The Riley Curse | Ethan Landry

بواسطة mvilaaa

23.7K 379 70

Tatum Riley is the teenage daughter of Gale Weathers and Dewey Riley. She's named after her dad's dead sister... المزيد

~Scream 5~
01. The First Attack
02. We're All Suspects
03. The Legacy
04. The Rules Of A Requel
05. Partner In Crime Til The End
06. Old Family Friend
07. Welcome To Act 3
08. The End Of The Movie
~Scream 6~
09. Happy Halloween
10. Here We Go Again
11. New Place, New Rules
12. Following In Dad's Footsteps
13. The Shrine
14. Hello, Tatum
16. Finally The End

15. The Theatrical Reveal

1.2K 17 7
بواسطة mvilaaa

The six of them walked up to the theater where Kirby stood waiting for them. "Hey! I talked to Bailey. I've got everything set up. Where are Mindy and Ethan?" Kirby asked.

"They're five minutes behind us," Tara said.

"Let's get you all inside," Kirby said and Sam turned around to face Danny. "Not you," she said.

"What?" Danny asked.

"Don't trust anyone, remember? We don't know you. Not really," Sam said.

"You know me," Danny said.

"You're not Woodsboro. I'm sorry," Sam said.

"It's okay. It's okay. I get it. Be safe, okay?" Danny said and he kissed her on the cheek. Tatum smiled at the interaction. She liked Danny, as long as he doesn't end up being a psycho. "You, too," Sam said and they started to walk to the back alley of the theater. "Good call," Kirby said.

They walked up to the side door and got inside. Kirby lead the group while unlocking all the doors so they could get in. "I cleared the whole place before you got here," Kirby said as she closed the door behind them.

"So, this is the only way in or out. He steps in through the first door, both doors lock automatically, trapping him inside. We turn it into a kill box," Kirby said.

"Weapons?" Sam asked.

"One gun and I hold onto it. I am the only one with a badge here and that's the way it's gonna be. We're safe here," Kirby reassured.

"I'm gonna check in with Mindy. See if they're close," Sam said and the four of them started to walk into the shrine. Tatum looked at the shrine completely shocked at the amount of things Greg and Jason managed to collect. Then she came across a drawing of her dad's death. She shook her head. "Sick fucks," Tatum said under her breath.

"You okay?" Vicky asked and Tatum looked over to her. "Yeah. I'll be even better when we finally kill this psycho," Tatum said purposely saying it without emotion to see how Victoria would react and she seemed almost angry. "Are you okay?" Tatum asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She asked replacing the suspected anger with confusion and Tatum shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, Ghostface is back and you haven't really talked about it," Tatum said.

"I've just been trying to process it. I'm gonna go see if I can find Kirby," Victoria said.

Victoria walked off and Tatum began to look around the shrine even more. All the things in the shrine were eerie to her. She didn't like all of the clothes or weapons or even the cloaks that were on display. Then, she heard the metal door clang shut. "Kirby?" Sam asked as she looked at the door. Tatum followed her eyesight and saw nothing. "Kirby!" Sam yelled again.

Sam walked down the stairs with a knife in her hand. "Tatum, get behind me," Sam said and Tatum walked over to her and stood behind her. Sam's phone started to ring causing the two of them to jump. She answered the phone. Tatum could barely hear a word being said on the other end.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked and Tatum just stared at her. Worried about what Detective Bailey was telling her. "What?" Sam said.

Sam hung up the phone and grabbed Tatum's hand and started running. "Sam! What's going on?" Tatum asked and Sam tried to open the door, but it didn't budge. It was chained shut. Then the lights were cut. "Sam, what's going on?" Tatum asked again.

"It's Kirby," Sam said and then they heard a girl's voice talking. "What?" Tatum asked and Sam started to walk back into the theater. They walked far enough into the theater to see a fan film of Stab playing on the curtains. "Oh, shit," Sam said.

Then they heard screaming from somewhere in the theater. "Shit," Tatum said and immediately started running towards where she saw Tara and Chad go. Which happened to be where the screams came from. She and Sam approached the door and the door flung open. Chad and Tara ran out of the room.

