เฐฎเฐจ เฐฎเฐงเฑเฐฏ (In Between Us)

By mprvn36

29.3K 3.2K 4.4K

My fourth story of Anidita based on Telugu nativity backdrop of Telugu nativity, Joint Andhra Pradesh state... More

Author's note characters Introduction and prologue while introducing chatacters
Promo 1:. Rape attempt accusation on Anirudh ๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ˜ก by โ“
1 Gold medalist Anirudh ๐Ÿ…๐ŸŽ“ and his few well wishers
2 Bondita is not my soulmate - Anirudh, Chandu -Mini Marriage preparations
3 Mini chandu Marriage - I
4 Mini Chandu marriage - II
5 Trikal views about Anidita pairing
Promo 2 : Bondita expressed her desire infront of Anirudh
6 Anidita Bonding and sankranti celebrations
7 sumati and Vinayak against Anidita Bonding in Anirudh's birthday celebrations
8 Bondita solace in Anirudh's arms, sampoorna made sumati against Trikal
9 Teenage Bondita's plight, mood swings, frustration ๐Ÿ˜ฐ
Promo 3: An unethical illegal descision paved way for eternal love
10 I am leaving, Take care of my Bondita ๐Ÿ˜ญ- Aravind to Anirudh
11 Everyone left Bondita.. ๐Ÿ’”
12 Separation, accusations, arrest and accident
14 I am everything to you- Anirudh's promise to Bondita
15 Anirudh and Bondita in Delhi being judged as eloped pair
16 ANIRUDH is the surname of Bondita ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ’“
17 Anidita first fight, Anirudh vowes for revenge
18 Bike ride ๐Ÿ˜ friendship problems for Bondita
Promo 4 : Anirudh's obsession for missing Bondita ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
19 Learning about couple's love , but Dancing with other boy?
20 possessive Anirudh, matured Bondita
21 Ultimate truth revealed by mysterious person
22 Daughter met father , cute accident and hot yellings
23 Sweet and bitter incidents in Aesthetic beauty birthday party ๐ŸŽ‰
24 Bondita's foolish act made Anirudh go frantic
25 Guilty... pushing away her and love... reality check....
Promo 5 : Anirudh's extreme step,1460 days of testing time
26 Anirudh Became monster and villain for her future
27 Anirudh - Man of values Satish mockery and his typical family
28 Commercial family, Letter of solace
29 Anidita Contradictory applications to God Trikal and bunti in Delhi
30 Girl friend conundrum Anirudh's confession of all truths
31 Dramebaaz parents and hyper dramatic son came up with another plan
32 Kalindi remorse , Satish Bondita brother sister bond
33 Bondita's Reunion with Trilochan and kalindi
34 Love - a toughest penance
35 A strange lover in Bondita's life
36 His love on her can't be hidden
37 Unspoken pain of love , friends at solace
38 Heart broken Bondita's cold shoulder is hurting Anirudh
Promo 6: Triangle love story , Love letter to Mr. world's best actor
39 Can a movie date change Bondita's mind? ๐Ÿค”
40 Anirudh and Bondita faceoff , moving away from him
41 Bondita avoiding Anirudh, Sampoorna Vinayak planing to come to Delhi
42 Bondita secretly went out for interview, samnayak visited Anirudh
43 Anirudh is craving for love out of trauma , Bondita is arrested
44 Hustle bustle, Disastrous decision ๐Ÿ™†,broom stick rewards ๐Ÿ˜†, I hate you
45 Awakening the hidden desires, Satish learnt Anirudh truth, Prashant entry
46 Misunderstanding, why does she love him?
47 Someone had the same ideology of hers, My precious girl- Anirudh
48 Attending his wounds and Prashant Bondita accidental meet ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Time for jealous
49 Anirudh - villain, Bondita - heroine, Prashant - hero ๐Ÿ˜ฑ ๐Ÿ˜œ.
50 Hero vs Villain, but heroine and villain ๐Ÿ’•and future plans to go back
51 Bittersweet relationship of hero and villain, secret spies on Anirudh
52 staying Together amidst of chaos, revealing shocking matter about her mother
53 Bondita understanding couple things Prashant accused Anirudh as hindrance
54 Anidita together facing every pain and accusations
55 Bondita revolted for blaming Anirudh that he is using her and having affair
56 Bondita rocked, Satish family shocked and Prashant gave a twist
57 Prasant entry in his factory, a love letter to world's best actor
58 Another house, mother son agony , Anidita proximity and Anirudh's remorse
59 Melting Stubborn heart, father son union , attempt to catch anonymous girl
60 Geeta is rescued, cajoling for birthday celebration and shopping
61 Bondita Vs Sangeeta, Jagannath Vs Anirudh, Sangeeta Prashant won the case
62 Bondita's fight for sujana ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
63 A long rainy night, iron vine and insect in between them๐Ÿ™ˆ
64 Anirudh Bondita and Prashant in between them โ“
Promo 7 : Life changing and hard hitting lessons for everyone
65 Anidita in Prashant house and their past unknown connection

