Sweet or Bittersweet

By sxaredwings

1.6K 98 710

Sophia doesn't take shit from anyone. Anybody who tries to change her for their pleasure, she becomes a night... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpater 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (Finale)
Special chapter 1
Special chapter 2
Special chapter 3
Special chapter 4
Special chapter 5
Special chapter 6
Special chapter 7

Chapter 10

55 4 28
By sxaredwings


"I purposefully locked the door knowing that he'll try to escape Ty, I had no other option" i closed my eyes in frustration and hand my hands through my hair. This situation is fucking me in every possible way.

After a whole year I see him in the worst state, even worse than our first encounter in my parent's house. He looked like he had gone through inhumane torture which no human would survive.

"Sis I understand why you did that, the boy has gone through shit back and forth his whole life. You won't believe the stuff i found out about him" He says which makes my insides churn like a whirlpool.
"What did you find?" I asked with curiosity.

"But it would be better if you find out the rest of the information from him itself because only he can give you a detailed version of my findings sophs" He while opening his laptop.

"Ty he doesn't know me, heck he refuses to tell me anything at all. How the fuck will I get answers from him?" I groaned in annoyance.
"Gain his trust first sophia. Make him feel safe and then get answers"

"First tell me what did you find out about him" I was getting impatient right now. I need to know what the fuck he is hiding.

"Okay...here it is" He showed his laptop, I scan the pages and my eyes literally jumped out of my sockets.

What the hell? No there's no way. This can't be happening.

"T-tyler w-what the fuck is this?!" I exclaimed still staring at the information in front of me.
"It is true sophs it unfortunately is true" He sighed.

"Sophia, Kyle is the recipient of almost a billion Yen inheritance of the biggest mafia in Japan. His late father Kenji Yamato and late mother Risa Yamato ruled the entire Japanese mafia empire. No one dared to mess with them at all. Their empire collapsed because Kenji's rivals suddenly came into power because of an unknown alliance with a million dollar company who agreed to help destroy Kenji's kingdom. We still don't know which company it is but it is well known for sure" he said while i couldn't believe my ears.

I can't believe this. The Yamato's were undoubtedly the biggest mafia rulers, how do I know about them? Through Tyler of course. Tyler's older generation parties had some alliance with them and even though I personally never met them, well according to Ty, they were ruthless rulers of the Japanese mafia. But Kyle is their son?! It was never mentioned that they had a son.

"Why did they never mention Kyle anywhere? And why the hell didn't he take up the position after his parents passed away?" I asked him.

"They didn't pass away because of natural causes. Someone planned their death. Resources say that they were shot in a shootout. The Yamato's gave the Smith's the responsibility to bring up Kyle by bribing them with a million dollars cuz the smiths were already struggling financially. He was about 11 years old back then. But what was his life before that, only he can answer that. They never mentioned Kyle anywhere because of they didn't want anyone to know about their successor. They gave their entire inheritance to Kyle in case they die and since nobody knows about them having a son, their money would be safe".

This was too much to handle. Kyle being the son of the late mafia rulers and now people behind him, most probably for that stupid inheritance. But which company helped the rivals to bring his parents down?

"Tyler I....no wonder the smiths and him never looked alike. Kyle is a Japanese and now I understand why they had family pictures together only when he was just 12 years old. But where are the smiths then?" I suddenly ask.

"Nobody knows what happened. I tried to dig stuff up but no luck at all. My guess is that Kyle knows what happened". Again. Disappointment flowed in me.

"Wait then what is Kyle's real name then? No way he was named Kyle at birth right?" He has to have his Japanese name too.

"You're right. His real name is Kiyoshi Yamato. This is the name on the inheritance apparently but to ensure his safety, his name was changed to Kyle and since the smiths adopted him, his name became Kyle Smith."
"Makes sense..." i sighed.
Wait a damn minute. I suddenly got flashbacks to the time where i first saw him have a nightmare.


Flashback ends

"Tyler does Kyle- i mean Kiyoshi have any siblings? More specifically a sister?" I ask him.
"Nothing is mentioned about a sister, it's only him they're after, why tho?" He asked confused.