"It's Kirby. She's the killer," Sam said.

"No shit!" Chad said and then Tatum froze. "Tatum, come on," Sam said.

"Vicky," Tatum said and they gave her a confused look. "We have to go, Tatum," Sam said and Tatum started running again. "Vicky is in here somewhere," Tatum said.

"We'll find her later," Sam said and Chad tried the door again. "That's locked. Come on," Sam said.

"Are we trapped?" Chad asked.

"She made this whole theater a kill box. For us," Sam said as they entered the shrine. "Hey, what about that? There's an exit door. Maybe it leads to the roof or something?" Tara asked.

"There's only one way to find out. Let's go," Chad said as he started to walk towards the curtain. As he did a Ghostface appeared out of nowhere. Ghostface cut Tatum's arm to get her out of the way and then went after Chad.

"Beheadings!" Tatum heard Chad yell as Ghostface decapitated a mannequin. Tatum quickly stood up as Chad tackled Ghostface to the ground. She stood by Tara as Sam ran towards the two of them. "Smile for the camera, motherfucker!" Chad yelled as they ran through the curtains.

As they did, they saw Vicky's dead body in front of Billy Loomis's cloak. "Oh my god," Tatum said and Sam grabbed her hand. "Come on!" Sam yelled as Tara lead the way.

They ran down a narrow hallway, Tatum was behind Tara when she came to an abrupt halt in the concessions area. Chad knocked over the popcorn machine as Ghostface entered the room. Ghostface started to attack Chad and the three girls teamed up to pull Ghostface back.

They held his arms down and Ghostface elbowed Tatum in the stomach causing her to scream out in pain. Chad punched Ghostface causing him to fall to the floor. Tatum walked over to where Sam was still cradling her stomach. She felt warm liquid on her fingertips. "Fuck," Tatum said.

Tara walked up to Ghostface and kicked him in the head. "Tara, go!" Chad yelled and Sam grabbed Tara's hand as Chad grabbed a candy machine. The three of them ran towards the door but stopped when they heard Chad scream in agony. They turned and saw another Ghostface pulling his knife out of Chad's back.

"No!" Tara yelled and Tatum helped Sam hold her back with tears in her eyes. The two Ghostfaces started to stab Chad over and over again. They stopped and Chad fell limp to the floor. The two Ghostfaces turned and looked at the three girls as they wiped their knives clean with their gloved hands.

Sam opened the door and pushed Tara through it before letting Tatum through and closing it behind her. They ran back into the shrine and ran towards the curtains where Ghostface jumped down from the small stage. They turned around to run and saw the other one walking towards them.

Sam grabbed three bricks handing one to each of them. "Ready?" Sam asked and she got no answer. "I need you to be ready. Ready?" Sam asked, Tatum was ready, she just didn't want to speak because she was scared she was going to throw up. "I'm ready," Tara said and she looked towards the Ghostface in front of her. "Come on, motherfucker!" Tara yelled.

The gunshots sounded causing all of them to duck. They turned around and saw Kirby. "It's okay!" Kirby yelled.

"Stay the fuck back!" Sam yelled and Tatum shook her head. "We know it's you, Kirby," Sam said.

"What? One of them knocked me out," Kirby explained, Tatum knew it wasn't Kirby, she knew who it was. She just needed to be sure. "Kirby, stop! Get away from the girls!" Detective Bailey said, which threw off Tatum's theory.

"What are you doing?" Kirby asked and Tatum leaned over to Sam. "It's not Kirby," she whispered and Sam gave her a confused look. "What are you talking about?" Sam asked, matching the whisper.

"It's him," Tatum said.

"Whatever he's been saying to you, don't listen to him. He's probably the killer," Kirby said and then Kirby's eyes widened. "Behind you!" Kirby yelled and Tatum looked over at Detective Bailey and saw a Ghostface approaching him. Detective Bailey shot Kirby three times as Ghostface stopped walking. "I told you," Tatum said.

