Devil's Tango with The Danger...

Autorstwa AnaCarolina722134

14.5K 291 205

You were in a good way, living under the rules imposed by your strict parents. Until one day, your life chang... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

1K 25 18
Autorstwa AnaCarolina722134

Returning to focus, you put your hands on his chest and pulled away.

Breathing heavily, you didn't hesitate and slapped his face with all the anger and frustration you were feeling at that moment.

He looked back at you with disbelieving eyes, as if he couldn't quite believe what you'd just done, as he put his hand on the red mark your claws left on his cheek.

"Don't you ever steal a kiss from me when I don't want to again." You muttered. "Don't you think it was enough that you stepped on my heart when all I did was give you my love?"

"My goddess, listen to me, if you let me explain..."

"No!" You quickly cut him off. "Now YOU have to listen to me. I'm doing what I can to move on with my life and get you out of my heart, as hard as that may be, I was succeeding, but then one day you ask me to forget you and other you kiss me? What are you trying to do with my head?!"

"But I..."

"No!" You interrupted him again. "I don't want to hear any of your explanations, I just want you to let me forget about you. That's all I have to deal with you."

You turned, heading back to the bar to find Zib again, as you wiped the tears that involuntarily escaped your eyes.

"Is everything okay, baby doll?" He asked, noting the change in expression on your face.

"Yes." You answered coldly. "I just had to put him in his place."

"You weren't too hard on him, were you?" He asked again.

"How sweet of you to worry about him." You purred, soon changing the course of the conversation.​

He smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"How 'bout I show you how sweet I can be then?" He flirted back.

You showed no resistance and let him take you wherever he went.

Contrary to your expectations, he took you to the broom closet, which was at the Little Daisy. It wasn't the place you thought he was going to take you, but before you could say anything, he had you pressed against the wall, making your heart race in your chest.

You looked deep into his eyes, blushing to see they held a mischiveous gleam.

Without waiting another second, he pressed his lips against yours and kissed you hard, not bothering to start slow. You closed your eyes and kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his thin body.

It tasted like whiskey and cigarettes, you didn't know if it was because of the adrenaline in your blood, but somehow, you liked it.

You gasped as you felt him trail kisses down your neck and his head dropped between your breasts.

You still couldn't believe that in such a short time, you had already slept with so many people. You were feeling so dirty but at the same time you couldn't feel better, you tasted the forbidden fruit and liked it more than you probably should.

"So? Was it good for you?" He asked, as you straightened your dress and then your hair, which was messed up in the heat of the moment.

"The inexperienced one is me." You joked. "I'm the one who should ask you that."

He smiled and cupped your chin again, looking at you with those intense eyes and making you blush again.

"You're learning just fine, baby doll." He said, leaving you with a feeling of pride filling your chest.

You watched him put a cigarette in his mouth and light it.

"Do you want one?" He offered it to you, taking what was in his mouth and giving it to you.

Not knowing what to do, you took the cigarette and looked at it for a moment before putting it in your mouth.

You sucked in the smoke, but it ended up falling out of your mouth when you started coughing incessantly, as this was the first time you had ever done that.

He couldn't contain a laugh when he saw you in that situation.

"Come on, let's get you some water." He said, before opening the closet door.

After drinking some water to stop your coughing, the two of you walked back to the bar.

He made a gesture and waved you off, when he saw Ivy running towards you.

"Where were you?" she asked, taking his hands in hers. "I looked for you all over the bar.

"You don't have to worry so much about me." You answered between laughs.

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