Ruins of The Shadow | Alec Li...

By user80678267

66.7K 1.2K 41

[Alec Lightwood x OC] Aria Herondale, Jace's older sister he didn't remember he had. Separated from her broth... More

Playlist 2
Playlist 3
Aria & Alec Visual Teasers
Ch1. The Awakening
Ch2. The Meeting
Ch.3 The Ball [Part 1]
Ch.4 The Ball [Part 2]
Ch.5 The Training Session
Ch.6 Breakfast, Talks and Flashbacks
Ch.7 Demonic Possession
Ch. 8 Iris Rouse
Ch. 9 Ave Ataque Vale
Ch.10 Suspicion, Training & Memories
Ch. 11 Magnus, Doubt & Missions
Ch. 12 Maryse, Max & Magic [Part 1]
Ch.13 Maryse, Max & Magic [Part 2]
Ch.14 Yen Fin
Ch. 15 The Soul Sword
Ch.16 So We Thought
Ch.17 Hell's Prince
Ch.18 Sabastian Verlac
Ch.19 Azazel's Curse
Ch.20 Date Night
Ch.21 Revelations & Arguments [Part 1]
Ch.22 Revelations & Arguments [Part 2]
Ch.23 Restoring Unity
Ch.24 The Transfer [Part 1]
Ch.25 The Transfer [Part 2]
Ch.26 Chaos Rising
Ch.27 The Storm Brews
Ch.28 The Sex Step
Ch.29 Put Up A Fight [Part 1]
Ch.30 Put Up A Fight [ Part 2]
Ch. 31 Start of a War [Part 1]
Ch. 32 Start of a War [Part 2]
Ch.33 Start of a War [Part 3]
Ch.34 Death's Door
Ch.35 Stronger Than Heaven
Ch.36 On Infernal Ground
Ch.37 Bound By The Angel
Ch.38 Powers That Be
Ch.39 Formality
Ch.40 Lie Ability
Ch.41 To Save Him
Ch.42 That Was Easy
Ch.43 Drive Me Crazy
Ch.44 Stranger Things
Ch.45 That Kind of Love
Ch 46. Night Becomes Day
Ch.47 What Lies Beneath [Part 1]
Ch.48 What Lies Beneath [Part 2]
Ch.49 What Lies Beneath [Part 3]
Ch.50 What Lies Beneath [Part 4]
Ch.51 One More Time
Ch.52 Sense Of Peace
Ch.53 What's Left To Lose
Ch. 54 Till Death Do Us Part
Ch.55 Everything, All At Once
Ch.56 Thy Soul Instructed
Ch.57 Uncertainty
Ch.58 The Owl [Part One]
Ch.59 The Owl [Part Two]
Ch.60 A Walk In Darkness [Part 1]
Ch.61 A Walk In Darkness [Part 2]
Ch. 62 A Walk In Darkness [Part 3]
Ch.64 Voices
Ch.65 Familia Ante Omnia [Part 1]
Ch.66 Familia Ante Omnia [Part 2]
Ch.67 Erchomai [Part 1]
Ch.68 Echromai [Part 2]
Ch.69 Echromai [Part 3]
Ch.70 Echromai [Part 4]

Ch.63 Darkness Dawns

302 8 0
By user80678267

-Recap of A Walk In Darkness-

"If you go in, Lilith could get her demonic claws into your soul as well" Magnus stresses. "I have to do this" Alec says strongly. Izzy looks at me conflicted. 

Aria's POV

"Aria, when the time comes I need you to hold my hand. It will help pull them out" Magnus instructs. I nod as Alec and Izzy take their positions holding hands. Magnus chants a spell sending them both into the mind of my brother. 

Please. Let this work. I pray to the angel. Protect them. I whisper, closing my eyes, projecting a shield to protect them. 

Magnus tried his best to hold his magic but I could tell he couldn't use more for too much long. "Magnus?" I question. "Aria, call out to him. Hold my hand and tell him to hurry!" Magnus grunts. 

I did as I was told. Immediately being sucked in by the magic. "Alec! If you can hear me then HURRY!" I call out. The force of his magic slowly becoming unstable. "ALEC! HURRY!" I call out again desperately. My voice filled with pain. "Magnus! is this supposed to hurt?" I grunt. "Aria?" Magnus asks trying to keep the spell stable. "I don't fell so good" I say panting. "ALEC!" I yell one last time. 

