Faceless lovers (Simon Riley...

By Anonymous_writer89

72.2K 1.2K 550

"I think it's time we bring out our Norwegian weapon." Y/n Where's a mask just like her soon to be lover. Th... More

1. Bring her in
2. "Soaps down!"
Russian territory.
Twisted mind
Hell on earth
House "wife"
Flat line
Authors note
141 reunion 
This is war
Love has its wars
Apology gift 
New lands
North Dakota.
Authors note.
Another authors note
Test results
Good day
Moving day
John "Soap" MacTavish
Little ones
Authors note
"Dont open the door!"
Authors note
Right place wrong time

"With all my heart, i promise."

790 13 13
By Anonymous_writer89

2 days later


Simon was finishing packing his bag while i got his mask out of the drawer.  I sat it on a pile of clothes he plans on changing into. I hear the faint noise of a zipper and know my time is coming to an end. I stare at the mask i once saw daily. He's a completely different person while he wears the mask. A big hand wraps around my waist and a small kiss is planted on my cheek.

I look up at him and smile. He grabs his clothes and walks to the bathroom. He closes the door behind him. I sit on a chest in front of the bed and look down at my hands. The bedroom door creeks open and ragnar walks in and lays his head on my leg. "Hey buddy." I whisper. He blinks at me knowing he also has to leave. "Keep him safe will ya?" I ask while i scratch behind his ear. He licks my wrist as i pet him as if he's saying he will. A small tear escaped and fell down my face.

"Please keep him safe." I cry as i pull Ragnar closer and wrap my arms around him. The bathroom door opens and Simon walks out. I wipe my tears and look at him. He has black paint around his eyes and doesn't have his mask on yet. A horn of a car blared outside. "That would be price." He says quietly. I stand up and Simon grabs his bag. We both walk downstairs with Ragnar following behind us.

Simon opens the front door and walks out with ragnar. I stare for a moment before following. Price and gaz are standing outside in full gear. Price walks over to Simon and puts his hand on simons shoulder. "Say your goodbyes while you can." Price whispers a bit too loud. Simons eyes flickered with emotion as he looks into my eyes and walks towards me. He grabs my hands ands holds them like this is his final goodbye. This is a first for both of us. Having to say goodbye for what might be the last time.

He put his forehead against mine as a tear rolled down my face. He looks into my eyes for a moment. "I know i don't say it a lot...But i love you." He whispers. "All of you." He adds as he puts his hand on my stomach. He lifts his hand and grabs mine again. "When we first met i had no idea you would be this important to me." He says honestly. I just smile at him. "When i found you, my heart found a home." He says.

"I want you to promise me that you will come back alive." I say sternly as more tears fall down my face. "Please." I whisper. "With all my heart, i promise." He says. "Ill come back alive no matter what it takes." He says with a smile. A small tear falls from his eye and slides down his cheek. "I love you Simon Riley." I whisper. "I love you y/n Riley."  He whispers back. He places a kiss on my lips and then hesitantly pulls back.

He turns around and gets in the car after letting Ragnar jump in. Price and gaz give me nods and then get in the car themselves. I'm left in the lawn alone while they drive off. I stare at the empty road for what seemed like hours but was only seconds. My phone starts buzzing and i see that soap is calling. "Hey." I say as i start walking back to the house. "Simon just texted me. I'll be there in just a second. Stupid traffic." He says.

"Alright. Doors unlocked." I say to him as i shut the door behind me as i walk in the house. I hear the phone hang up and continue walking in what's now  an empty house with no life inside but mine. I look at a picture on the wall of me and Simon the day after officially getting "married".  He looked so happy and full of life. I looked away before i would start crying again and walked into the kitchen.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a juice. The front door creaked open as the sound of familiar heavy footsteps come towards me. Soap walks into the kitchen and drops his bag at the sight of me. I set my juice on the counter and rush towards him. I wrap my arms around him just under his armpits and he wraps his arms around my upper waist not wanting to put them too low.

"Jeg har savnet deg." (I've missed you."). I say to him in Norwegian to mess with him. "Not again!" He groans. He pulls away and looks around. "So, where's my room?" He asks. "Your in the only other bedroom other than mine and the nursery. You painted that room so you should know where it is." I say as i turn back to get my juice. It's fruit punch and i don't want it getting warm.

"Yes ma'am." He mumbles as he grabs his bag. I hear his footsteps go upstairs as i push the straw into the juice box. I take a sip as i start walking upstairs. "Why didn't you tell me this bed was so comfy! I would have moved in months ago!" He yells from down the hall. "Because Simon would probably kill both of us." I laugh. "He can su-." I stopped him before he could go any further with that sentence. "Hey watch the language! The kiddos are around!" I say as walk in the room.

He looks up at me as he's sprawled out on the bed. "I want a milkshake." He mumbles as he collapses back onto the bed. "Milkshake?" I ask as a smile creeps onto my face. "Yeah. Ya know a place?" He asks. "I've never loved you more." I laugh as i grab his hand and pull him off the bed. "For 9 month's pregnant your very strong and that scares me..." he says quietly. I give him a glare and then walk out the room.

"If you want a milkshake you better get your butt down here!" I yell as i walk down the stairs. I try to keep the ears of the unborn clean. I grab his keys from the rack as he walks up to me from behind. "Where we headed?" He asks as i hand him the keys. "A diner!" I say cheerfully as i open the door and walk out. He closes the door behind him and we walk side by side. "Hi y/n!" Ella yells.

I look over to see her walk over. "Who's this?" She asks as she looks at soap. "John, Johnny, soap. Call me whatever you please." Soap says. I let out a laugh. Ella shakes his hand. "So what are  doing here? I saw you had a pretty big bag with you." Ella asks. She's the nosey type. "Oh, I'm staying with y/n until her mighty strong husband comes back." He explains. He makes it seem like I'm having an affair....

She looks at him a bit strange. "Me and Simon work with Johnny and because he got himself a concussion he can't go to work and so now he's taking care of me until i have the twins. He's just going to help out until Simon comes back." I explained clearly. "Oh that makes sense." Ella mumbled. "Well i just thought that i would let you know my sister is coming into town. We're going to be having a barbecue tomorrow night and i thought you might want to come." She says. I look at soap to see he's staring at me with pleading eyes. I look back at Ella and smile. "That would be nice. We'll be there." I say to her. "Alright, see ya then!" She says as she walks off.

Me and soap walk to the car and get in. He starts the engine and pulls out the driveway. "I hope they have hot dogs." He mumbled to himself. We kept driving until we made it to the town. "Where to now?" He asked. "Turn left. You'll see it on your right." I say to him as i watch the passing cars. My eyes start to get heavy and i give up on trying to keep them open. I then drift into a slumber.


Hi everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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