Painful Love [Historical Wang...


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Lans falls in love only once in their life. And Lan Wangji loves Lan Lusi his first wife. But Wangji's pheon... More

Part : 1
Part : 2
Part : 4
Part : 5
Part : 6
Part : 7
Part : 8
Part : 9
Upcoming parts....
Part : 10
Part : 11
Part : 12
Part : 13
Part : 14
Part : 15
Part : 16
Part : 17
Part : 18
Part : 19
Part : 20
Part : 21
Part : 22
Part : 23
Part : 24
Part : 25
Part : 26
Part : 27
Part : 28
Part : 29
Part : 30
Part : 31
Part : 32
Part : 33
Part : 34
Part : 35
Part : 36
Part : 37
Part : 38
Final Part

Part : 3

4.2K 253 59

Two years pass, in these two years Yanli was married to Jin Clan with Jin Jixuan. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng turned twenty years old.

Jin Jixuan
Prince of Lanling Jin Clan


Wei Wuxian started using demonic cultivation. He had a flute Chenqing. Most of the time he holds it.

In Cloud Recesses Lan Qiren was disturbed. Because Wangji's pheonix was not letting Wangji to make any kind of relationship with Lan Lusi.

So, Lan Qiren decided one thing. He called Wangji and Lan Lusi.

Lan Qiren : Wangji, I think you need to marry another person. She will able to give offspring to our Lan Clan.

Lan Wangji : But uncle, Nie Huaisang can also...

Lan Qiren interrupt Wangji and says : Wangji, enough. Now you have to obey my words. I will search a bride for you.

Lan Qiren looked at Lan Lusi : Do you have any objection?

Lan Lusi : No, uncle I'm happy with your decision.

Lan Lusi was upset by knowing that Wangji is about to get marrying to another person. In those two years Wangji and Lan Lusi starts loving each other. They were comfortable with each other. But they were unable to make any physical relationship. Wangji was feeling hurted. He only loves Lan Lusi. He can't think of any other person whom he will love.

Wangji and Lan Lusi arrived to Jingshi.

Lan Wangji : Lan Lusi, I don't want to marry another person. Why are you supporting my uncle?

Lan Lusi : He is thinking of your future.

Lan Wangji : But I can't love any other person.

Lan Lusi : I think, you should give a chance to new relationship. Your new bride.

Wangji : I'll never except her.

Lan Qiren thinks something and he got an idea. He wrote a letter and send it to Yunmeng Jiang Clan.

Madam Lan read that letter and she replied that Jiang family is ready to marry Wei Wuxian with Lan Wangji.

After some days Jiang Fengmian knows that Madam Lan fixed Wei Wuxian's marriage with Lan Wangji. He gets upset.

Jiang Fengmian says to Madam Yu : My lady, you shouldn't inform me regarding Wei Wuxian's marriage.

Madam Yu : Do you have any problem?

Jiang Fengmian : But Wangji is already married, he has a wife.

Madam Yu : But we have to adjust with Wei Wuxian. He doesn't have golden core. No higher clan will accept him.

Jiang Fengmian : But you should ask me about it. We can find a solution for it.

Madam Yu : But I can't find any problem in this marriage.

Jiang Fengmian : But Wei Wuxian is not ready. He doesn't have any idea about his marriage.

Madam Yu : You will tell him about his marriage.

At another day Jiang Fengmian told Wei Wuxian about his fixed arrange marriage with Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian's eyes filled up with tears. Jiang Fengmian hugs him and calm down him. Wei Wuxian started sobbing.

Wei Wuxian ask : When will I get married?

Jiang Fengmian : Next week.

Wei Wuxian : It means I have only one week.

Jiang Fengmian nodes : Yes. In this one week you can do anything what you want.


Jiang Fengmian told Jiang Cheng that Wei Wuxian is about to get married. He is very sad. Everything happened very suddenly.


After one week

Yanli prepares Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian was wearing red marriage silk robes. Yanli comb Wei Wuxian's hair. Wei Wuxian was looking so preety. But he was upset. His eyes were filled up with tears. He doesn't want to marry too earlier.

Madam Yu gave Wei Wuxian a hair pin. Madam Yu was also upset. She saw Wei Wuxian from his childhood and now he is marrying in Gusu Lan Clan with Lan Wangji. Madam Yu thinks that she takes a right decision.

If anyone knows that Wei Wuxian doesn't have golden core then they never accept him. So Madam Yu told Lan Qiren about Wei Wuxian's golden core. Lan Qiren accept Wei Wuxian for Wangji.

At other side Wangji got ready. He was wearing red silk robes with golden embroideries.

Lan Lusi came near to Lan Wangji and wishes him about his marriage. Wangji doesn't respond anything. After that he wore his heavy veil.

Lan family arrived to Lotus Pier of Yunmeng Jiang Clan.

Wangji was standing in hall. Madam Yu takes Wei Wuxian to the hall. Wei Wuxian was also wearing a red heavy veil. Wei Wuxian stand next to Lan Wangji.

(Author : try to adjust with this pic 😅)

After that marriage ceremony starts. Lan Lusi was noticing all things. She was feeling suffocation there, so she leaves from that place. She went to the bank of Lotus Lake.

The marriage ceremony ends. Yanli tie up Wei Wuxian's hand with Wangji's hand with a red thread. It was a symbol of long lasting and healthy relationship.

Wangji was feeling suffocation due to heavy veil. Wei Wuxian was crying silently.

After that Lans arrived to their Gusu. Wei Wuxian's and Wangji's hand was tied up with red thread. Flowers were falling from the wind on the way. That moment was so beautiful. There was a cool breeze. Wei Wuxian and Wangji were on separate horses, but their hands were bound by a delicate thread. Both were wearing veil so no one saw each other's face.


When all went to Cloud Recesses then servent took Wei Wuxian to his room. Wangji didn't allow Wei Wuxian at Jingshi. He already told servant that they have to take Wei Wuxian at another room.

All were celebrating that marriage function. Wei Wuxian was crying in his room. His makeup got ruined due to tears. He washed his face.

A servant knocked Wei Wuxian's room door. He gave a letter to Wei Wuxian. That letter was sent by Lan Wangji. According to that letter Wangji says that he can't love Wei Wuxian. He loves his wife Lan Lusi. He can't love another person. He didn't want to see Wei Wuxian's face. He did this marriage in behalf of his uncle. But he can't do any physical relationship with anyone.

When Wei Wuxian reads the letter, he was heartbroken. He starts crying loudly. Firstly, he has no one of him own here and secondly, his husband also rejected him.

Thanks for reading..
Please try to forgive me for my grammatical mistakes...
I hope you liked this part...


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