Harry asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well Voldemort's gone now, you're free" he said.

It finally hit me after hearing Harry say it out loud that for the first time in my life I no longer had to worry that I was being chased after.

"We got a wedding to plan" Draco said holding my hand.

"Aren't you two married already?" Ron asked.

Hermione shook her head in disbelief at Ron's response.

"They obviously get the chance to have a proper wedding now" she said.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist I was only asking" Ron said.

"Starting that relationship real strong Ron" I said laughing.

"Hermione loves me, isn't that right Hermione" Ron said.

Hermione stared at him and at us before we all started laughing and began walking back to the castle.

"Well Isn't that right?" Ron asked again.

"Mate you know she loves you, our whole class knows," Draco said laughing.


"Okay everything is set up, I made sure Luna and Ginny were in their dresses, I've been in mine and I set the tables" Hermione said.

"I've got Luna fixing the chairs, Now we just have to worry about you" she said.

I turned around to look at her as I put on my dress.

"I'm almost ready" I said.

"I can't believe you're getting married" Hermione said.

"Well I'm already married to Draco" I said.

"Oh that time did not count, we weren't there" Hermione said causing me to laugh.

"Who would have thought the new girl would have won over the broken Draco Malfoy"
Hermione said.

"Who would have thought he would have won me over" I said laughing.

"I used Crucio on him my first week at Hogwarts, couldn't stand him" I said.

"What was it that you called him" Hermione said.

"Bottle blonde" I said laughing.

Hermione and I laughed as we reminisced about when I first joined Hogwarts.

The door opened causing Hermione to jump in front of me to cover me.

"No Draco! You're not supposed to see the bride-," Hermione said.

"Just me! Just me!" Harry said.

"Harry?" I said.

"Yep just wanted to give you this" he said handing me a small box.

I opened the box to find a small bracelet with my name on it.

"Y/n Snape" I said.

"I left a little room to add Malfoy if you wanted to in the future, I wasn't sure if you would have wanted it-," Harry said before being interrupted.

I hugged him interrupting his words

"It's beautiful, I love it" I said.

"Im glad you liked it" he said.

Harry looked at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"You deserve this, after everything you were put through, everything we went through, you deserve it" Harry said.

I felt tears begin to fill my eyes.

"If you would have told me four years ago that I would be getting married and I'd be free I wouldn't have believed you" I said.

"There's more in the box" Harry said.

I pulled up the white cushion that had held up the bracelet to find both pieces of the resurrection stone.

"I thought it would be a good idea, to have your dad here, an important moment for you" he said.

"But how, we dropped them" I said.

"I had to find them, took me a while" Harry said.

"My dad did mention how he wanted to be there for my wedding" I said tears overflowing my eyes now.

"Thank you Harry" I hugged him once again.

"Oh Harry! You got her crying! Her makeup is going to mess up" Hermione said.

I laughed as Hermione tried pulling me away to fix my makeup once again.

"Well I'll be on my way, you look beautiful by the way Y/n" he said.

"Thank you Harry" I said smiling as Harry walked back out the door.

"You know in another life it would have seemed as if you and Harry would have worked together" Hermione said.

"Definitely not" I laughed.

"Draco is the one for me, in this life, or any other life, I'd always choose him" I said.

"Well, you picked well" she said.

"Weren't you, Harry and Ron against him when I first got to Hogwarts?" I said.

"We got around to liking him didn't we?" She said laughing.

"I guess you're right" I said.

The door opened once again, Hermione throwing herself in front of me once again.

"Love" we heard.

"Oh Ronald what is it" Hermione said.

"Blimey, y/n you look marvelous" he said.

"But are you ready, Draco's out there freaking out, thinking you got cold feet" Ron said.

"Is he forgetting we're already married" I said.

"Probably, reckon he just wants it to go well today" Ron said.

"Sounds like him" I said.

"Well are you ready" Hermione said.