13 Sumati daughter Bondita is no more ๐Ÿ˜ญ

414 56 59
By mprvn36

When doctor informed that Bondita is out of danger his breath and life came back. Till that moment how he spent each second only he knows. But what next is the question started eating his head

Doctor told that she had injury on her forehead  but luckily it didn't affect brain and any sensitive part and moreover you brought her on time but  she was injured on other parts of body like back knees as she was rolled on road after getting hurted.  . 

Anirudh sighed and nodded.

He thanked doctor for saving her life  and asked can I see her. Doctor  told that he can see but he hesitated to tell for a second and Anirudh asked him to tell without hiding anything.

Doctor :  she was in a deep shock it is sad to inform you that someone tried to molest her.

Anirudh gasped loudly and his  entire body burnt with rage  when doctor too confirmed what he is suspecting till that moment

Doctor said: but  nothing to worry it's just two scratches and  more than that nothing is happened

Anirudh said darkly looking into air  clenching his fists: even that scratches are also not ok for me, Doctor .

Something striked Doctor's mind by seeing Anirudh dark eyes  he  asked suspiciously furrowing his eyebrows: what is she to you ? I mean how are you both related? Where are her parents or any elders.?

Anirudh came into reality and told :  she is my cousin (మరదలు) , my Mavayya daughter and he was passed away three days ago.. I have sent message to  her mother she might be coming

He(Anirudh) had taken an  outsider student help who is passing on the way he  bribed him for informing sumati in public telephone because he know that she and  the people around her will erupt like volcano by seeing him with Bondita. She is not in a condition to listen the truth.

Doctor asked suspiciously: Do you have any idea who did this

Anirudh sincerely told : One of their close relative by relation he is maternal uncle (మావయ్య) to her

Doctor looked at him from head to toe and asked are you the one who did this to her and when she got accident you turned tables and joined her here

Anirudh is shocked didn't expect this and immediately shooked his head and said no doctor . I would never do this to her.

Doctors asked seriously: How can I believe you ? You are her bava right . So that means there are more chances that you only

Anirudh interrupted and told : No doctor.. believe me we are cousins that doesn't mean that I can stoop this low   hurting Bondita.... I can never think in my dreams to hurt her.

Doctor  signaled compounders who are near by and even Anirudh also grasped what is doctor thinking and he didn't do anything crazily because right now Bondita is in critical condition and he should be quite peaceful for her . Else unnecessary headaches will come.
compounders  and security came and immediately grabbed anirudh

Anirudh know  that they won't believe him so easily he said confidently :  Doctor!  you can  go and ask patient , if she tells that I am her convict then you can do whatever you want 

Doctor looked at him as unbelievable..
Just then Nurse also came and told  that girl came into sense and asking me about her Anirudh bava..

Anirudh had a smile and  asked doctor to  once again to go and confirm 

Doctor went and checked  Bondita..she asked where is my bava he who admitted me here. Please bring him here.

He asked calmly who did this accident to you or who touched you wrongly? Your Anirudh bava right. (She gazed at him fiercely).  Don't  hesitate to tell I will inform police and make him arrest

She slapped the doctor  and shouted painfully that never in my worst dreams he would harm me. He is my protector not a monster. It is done by another monster saidulu who is my mother's stepbrother and cried.

Both Anirudh and Bondita also told same person name and their statements are also similar.

Doctor realised his fault and apologized her. She shouted on him to bring her bava to her. he said sorry and went outside.