Then she looked at Detective Bailey. "Great job," Bailey said to the Ghostface standing next to him. Then another one walked up next to him. "Both of you," he said.

"I fucking knew it," Tatum said.

"You?" Tara asked.

"Yeah, of course, me. Frankly, I expected more from the three of you after what you did to us," Bailey said.

"What do you mean, 'us'?" Tara asked and the Ghostface to Bailey's left removed their mask. Tatum stared at the person in front of her in shock.

"Vicky?" Tatum asked, feeling betrayed. "Surprise," Victoria said with a crazy smile. "But you were dead. I saw your body! You were a victim of the Woodsboro attacks. Why would you do this?" Tatum asked.

"Revenge. A taste of fame. You name it, I wanted it. Hell! I helped with the last ones too! Why do you think I only got a graze?" Victoria asked the smile never leaving her face. "This was your grandmother's, Sam. Nancy Loomis. Murder really runs in your family, doesn't it? Speaking of family. My name is not Victoria Russo, is it, Dad?" Victoria asked and Bailey let out a deranged laugh.

"'Dad'?" Tara asked.

"Wait, if it's you two, that just leaves... Danny?" Sam asked and the other Ghostface removed their mask to reveal Quinn. "Hey, roomies. You didn't see that one coming, did you?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, because you died!" Tara said.

"Kind of didn't, though. It was a good way to get off the suspect list. Stab Gale Weathers, stab Mindy on the train. That sort of thing," Quinn said and Tatum looked over at Victoria, now realizing she was the one that attacked her in the hospital.

"Yep, and I just made sure I was first on the scene so I could switch her body out with a fresh one. Little fake blood, a prosthetic. You'd be amazed at what a grieving father can get away with," Bailey said.

"I got Stu Macher's mask. He was my favorite," Quinn said and Victoria placed hers on the mannequin of Nancy Loomis. "Nice. That's number three," Bailey said while pointing at Nancy Loomis's mask. "That's two," Bailey said pointing at Stu Macher's mask. "Which leaves your fathers. This is what we've been counting down to, Sam. I'm gonna need you to put it on," Bailey said.

"She's not putting that fucked up mask on," Tatum said while walking towards Bailey. Victoria blocked her path holding her knife out. "Not so fast, Tate," Victoria said.

"Don't call me that," Tatum said as she backed up slightly. Bailey held the mask out. Sam hit it out of his hand. "Fuck you!" Sam yelled and Victoria cut her arm. "Stay the fuck away from her!" Tara yelled.

"Come on," Bailey said.

"What? What is this? You did this as a family?" Sam asked.

"Hell yeah, Bitch. You should know better than anyone," Quinn said.

"Wow, and I thought you three were the smart ones, but you're still not getting it," Victoria said.

"I don't know what you believe, but I didn't commit those murders in Woodsboro. It wasn't me!" Sam said.

"We know that. Of course, you didn't. You think this is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory? Come on. Who do you think started the rumors about you in the first place?" Bailey asked and Quinn raised her hand with a smile.

"Do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of Woodsboro into the villain? How easy it is to convince the world to believe the worst in people rather than the best?" Quinn said.

"So when dad here, finds their mutilated bodies posed with Sam wearing her father's mask, he'll say some poor dumb, Stab obsessed bastard read on the internet that you were the real Ghostface and took matters into their own hands," Victoria said.

"Exactly! That's why it's the perfect alibi. And all the best lies are based on the truth. And you're a killer. Just like your father," Bailey said.

"No, I'm not!" Sam yelled.

"Yes, you are, you motherfucker! You killed our brother!" Quinn said.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked.

"You said your brother died in a car accident," Tara said.

"No. He died in Woodsboro. By the hands of your bitch sister," Victoria said and Sam turned to look at Bailey. "Your Richie's family," Sam said and Tatum was even more confused. Bailey and Quinn made sense, but Victoria? She had a foster family, she was originally from Michigan. "Yeah," Bailey said.

"How? You said you didn't know Richie," Tatum said.