"I'm ready" I said.

We began walking out the door when I rushed back inside and grab the box Harry had given me.

"Okay now I'm ready" I said.

We began walking toward the hall to the where the wedding was begin held.

Hermione and Ron held the door knob and looked at me.

"Ready?" They asked.

I opened the box and held the pieces of the stone in hand.

"Ready" I said.

They opened the doors to reveal everyone standing next to their chairs and Draco standing at the alter.

Hermione and Ron went ahead to their positions waving their wand to keep the doors open.

Hermione stood next to where I was going to stand along with Luna and Ginny, George stood next to Draco and Ron made his way to his seat.

I looked to my side and see my dad standing next to me.

"You look happy" he said.

"I am" I said smiling.

We began walking down the aisle, I met eyes with Harry and he smiled back.

I looked at Draco to see his eyes filling with tears the closer I got.

I got up to him, and handed him a piece of the stone.

"What is it" he asked.

"Just close your hand and close your eyes" I said.

He did as I told him.

"Now open them" I said.

He looked next to him and saw Lyra.

"The resurrection stone, Harry found it again and gave it to me, I thought just for today it would be nice to have them here" I said.

He held my hand as we both held the stone with the other.

"Let's get married" he said smiling.

"Let's get married" I said smiling.

"We have come today in the presence of family and friends at the invitation of Draco Malfoy and Y/n Snape to share in the joy of their wedding," The ordained minister said.

"This outward celebration we shall see and hear is an expression of the inner love-," the minister was saying.

"Let's speed this up" Draco said laughing.

"Do you take this woman to be your wife, will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her so long as you both shall live?" the Minister asked Draco.

"I do" he said immediately.

"Do you take this man to be your husband, will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him so long as you both shall live?" He asked me.

"I do" I said.

"Have you prepared your own vows?" He asked.

Draco and I nodded.

I looked at Draco and took out a small piece of paper.

"Draco, I remember when we first met and I absolutely could not stand you, I mean you were a major asshole if we're honest" I said laughing causing everyone to laugh.

"The first time we kissed it was out of spite and it was me who made the first move, I remember how angry you were after because I just blew you off every time" I said.

"Then when things became difficult, my situation with my biological father you saved me and made it so I would no longer have to live under that roof, your mother welcomed me into the Manor and made sure Hogwarts would be safe for me" I said.

"During the tournament, you were there for me, throughout every challenge and in between of each you would study with me, bring me food and even help me when I was too tired to bathe myself" I said.

"During the time we had to be with you know who, no matter how much I pushed you away, you never gave up on me, you never gave up on the good that you saw in me" I said.

Draco had tears in his eyes as I finished my vows and he took out a piece of paper as well.

"My dear y/n, when you first came to Hogwarts I was nothing more than a guy who would get around in order to fill a hole I had, I would have never thought that we would be standing here today, and that Potter- Harry would be at my wedding" he said causing them to laugh.

"Well you're stuck with me now mate" Harry said laughing.

"I would have never guessed half of these people being here, I never would have guessed that I would have had a choice of good or bad until you came along" he said.

"You showed me how good it was be good, you opened doors for me that I never had before, I'm friends with the same Weasley that laughed at my name the very first day I met him" he said pointing at Ron and laughing.

"I never thought I would be happy after Lyra passed, but you proved me wrong, for the longest time I had no idea how to accept it that I could be happy again without Lyra, but eventually I began to let myself and you became my everything" he said.

"You were the reason why I woke up every morning even during the time at the Manor, when you were at your lowest, the day I found you at the balcony of our room...I thought I was going to lose you forever" he said.

"I stayed throughout everything because I knew what you wanted when your own judgement had become clouded because of everything, I knew that you were always meant for good" he said.

"I'll forever be your number one supporter y/n, I know Severus is proud of who you became" he said causing tears to roll down my face.

"Now who has the rings" the minister said.

