Death By A Thousand Cuts|| OC...

By XOastorybyNatXOXO

55.2K 1.7K 369

"Chandelier's still flickering here 'Cause I can't pretend it's ok when it's not It's death by a thousand cut... More

Cast + Disclaimer
six point five


2.4K 102 31
By XOastorybyNatXOXO

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
Season 2, Episode 1

Tori glared at Derek, Addison and the other man from her spot in the lobby. The redhead tried to run her fingers through Derek's hair but he moved back and Tori scoffed, "Before we leave, I should punch him again. For two months he lied to Mer." She told Jordan

Jordan shook his head, "Tori, you're 20 weeks pregnant. You need to take it easy and you've already punched him once."

"He deserved it." Ariel said in defense of her mother and then the little girl raised her voice, "He didn't tell Auntie Mer about being married and Mommy says lying is bad."

Derek, Addison and the other man looked over at them. Tori flicked them off while Ariel gave them a smug look. The neurosurgeon took this as his cue to move closer to his girlfriend's sister.

"And now you have a girlfriend in Seattle. She seems sweet." Addison said as she followed Derek

Derek shot her a look from over his shoulder, "The ice you're on. Thin."

As the trio came to a stop in front of Tori, Ariel and Jordan, Addison kept going, "She's young. That whole wide-eyed, ooh he's-a-brain-surgeon thing happening, but still sweet. Which was what you were going for, right? The anti-Addison?"

Derek didn't give her an answer, instead he looked pleadingly at Tori, "Tori, I-"

Tori scoffed, "Are you seriously coming over her to tell me you're sorry?" She asked, "See for two months, you have neglected to mention to Meredith that you're married-"

"Separated." Derek interrupted

"Doesn't matter, dude." Jordan spoke up

Tori nodded along with Jordan, "Separated, whatever. You still failed to mention it. You could have told her when you mentioned your sisters and your nieces and nephews or really at anytime."

The redheaded man with Addison and Derek chuckled, which brought the attention to him. He smiled, "Oh, I'm Alaric, Addison's twin brother." He said sticking his hand out

Jordan took his hand, "Jordan Buchanan. This is Victoria and Ariel Grey." He introduced himself and pointed out each Grey

Addison remembered something, "You're the the one Richard wanted me to look over during my visit. He said you didn't find out you were pregnant until 17 weeks?"

Tori gave her a curt nod, "Yeah. I didn't show any symptoms except weight gain which I thought was due to stress and my roommate's cooking. I haven't had any ultrasounds since my appointment isn't until Wednesday." She said before leaving with Ariel and Jordan


The next morning, after Ariel was dropped off at school, Tori was in the locker room next to Alex.

"So you're the original Syph boy?" Tori asked

Alex shot Tori a look, "Not you too." He groaned

The pregnant woman held her hands up, "Don't take that tone with me, Alex. You know I'll usually be on your side, especially if the other choice is George or Izzie."

The Karev man just looked at the youngest intern, "I was sleeping with your friend, nurse Olivia, when she and O'Malley started going out." He explained

Before Tori could reply, Bailey entered the locker room, "Ok, people, assignments. Yang, you're on discharges. O'Malley report to room E19. Grey and Tori, come see me, and who was on call last night?"

Tori moved away from Alex and went to Bailey's side. Not a second later, Meredith joined them.

Alex and Izzie raised their hands and Bailey handed them a stack of charts, "Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. Redo these and return them to me before lunch, understood?"

Alex nodded, "Understood."

Bailey shook her head, "Karev, don't tempt me." She then looked at the Grey sisters, "Somebody's popular."

Meredith tilted her head, "Meaning?"

"There's been a special request, for both of you." Bailey told them

Tori's eyes lit up, "Am I working with Dr. Torres or Dr. Robbins?" She asked

Again Bailey shook her head, "Neither. Addison Shepherd wanted both of you."

The Grey Sisters shared a look of dread as they exited the locker room and walked to their doom.


"If anyone is in the wrong, it's Derek." Tori told her sister, "Also Jordan prevented me from punching him a second time."

Meredith smiled slightly at that, "Remind me to thank him. You can't punch someone twice while you haven't even had an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay with Little Kraken." Then she remembered what she learned last night at the bar, "Cristina's pregnant and she won't say who the father is.

The younger Grey rolled her eyes affectionately, "My appointment is Wednesday." She paused, "Mr. Duff, the patient who thought he was psychic did say she was pregnant. The father is probably Burke since she's been sleeping with him almost as long as you and Derek."

