The Strom Dragon and the Nigh...

By TheSpaceCadetLibrary

1.1K 69 9

He's the Great Storm Dragon!" the man continued to list off Veldora's past exploits. "The same one who caused... More

Prelude-Dr Goto troubled patient
Chapter two- Michiko Mikami uneventful life come to a silent end:
Chapter three-Bedside manners:
Chapter four-Sworn friends:
Chapter five- Manga, Chunibyo and Delusions:
Chapter six-The release of the Strom Dragon:
Chapter Seven- The Evil Dark Dragon:

Chapter one The fall of the Great Strom Dragon:

128 9 0
By TheSpaceCadetLibrary

Hi I'm the space cadet.

So I will not have a schedule of update I want to at least get one chapter a week. Or one chapter every two the plan.

Anyway I hope you enjoy this tale.

All right belong to Fuse,Crunchyroll, Funimation and EightBit I don't own anything.

Chapter one The fall of the Great Strom Dragon:

The sky was a shade of deep blue. Beautiful and brilliant. His once golden eyes filled with such glee and excitement. Now containing tears as they rolled down his cheeks.

Veldora Tempest the Great Storm Dragon one of only four true dragons. Veldora was sure, he was positive. That if he was exposed to such simulation. His true power would activate. Restoring him to his true self.

Expect now he was unable to move, the Storm Dragon couldn't feel his legs. His arms were covered in bruises and scratches. His head and body ached from the pain of hitting the pavement at such a fast speed.

His body was rendered to that of a human. Fragile and breakable. If only he had taken it more seriously. If he died now, the dragon surely would be reborn somewhere. After all, he wasn't connected to his soul corridor anymore.

Something he wasn't used to, was injury. In all of his fights and battles, he had never been truly hurt. Sure there were occasional punches to the face or hits to the gut. Nothing that left any true lingering pain or scars. How mortals lived their lives in such breakable bodies was beyond him.

There was no strength left in him; those who knew Veldora would call this an unthinkable sight. The fall of the great Storm Dragon.

His vision become blurry, darken.

Dark thoughts enter his mind.

Maybe I was never a dragon, maybe it was all a dream. Maybe Dr Goto is right.

A fantasy.

It couldn't been a dream, right? The great forest of Jura was real. I remembers the trees, the plants, the dryads and the monsters.

The Jura Tempest Federation, Tempest with capital city of Rimuru, the nation of monsters was real. I remembers eating out, talking to monsters who worship me as thier deity. Often providing me with gifts and offerings.

And Rimuru my best friend and swore brother. The once human who had been reborn into a slime. My first true friend.

I was a true dragon. Wasn't I?

It had started with Milim on that fateful day. That fateful day that he arrived in this world. Milim was supposed to be Rimuru Tempest's best friend.

The great strom dragon Veldora Tempest heard voices belongings to that of his niece and swore brother slash BFF coming from the conference hall.

"It's not fair! You're getting treated like a god, Rimuru! I want in!"

"What? Like being a demon lord doesn't get you enough attention and respect?"

"I wanna play too!" She whined.

The slime mentioned, "Well, I think Shuna made another costume with a different design." The slime, who was now a demon slime, was currently dressed as a sun deity. It wore a rather frilly outfit with white and gold trimming.

"Heehee as bestie for restie, We should be twins! And wear matching outfits!"

The ruler of Tempest wasn't really in the mood for dressing up. However, his friends seemed to get a bit carried away with every celebration.

Especially for new years.

From making a legendary sword from a dragon scales to an eighty-eight course meal. This day had been stressful enough for the overpowered slime.

Veldora slam the door open, with a grand dramatic entrance his voice boom.

"I'm Rimuru BFF and swore brother. The only choice for matching outfits with Rimuru is me!"

"Pfft yeah right! I'm Rimuru best friend! " Milim laughed.

" What did you contribute?! I even help with the sword making for the celebration tonight! See!" Veldora happily stand proudly holding up the legendary dragon sword.

"Veldora are you seriously play with it!? Right Now?!" Rimuru sighted.