Hermione and George both handed us a ring.

"With this ring I promise to love you and cherish you in life and death" Draco said placing the ring on my finger.

"With this ring I promise to love you and cherish you in life and death" I said placing the ring on his finger.

"By the authority vested in me by the Minister of Magic, I now pronounce you husband and wife" the ordained minister said.

"You may now kiss the bride" he continued.

Draco and I smiled as he placed his hand on my waist bringing me closer to him and placed his lips on mine.

I felt him smile into the kiss before we pulled apart and everyone cheered.

We walked down the aisle now together as we all made our way to the reception.

I was sitting down talking to the girls when I realize we haven't seen any of the boys in a while.

"Hermione, have you see the boys" I asked.

"Oh Merlin" she said.

"Luna, where's Neville" I asked.

"He's right here" she said turning to see no one.

"And Harry!?" I asked Ginny.

She shook her head not know where Harry went.

Just then the lights turned off and music started playing.

"You are my fire" Draco sang.

"Merlin's Christ" Hermione said.

"The one desire" George sang.

"I didn't think they were going to go through with it" Hermione said.

"You knew about it!!" I said.

She looked at me with a nervous smile.

"Surprise" she said.

"Believe when I say" Neville sang.

"I want it that way" Harry sang.

"Oh bloody hell, they got Harry too" I said laughing.

"But we are two worlds apart" George sang.

"Can't reach to your heart" Harry sang.

"When you say" Ron sang.

"That I want it that way" Draco sang.

"Tell me why" Draco sang.

"Ain't nothin' but a heartache" they all sang.

I had started smiling at their little entertainment. No worries in the world anymore, no more Voldemort, no more being a weapon, no more running.

Just us, all of us, enjoying our company.

"Tell me why" Draco sang.

"Ain't nothin' but a mistake" they sang.

"Tell me why" Draco sang.

"I never wanna hear you say" they sang.

"I want it that way" Draco sang.

They guys finished the song before coming back to us.

Draco grabbed ahold of my waist, gently lifting me up as he spun me around before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you y/n" he said.

"I love you too Draco" I said.

The night was spent with shots of fire whiskey and dancing. There were smiles all over the room as the night went on.

The time came for me to throw the bouquet, Draco helped me stand up on a chair and held it so it wouldn't move.

"Ready!" I said.

The girls came and stood behind me as I turned my back and was getting ready to throw it.

"One...two...three" I said.

I let the bouquet fly out of my hands and turned around immediately to see who caught it.

Ginny stood there holding the bouquet and we looked over at a surprised Harry who had been in the middle of drinking water.

He spat it out as he realized what had happened.

We laughed as he cleaned his mouth with a napkin and stared at Ginny.

The music turned back on playing a slow song.

(You can play the music here)

Draco helped me down and placed his hands on my waist and I let my arms fall around his neck.

I let my head fall on his chest as he moved one hand and placed it on my hair as we slowly moved to the music.

"We're married properly this time" he said.

"We are" I said.

"It would have been nice if everyone would have had a chance to be here" he said.

"They are, they never leave us, not really" I said.

He let his hand go to my chin as he lifted my head to look at him. His lips connected with mine  for a short kiss.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" he said.

"For your name, are you keeping your surname or taking mine?" He asked.

"I want to keep it, I was thinking Y/n Snape-Malfoy" I said.

"Whatever my gorgeous wife wants" he said.

He placed another kiss on my lips. This time longer and filled with love.

We continued to slowly dance as his lips were connected with mine

"You know I was thinking about kids" he said.

"Kids? We only just got married" I laughed.

"How about five or six kids" he said.

"Five or six!?" I said.

"Are you gonna bloody carry them" I laughed.

"Okay okay fine, how about only five kids" he said.

"You drive me insane Draco Malfoy" I said.

"You married me either way" he laughed.

"I don't know how many kids we will have, but I know they'll have the love that Severus showed me" I said.