The Older Grey lightly elbowed her sister, "And you didn't say anything?"

The younger Grey shrugged, "You didn't ask."

Meredith just looked at her sister, "How are things going with Jordan?" She asked, changing the subject

As Tori was about to answer, the sisters came across Burke, Addison and Derek.

"I was just checking to see if Dr. Burke secured the interns." Addison told Burke and Derek

Meredith and Tori chose that moment to walk up to them.

"Interns you requested? He did." Meredith confirmed

Derek looked at Addison then Burke. Burke smiled and walked away. Then, Derek walked away and left Meredith, Tori, and Addison there staring at each other.


Addison, Meredith, and Tori were now in a patient's room, Julie, who had TTTS.

"Define TTTS." Addison told the sisters

"Twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Conjoined fetal twins." Meredith answered

Addison nodded, "Connected by?"

"Blood vessels in the placenta." Meredith again answered

"Meaning?" Addison asked

Meredith paused and Tori took over, "One twin gets too much blood, the other too little, endangering the lives of both." She explained

The mother, Julie, looked at Addison, "They told me there wasn't much chance anything could be done." She said worriedly

Addison took the patient's hand, "TTTS is usually impossible to correct. Unless you happen to be one of a handful of surgeons in the world who knows how to separate fetal blood vessels. Which, luckily for you, I am. So we're gonna get you into surgery tomorrow. If you have any questions at all please ask either Dr. Grey. From what I have seen, they are one the hospital's most popular interns.

With that, the Attending and the two interns walked into the hallway.

Seeing Meredith's look, Addison spoke, "Chin up, Grey. I'm this tough on everyone, not just the women my husband sleeps with. Order an ultrasound for her and pre-op labs in full."

Unbeknownst to them, Julie overheard that conversation.

"Now, we have some time. Would you like me to do your ultrasound right now?" Addison asked Tori

"Can Meredith come?" Tori asked

The Attending nodded, "If you want her too."

Tori looked at Meredith, who nodded, and then nodded as well, "Yes, I'd like that."


Now in a room, Tori was laying on the bed with her scrub top lifted as Addison set up the machine.

Meredith took Tori's hand, "I can't believe I'm going to be Auntie Mer again."

Tori smiled, "I can't believe I'm going to be mommy again."

Addison moved the machine closer and rolled her chair over, "Gel's going to be cold." She warned

The Pregnant woman nodded her head and the Attending squirted the gel on Tori's stomach and began moving the wand around.

After a few seconds, an image started to form and the baby's heartbeat filled the room. In hearing the heartbeat, Tori and Meredith's eyes both welled up.

"My little kraken." Tori smiled

"And... There's the baby." Addison said, "It's about the size of a banana. It's measuring at 6.5 inches and 10.2 ounces. Since you're 20 weeks right now, your due date is around January 4th."

Addison moved the wand around some more, "10 fingers, 10 toes." She said and looked at the sisters, "Would you like to know the gender?" She asked

Tori nodded, "Please."

The neonatal Attending moved the wand a little and clicked the mouse, "A healthy baby boy. Congratulations."

Tori wipes her eyes, "Can you print 8 copies please?" She asked


After her ultrasound, Meredith went to order an ultrasound for Julie and pre-op labs in full while Tori went to find Jordan or Tyler or Olivia or Callie or Arizona.

She came across Callie first, "Dr. Torres!" She called out

Callie turned and gave the intern a smile, "Haven't seen you in a while."

"Hopefully I can be on your service again soon." Tori said, "I just had an ultrasound with Derek's wife, the baby is a boy and I'm due around January 4th."

The Ortho resident smiled and gave the intern a hug, "Congratulations!"


The next person Tori came was Arizona.

"Dr. Robbins!" Tori called out

The blonde resident turned with a smile, "Tori, how are you?"

Tori returned her smile, "I'm good. I found out the baby is a boy and I'm due around January 4th."

Arizona gave her a hug, "That's wonderful." She said, "I have a surgery right now but I'll see you later, yeah?"

Tori nodded and then continued on her way to find her friend.


Olivia, Tyler, Jordan and Alaric were sitting around a desk when Tori found them.

"My three favorite nurses." Tori cheered as she greeted them, "Out of the three of you, Tyler was right. My baby is a boy and I'm due January 4th."

Tyler punched the air, "Yes!"

Jordan was the first one to bring her into a hug, "Congratulations. Does this mean we can start a new bet on boy names?"