The dragon was overjoyed with the sword and exclaimed, "I'm not playing around! I just want to see if it can break it in!"

"Pfft, it's just one measly little scale! Infused into a sword, not a big deal." Milim rolled her eyes.

"Not a big deal! It's just a scale, but it's from my tail!" Veldora stated.

"Not to mention I heard you challenged Rimuru to a duel for it! As he true best friend I would had just give it to him!" His niece said.

"The Strom Dragon asked, "How do you know about that?" He felt a bit embarrassed.

"I have my ways," Milim's voice sang.

"Well, scales hurt when you rip them off," he huffed.

"Oh so your scared of a little pain, haha!" Milim laughed.

""Besides you will have to do better than that if your planning to steal my best friend away ! You leave me no choice! We settle this with a duel to the death! The winner gets to be Rimuru's best friend! " Milim ran out of the room.

"Perfect! I will leave the barrier casting to you Rimuru!" Veldora followed behind her, running down the hall.

"What! Wait you two can't be serious! It's New Years Eve!" Rimuru called out, and immediately ran after them.

"Wait! Come back! This can't be how my new years status! I'm already exhausted!" Rimuru cried.

"Lady Milim!" Voices shouted.

The sound of explosions echoed in sky.

"Lord Veldora!" The storm dragon grinned as he heard cheers of his name being called out.

A few boulders crashed into the newly paved road and empty houses. Another kick and punch forced all of Vedora's energy toward his niece.

The powerful deities continued to sparr, ignoring the residents of the city. They didn't wait for a barrier to be formed.

Veldora didn't know when Rimuru arrived, the demon-slime with an exhausted face ended the two battle.

The true dragon laughed realizing he may have gone to far with thier mock battle.

Like a caring older brother, Rimuru scolded the two, but by then, Veldora had stopped listening and was now thinking about what to do next..

""You two really go overboard sometimes. Please try to remember your surroundings."

"Right, we're sorry!" They said in unison. Shion offer to entertain Milim with something less destructive as they walked away.

Rimuru sigh knowing something else would be destroyed soon enough.

"Lord Rimuru, you are alway so calm in these situations. Alway know how to handle it too!" Rigurd said to the slime while Geld organize some men to block off the damaged area.

"To be honest. Watching Milim and Veldora play sometime remind of my sister and I as kids. Expect we weren't so destructive." He solemnly said.

"Lord Rimuru you have a sister?" Shuna asked surprised.

"Yes, back when I was Satoru in Japan. I had a sister Michi. She was a lot like Milim as a kid but she grew up in a rather hardworking, reliable person." With a hint of pride rimuru said.

It was a rare moment for the slime lord to speak freely of his past life as Satoru Mikami. The dragon was shocked. Veldora who had access to Rimuru past memories while in the slime stomach remember vaguely a girl shuna height with short hair in a bob cutt style.

It was someone the dragon deem unimportant.

In the strom dragon experience with sisters, only sisters. Sisters were cruel and only bought suffering to thier siblings.

It bought the dragon pain to know that Rimuru stuffer this in his past life.

"Lord Veldora!" People were calling out to him.


All it took was a few seconds, as his body started vanishing from the world.

Rimuru voice called out to him, reaching out toward him.


"Veldora!" Those were Rimuru last words to him.

Next thing the Strom dragon knew, he was in a crowd surrounded by humans. In a strange city that seem familiar. With the sword hanging on his back.

No one acknowledged him or paid him any attention.

How was all these people standing, walking near him without feeling his presence.

He couldn't feel any of his power, he attempt use his skill Faust, Lord of Investigation.

There was nothing.

Nothing all.

His skills were gone, as if they didn't exist. They were probably locked away, Veldora told himself.

"Excuse me sir, cosplay is not permitted in this zone" A strange man in a uniform approach the dragon.

Unafraid with a smile.

"If you could please go home and come back with something decent to wear. Not a costume this time."

"Decent! Costume! I assure this not a costume!" Veldora pull out the sword aiming toward the man. The dragon hoping to show him a better look.

"No please, their no reason to get violent!" The man said.