"When we were at mom and dad's place and he had a nightmare, he screamed about leaving his sister alone....but if he doesn't have a sister then why...UGH WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" I exclaimed with frustration.

"Like i've said before, it's only him who can give you these answers. I managed to give you a background of him, it's up to you whether you want to leave him to his fate or you want to find the solution to end his misery" he said with seriousness.

"Tyler I once made that mistake, and I definitely don't wish to repeat it, if I can save him from this misery in anyway then I will".
"What if you have to leave him again? What if the situation makes you do that huh?" He asks.

"I don't know about that, but right now he's with me. Let me focus on the present".
"Very well sis, if you need any assistance don't hesitate to call me."

"Yeah i will thanks for your help tyler"


I opened the door of my flat slowly and carefully, not trying to make any noise. The house was silent.

Where is he? I went to my room and he wasn't there also. Then I heard the water going on in the bathroom, he must be taking a shower. But hasn't it been like 2 hours since I left?

"Kyle? Are you in there?" I asked from the other side of the door. No answer.

"FUCK KYLE ANSWER ME ARE YOU IN THERE?!" Again no reply. No no fuck my life.

I started to kick the door but my attempts went futile. I ransacked the entire room searching for keys and when I found it, I immediately opened the door and the sight made my blood turn cold.

Kyle passed out in the shower cubicle naked under the shower-head. Not caring getting drenched I quickly turned the shower off and took a towel and wrapped it around him and picked him up. My clothes were all wet but that was the last thing to worry about. I put him on the bed gently and wiped his body dry. Then got him all wrapped up in warm blankets because his body was extremely cold. If i had gotten in any late....no he's alive and that's what matters.

I turned the heater on to increase the temperature of the room and got myself changed into fresh clothes. Dumping my wet clothes in the dryer, i took a seat beside him on the bed. I touched his body and his body was slowly getting back to normal.

Then I noticed all the bruises and marks on his body. The view made the oxygen difficult to enter into my lungs. There was no part of his body that wasn't covered in bruises and marks. The marks resembles stun gun marks and whip lashes. Some of it looked healed but the scars were still there. My heart felt heavy. Almost as if someone has put 100 pounds of weight on it.

"What did they do to you Kyle? How cruel can a person be?" I whispered as my fingers glides across every scar. I regret leaving him. I regret putting my stupid reputation above him. In such a short period he became the most important person in my life. It's because of him, I started to feel something. God how much are you going to punish me for my mistakes.

Sighing, I put the blanket back on him and exited the room. I couldn't bring myself to sir there any longer. I decided to not attend my classes today and emailed my professor saying that i have some personal issues and thankfully, she left me slide this time.

I sat myself on the chair of the dining table and put my head down. What kind of situation is this? Which rival mafia is behind Kyle? It is for sure that they are behind him for that inheritance which will help them expand their empire, taking over the entire region.

I don't think Kyle has ever been involved in the mafia game ever. Even i've never involved myself in Tyler and Noah's business, but i gave them my word saying that if they ever need me I'm always ready to help, to even kill.

Yeah you guessed it. I am a trained sharp shooter or in the mafia language, An assassin. I got into sharp shooting at the age of 15 and made my way to become a professional. But not legally, i was trained illegally. Tyler's trainer was an underground sharp shooter and he trained some of the best assassins any mafia can have. Both of us went to him to learn some form of self defense and shooting was the best. He was 18 and I was 15 at that time.

Needless to say, he gave us the best training and by the time I became 18, i was well equipped with all the skills of a professional assassin. Tho I've never had my first kill because number one, parents. Number two, friends and number three, studies.

Ryan and claire have no idea that I'm an assassin. Ash does know about it because of Noah duh. This is one thing i've hidden from them. I couldn't just say it on their face that soon i'll be killing people for the mafia. Heck they have no idea I carry a gun with me every where I go.

But after seeing Kyle in such a state, a fire blazed in my chest. I want to kill for him, i'm ready to get killed for him. Anyone who has dared to lay their filthy hands on him, i will mercilessly kill them.