There outside Anirudh is screaming on compounders and  doctor came back  asked them to leave and go back to their works. They left and went 

Doctor apologized Anirudh for his misunderstanding and told about the sexual abusing cases  on young girls by close  relatives  these days and it is a silent problem spreading in society where many victim girls hesitate to tell this and parents also blindly believe their relatives and sometimes leave children in their relatives houses. They(parents) don't even anticipate what all their children are going through.

Anirudh felt bitter to listen all this. But he too know that this is the reality

(Author's explanation: Friends I am writing as per early 2000s situation. It is very rarely listened about sexual abusement by own relatives at that time . People know about this problem but still won't expect it In respectable families  so these problems are also not covered as frequent as   these days)

Doctor to Anirudh:
When you told that you are her bava I couldn't stop myself to suspect you. Sorry for misunderstanding you  Mr. Anirudh

Anirudh said : It's ok first I want to see her

Doctor agreed and he almost ran into room and she too tried to come out taking away saline.

He came to her , stopped her removing saline and slightly scolded what is this foolishness? I am coming to you only na

She  hugged him and bursted into tears . He also couldn't control her tears and cried more in her embrace carressing her hair . Then She  remembered how police dragged him and how sakuntala Accused their closeness, how Vinayak Mavayya reprimanded her for his son's arrest  so She herself moved away and asked him to go from here and  pushed him

He is confused and asked what happened

She said : if I hug you and touch you police will arrest you that you are abusing me , go from here.

He tried to wipe her tears telling it's not like that but she yanked away and screamed  : it's like that only . It's like that only, bava . Here for everyone I am younger ..a little child. But no one wants this child's  feelings ,  intentions and my happiness. I have became doll to everyone. Even Trilochan Mavayya didn't spare a glance to me when I tried to talk to him after police taking you .. you go bava you go please.

Anirudh: Bondita please calm down you are a good girl na. Hmmm... these stitches will pain you ra if you get hyper excited

She asked : How did police leave you ?

Anirudh told with pretending smile : Can Anyone keep me in jail for longer time ? They too know that they had arrested me on false charges

Bondita: Dont lie bava. I am not a kid anymore. You are arrested on abusing minor and it's very difficult to get bail also. I know I have read from naanna ..(she got more  tears  remembering her father controlling it she told)  I learnt  it from naanna cases

Anirudh: Bravo lawyer Bondita...Bravo. you are already studying well about law in your free time

Bondita slightly hit him and said : I want correct  answer now. What deal did they crack with you for leaving you

Anirudh: Ok when you are super smart what is there to hide. They released me on condition that I should leave the city and go. I should never appear around you. Actually I don't want to agree but my Nanna

Bondita shedded tears   and asked: Still you came for me..

He tried to wipe but she asked him to go.

He asked: If I was crying did you leave me and go.. when I was accused wrongly by  soudamini who asked you to take my side.

Bondita: Because we are friends also .. how can I leave you and go

Anirudh: Then do   you think I will leave you and go..only you have selfless friendship feeling  and I should be selfish

Bondita: because . I can't see you in pain or being accused wrongly. Ultimately I will cry alot if anyone hurts you

Anirudh: Then can I leave you as a prey to that Bloody monster.

He thought not to talk about this but it came out of mouth

They both became silent and when she is weeping silently for that accident he streched his arms, she looked at him  and he nodded 

She cuddled and cried more. He too apologized for not being able to save her.

After a while he said : I will give reality check to   Sumati attaya . may be after learning about this incident she  may change .

Bondita interrupted and told :  no she  will never change bava . do you know that we have shifted to Nagendra house from judge quarters and as soon as we have gone there that man Nagendra had come there took my mother with him to attend a press meet and left me on the assurance of that saidulu

Anirudh: why all of a sudden press meet?

Bondita: Newspapers have blabbered something about her and that Nagendra , I couldn't read paper completely, he came  to guesthouse  and requested Amma to give press statement. Her step mother sakuntala encouraged my amma  to go with him and she too went with them

Anirudh shooked his head impatiently. There aravind Mavayya is alive and here the situations are going out of control. Should he inform his wife about him being alive is still not yet answered in his mind

By these incidents not only Bondita but sumati attaya is also in danger and tragic thing is she is not realising it

Bondita is speaking: She disbelieved my father, you,  Trilochan Mavayya and kalindi Attaya but believed those people who came recently in her life. they became her well wishers and you  all became enemies

That sakuntala's son to outside world he is acting like an insane person and made people believe him with his  childish antics if I  tell my amma that this kind of incident happened I am damn sure that she won't believe me. She woll scold me or put that blame on you . I am completely in darkness bava . I was left with no one.