"People lie, Tatum. I've been doing it for two fucking years. Who do you think helped them kill everyone in Woodsboro?" Victoria asked before pointing the knife at herself as if to indicate she was pointing at herself.

Sam lightly nudged Tatum's arm and she knew that they were about to run. They ran to the other side of the shrine, but before they could get far Victoria and Quinn blocked them. "Now! It wasn't until I saw that photograph of what you'd actually done to him that I knew," Bailey said and Tara threw the brick at Victoria but missed.

"Then I knew you had to fucking die! You had to be punished! Along with anyone else who stands in our way," Bailey said and Quinn held her knife up to Sam's throat. "There she is. There's the fucking killer," Quinn said.

"Real great parenting skills by the way," Tara said sarcastically.

"Shut your whore fucking mouth!" Quinn yelled while shoving Tara and Sam. "Wow, Quinn. Didn't think you'd have that in you," Tatum said sarcastically.

"Shut the fuck up!" Quinn yelled while shoving Tatum forward as well. Tatum was getting annoyed by the constant shoving around. She was pissed and when the time was right, they were going to know.

"Have I been a perfect dad? No. Have I maybe overindulged Richie's love of these little movies? Yeah, maybe. For me, they're just a little dark. But Richie really loved them. He loved them. He even made a few of his own. Did you know?" Bailey said and an old video of Richie began to play.

"There's a very special bond between a father and his first child. Which is why I helped him build his collection," Bailey said.

"This was all his?" Sam asked.

"Yes, he's a very passionate collector. And he inspired others. We had to kill those two wannabe film students because, well, we had to kill you first, Sam. I put the theater in their name, then good old Detective Bailey would've just stumbled on it, but I didn't have to because, by golly, that Gale Weathers is one hell of a journalist. I built a tribute to my son. Which is why this is where you have to die, Sam," Bailey said.

Has Bailey ranted, Tatum was trying to come up with any possible ideas on how to escape from this triangle of Ghostfaces. But every idea she had ended up with them getting killed and she didn't want that to happen.

"Surrounded by all the things he loved," Bailey finished.

"What happens next? After you're done with us you just disappear?" Sam asked.

"No! We got to hurry over to the hospital and make sure Mindy and Gale don't pull through. Because everybody dies, Sam! Everyone who had anything to do with the death of my son suffers and dies. Now put on the mask," Bailey said.

"He was so pathetic," Sam said.

"That's not true," Bailey said in a squeaky voice. "Yeah, your son, he was a man-baby who made his girlfriend do all the killing," Sam said.

"He was a strong, virile young man!" Bailey yelled.

"He was a limp-dick little fuck who cried before I slit his throat," Sam said.

"Shut the fuck up!" Quinn yelled as she started running at them. Tatum hit her over the head with the brick causing Quinn to fall to the floor. The gunshots rang throughout, just barely missing the girls. They looked and saw Kirby. "Come on!" Tara yelled and then Victoria attacked Kirby.

Sam hit Victoria over the head with the brick before removing the knife from Kirby. Tatum grabbed the knife that Sam had dropped as Sam ran past her. "Tatum, come on!" Sam yelled.

"I'm right behind you!" Tatum yelled before walking over to Victoria. "What are you going to do, bitch? Hit me over the head?" Victoria asked as she touched her head to see if it was bleeding. Tatum couldn't answer before Victoria charged at her. Tatum started stabbing her over and over again.

Tatum pulled the knife out and she watched as Quinn stood up and ran towards the stairs. Tatum followed her and as she started up the stairs she heard a gunshot. "Fuck," Tatum whispered, she hesitated between going back down or going up and she decided up. It had better odds.

As Tatum approached the top, she heard the sound of metal against metal. Then she heard another pair of footsteps running up the stairs. She looked down and saw Bailey even though he hasn't seen her yet. Tatum ran up the rest of the stairs and hid by the seats as she heard Sam shoot Quinn.

Bailey stopped right where Tatum was hiding. She waited to see if Sam was going to shoot him and when she heard the gun clicking, she realized Sam was out of bullets. Tatum came out of her hiding spot, stabbing Bailey in the shoulder. He was in shock which gave her an advantage. She shoved him towards the edge which made him fall over.