"I promise you Kyle, i will never let anybody hurt you." I whispered to myself. Soon when I even fall asleep on the table, i have no idea.

After around 15 minutes of my short nap, i woke up and went to see Kyle. The temperature of the room was slightly high so I turned the heater off. I checked his temperature and finally he was back to normal. I put a large hoodie and pants next to him so that when he wakes up he can wear it. His hair was all dried. Soon I felt him opening his eyes and as soon as he saw me, he sat up straight covering himself with the blanket. I didn't move from my place at all.

"Sorry I passed out in the shower...I didn't mean to worry you" he softly said. God will I ever get used to his soothing voice.

"Don't worry about it, i'm glad I came back in time and got you out. Wear this and get comfortable"

He suddenly became scared as he realized he was naked underneath the blanket and that i've seen him naked.

"Kyle don't stress about it, i'm not gonna judge you at all. Unless you tell me what's going on, I can't help you. You need to trust me" i said with a gentle voice trying to make him feel at ease.

"I'll go out and wait for you to change, once you're done, give me a shout" i said and exited the room.
After about 10 minutes i heard a come in and i came back to the room. He was sitting quietly on the bed playing with his fingers. I sighed and sat beside him keeping distance. After a few moments finally he locked his eyes with mine.

His eyes screamed help me, please save me. His galaxy filled eyes went blue and grey. He completely lost his shine. Guilt was consuming me like how venom enters the bloodstream and slowly kills you.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked, breaking the painful silence.
"Better" his voice was hoarse and tired.

It's now or never.

"I know you're Kenji and Risa Yamato's Son"
His eyes went wide with fear. His hands slightly trembled as soon as those words left my mouth.

"I also know your name is not Kyle. You're Kiyoshi, the supposed successor of your parents" i finished and this time tears freely flowed from his eyes.

"S-shut up! Don't take their names!! They're not my parents!! They never were!! SHUT UP!" He screamed at my face. He suddenly got up trying to run away but this time I caught hold of him.

"Not happening, until you tell me everything you're not leaving!"
"I'm no one to you and you're nothing to me!"
His words pierced my heart. But i need to keep strong right now and take all his insults.

"I may be nothing to you but you mean a lot to me. Kyle, I know that bad people are after you and I can assure you that you're safe here. I won't let anyone near you or touch you. Please you have to believe me"

He started to sob. I could tell he was getting emotionally drained and overwhelmed. Probably the first time someone ever cared for him.
Suddenly he started to speak.

"T-they k-killed m-my a-adoptive family. T-they killed my real parents. My sister too got killed in this mafia mess...she wasn't blood related but I saw her as my own. M-my real parents never loved me. Th-they always kept me locked in a dark room" he stopped for a while, tightly gripping my hand.

"T-they o-only s-saw me as a successor to their empire...w-when i-i told them th-that I don't want to do anything w-with the mafia w-world, they killed her... and threatened to kill anyone who tries to distract my mind." He was sobbing so much right now. I wanted to stop him but he wanted to say more so I let him.

"W-when I was 11 years old, a shootout happened in our area. The smiths took me away from that place and I saw my parents getting shot right in front of my eyes. Ever since i've been going from country to country because the rival mafia wanted me to give over the inheritance my parents left for me..."

He took a breath

"It was tough trying to recover from the trauma but eventually I did. We shifted to Washington for my college but I had gotten into an accident which caused me to forget my memories of a particular period of time"

My heart cracked at that. He forgot about the time he spent with me. Sighing I nodded and he continued.

"But then suddenly, a few men came and kidnapped me. They killed my adoptive parents and my brother Shawn and took me.....for a whole year, they tortured me, touched me inappropriately, they-they touched me in places I-..."
He covered his mouth in fear and I instantly hugged him. Whoever dared to touch him, i will slice their hands off.

"You don't have to explain that part kyle, but can you tell me what caused your parents empire to collapse? Which company helped their rivals?" I asked him and he thought for a while.

"I-i don't remember exactly but I know the surnames of the people who helped them..." he mumbled.

"Who were they?"

"The Wilsons"

Curse this world.

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