Anirudh: Think Bondita this is a sensitive matter and any Mother won't suspect her daughter in this sensitive issue.  Perhaps she will change

She shooked her head and said : no I am damn sure,  Amma  won't believe me what If they throw this blame also  on you and make you arrested ..what If they kill you..no I can't lose you 

Anirudh: Bondita you are in pain unable to think properly

Bondita: My fear didn't start all at once. Today before she is going to press meet I asked her to stay or take me also. But just then her step brother came and asked her like a child  that he will play with me she agreed inturn convinced me to play with him as his mind is childish nature 

I too believed because I don't know his real intentions. Moreover there are Bheemaaih and Kokila outside na. And as std booth is near by I have sent them to find about you thought that they may return soon. 

But After everyone left saidulu came into room and started showing his different color his voice is also quite dark and he pulled me  to him and started abusing me. I  had hit him slapped him but still he didn't leave me  I  went  into another bedroom and there I saw a phone I immediately made phone call to you luckily it Rang and you picked up the phone  but at the same moment he came and fell on me  like a dog ..

(Anirudh's fists clenched with anger)  she told that  he came on top of me like occupying on me ,  torn my  shirt, loosened my skirt  and caught my  hands with his hands and in that situation I  slowly pulled  a near by flower vase with my legs and   brought her legs I  had hit his back with the glass vase and his grip is loosened on me .

Later I recollected that once my class boys discussing among themselves that they got into fight and got hurt between their legs in that private body parts I mean in that area. So I also thrown glass stand aiming his personal body part there it hit him and he almost looked at me like a dangerous beast .

Anirudh looked at her  proudly  and appreciated her spontaneous punishment to him  .

She told: he started screaming with pain by keeping his hand there and somehow I climbed the wall of guesthouse and came outside. But unfortunately he also started following me and luckily I saw you on road  and before I reach you ...this accident happened..

She asked : bava why everyone are not like you ? You touch me so carefully and it won't go down to any body parts nog even in teasing also . I sat with you alone for more number of times but you  never took advantage of me. But that saidulu...

If I scream in my room it is not even audible to the outside room . Such is the vastness of that house. And if I go back that fellow..and cried more.

Bava I saw in one movie that if a girl is bad touched she gets baby in her stomach. Everyone blamed  her in that movie . will the same thing happen with me also?

Anirudh's eyes burnt with rage. He said no you will never get into such situation till I am alive

Bondita: Now who are left with me bava? Naanna is no more. Trilochan Mavayya and kalindi Attamma also left  me. Now I am left with no one bava
It pained his heart and he looked at her guiltily.

.I am damn sure that Amma is not going to believe me if I say that her brother misbehaved with me. She will slap me only and held her hair with her nails as if piercing it

She cried more and he hugged her to calm her down and started thinking . 

Now he got full clarity on his decision. Till now a little hesitation is there. But now it's no more. He need not feel guilty for anything.. it's decided that he is going to take Bondita with him away from   the people who are not worthy enough to have her. But still what If they search for her. Sumati attaya is completely obsessed with her daughter even though not bothered about her feelings. What to do?

His mind is thinking but mechanically listening to Bondita's words.

She is only speaking : I  know ..I know that You came two times for me still worried about me   but what happened? You are arrested  by my heartless Amma and you are being suspected by this doctor also because of me because of my age. Just because I am  a minor no one takes my opinion here.

I hate myself. I just hate all these situations.  Bava it's better you go away leave me to my condition. This is my struggle..nanna used to say that  everyone have to face their own struggles. You go bava.

Nurse came and asked him why is she shouting like that , are you discussing any painful incidents she turned to Bondita and asked her  not to cry like that. Her stitches will pain if she stress herself .

By looking at her condition she asked Anirudh to take her somewhere but not back to the place where this girl is getting scared. It's not good for her health.