"I'll always be there for them and I'll never let anyone touch a hair on their head" I said.

"I'll never let anyone hurt them, and if they're into quidditch I'll be right in the stands for every game" Draco laughed.

"They're going to be amazing, they'll be so loved, so so loved" I said.

(you can stop music now)

Both Ron and Hermione and Harry and Ginny had gotten married.

We would meet up every time we could for dinner.

"Harry and I have news" Ginny said.

"We're expecting" Ginny said.

"Expecting? Expecting what?" Ron said.

"A baby Ronald, a baby" Hermione said.

His face changed from confusion to shock.

"You mean to tell me, my little sister is having a baby before her older brother" he said.

"At least it's with someone you know" Draco joked.

"Well congratulations Ginny" I said.

"Yeah congrats mate" Draco said.

"I'm sure you'll make a great father" Hermione said.

"My little sister is having a baby" Ron mumbled to himself still in shock.

We laughed as Ron sat in his chair in pure disbelief and what he had just learned.

The birth of their child came around, Ron now fully accepted that Ginny was having a child before him.

He hadn't stopped asking Hermione for one throughout Ginny's pregnancy.

We were all at St. Mungo's when the day came. The doctors had come out and let us know the baby was born and it was a boy.

We all practically ran to her room pushing through the doctor to Ginny's room. We found Ginny hold her new son and in the bed next to her an unconscious Harry.

"He passed out as soon as he saw the baby coming," Ginny said.

Sirius walked toward Harry and began shaking him.

"Come now James, just like your father" Sirius said laughing.

"James, when Lily gave birth to Harry, James also passed out, unfortunately we didn't have a nice cozy bed for him to lay in afterwards but you get it" Sirius said.

Harry began to regain consciousness the more Sirius shook him.

"Did she do my son born" Harry mumbled.

Draco walked toward him forcing him to sit up and turned him to see Ginny.

"Come on now mate, how are you going to pass out" Draco said.

His eyes widened as he saw her holding their son.

"Let me see my grand baby" Mrs Weasley said.

Ginny handed her the newborn.

"What's his name" she asked.

"I was thinking, James Sirius Potter" Ginny said.

Both Harry and Sirius looked at her with disbelief.

"You got a good one" Sirius told Harry.

"I sure did" Harry said smiling.

He stood up and Mrs Weasley handed him his son.

Baby James began crying as soon as Harry held him. Harry looked around at us in shock and confusion.

"What do I do" he asked frantically.

"Just rock him" George said.

"It's what we used to do with Ginny and it would shut her up immediately" George said.

George stood next to Ginny's hospital bed and placed his hand on her head.

"Fred would be so proud of you" George said.

As time passed Harry was incredibly confused as to what he had to do.

He would call Mr Weasley and Mrs Weasley every time he didn't know what to do.

We stopped by for a visit and they both looked exhausted.

"I'm guessing sleeping has been out of the question for you?" I said.

"Sleep? We have both slept three hours daily" they said.

Baby James continued to cry and scream as Ginny held him trying to rock him to sleep.

"How about we take care of James meanwhile you two take a nap" Draco said.

"Wait-," I said.

Before I could finish Harry and Ginny handed us James and a bottle and they ran upstairs.

Draco held baby James so gently.

The baby immediately calmed down as Draco rocked him.

"You're good at that" I said.

"You try" he said handing me James.

He was quiet for a few seconds before beginning to cry again.

"Draco- Draco what do I do" I said.

"Rock him gently" He said.

I began rocking him gently but no outcome came, he was still crying and yelling.

"Maybe he's hungry" Draco said.

He passed me the bottle and I placed it inside James mouth. He began eating and calmed down.

"See it's not hard, you just have to figure out what they need" Draco said.

"Are you forgetting I never had much training with this" I joked.

"Only child, no parents physically or emotionally there" I continued.