Tori snorted, "If you wanted. Thast just more money for you guys to lose." She said

Alaric smiled, "Congratulations, Victoria."

After the intern hugged Olivia and Tyler, she looked at Alaric, "Thank you. You're working here as well?" She asked

The redhead man nodded, "Yeah, although unlike Addie's position mine isn't temporary."

"Anyway, I'm still betting you're naming the baby Westley." Tyler spoke up

"I'm betting Isaac." Olivia said

"I'm thinking Elijah." Jordan said after a moment of consideration

"Caspian is my vote." Alaric announced

Tori laughed at all of them, "We'll see."


Right before Tori went back to her patient, she found Alex and Dr. Bailey.

"Dr. B, Alex! Guess what!" Tori said with a smile

Bailey looked at her favorite intern, "How are you feeling today? Tired? Have you ate?" She asked

"I'm feeling fine, not too tired and yes I did eat today." Tori replied, "But guess what."

Alex ruffled her hair, or tried to since Tori moved away, "You found a new hot chocolate?" He asked

She shook her head, "Derek's wife did my ultrasound early. My healthy baby is a boy and I'm due around January 4th!"

The resident gave her favorite intern a smile, "Congratulations Tori."

Tori wrapped her arms around her favorite resident, "Ariel is going to teach him to call you Grandma Bailey."

Bailey hugged her back, "Victoria Grey, I am too young to be a grandma... but I suppose both of them can call me that."

Once Bailey stopped hugging her, Alex hugged her as well, "Congratulations Baby Einstein. I still think you should make Alexander a contender."


After Tori told everyone she wanted too, she and Meredith were in Julie's room and getting ready to do an ultrasound on her.

Out of the blue, Julie looked at the sisters, "What does it take to go after another woman's husband?" She asked

Meredith looked at the patient in surprise as she squirted the gel onto the woman's stomach, "Excuse me?"

Julie shrugged, "It happened to me. Jeff moved in with a long-legged miniskirt who answer his phones, three weeks into my pregnancy. By the way, that gel is really cold."

Tori rolled her eyes as she wrote on the chart. She hated people speaking about things they didn't understand.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry about your husband." Meredith apologized

Julie gave the intern a look, "Are you sorry about Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd's husband?" She asked

Meredith and Tori both looked at the machine, "We're going to be checking a few things today." Tori told the patient and Meredith began moving the wand

However, Julie went on like Tori didn't say anything, "I bet she asked to work with you. It's what I would have done."

The sisters sighed, "We're gonna go check on your labs." Meredith said and then they walked out of the room


Outside of Peds, George was talking to himself and pacing, "Oh, hi chief. No, not much going on. Other than your interim chief making out with my friend in the stairwell, but hey sponge duty sucks."

Meredith and Tori walked up to him, exchanging looks.

"Talking to yourself now?" Meredith asked

"Yes." George answered immediately and then realized the question, "No! damn it, I'm a bad sponge. A leaky sponge. I'm gonna leak all the wrong secrets. I'm a bad liar, can't even lie about talking to myself. You look nice today." He rambled

Tori chuckled at the hopeless puppy.

The older Grey smiled at him, unsurely, "Wore my new lip gloss. Cause my ex-boyfriend's wife looks like Isabella freaking Rossellini, and I'm like me. I'm trying to outdo her when she's the victim here. How crazy is that?"

George shook his head, "Not crazy. Smart. You know, gloss, you know, prevents chapped lips and you ex-boyfriend?" He said once his Brian caught on the what Meredith said

"I'm an evil mistress." Meredith sighed

Tori pinched her sister, "Stop that. You know your gorgeous. Besides, she's not the victim, you are cause McBastard didn't tell you he was married."

George gave Meredith a awkward smile, "Well, still. You look nice."

'Thanks. What are you doing here?" The older Grey replied

The male intern sputtered for a moment, "Well."

Tori rolled her eyes, "Come on, O'Malley. Out with it."

"Ok." George said, "Can you think of any reason, any reason at all, really, why Cristina would be kissing Burke?"


The elevator doors dinged open and Cristina was inside while Meredith and Tori were waiting outside waiting for her. The sisters got into the elevator and just looked at Cristina.

"After all this time. All your warnings about me sleeping with my boss, and you're doing the same exact thing?" Meredith asked in disbelief

Cristina shook her head, "It's not the same. Also nice, you told Baby Einstein."

Tori shook her head, "In case you're forgetting, I was in the room when Mr. Duff made the comment and I've known about you and Burke for a while and didn't even tell Meredith."