Anirudh Recollected doctor words that how parents don't believe  their own children and cut in middle but  believe relatives . He then Recollected sumati attaya behaviour and even how aravind Mavayya also didn't believe his wife when he is struggling for breath..

Bondita is in shock now  and traumatized with this incident.. the house and the people around Bondita Is not safe for her... really not safe ..what to do..

And gazed at Bondita. Band aid is tied to her head . Accident happened..what if he kill Bondita's identity here as sumati attaya daughter and create a new identity in other place.

He himself didn't like that idea want to punish himself badly but there is also no other option left .

She asked what are you thinking bava

He asked : Do you believe me Bondita

She replied immediately with a shining eyes : More than anyone in this world ..

He came to her and told that he is going to find a solution will she believe him and come with him  he will take  ber to new place make her a qualified lawyer

She agreed happily.

He know that he is going to play a dangerous game but as of  now he was left with no option. He need to create evidences of her fake death and take her Away  ..how?  what to do ? How to proceed?

Just then a junior Doctor and nurse came and checked her. They asked Anirudh to come out as sub Inspector is coming shortly at any moment .

Bondita looked worried and asked now will the inspector arrest you for being with me as I am a minor

Anirudh said it's nothing like that. I will manage and come back soon. You are a strong girl na. you will be fine and brave  here right

She nodded and he came out hatching a plan in his mind


He came and started speaking with doctor about the problem who is In rounds with other patients in near by room.

Just then sub Inspector came and asking nurse where is a patient named Bondita a 13-14 years girl admitted.

He got a call to his mobile and started speaking: Nagendra sir namaste
Doing enquiry sir ..you don't worry.. before you reach here I will look after everything and will handover that girl to you.. yes sir. Namaste

Anirudh immediately pulled Doctor aside into Bondita's room, latter  looked confused. Anirudh requested to help him so that the girl whom you saved will be able to lead her life happily

Doctor didn't understand and Anirudh clearly explained the situation and asked him to tell the lie ..

Bondita also listened his plan  and felt elated with this idea .

Doctor is shocked and told he can't do this. Anirudh told that the life which you have saved will be spoiled again and this time if she is brought here she won't come as a living person.

Doctor asked : what is the guarantee that she will be safe with you ..she is a minor and you are young. With what responsibility can you take her with you

Bondita told that in this moment he is my real protector

Anirudh: Doctor I assure you that I will keep her safe and healthy in my protection and guardianship. But you only listened from her mouth that what happened to her who did that to her . Moreover one of  her close relative is there in distance place and by taking her there he will be recovered soon and I will handover this girl to him. Beleive me sir. Please help me.

Bondita didn't understand about whom her bava is talking but she believed him. She too came and requested with tears doctor to agree with her bava plan else it's Better to kill herself

Sub inspector came to the ward and knocked the door. Luckily there is no glass door

All the three are hell worried. Doctor asked her to lay and he covered her with white cloth. He asked Anirudh to hide behind the curtain.

Doctor  came out and told patient condition is critical,  chances are less for her survival

Sub inspector got worried and asked to save her at any cost. Doctor created commotion and told that he is taking to operation theatre right now and asked the nurse intentionally shifted her to OT.

There in middle he replaced Bondita with another person's dead body  and that dead body is sent to operation theater. He sent real Bondita  in stretcher covered with white cloth and with Anirudh he had sent her  . He only arranged an ambulance for them. Anirudh told that he will drive and doctor agreed

While leaving They both thanked doctor for his help. Doctor agreed with a smile and assured that he will take care of everything here.

When they are leaving hospital premises sumati and gang entered hospital 

Anirudh looked at her from window and smirked that what kind of days came in your life attaya and drove off.

Here in hospital doctor who did drama that Bondita operation is going on came out of operation theatre and announced that Bondita is no more.

Everyone are hell shocked. Sumati is fainted on the ground by listening the news

Saidulu and Nagendra fumed with Angry and grief that they missed the epitome beauty


Note : Dear friends I hope I am not spoiling any teenagers mind right . As a writer I feel responsible..

Sexual harrasment is not so easily accepted back in 1990-early 2000s time period..so that's why Bondita is feared that her mother  won't  believe this. In that time period many girls suppressed themselves like this only without opening their mouths  expressing their pains


Friends please vote and comment. It gives me lot of energy. Thankyou 🙏


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