While Alec and Izzy were trying to save Jace, unfortunately back at the guard, Clary had no choice but to reveal the truth. 

Alec's POV

We spent that last 15 minute's trying to find Jace in his own mind. 

"Alec! If you can hear me then HURRY!" a voice echo's just as we and Izzy found Jace. "Alec?" Jace whimpers with tears in his eyes. "Jace, we're here to take you home" I say. "She told me you were dead" he sobs. "Lilith lied Jace. She lied. We're here Jace, take our hand" Izzy pleased, her eyes glossy. 

"HURRY!" the voice echo's again. Mine and Jace's parabatai rune glows. "We have to go now!" I say urgently looking back at Jace. "I can't" he backs away. "What are you talking about?" Izzy slowly steps forward. "She'll come for me. She won't let me go" Jace mumbles in fear. "Well stop her, together. But we have to get out of here. We're running out of time!" I say trying to get him to taking my hand. 

"You can't... you can't stop her. No one can" he shakes his head. "There's only one way to help me, the only thing you can do" He lets out a cry. He bent down and gabbed his seraph blade, pointing it towards himself. 

Our eyes widen. "Jace no... what are you-" I stop him. "Please, it's the only way. I beg you Alec. End it. End me!" He begs. "No! Jace you're coming back with us okay" I say. "I hurt my family. I did all those horrible things. I don't deserve to live" He cries. "That wasn't you Jace. That was Lilith. They don't blame you!" Izzy sobbed. "They should" Jace yells. 

"ALEC!"  the voice echo's yet again. I feel my wedding rune tingle. Aria. I look back at Jace desperately. 

"Jace enough! We are going to save you okay. Your sister is waiting for you on the other side. Mom is waiting for you on the other side. We are in this together Jace!" I grab his hand. "Remember Jace. Three go in. Three come out." Izzy says taking both our hands. "Don't let her take me again." Jace shivers holding on to us tighter. "We won't" I promise.

Aria's POV

Suddenly we all were thrown back by a blast. My back hit the wall. Alec, Jace and Izzy unconscious on the ground. I groaned in pain. As did Magnus. 

"I don't look kindly on people who take what mine" Lilith, the mother of demons walked in using her magic to hold me and Magnus in a chokehold. 

We struggle to breath. "Don' hurt... my family" I gasped for air. "Funny, I already did" She chuckles. "Don't hurt her. Kill me instead." Magnus manages to say. "Tempting offer, but if i didn't fear starting a war with your father, I would" She says as the grip around our necks tighten.

 She looks at me dead in the eye. "I never seen such a weak and pathetic angel in centuries. It will be fun to have your own brother kill you" her voice dripping venom. Using her claws she stabbed me in the shoulder and it felt like I was being set on fire. "Argh" I cried out.

She let us go, dropping to the ground. She walked up to Jace. "What do you want from him?" I growl. Struggling to stand up in pain. "I want his soul" She smirks breaking his chains, disappearing with him. 

"NO!" I sob in pain. 

Alec and Izzy groaned as their consciousness came back. Looking at their surrounding in disbelief. "No no no! Jace is gone." Alec exclaimed in distress. "She took him" I cried. Alec immediately senses my pain and rushes to me, activating my iratze. "I tried to stop her but I'm so useless" I cried blaming myself. I couldn't do anything right. and I'm supposed to be some powerful angel. Powerful enough that the clave had to put a spell on me. It doesn't make any sense.

"I'm sorry Alec" I cried into his chest. "It's not your fault love" He whisper's sadly. Izzy joins the hug. 

"We won't give up. " She cried with me. 

[A/N: Hey guys, Sorry for the delays again! Hope you like this! Just a warning I haven't proofread this yet so hopefully its okay. I will be editing it at some point when i have the time.  Alec and Izzy go to save Jace. The link effects Aria. She feels pain. They were close to saving Jace but of course fate says otherwise. Another reminder, Clary's arrest, her death sentence, the deal she made with the clave is all happening off screen. hence the lack of detail in those parts. its just following the show. Coming next,  the gang comes up with another plan to save Jace. Imogen and Aria moments. Clary deals gets put into action. If it works I might add a Smut lets see lol. So please look forward to it & Thank you for your patience! x M]

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