"It's the exact same thing!" Meredith argued

Cristina again shook her head, "No, it's not. You and McDreamy are in a relationship."

Tori shook her head again, "Not any more."

"And you and Burke are in?" Meredith asked

The Yang woman shrugged, "Switzerland. It's very neutral there. And they make very nice watches."

Meredith scoffed, "Have you even bothered to tell Burke about the baby? Are you going to?" She asked

Cristina sighed, "Look, Meredith, Tori, can we not go there? Can everyone just accept the fact that there are some things I like to keep to myself? I don't discuss everything to death."

The Older Grey didn't look very happy, "Well, why even confide in me at all. If you're so intent on not discussing it? Why even tell me?"

An awkward silence fell over the elevator.

"In other news, the baby is a boy and I'm due around January 4th." Tori said to break the silence


Back in Julie's room, the Grey sisters were doing another Ultrasound.

"When I found out about the miniskirt, I called her up and took her to lunch." Julie told them, "It was perfectly civil. I said I didn't hold it against her, that these things happened. But, really? I just wanted to put a face on the bitch that got my husband to throw away 15 years of marriage."

The sisters weren't really listening as they were concentrating on the ultrasound. Tori pointed to the screen and Meredith clicked the mouse.

When they confirmed what they saw the two nodded and then left the room.


Luckily, they didn't have to go far to find Addison. And where Addison is, Derek was too.

"Oh, would you shut up?" Derek huffed

"Dr. Shepherd." Meredith and Tori called in unison as they walked up to the... Couple? Ex couple?

"Yes?" Both Addison and Derek answered and then they shared a look of annoyance

"Labs confirm what look like abnormalities on the ultrasound.' Tori told the redhead

"We think you should come and see for yourself." Meredith added

Addison nodded, "Fine. Let's go." She said before walking to Julie's room

The sisters turned to leave, "Meredith. Meredith." Derek called out

Tori rolled her eyes, "Ass." She said but played it off as a cough

Meredith shook her head at her ex, "Don't."


In Julie's room, Addison was looking at her ultrasound with Meredith and Tori behind her.

Meredith pointed to what Tori saw, "See. Bilateral pleural effusion with evidence of subQ edema."

Julie looked lost, "In English, please?'

Addison gave her a comforting look, "We've detected what looks like beginning heart failure in the twins. Don't be alarmed."

I would be alarmed at that. Tori thought to herself.

Julie's eyes welled up, "Are my babies gonna be ok?' She asked

Addison looked back at the monitor, "I'm gonna go ahead and take you into surgery now. We're not gonna wait." She told the patient

The Attending then lowered her voice, "Book the OR. Move."


As soon as they booked the OR, the Grey sisters got scrubbed for their patient's surgery. Currently they were in the OR with Addison.

"Julie, we're just gonna go in laparoscopically. You're not gonna feel anything and neither are the twins." Addison reassured and then looked at her team, "Ok, let's get going. Ten blade. Begin with a three-millimeter incision."

Later in the surgery, Addison looked up at the sisters, "How you doing there, Greys?

"Good. I'm good." Meredith said

Tori nodded, "I'm alright."


After Julie's surgery, Tori found Jordan and Alaric talking. Without turning, Jordan handed Tori a hot chocolate.

She took a sip and sighed, "You're an angel Jordie."

Jordan smiled, "Don't you forget it."

Alaric looked at Tori, "You look younger than your sister. How old are you?" He asked

"I'll be 25 on the 13th of January." She replied and smiled, "I'll have a baby then turn 25 and then on Valentine's day, Ariel will be 7."


At the Grey House, Tori and Ariel were eating dinner.

"Guess what I found out today." Tori prompted

The little girl thought for a moment, "You're having twins?" She asked

Tori nearly choked on her food, "No and don't you dare jinx me, Ariel Genevieve." She said after coughing

She took a drink of water to clear her throat and then looked at her daughter, "You were right. You're going to have a little brother in a few months."

Ariel's face nearly split due to her big smile, "I knew it! What's his name? Can I name him? When can we decorate his room? I think it should be filled with baby animals."

Tori kissed her daughter's head, "I was planning on naming him Jude but if you want to name him, that's fine."

The child shook her head, "I like Jude."

The mother smiled, "As for his room, baby animals sounds cute. We'll start getting everything we need soon."

For the rest of dinner, the mother and daughter duo talked about how excited they were to decorate the nursery and for the baby to be here.


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