"Violent!" he exclaimed, taking a look at the weapon. "Made by the finest blacksmith in all of Tempest! Only fit for a person such as myself." He raised the weapon directly at Officer's face, a grave mistake on his part.

The scared police officer pulled out a taser and shocked the dragon.

This shouldn't be possible Veldora cried, screaming as he fell to his knees in pain. Everything hurt.

What sorta weapons is this? That it can take down a true dragon!

Veldora couldn't access his abilities. His strength was gone. All he wanted was to go home. They overpowered him easily, handcuffing him. They labeled him as crazy, mad and sent Veldora into the care of Dr. Goto.

In the beginning he was in complete isolation only visit by Dr Goto daily.

"So you believe to be dragon?" Dr Goto asked.

"I don't believe a dragon. I am a true dragon." Veldora hissed. They went through this conversation everyday.

"I know what you believe but we been over this. You are not a dragon you are human just as I am. We ran tests. Nothing out of the ordinary." The doctor seemed smug about his findings.

"I don't know why your tests can't reveal the truth. Once I'm restored to my true power, you will fear me." It was the same every day, the white room. No colors, no people, just Veldora and the doctor. Not only was Veldora bored, but he was also extremely frustrated with these humans.

" No I won't because you are a mortal man. " The doctor was so stubborn.

""Look, we just want to help you, get well. Dragons don't exist. Tempest, your brother isn't real. You aren't a dragon; you're a mortal man."

No, no I mustn't give in to this despair With all the pain Veldora told himself this.

Upon arriving in this world, he became mortal; his powers were sealed. His body was physical. The dragon now needed food, water, and all other necessities.

In truth, Veldora was scared, though he wouldn't admit it. He had heard of other-worlders called "strays" who sometimes wandered into his world without being summoned. He never thought about the opposite happening or that it would happen to him of all creatures.

No Rimuru or Ifrit for comfort. Freed after years of imprisonment Veldora had been surround with nothing but family slash best friend Rimuru, Rimuru friends and the good people of tempest. Now he was alone.

How long had he been here, the dragon did not know. At times he sensed Ifrit's presence, Veldora attempting to consult with his spirit. Yet he was met with nothing but silence.

He couldn't move, his once great strength left him. His vision was growing darker.

Maybe I will just let my conscious go...

"Oh my! Hang on!" The blurry figure flutter Infront of him . It's a bird he thought.

"Stay awake! You're going to be alright!" The bird kept talking, encouraging him, to fight to stay alive. It was truth Veldora didn't want to die yet. He didn't want to be reborn.

Of all his rebirths, this current life was the best. He did not want to lose it.

"Stay with me. Come on, fight!"

I will fight with that though in mind Veldora black out.

When Veldora woke up, he found himself in a different room. There was a window and a closet. It was much nicer than the room he had been in for the past few months.

Dr Goto sitting on a chair near him.

"Careful Ryoto-san."

"Release me at once!" Veldora hissed, hating the name they gave him.

""Look, I'm trying to help you. You are not well. These fantasies are not helping you," Veldora ignored the doctor's words. His eyes widened as he realized the dragon could not move its legs.

"What have you done to me?! What kind of magic is this?!"

"Nothing. I done nothing. You did this to yourself. That swan dive out the window should have killed you. You damaged your spine pretty bad. Your paralyzed from the waist down. Is it permanent or temporary we don't know yet. " Veldora solemn look defeated. The great Strom dragon had fallen.

Dr Goto left Veldora in the care of nurse Tama. The old doctor walked down the hall of the building.

"Hey Dr Goto!" A voice called out to him.

" Hello can I help you?"

""Yes sir, I'm Dr Gris. Dr Eren Gris from America," said the young doctor. Dr Goto had heard about the new intern from America who wanted to learn from him directly.

"Yes, it so nice to meet you my dear boy." He shook the young man hand.

"Likewise sir, I heard about your latest case."

""Yes, but hopefully it won't be too much of a setback. He will eventually accept the truth about reality."

"Indeed sir" Answered Dr Gris, however Dr Goto never noticed his ever changing color eyes.

To be continued

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