"Well you're doing a good job now" he said.

I placed my head on his shoulder as I fed James through his bottle.

"You'll be a great mother" Draco said.

After a few hours James had fallen asleep and both Ginny and Harry came downstairs.

"How-how did you do it" Harry asked.

"You need to babysit more for us" Ginny said.

"We haven't had sleep like that since before James was born" Ginny said.

"And you put him to sleep" Ginny said.

"Please say you'll babysit more" Harry said.

"We will, just send us an owl when you need us to come by, or pass by the Manor" Draco said.

We had lit everything up for dinner and set the table as everyone was coming for dinner at the Manor this time.

"Okay, everything is set" I said.

"It just our friends, don't stress so much my love, they've come to the manor before" Draco said.

"Right" I said.

Everyone began to arrive and began to sit for dinner.

As we were eating I stood up.

"Everyone, I have an announcement" I said.

They all turned to look at me.

"I'm pregnant" I said.

Draco looked at me with wide eyes.

"I reckon Malfoy didn't know yet" Ron said.

"Are you serious" Draco said.

"Yes" I said.

"Are you positive" he said.

I once again nodded my head.

He hugged me immediately and spun me and he placed a kiss on my lips.

"I'm going to be a dad" He said.

"I'm going to be a dad" he repeated.

"I'm pregnant too" Ginny said standing up.

I smiled as I waited.

Hermione stood up as well.

"I am as well" she said.

Finally Luna stood up.

"I am expecting as well" she said.

All four boys were now staring at one another in disbelief.

"You're gonna be dad!" Draco pointed at Ron.

"You're gonna have two kids" Ron pointed to Harry.

"You're gonna be a dad!" They pointed at Neville.

They all got together and began hugging one another and congratulating each other.

The girls came towards me and we laughed at how excited the boys were.

"I told you they would get like this" I said.

"You were right" they said.

"Do you think they realize all four of us pregnant at the same time will be absolute hell for them?" Hermione asked.

"I don't think so" Luna said.

"This will be interesting" I said.

"Wouldn't it be nice if we all lived here throughout our pregnancy" I said.

"We have the rooms, and I think we should at least make it a little easy for the boys" I said.

"That would be lovely" Luna said.

The boys began to calm down and whisper within themselves before looking at us in horror.

"Ginny was hard to handle when she was pregnant" Harry said.

"The hormones Harry the hormones" Ron said.

"We're making it easy for you, we're all going to live under the same roof throughout the pregnancy" Hermione said.
Months past and the cravings began to worsen for all of us.

We were all one or two months behind or ahead one another so each boy was stressing a different way.

"Draco!" I yelled.

He ran as soon as he heard me.

"Yes my love, are you hurt" he asked.

"No, I'm craving lemons with chocolate ice cream" I said.

"So you want Lemon ice cream" he asked.

"No, I want lemons with chocolate ice cream" I said again.

"You want me to cut up lemons and put them inside of the chocolate ice cream" he asked confused.

"RONALD!" We heard Hermione yell.

We watched as Ron ran toward Hermione's room.

"Oh bloody hell" Ron said as he ran.

Neville ran passed straight to the kitchen. I turned back to look at Draco.

"Love" I said.

"Yes sweetheart" he said looking at me.

"My ice cream and lemons" I said.

He ran to grab what I wanted.

"HARRY!" I heard Ginny yell.

A few moments later I saw Harry and Ron running back to the kitchen.

"NEVILLE" I heard Luna yell.


I struggled to stand up as I began making my way towards her room.

I heard a loud sound come from the kitchen as I saw all the boys running toward Luna's room. Draco saw me as I was heading toward her room and began to help me.

We made it to her room where we all stood around the bed as Neville helped Luna up.

They left for St Mungos and we left shortly after.

They had a daughter and named her Tulip Pandora Lovegood.