He hit the glass display box and lost consciousness. "Do you think he's dead?" Tatum asked as Sam stood next to her. "No. Come on. I have an idea," Sam said and they walked down the steps. "What is it?" Tatum asked.

"When he wakes up I want you to call him. Stay hidden though. Here use this," Sam said while handing her a voice changer. "How did you get this?" Tatum asked.

"I took it off, Quinn. Tatum, can you do this?" Sam asked.

"Of course, I can," Tatum said and Sam handed Tatum her phone.

A minute or so later Tatum watched as Bailey stood up and started walking towards the curtain. So she called him. He answered the phone and Tatum walked further into the staircase so he wouldn't hear her. She held the voice changer up to her mouth.

"Hello, Detective Bailey. I've got one question for you," Tatum said in the classic Ghostface voice. "Oh, yeah? What's that?" Bailey asked.

"What's your favorite scary movie?" Tatum asked, enjoying taunting him a little too much for her own comfort. Bailey started laughing. "'Favorite scary movie,'" Bailey said like it was a funny question. She knew she had to pretend to be like Sam. Otherwise he wouldn't be scared.

"I'm asking because you're in one now. You're in my movie," Tatum said and she could hear gunshots. "Oh. I see you've put on your true face, huh? Your birthright. Poetic that you're going to die in it," Bailey said.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it?" Tatum asked.

"Now you know the truth, huh? Murder's in your blood! Stop fucking around and show yourself!" Bailey said and as he did Tatum walked towards the door of the staircase to see Sam approaching the curtain in a full Ghostface costume. "Be careful what you wish for," Tatum said.

"Alright, I'm a fucking police officer. How do you think this is gonna go, Sam? Who do you think they're gonna believe, huh?" Bailey asked as he got angrier by the second. "Probably the one who's still alive," Tatum said and she heard Bailey scream before slamming his phone down and disconnecting the call.

Tatum looked around the shrine and saw Tara with an almost terrified or confused look. "What were you doing?" Tara asked.

"Giving him a taste of his own medicine," Tatum said and Bailey started screaming. They walked over to the curtain and walked through it to see Sam about to stab Bailey again. "My father was a murderer. No matter what you think, I'm better than that," Sam said.

"Thank you," Bailey said and Sam looked at Tatum and Tara. They were both in agreement that there was no possible way that Bailey could live. "But you did fuck with our family, so," Sam said and stabbed him in the eye. "Nice," Tara said.

"Thanks," Sam said and Tatum walked over and dropped the voice changer onto Bailey. "It was freaking me out," Tatum said.

"You guys okay?" Sam asked.

"No," Tara said.

"Not at all," Tatum said and she looked at her stomach. There was a large blood mark on her shirt. "Fuck," Tatum said knowing she was probably going to have to get stitches again.

They walked out of the area and sat down on the edge of the stage. Tara and Sam started to talk and Tatum tried her best to not eavesdrop on the conversation. Instead, she focused on trying to assess how much blood was actually hers.

Then there was a loud scream. Tatum looked over and saw Victoria running towards them. Before she could even get close a TV fell on her head. "I saw that in a scary movie once," Kirby said and Tatum stood up and walked over to her as she heard the door being cut open.

"Hey, kid," Kirby said.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Tatum asked as she looked over Kirby's injuries. A few stab wounds and gunshot wounds. "Good, considering," Kirby said as she motioned to the wounds and Tatum heard Sam talking to someone. She looked over and saw Danny. "Look at that. He's a good one," Tatum said as she watched officers walk into the shrine.

"I thought you would need reinforcements. I called Mount Sinai and Mindy and Gale are gonna be okay," Danny said and Tatum let out a breath of relief. She couldn't handle losing another parent. "Mindy's on her way here now. They couldn't stop her," Danny said.

"Not bad, Cute Boy," Tara said.

"Not bad at all," Tatum commented.

"Thanks," Danny said.

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