Luna's labor was probably worse than when she was angry, all the boys hid behind us with fear that Luna would enchant something and throw it at them.
The next was Ginny she had another son and they named him Albus Severus Potter, then Hermione had a daughter and they named her Rose Granger-Weasley.

The day finally came.

"DRACO MALFOY!" I yelled.

I heard them all coming toward my room and they all knew.

We made our way to St Mungo's one last time.

"Oh bloody hell! This hurts worse than the Crucio curse!" I yelled.

Draco stood next to me and held my hand the entire time.

"The baby is coming" the doctor told Draco.

Draco went toward the doctor and looked and passed out.

I pushed a few more times and soon the pain was over. Draco was now in the bed next to me.

Everyone came in once they were able to and they met our son.

"He pulled a Harry" Ginny asked.

Harry went toward him and shook him until he regained consciousness.

"What was that you said about passing out mate" Harry said laughing.

"In my defense there was a lot of blood" Draco said.

"Alright sure mate" Harry said.

He stood up and walked toward me to see our son.

"What's his name" Hermione asked.

"Fred Snape-Malfoy" I said.

"Really?" Draco said.

I nodded.

"You heard that Freddie! It was her idea!" Draco yelled pushing the window next to us open and looking at the sky.

"She named him! She named him Fred!" He yelled.

He came back to us and hugged me making sure to not hurt our new son.

Ron came forward and asked to hold Fred.

We passed him Fred and it looked as though something began to heal within Ron.

"You're named after a great person" he said.

He held him a few seconds before handing him to Draco. They all left the room and left us alone.

"You're so loved Freddie" Draco said.

"You're so so loved, so loved" I said.

"You'll never have to worry about that, never" I said.

The day had finally come our first born heading to Hogwarts.

"Kids come on" I said.

"Severus! Lyra! You're shoes" I called out.

"Draco make sure Freddie has his robe and wand" I yelled.

"Already checked my love" Draco yelled back.

"Are we ready then?" I said.

"We're ready" Draco said.

We all grabbed the floo powder and made our way to Kings Cross and to the entrance to the platform.

I walked throw the entrance onto the platform with Severus and Lyra and Draco walked in with Fred.

Once inside we saw everyone. We had made it at the same time to bring our kids.

Harry and Ginny had came with their three kids, Ron and Hermione with their two kids, and Luna and Neville with their three kids as well.

Fred made his way onto the train as Severus and Lyra stayed back with us.

"You'll be going soon enough, just like your brother" Draco told them.

We watched the train leave and we said our goodbyes.

Once home Draco went inside the room as I made a snack for the kids and us.


I grabbed the key to the box inside the wardrobe and opened it, I took out the notebook and opened it to a fresh page.

September 1, 2017

Dear Lyra,

It's been a while since I wrote to you...our firstborn Fred went to Hogwarts today for the first time.

We have two other kids...Severus and Lyra,

Severus is two years younger than Fred and Lyra is 2 years younger than Severus.

I want more kids but we decided to give Y/n a break before we try for any more kids.

I'm doing good Lyra. I found my people. I found my happiness. I can move on. I'm not the broken person I was after you passed anymore.

I'm letting you go Lyra, take care of Fred for me. 

I love you Always.

-Your younger brother Draco Malfoy


"Draco! The snack is ready" Y/n yelled.

"Dad!" Lyra and Severus yelled as they ran up to the room.

"Mum said the snack is ready" Lyra said.

"You know how mum can get" Severus said.

"Oh I know, let's go before she gets mad" I laughed.

I put the notebook back into the box and put it back in the wardrobe.

"Let's go to your mum kids" I said picking Lyra up as Severus run back to Y/n.

"Let's eat" Y/n said smiling.

I placed Lyra down and gave Y/n a small kiss.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" Y/n said.

"Always" I said smiling.

"Always" she said smiling.


The end has finally come everyone!

The last chapter of this story! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'd appreciate if you shared it if you enjoyed it!

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